Why Not?

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Prem's POV:

I wake up and rub my eyes as the bright sunshine beams at my face.I then stop rubbing my eyes and look at my surroundings.It seems like I'm forgetting something.I then get up and go to the bathroom.The doors locked?


"Who's in there?!"I yell.I then hear a water.Someone's taking a shower?Who is it?Can they even hear me?I then think from the night before.Oh!oh..I forgot I invited Boun to sleep here!I completely forgot!I then head back to my bed and sit on it.I stare at the ground and say to myself,"How am I this stupid.."I mumble to myself.I then hear a twist from a doorknob and look up to see the tall male infront of me.He's wearing a Greyish T-Shirt with some pants.I stare at his figure not even realizing that I have been staring."Uh..Prem you there?.."He asks me.I then blink multiple times and snap back into reality."Oh yeah!Sorry.."I tell him.Ughhh Prem stop being so weird I say to myself."By the way we're you the one knocking in the bathroom door?"He asks me with a gentle tone."Yes sorry I forgot you were here"I reply while choking out a fake laugh.He looks at me and turns to the kitchen heading towards it.I Then receive a message from our group chat.

🍵Fluke🍵: Prem good morning how was your sleep?

🎀Sammy🎀: Yeah how was your sleep with boun 😏

Me: Oh shut up Sammy!But anyways it was fine.

🍵Fluke🍵: So me and Sammy were wondering if you'd like too come shopping with us to the mall?Is that alright?

Me: Sure why not!

🎀Sammy🎀: Bring Boun with you I want to see him.😈

Me: Why do you want to see him so bad you already saw him before!😒

🎀Sammy🎀: Cause I'm gonna talk with him😙

Me: Ok..

I then reread the message about the mall and wonder what should I wear.I guess something causal right?I then lazily get up while heading towards my closet and looking at the clothes I could wear."Prem I Made breakfast would you like to come and eat?"Boun asks me."Yes,But can you help choose an outfit please."Of course where are you going?""Oh just to the mall with to my friends."I yell back at him."Oh you mean the ones who were sitting with you at the cafeteria?"He asks."Ah..Yes.But I have a question for you."I murmured."Sure what's your question?"He asks having a smile on his face."Would you like to come to the mall with us?" I look down at the ground while waiting for an answer to my question."Sure why not?"he says happily."Ok an-"He cuts me off saying,"Come on we don't have time to waste let's eat first and then get dressed!"He says smiling happily.I just walk to the kitchen and shrug it off.


"So how about this?"Boun asks."Too fancy."I say."How about this?Is this casual enough for your liking?"He asks.I stare at the black outfit infront of me."Yes,that's good enough!""Okay then hurry and get dressed!"He yells at me."okay okay relax!"I yell back."He has really good taste.."I mumbled to myself.I then walk out without paying attention while Boun was staring at me.

I then walk out without paying attention while Boun was staring at me

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