I Hate you.

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Warning:Foul language

Bouns POV:

I stare at Prem looking at his outfit.It's clear to me that he's having much fun.But I on the other hand just carry everyone's bags.I look down and fish for my phone and grab it out of my pocket and scroll through instagram.I then look up to see all three of them walking towards me.I just sigh and think that they are gonna give me more bags to carry."Boun do you want to go eat at the food court with us?"The girl asks me.Oh so now they want to include me in something?"Later I'm going to go wander around for a little bit."I said.They then start to walk away but then I felt a gaze on me and look at Prem.He's staring at me with a sad expression on my face like he wants me to go along with them.I just ignore it and leave the store."Boun is that you?!"A feminine voice calls out.I turn back to see pineare.A girl who I acted with back then."Oh hey.."I answer back in a tone."Why the sad face?"She asks."Its nothing."I throw back at her."Well do you want to get coffee with me?"She asks politely."Sure I don't mind."I smile at her while we walk together catching up on the things we missed.We talked for lots and lots,But it felt like I was forgetting something.More like a someone.I proceed to talk about how my acting career got me into all the things I love now."Well Boun I have a question to ask you.."She asks shyly."Yeah go ahead!"I yell back at her excited on what she's about to say."I have a party upcoming im going to throw and I was wondering if you would like to go!"I stare at her in disbelief because she normally doesn't throw parties and she knows I wouldn't attend."Uhm I don't know pineare.."I tell her unsure if I want to go."Oh come on!Please Boun I really need you there!"She whines."Alright,but only for a little bit."I say to her while my smile faded slowly off my face.I then get up and go to the cafe."I'll be right back I'm going to go use the bathroom!"I tell her.She answers with and "ok."


I head back to where I was sitting with pineare but I see people in a distance and realize who it is.I realize who I was forgetting about.It was Prem.I then run to go apologize for leaving the group without telling them.He runs away crying and his friends look at me with disgust in there faces.I go up to them asking what's wrong."You know what you did wrong you disgust me."Samantha says.Fluke and Samantha then walk away from me looking back at me with an annoyed face."I don't ever want to see you near Prem again."I stand there shocked and tears come out of my eyes.I'm wondering what happened.I look back at pineare.She's smiling after the scene happened."What the hell did you do."I ask angrily."Nothing why do you ask?All I did was say we were dating and that's that."She throws at me."You did what!You know I like Prem!What else did your bitch ass say!"I yell at her.She looks at me unfazed."I also said how Prem didn't deserve you.How you said it yourself.How you said that you hate him and that you would never be friends with you.I told him that your just using him to get more popularity since Prem is indeed rich."She proceeds to tell me."I hate you.I HATE YOU."I run away crying angry tears looking everywhere in the mall.I realize that there no where to be found.


Prem's POV:

"Gosh Can you guys stop bickering for once!"Fluke yells at us jokingly."Sorry!"Sammy and I said at the same time.We continue to walk around and talk about random topics."Guys I heard there's this new cafe open!Wanna go to it and rate the drinks?"Sammy asks us."Sure why not!"Fluke says while I just nod my head and smile back at her.We then get to the cafe and see Boun talking with another girl."So that's where he was all this time?"Sammy says in an annoyed tone."Who's that girl?Is that his friend?"Fluke asks."I don't know who she is either.."I say back.We then see Boun get up and go inside the bathroom.The girl then looks into our direction and gets up smiling.She walks towards us."Are you guys Boun's friends he was talking about?"She asks politely."didn't know he considered us as friends."Sammy whispers in a tone.I proceed to nudge her shoulder."Yes we are,who are you?"I ask."Oh I'm Boun's girlfriend!"She says smiling.My jaw drops."He told me he didn't have one.Did he lie?"I ask myself.She then says,"Well I don't think you should be friends with him."Her smile fades."Why,you don't control him!"Sammy says."Well he said some things about you.."She tells me."Stop lying he wouldn't do such a thing!"I yell at her."Oh well I have proof."She smirks a little."If so why not show us!"I tell her."Ok if you say so!"She pulls her phone out of her pocket and plays a voice recording.It plays.Hearing Boun's voice say,"Oh him?Yeah he's annoying.Honestly I can't stand him.He's always bickering with his friends and to be honest I don't even want to be friends with him.He's such a pain in the ass!I don't get why I even became friends with him in the first place!"The audio finishes."He also said he is using you for your money and popularity."She tells me in a tone of sympathy."No..No no this can't be!"I start tearing up while holding my mouth from letting out any noise.Sammy and Fluke then hug me trying to comfort me.My vision starts to go blurry because of my tears.The tears stream down my face."Is..Is this true?.."Fluke asks."Sadly,yes.Yes it's the truth"She tells Fluke.I then see Boun.The guy who told me that same exact day that he'll always be with me no matter what.He starts running towards us.I shimmy out of Fluke and Sammy's hug and run out of the mall.I look back to see Boun stare in shock while trying to talk with my friends.


"Prem let's go before Boun starts chasing after us."Fluke says.I get up from sitting on the bench and walk with Sammy and Fluke.I get a text from Boun apologizing and saying that he needs to explain.I then text back.

🤍Boun🤍:Prem please answer me!I wasn't the one who said those things pineare did let me explain!

Me: Boun I'm sick and tired of your bullshit stop lying to me.Pineare showed literal proof of your ass talking shit about me.Leave me alone.

"Was I too harsh?"I ask Fluke and Sammy as we head inside Sammy's house."No your perfectly fine.You did the right thing."Fluke tells me as he tries to console me.I sit down and sigh."Do you need some water?.."Sammy asks me."no I'm fine."I say harshly.I look up them seeing sympathy in their eyes.Their eyes glisten while they try their best not to cry infront of me.I see it.Why can't they just let it out?Is it because of me?"I think I'm just gonna go back to my apartment.."I say quietly."Who's going to take you there?"Sammy asks."I will."Fluke says.Fluke grabs my wrist and drags me out of Sammy's house.We get in the car and we don't exchange a word.Fluke then drops me off and waves goodbye.I fish for my keys and open the door.Revealing my dirty apartment that wasn't cleaned since this morning.I sigh and walk over to the kitchen and start washing the dishes.It starts to rain after I had finished washing the dishes.I sat down on my undone bed.I Look around at the mess of clothes that was left on the ground.I then hold my face with my hands and just sit there.



"Is this Prem?"

"Yes,What do you need?"

"I would like you to act in a show with...."


To be Continued....

Hello readers!Im pretty sure you didn't expect many words in this chapter but there's a lot of words in here!Shocker that my longest chapter was angst.I wrote this chapter because of my feelings.I let it out on this story and I really hope you understand that I'm going through things and this is why I haven't been uploading weekly.I also need ideas for chapters.I apologize in advance if this continues to happen.I'm currently caught up doing things and recently I have been barley posting on my social media.I understand if you are upset with me because of my lack of work on chapters.But I would like you,as the readers to send me ideas for the next chapter and the next chapter will come out quickly If so.Thank you.

Word Count: 1546

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