Do I Know You?

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Prem's POV:

"Oh my gosh Sammy just hurry up and choose we don't have all day!",I say rolling my eyes and letting out a huff."Premmm I can't decide please choose for me!!"Samantha says whining like a toddler."Ok fine choose the salad you look like you need one."I say while Fluke scolds me for making fun of her.Sammy just bursts out laughing at me because Fluke was scolding me."Ayyshh whatever."I say in annoyance."Come on Prem let's go sit down while she finishes her order!"Fluke grabs me by the wrists and takes me to an empty table.I then turn around and realize that the guy I saw was in a corner on his phone.He then looked at me.We made eye contact.I immediately looked away so he doesn't think that I'm a weirdo for staring at him so awkwardly.


Fluke then tries to start up a conversation with me,but I'm rarely paying attention.I'm just staring at him.I look closely at his features and recognize his face from somewhere but I can't remember when or where I last saw that face.He then starts walking toward us at our table.Fluke then snaps his fingers in my face."Prem,are you alright?"He asks softly with a concerned face."I'm alright don't worry about me."I say while trying to put on a smile.I then see the guy come up to me and I just look up at him."Who are you?" I ask questioning why he would even want to talk to me."Hello I recognize you from somewhere and I was wondering if I can get to know you?"The blonde boy asks."Erm sure why not."I say smiling weirdly while we shake hands.He can't seem to take the smile off his face.I wonder why  he asked to know me?..

He then walks away and I watch him as he slowly fades away to the same exact spot he last was."Oooo Prem I can't believe some guy came up to you!He looks handsome too!!"He says while smirking and I playfully punch him.Sammy runs back with our order number."Hey Sammy what's did you or-"Sammy then cuts me off,"Oh my gosh you won't believe this but this blonde guy came and paid for our food!"Me and Fluke turn to look at each other.Who really is this guy?"Uhm Sammy that guy also came up to us and asked prem if he could get to know him."Fluke says while in utter shock."Whatt!!!How come I missed this!?"She yells for missing this so called "special moment."Fluke then laughs at her for not being able to see this "romantic"moment."Would you guys cut it out?!"I yell back at both of them.they immediately stop and then the person behind the counter yells our order number."I think me and Fluke will get the order..."She says waddling away in embarrassment."Yeah what she said.."Fluke turns around and runs towards Sammy.

Boun's POV:

I finally did it.I finally had the courage to ask to get to know him.I let out a relived sigh of happiness.I then wonder if I should go back and ask for his number since how could we get to know each other?I then sigh out of my own stupidity.I start running towards the cafeteria outdoors again.I see him in his phone.He looks so happy,I say to myself."Uhm sorry to bother you again but can I get your number so we can talk?.."I say while out of breath."Oh sure!.."He says awkwardly.We then exchange phones and dial our numbers on each others phones."By the way what's your name?"The boy asked."Its boun"...."Boun Noppanut Guntachai"I then ran away without seeing his face.I'm just so happy I got his number."I can't wait"I mutter to my myself.

I unlock my door and toss my shoes off to the side of my dorm."Should I text him?.."I mumble.


Huh?Who's texting me I thought.I open my phone and see the name he put himself as

you have received a message from


Prem😼: Hello is this Boun?

I then stare at the phone mesmerized by the text and smile at his message.I text back.

Me:Yes is this that boy from the outdoor cafe?

Prem😼:Yup this is me!
Prem😼:I guess I never introduced my self properly.My name is Prem Warut Chawalitrujiwong😊!!

Prem?I think to myself.That name sounds familiar.

Me:Are you perhaps famous?I've seen your followers in instagram.

Prem😼:I'm a little famous you could say!

Me:What do you do really?

Prem😼:I actually advertise and model for companys!

Wait is this Who I think it is?!


OMGGGG!!Thank you guys for reading my story so far I really hope your enjoying it so far!!🙀

Word Count:814🥳

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