You Never Listen To Me

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Prem's POV:

"Sammy what the fuck !!"I yell over the loud music.I brush her off my shoulder and glare at her strongly.

"I'm sorry I didn't know he was going to be here!" She says in my ear to no get the attention of the man in front of us. I groan and immediately go to the other side of the club on my way to a private room.

"Where do you think you're going without saying hi to me?"The voice of a man says.I turn around and see


Eric my stupid ex.What is he doing here anyway?! I already have Boun here and now Eric? "This is going to be such a great night!"I mumble sarcastically under my breath.

"What do you want."I reply coldly.

"No need to be rude! Anyways I can't help but notice that you're not with anyone"He comes closer and grabs my chin making eye contact.I grip his hand away and roll my eyes.

"So?Your only here to get your dick wet!"I yell back.

"But I miss you and I know you love me"He smirks and leans in closer.

"You're a little whore for me always screaming my name in my bedroom"He says while pinning me against the wall.

"Get the fuck off him!"

That voice..

I turn my head over and see a man running towards us.Its..


The suspense is surreal.I breathe heavily and exhale as Eric lets his grip off of me.

"Who the fuck are you to come into our business!"

He yells at Boun.Some people even looking back to stare at the yelling from my ex.

"I'm his boyfriend."

"Wh-!" Before I can even speak Boun stares at me giving me a look to not say anything.I glare at back at him.

"No the fuck you are not,and even if you were you would be by his side not leave him behind.Your such a bad boyf-"


The first blow was quite a hit.Almost immediately knocking down Eric.I gasped and stare in horror as Boun had just unleashed a fight.

"Boun!!What the fuck!!"I scream.He grabs me by my arm and drags me out of the place and throws me over his shoulder.

"What the fuck I'm not a child!"I yell at him.

"Shut up."He replies.

"No,I will not shut up!" I reply, in quick motion and push him onto the ground and get up.

"What do you want from me,first,you started a whole ass fight and ran away from it,second you dragged me in the middle of a parking l-"before I could even finish a


He slaps me."YOU IDIOT!" He screams.Oh oh,the water works start to come out.

"Why won't you just listen to me!" He cries out.I stand in shock not having a reaction.

"Just let me speak!!"He says while crying uncontrollably.

"You don't understand how much you mean to me.I know we've only known each other for only a month or two but ever since you stopped talking to me that took a toll on my life from then!"He says.

"You don't understand how hard it is losing someone who you find someone very close to you.Your an absolute piece of shit!"

He yells."You wouldn't even listen to me for fuck's sake"...

"If only you knew how I've felt all this time!!"

"You're so impossible! I legitimately helped you back there and you're not even thankful!"

"Shows me how much you care.."He says and gets up off the ground and starts walking to his car.

"Boun wait-!" "No Prem! I will not wait for you anymore!"He says turning his head to meet my gaze.My breath shudders and I let out an exhale that I didn't even realize I had.I watch as he goes inside the red car and drive away.I drop to my knees in udder shock.

How did this even happen..

I get up slightly tumbling down but getting my weight supported by a shoulder.I look over to see who's carrying me. A boy?

"Are you okay sir?" He asks me politely.I just nod my head."Well you don't seem like it, you're crying a whole waterfall."He says trying to cheer me up.

I'm crying?

I bring a hand up to my cheeks and feel the hot tear drip down my face.I can't help but close my eyes hoping that everything will be fine when I wake up.


Yay an upload! Dw next chapter out soon and take a guess,who do you think the mysterious boy at the end of the chapter is?

Word count: 786 words

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