I kissed a Boy,and I Liked It

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"So would you like to talk about what happend last night?"

Oh shit.


Prem's POV:

"Err,how do I explain this.."I mumble to myself.

I hate being confronted in situations.it just irks me,I mean I have no reason to,I just do.I bite my lip while I look up at him.

"Okay I'll talk."I spit out.

He stares at me waiting patiently for my explanation giving me a blank expression I couldn't read.

"I started it..I was ignoring him for a long time and-"

"Wait,who is the blonde boy?Like what's his name?"


"Err his name is Boun Noppanut Guntachai"

He stares at me wide eyed.

"Okay someone I didn't imagine!" He lets out a breathy laugh.

I just stare at him unamused.

"But keep going."he says shutting up.

"If you would let me..",I mutter to myself.

"Anyways continuing,I fought with him back over something and I was constantly ignoring him like he was a plague.I don't really remember why we fought if you want me to be honest..But what he said made me realize that I was an absolute dickhead.I really don't now what to do-"

"I have a plan."He says his eyes lighting up and slightly smirking.

"You do?.." I ask.

"I do."

"And we're going to get this plan in action."


"How the fuck did you find all this.."I stare wide eyed at the screen in front of me.

"It's simple!" He giggles.

I just look at the screen as he reads it out.

"It says here that he has been invited to an event at a nearby restaurant aka bar.According to the message we were also invited,but none of the guests are told who are attending.So basically it's just going to be a good amount of actors.So this is going to be easy.You got the plan,correct?" He turns to face me as he explains what the message says.

"Wait so how do you know he's goi-"

"He posted on his story on insta."



"So are we doing the plan? It's today at 8:30pm."

"Let's do this."

Time Skip

"Well aren't you a whole buffet~" Earth teases me.

"Oh shut up it's just for the event." I say a little flustered by his words.

"Our matching outfits are definitely going to get his attention."Earth says quite confident.

"Come on,let's take a pic! I'll upload it to my insta aswell to make it seem more legit! Plus we follow each other he should notice !"he says pulling out his phone.

I just pull him closer to me and we take a picture.

I just pull him closer to me and we take a picture

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"This is so embarrassing.." I mumble hoping he didn't hear.

But he did.

"Awhh!! You're so cute!!" He squeals jumping on me."just to let you know I am older than you so be mindful." He glares at me momentarily before going back to being happy.

"Wait how do you know hold old I-"

"I researched about you!"

Okay what the fuck

"Well that was uncalled for.."I say slightly weirded out.

He ignores my comment and proceeds to grab my wrist and drag me out the door.

"We're gonna be late!"He drags me to his car and turns on the engine.

"Are you ready?" He says excitedly.

I guess I'm ready..?"I say slightly confused, not knowing what to say.


We then arrive at the party and oh my goodness why is it so awkward.This feels-,honestly I don't even know anymore.

"Follow my lead." Earth says.

I nod my head and move along the passing crowd while I try to look as presentable as possible.

"There he is!" he whisper yells at me and points over to across the room.

I see him.The man that we long awaited for.I take a deep breath and look over my shoulder seeing Earth looking over at me mischievously.

"What?" I ask slightly confused.

"Okay so we're going to go near him slightly so he can at least get a glimpse of us.Got it?" He asks.

"Got it-"

"One more thing."

"You gotta kiss me"


"You're joking right?" I ask slightly tensing up

"Nope!" He says while slightly dragging me near him.

I tense up slightly as earth tells me "He's looking at us just face me." he says calmly.

Earth whispers in my ear "he's looking again,I'm going to kiss you now so be ready." He states.

Before I could even mutter up words earth grabs my jaw and kisses me. My eyes widen,but then I remember that he can still see me so I close my eyes and try to look like I'm enjoying it.I hear footsteps walking close to us but then stopping.
Earth pulls away and gives me a smug look.

That was my first kiss.With a boy..

And I liked it.


Word Count: 814

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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