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Prem's POV:

"It was so fun until we ended up on the news!!" I yelled."Prem your even more famous!You have so many fangirls drooling over you!!"Fluke says excitingly."Yeah but that's weird."I say discouraged."Omg Prem you won't believe this but people on instagram and twitter are posting about you!"says fluke while he's trying his best not to scream.I then hang up to go look at the post people are making about me.

SAMMY?!Why would Sammy post such a thing!!I then close the app and head into my contacts and ring Samantha as fast as I can

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SAMMY?!Why would Sammy post such a thing!!I then close the app and head into my contacts and ring Samantha as fast as I can."Hello?"she says concerned."Samantha take down that post of Boun and I,Now!!!"I yell through the phone."But premmmm,all the fans like the post!Plus I'm going viral for posting this!"She says while laughing."Sammy it's not funny!What if they start rumors about us?!""Oh relax nothing will happen if you got all your fans"I proceed to hang up and look at more posts.The more I look into them,the more likes and comments they have.I sigh putting down my phone.I'm going to head out I say quietly.I then put on a sweatshirt and shoes on and head out the door.


"Hello how may I help you?"The lady behind the counter asks."Hello may I have One Caffè Americano please."The lady then puts down my order and starts to make my order."Excuse me sir may I have the name for the order?"I froze.Do I just say my real name or should I come up with a fake name?!I don't want them to know who I am!"Uh..It's..Prem!"I second thought that.Then the second I said my name all these fangirls came up rushing to me."I just wanted some coffee.."I mumble over all the girls screaming.The lady behind the counter than calls my name and I rush over to grab my americano.I make a run for it while all these girls are following me and asking me these questions about me and bouns relationship."ARE YOU GUYS DATING??""ARE YOU MARRIED WITH BOUN!?""PREM I LOVE YOU!!"I end up in my car panting like a dog due to all the running.All those questions are stuck in my head.I try to process what just had happened but I just sit there.Nothing pops up in my mind.I then get a phone call

⭐️Boun⭐️ is calling,Would you like
To answer it?
My phone screen says.I stare at it blankly.should I answer?I thought to myself.I slide my finger through the screen and hear that voice.


"Are you okay?"

"I saw what happened please tell me if your okay!"

The voice says.It echos.What's happening?I ask myself.I hang up and just drive home like nothing had happened.I'm getting multiple messages but I just continue driving.I end up home and throw open the door and just lay in the bed.I toss and turn in annoyance.

*Knock knock*

Why is someone here at this hour it's almost already 10:00pm?

I get up and slam open my door to see a tall figure standing infront of me.The tall figure then brings me into a hug and I realize it's Boun.I hug back in shock not knowing what to do.He hugs me tightly.We then get out of the hug and I stare at him in shock.He looks at me with his bright brown eyes.They look glossy in the light."Want to come in?"I ask."Yes please,I would like to talk about what happened."Oh.Is that all he came here for?"oh uh sure."I throw at him.He pushes against me to get inside and proceeds to take of his shoes.I then close the door and head to my kitchen table.I sat there waiting for him to get settled in."Are you sure your alright?.."He asked looking at me with concern in his eyes."Yes,I'm fine."I then explain to him what happened.But why did I?If he had told me he saw it on the news.Why did he need to know?Why did he even come here in the first place?.I push all those thoughts away and ask the unbelievable."Would
You like to sleep here?Its getting late it's not safe to drive at this hour."I say hesitantly."Yes please!"He nods like a little boy.I throw him some clothes and tell him to put them on.He then heads to the bathroom to change.Wait.What did I just do?!I pick up my phone and call our group chat with Samantha and Fluke.

🎀Samantha🎀: "Hello?"

🍵Fluke🍵: "Prem what happened?"

Me: "Guys I just invited boun to sleep over and I don't know why!!"

Me: "It was also so random of me what do u do?!"

🎀Samantha🎀: "Ooooo Prem's being brave!Aysshhh brings back memories."

Me: "Oh shut it Sammy!"

🍵Fluke🍵: "Guys stop fighting!And prem why did you even?"

Me: "I don't know!!"

🎀Samantha🎀: "Well this is your situation not ours."

Sammy then proceeds to hang up and so does fluke.They leave while giggling.I then change real fast before Boun comes out.I then walk to the kitchen and start making tea.I do all the steps and admire the tea infront of me.I take a picture and post it on my instagram

I take a picture and post it on my instagram

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Word Count: 925🌼😼

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