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Prem's POV:

After I finish posting the photo I look up to see a Tall Blonde standing in front of me.We lock our eyes together and just stare.His brown eyes glisten in the darkness.It makes me feel a way.He starts walking towards me looking down at the tea I'm currently holding."May I have some tea too?.."He asks me politely."Oh..Sure of course!.."I say while snapping back in to reality.I zoned out for a bit I said.I start heading to my stove and put some tea in a cup."Would you like green tea or ginger tea?"i asked questioning."Green is fine."He says staring at me.I start making the tea and I feel his stare on me.I then finish and turn back to look at him.I hand him the tea that I'm holding.He takes it and our fingers brush against each other which made me shudder."I don't have an extra mattress..Would you like to sleep with me?"I ask him.He then looks down and he then answers saying,"Yeah sure.."He mumbles out.I then Hop on the bed and get on one side.He then also gets in the bed with me looking the opposite direction from me.I then start to drift away into my slumber and close my eyes slowly.

The Dream

I felt a sudden pound on my head.Was something hitting me?I questioned.I grab my head with on my my hands and look at my surroundings.It's a dark empty space with exactly 3 windows on each side on the walls.I get up and try opening the door but nothing happens.I look up and see multiple square holes in the middle.It says I'm on floor number 0.What does this mean?What is happening."Hello?!Is anybody up there?"I scream.I then see people slowly look down at me."Are you new here?"They ask me."Uhm yes who are you?.."I question.They then look at each other."Do you even know where you are?"The two ask me.I look up at them and recognize their features.Their my friends..But they don't seem to recognize me.I then scream loudly.

I wake up to myself screaming with tears in my eyes.I start breathing heavily trying to catch my breathe.Boun the wakes up and looks at me.He woke up crying aswell.We then look at each other we sync together saying."Did you dream on being on a platform?"We both say.We look at each other closely.I then turn my head to the other side not knowing what to expect.I then lay down with my head facing the ceiling.Boun does the same."What floor were you on?"Boun asks me."I was on level 0."I tell him.He then turns to the other side facing me.I then face him."What's going on?.."I ask him.He doesn't answer and just falls asleep slowly.I then also drift into my slumber.

Boun's POV:

I wake up to someone hugging me.It was prem.

Even though I was half asleep I can still recognize his face

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Even though I was half asleep I can still recognize his face.I look at him mesmerized at his face.He looks so calm.I then slowly push him off me and get up.I head towards the bathroom to wash my face.



Anyways I'm really sorry for not updating and this chapter is so short.I'm actually going through things between my parents and I and I've been just really upset on what is going on.But in the next chapter I promise that I'll make it longer.I kinda have no motivation rn but I'll try my best to upload for you guys and I really appreciate if you read this❤️

Word Count: 606⭐️🌷

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