Who Are You?..

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Prem's POV:

"Alright mom thank you for the food!"I said to my mother."Of course,Don't let it get cold!"She said.I walk away in a swift manner and head inside in the building.I casually just walk in silently like always.No one pays attention on who enters and who leaves.I go and sit in my seat next to my two friends.Samantha and Fluke."Premmm!!!Can I copy your homework I didn't do it!"She screams in a silent way to me."Sammy just copy from me."Fluke says with a soft smile on his face."Yeah Sammy just copy from fluke I just guessed on all the questions."I say."Of course you did!When do you ever not guess?!"She says in a playful annoyed tone.Fluke and I just laugh at her silly words coming out of her mouth.The professed walks in and starts talking about the things that will be on the upcoming test next week.Sammy just casually talks with fluke quietly.I get bored of their conversation so I hop on my phone and scroll through instagram.I then see this blondes haired man who apparently is an actor?I scroll more through his pictures and see how....ugly he is!!I mumble to myself quietly,"Who does he think he is,handsome?"I scoff.I then put down my phone and start copying down the notes from the board I front of me.


"FINALLYY!!",sammy yells in the hallway making people look at her."Oh Sammy don't be a drama queen."Fluke rolls his eyes playfully."Yeah Sammy people are looking at us!"I scream whisper with a stern face.Sammy just drags us to the cafe as Fluke and I talk to each other.I spot this guy that looked similar to that one guy I saw in the photo.I think his name is Boun?....


I'm just looking for a quiet place to sit at and no one can just come up to me saying,"oh it's boun!"
I'm tired of these fangirls.I walk around this college campus and look around for somewhere to sit.I decided to go on instagram,but then I saw that someone had viewed my profile."prem_space?.."I mumbled to myself.I sigh and look at his profile and see his most recent post.

I sigh and look at his profile and see his most recent post

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I looked at the photo closely and wonder who he was.I then found out that he has a large fan base.I stare at the comments glued on the comments about his outfit.Most of the comments said that he was handsome and I could agree.He did look cute.I see this boy and two other friends walk by and look over to see the boy since he looked familiar.I then realize,"its the boy from the photo!"I mumble to my self loudly.I then turn around as he looked over closely to me."should I walk up to him?"I thought.I then got up and go to the cafe they were heading towards.I then see him ordering with the other two.I decided to confront him and ask him who he was because he isn't some ordinary guy I'll say.I mean how could he have so many followers then?I then stand by while they continue to order more.

"Why am I following him?"I thought to myself.


Word count:564

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