A Panic

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Everything became.....black. The last thing I heard was my brother shout my name before being surrounded by darkness.

"Hanarei!" Hashirama shouted worriedly as Hanarei started to fall back. Madara quickly ran behind her and caught her before noticing the citizens of Konoha surround them.

"Get out of the way! She's your Hokage for crying out loud!" Madara activated his shiaringan to scare people.

(Madara's pov)

I was concerned, she had fallen into my arms. She seemed like she had had a anxiety attack or something, it was strange. Did she find it overwhelming? Either way, now I was holding my secret girlfriend and I had a worried look casted all over my face. I gently picked her up bridal style and jumped to one of the nearest trees to my right before jumping in the bright evening sun, to the hokages office.

The sight was pretty tho, like the one in my arms. Their where flowers all over the place of all colors, red, purple, pink, and even white. I made my way back inside the Hokages office and gently put Hanarei on the floor, with her head on my lap, gently caressing her hair lovingly and being there for her when she woke up.

Not long after, she slowly woke up and sat up again. "What happened?" She whined in a low groggy tone.

"You had a anxiety attack I believe, and you passed out in front of the village." I said in a more quiet tone as it was just me and Hanarei in the room alone.

"I did what in front of the village!"

(Hanarei's pov)

I couldn't believe it......I had done the most embarrassing thing if front of the village. I stopped ranting to myself for a moment and looked up, Madara was looking at me with so much love and admiration.

"Hey....don't sweat it too much, yes there where a lot of people but hey whatcha gonna do? Madara gently kissed my cheek.

"Thanks love, that means a lot" I said softly before getting up and looking out the window. "Goodness there are many people" I muttered to myself as I saw my brothers telling the citizens things that I couldn't lip read from where I was standing.

"And they're all your people, this village we created, everything in it.......I'm so glad you came over and convinced me for the treaty." Madara smiled placing a hand on my waist softly as I leaned into his muscular chest.

"More like I came over to convince you, we made out, had sex then you accepted the peace treaty?" I let out small hardy laugh.

Madara blushed before chuckling lightly "yeah I guess you could say that..."

Thats when we turned and faced each other and Madara placed his very soft hand on my cheek and pulled me in lightly for a kiss. His thick, long, raven black hair ever so lightly falling to the side of his face as we kissed. My brown stick straight hair ever so lightly going over my shoulder as a few pieces fell in front of my face. We kissed for a few moments, not ever wanting to break the kiss or for it to ever end. We looked each other in the eyes and leaned in and kissed again passionately with both are hearts burning with passion.........that was until my brother......

"Wait your guys are a thing?.......COOL!" Hashirama dropped a few papers on the ground as he jumped in excitement.

Both our faces went beet red before we pulled away quickly and faced our backs to each other. "Really elder brother? You just had to ruin the moment" I jokingly said as my cheeks where still flushed with pink.

"Sorry but as your elder brother its my job" He had a cheeky smile on his face. "So Mads why didn't you tell me you where hooking up with my sister?" Hashirama smirked.

Madara had let out a long loud sigh "Hashirama......we are not talking about this" He said annoyed.  "Your no fun!" Hashirama said jokingly before picking up the papers he dropped. "Sis I need to talk to you about the Uzumaki clan" Hashirama sounded nervous.

"What about the Uzumaki? Are they causing drama?" I asked looking at the bright blue sky that was outside the offices window as my Hokages cloak ever so lightly draped over my shoulders and my hat in my hands, my long hair still over my shoulders.

"Well this kinda involves the fire Lords and elders too.....they gave me this letter saying that they want me in an arranged marriage with the leaders daughter, Mito Uzumaki". He said briefly handing me the paper. "I was hoping your could maybe talk them out of it.." He said softly.

I took a looked at the paper and read it carefully. "Brother I don't think I can talk them out of this....you know how they are when their set on their ideas, also Mito Uzumaki seems like a very nice and pretty lady~" I smirked.

Hashirama let out a sigh as he panicked. "Great! I'm not ready for a marriage!" Hashirama ran out of the room stressed.

"Wish I could help him but I'm not sure how?" I said looking at my handsome man in front of me. "Well he seems kinda lonely anyway so I think this would be good for him, but if you insist on helping him I can try to talk to the elders about it along with the Fire Lords with you" He smiled softly before noticing Tobirma had entered the room.

"Is there something I can help you with younger brother?" I raised a brow looking past Madara's shoulder a little.

"Why are you still talking to the Uchiha?" He crossed his arms.

"Oh how dare I talk to him! Guess the worlds ending now.....really Tobirma....am I not allowed to talk to people?" I giggled joking softly.

(Two weeks later.....)

Many weeks had passed from that point. The village was staring to look like a village, the summer breeze ever so lightly blowing, but goodness was it hard being hokage. Firstly the paper work......god it was agonizing! Paper after paper and it seemed like it was never gonna end! The list could go on but basically the elders nagged everything that I did! Who I would get married to, how many kids I would have, yeah those meetings didn't end well as Madara was mad at them and I kept having to put my foot down as I wasn't happy either, that was fun!.......not!

"Gahhhhhh!!!!" I came into my office yelling one day, I. was. Over. It!!! I was so stressed out! I couldn't deal with the elders anymore! They where driving me to my wits and ends!

Hashirama stared at me as if I was crazy or something, "you ok sis?" He asked softly as if I was a bomb about to go off at any ticking moment.

"NO I'M NOT OK! The elders are driving me crazy! I may have yelled a little too loud as Izuna simply poked his derpy little head in the room.

"Elder brother says their driving him crazy to, not to surprised honestly". Izuna said softly putting a few papers on my desk.

"Their nagging us about EVERYTHING! Literally, even the way I do my paperwork...." I dead panned.

Hashirama  flinched every time I yelled as he wasn't used to my yelling and had a strong voice when raising it.

"Soo..........my wedding is in a few weeks and Mito was wondering if she could see you for something later this afternoon...." Hashirama said softly as he looked at me with a bit of worry.

"Oh.......ok." I sighed as I looked at the buckets of paperwork I had to do. "Tell her I'll be there" I said softly.

I tired everything in my power to get done with the paper work on time and then I met up with Mito. She talked about flower colors, wedding kimonos, and even Hashirama. We laughed and it was time for me to go back to the Senju compound, where Tobirama and Izuna where talking at the front door. I thought they where cute together but didn't say anything, I just headed into the house and started getting ready for bed before there was a knock at my window. There Madara was standing on my roof? It was dark out, the only thing creating light in this dark night was the stars and the moon, crickets making a symphony like the first night I went to the Uchiha compound and made love with Madara. I opened my window and he came in before hugging me lightly.

He seemed......nervous like he was hiding something from me? "Hey tomorrow can you meet me at the river we used to go to as kids? Come around noon and where your nicest kimono, no hokages cloak! Love you~" He briefly said before kissing me on the cheek and jumping out the window again.

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