Someone Like You

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???'s POV:

"Ugh it's so boring in this club"

I say out loud since no one can hear me.I look over my shoulder as I heard someone cursing loudly.My eyes widen as soon as I lay eyes on the men fighting.I stare at them looking to see more.The man who threw the first blow ran and grabbed another guy.

"I'm going to follow them.."I breathe out.As soon as they left I sneaked out and hid myself behind the brick wall,but peeked my head out a little bit.

"What the fuck I'm not a child!"The boy cries out.

"Shut up."The man on the other hand replies.

"No,I will not shut up!" The boy with brown hair  replies, in a quick motion the boy pushes him on the ground and gets up leaving the man sitting down.

"What do you want from me,first,you started a whole ass fight and ran away from it,second you dragged me in the middle of a parking l-"before he could even finish his sentence the man butts in to say something but ends up doing something else.


My eyes widen in shock as the blonde smacks him really hard."YOU IDIOT!" He screams.Now there going to start crying oh boy..

"Why won't you just listen to me!" He cries out.

"Just let me speak!!"He says while crying uncontrollably.

"You don't understand how much you mean to me.I know we've only known each other for only a month or two but ever since you stopped talking to me that took a toll on my life from then!"He says.

"You don't understand how hard it is losing someone who you find someone very close to you.Your an absolute piece of shit!"

He yells."You wouldn't even listen to me for fuck's sake"...

"If only you knew how I've felt all this time!!"

"You're so impossible! I legitimately helped you it back there and you're not even thankful!"

"Shows me how much you care.."He says and gets up off the ground and starts walking to his car.

"Boun wait-!" The boy tries to word out but gets interrupted. "No Prem! I will not wait for you anymore!"He says turning his head to meet the boys gaze.I watch carefully as the blonde proceeds to head inside the red car and drive away.

I watch as the boy is left there.He buckles his knees and falls onto them.I then slowly get out my hiding spot and walk over to the boys,in tears if course.He doesn't look too bad if I had to say so myself.Bur now's not the time to discuss about that.

I stand above him.As he tries to get up he almost immediately tumbles down,but then I pick him up carefully and place his arm over my shoulder.His eyes meet my strong gaze on him.

"Are you okay sir?" I ask trying to seem calm.He just nods his head."Well you don't seem like it, you're crying a whole waterfall."I say trying to lighten up the sadden atmosphere.He lets out a soft chuckle

"Cute" I mumble quietly to myself.Wait,what am I thinking?!I then look over at the boy,he's fast asleep.I mean it wouldn't hurt to take him back to my place,right?I sigh and head over to my car




Prem's POV:

I wake up a bit groggily and groan.My head is pounding.I then look over to my side and see a glass of water and two pills.I then proceed to look over the room.Its all modern?Wait this isn't my house.Where the hell is Samantha? Did she leave me with some stranger?!

"Are you alright? You were crying really hard!"The boy chuckles.

"Not trying to be mean but who are you?.."

"No worries it's unusual waking up in a place that you don't even know." The boy smiles at me.

"My name is Earth, Earth katsamonnat."

Earth? I recognize that name but I don't remember where I got it from."Oh,okay,and thank you for letting me stay here!"I say.

"You're welcome!"He reply's cheerfully.He's very hyper in the morning I guess I think to myself."Well then I'll take my leave I don't want to disrupt you any further-" "Nonsense!I made breakfast for the both of us!"He says happily.

"By the way brown haired boy,what's your name?"He asks trying to seem casual about it.

"Oh me? My name Is Prem,Prem Warut."I say in reply.

"Just kidding I know who you are! The blonde guy kept on saying your name last night while he was screaming at you."

My eyes widen at his phrase."You were listening in on our conversation?"I say trying to keep calm.

"Of course I was, after all, I was kind of worried about you since he punched that other man."


As we make our way to earths kitchen I look around at the interior designing of his home.It feels very comfortable.Very calm.

"So would you like to talk about what happend last night?"

Oh shit.


I know I left you guy waiting so long and I've been getting motivated to write so here's another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did!^

Word Count : 894 words

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