Are you ready?

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Prem's POV:

"Let go of my hand!"Sammy yells.I laugh at her silliness as I let go of her hand."Whatever you say."I say rolling my eyes in a playful way.As we head in we encounter some of the cast and strike up a conversation with some of them.We laugh and talk about our interests.It's just I don't pay attention enough to realize who is listening in into our conversation.


We run as fast as we can.We make it,but we're late!We were to busy wandering around the building meeting up with the other characters we don't realize we're late.I walk in panting like a dog and Sammy falling dramatically,wow,she really fits for an actress,especially a dramatic one."Where were you guys?!" Our director asks us."Sorry P'New we just got lost!"Sammy says as she apologetically bows.I just ignore him and walk away.I sit down at a near by table and pull out my iPad.I start reading my scripts like normally while drinking some coffee I got from the lobby.I take small sips as I progressively learn more of my actions.In the corner of my eye I look,I see him.The gut wrenching guy I have ever met.Boun.I try to ignore his strong gaze on me but right when I get back to reading the script,our director tells us it's time to practice our parts together.


I proceed to groan in annoyance when a background character can't seem to get there act together.I get off set and just wait for the character to get their part right.They are getting on my nerves.I bring my fingers to the bridge of my nose and squeeze it.I cross my legs and arms and sit patiently.I look beside me seeing a blonde head facing the the other way.They look over and make eye contact.Boun.I immediately look away and bite the inside of my cheeks.

"Prem come back up!"

The director says

I uncross my legs and and arms and get up.I put my sunglasses and walk over.I grab my script and get into action.

Time Skip


"You should totally come!"Sammy says."Maybe.."I reply."Come on the karaoke will be fun!"she tugs my arm."Yeah but what if he's there!There inviting the actors and he's an actor!"I say.Sammy rolls her eyes and groans."Pleaseeee"She says annoyingly."Whatever,I'll come."I say in annoyance."Yay!"She jumps and giggles."Now come on let's get you ready!"she then drags me to my room.She hurts open my closet and starts digging into it."You should wear this!"

"And wear sunglasses!"She says excitedly

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"And wear sunglasses!"She says excitedly."Are you the one getting dressed or am i?"I say teasingly.She then walks out the room."Just tell me when your done!"And slams the door.I sigh looking at the clothing on my bed.I grab the outfit and head into my bathroom.The things she makes me do I mumble.I then look in the mirror.Well at least I don't look bad.I hear knocking and Sammy "Can I come in now?"She asks."Give me a moment!"I yell.I take one last glance and get out of my bathroom.I make my way over to my room door and open it."O-m-g!"She squeals."You look so good!"she says."I should be a fashion designer."She says proudly.

So are you ready?



Anyways I'm sorry i haven't been uploading im just having a rough year already so I just wanted to clear some things up.

Anyways i was listen to yes,and? By Ariana Grande and i love it.So maybe next chapter prems gonna be sassy.I think it will suit him.


Word count: 624 words

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