I Don't Want to Act

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WARNING:Foul language

Prem's POV:

I looked down on the floor as I got inside my small apartment.Nothing to do.I just sat there thinking about the choices I made."Was I in the wrong?"I say to myself.I sigh and open my phone and scroll on instagram seeing all the happy faces pop up on my feed.


I see Bold letters pop up on the top of my screen.

📸Producer New🎥 is calling would you like to answer?

The words say as they go across my screen as I click on the incoming call.


"Hello Prem."

"What's Wro-"

"I would like you to act for a new series."

"You will be paired up with someone.And I'm sure you know him."

"Uhm Who is it?"

"It's Boun!"

My heart sank as I dreaded those words.My heart got stuck in my throat.I'm at loss for words.

"Hello Prem.You there?"

"Yes, yes I'm here.."

Wish I wasn't.

"Ok good he already knows.He was excited when he found out that you were going to act with him!"


"That sounds great!.."

"Alright you will start acting on Monday so I'll see you there!"

"Okay by-"

My words get cut off as my director hung up on me.What do I do now?"This is such bullshit!"I say throwing the pillow across the room almost breaking a plant beside it.I plop down on my bed and face the ceiling.The only thing I can do is fix things with him.But how?


"May I have your last name?"

"Warut Chawalitrujiwong"

"Oh Prem!"

"Go ahead inside the cast is waiting for you!"

"Alright thank you Ma'am"

"My pleasure!"

I walk in and look around and see my two best friends.

"Prem?!"They say at the same time.I then run up to them and they get up and run to me aswell.We then hugged tight and laughed."But Prem you know we're acting with Boun right?"she says concerned."Ill be fine it'll probably a small interaction anyways."I say unamused.When I get parts it's always for being side characters so I don't worry to much and how perfect I have to be."Alright everyone!settle down we're going to tell you your roles and names for the cast."The director says."Samantha,your role will be a girl named Manaow."Sammy looks at us and smiles and she walks up and grabs her script."Fluke step forward,You will be paired up with Ohm.Your character is named Pharm."Fluke then smiles while walking up to the director picking up his script."Ohm you now know your role.But your character is name Dean."Ohm walks towards fluke since they have the same script and lines.As they continue to call the cast over I look out at the big window across from me.

"Prem!Come here we've been calling your name!"the director says while getting out of my daydream."Oh yes sorry!"I say while bowing."Prem,you are going to be the main character.But your going to be partnered up with someone to be your partner."He tells me."Who is it?"I ask desperately trying to get answers."Its Boun!"He says excitingly.Shit.I forgot he was my partner.My Jaw drops.Sammy and Fluke turn to me in shock.Boun walks up with a smile on his face.He tries to look at me but I turn my head to the side to avoid eye contact.I see from the corner of my eye his smile turned into a sad face as he sees me not paying attention to him."You guys are paired up as love interests!"He says.I turn to look at the ground.My eyes open widely as I process his saying."Prem your name is going to be Team.Boun,yours is going to be Win.

"Prem are you going to be alright?"Sammy asks."I'll be fine."I say clearly.They walk off heading towards their acting partners.I head to Boun since the director said we had to start acting today.I sigh as I have to take a long walk since he was across the building with the other directors."Why does he have to be so far away!"I groan loudly.I continue walking but then I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.I turn my head around see.."BOUN?!"I then turn my whole body around confused."Uhm,Hi Prem..!"He says shyly."Oh Hi.."I say back trying to avoid conversation.I then turn my body back around and start walking away.Boun follows me as I continue to feel his presence behind me."Prem what Pineare said wasn't true!Please believe me!"He says asking.At this point he's begging to talk to me."Boun let's talk about this later.We're already here by the way.."I say avoiding eye contact.I then walk towards to the rest of the cast and ignore Boun in the meantime.

Boun's POV:

Anything I do is wrong!Why can't I have normal conversation with him!Ugh im so awkward.I sigh and look at my surroundings and look at the people getting along.I wish me and Prem had a better friendship.I walk towards the director and start acting.Prem is in the first shot so the rest of the cast have too stand aside and watch.For now we're just practicing.

I watch Prem reciting his script.He runs it smoothly and only has to correct himself twice.I continue watching him from a distance.He looks calm unlike the others.When the others were reading the script they were stuttering and forgetting the script right away.The next part comes up.This time I have to be in it with Dean.Prem appears first and then we have to watch him as he walks by.The director begins to tell us where our next movements have to be.We then follow along throughly and begin action.


HELLO.Alright here I go to write up this paragraph.Okay so,I'm so so so so sorry that I haven't uploaded in such a while but a lot just a lot of weight is on my shoulders right now and I needed a break.I promise you more updates soon enough.I had this chapter for awhile but I didn't publish it because I had to adjust some things so please enjoy this chapter!I really appreciate all the people who are sticking by my side.I know everyone won't read this but I needed to make a statement about my absence.I really hope you understand and please look forward for new chapters in the future!❤️

Word count: 1,078☺️🎧

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