04- I dont need protecting

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Adeline sat in her chambers and sighed. She was confused and she didn't know what to think. She knew that there was something going on and the fact that Severus said he was protecting her and if annoyed her.

Adeline knew that she didn't need protecting from anything or anyone. She knew all that she had been through and it wasn't easy but she knew that she didn't need it

Adeline sat in her chambers. She couldn't focus and she knew that she needed answers. She looked to the time. She knew it was late as it was almost midnight but she wasn't going to sleep. She slipped a robe over her revealing night dress as she knocked on Severus door and waited

She heard a noise inside and looked to see Severus as he answers. Adeline was taken aback by his appearance as he stood in a pair of loose black pj bottoms. He was topless and she was shocked to see how toned he was as she checked out him

"Can I help you" he asked

"Yeah. You can give me answers and tell me that you meant by your protecting me. What do you think your playing at, just because you feel guilty over lily"

"Don't. Don't say her name" he said

"She's my sister in law and best friend I can say her name all I want. Now are you going to tell me what the hell is going on" she asked

"Your impossible do you know that" he said as she looked to him

"Dumbledore asked me too. He still thinks that dark lord is out there somewhere" he said

"And why would you do that when I'm James potters little sister" she asked as the two of them held a look

"I don't know" he said as they held a look

Adeline sat in her classroom. She knew that she was confused over everything that was going on with Severus. Her head was a mess but all that she knew was that she didn't need his protection. She didn't need him. She knew that she could look after herself

She looked to see Harry as he walked in and smiled as she looked to him "hey are you okay" Adeline Asked as she looked to her nephew

"I think snape has it in for me. He gave me detention for two weeks for trying to help Neville with his potion" he said as Adeline frowned

"Ignore him. He's bitter. Just try and not to provoke him and get under his skin it will make things worse" Adeline said as he looked to her and nodded

"Are you okay" Harry asked as he looked to his aunt

"I'm fine there's just a lot of stuff going on. I know all of this is a change knowing that your a wizard and having family you didn't know about but I swear I would of looked after you if I could it was just complicated when your parents were killed" she said as Harry looked to her and smiled

"It's not been the easiest but your still my family" Harry said as Adeline looked to him and smiled. She knew how none of it was easy. She knew how things were with Severus but she knew how Harry was her nephew and she'd do anything for him

She knew it was what James and lily would of wanted

Adeline sat in the great hall. She looked to Severus as he sat across the table from her and sighed. She knew that things were tense between them. She didn't like the idea that him and dumbledore were plotting

She knew that she didn't need protecting and she hated how they were going about things "miss potter" dumbledore said as she looked to him

"Headmaster" she said as he sat down

"I believe that you have words with Severus. I know how things are and I want you to know. It was not against you" he said as she looked to hun and smiled

"It felt that way albus. I don't need protection" she said as Adeline nodded

"I understand.. I do, look I am here to protect you and Harry. I see fear that the dark lord will rise again and I want is to be okay" he said as she nodded

"I get that but I can handle myself" she said as he looked to her and nodded

"I can see. I was thinking over you and Harry that's all. I apologise if I took the wrong step" he said as she smiled

She knew that none of it was easy

Adeline heard a knock at her chambers as she answered it and saw Severus and sighed as she looked to him

"What do you want" she asked as he looekd to her

"I want to fall. Look I never want it to be like I was betraying you" he said as the two of them held a look and sighed

"Why do you care Severus. It's big as if you care over me" she said as he pushed his way inside and looked to her

"What do you think that? I wouldn't of done this if I didn't care about you. I care about you more that you even realise" he said as the two of them held a look

Adeline didn't know what to think. She knew how she was confused and how her head was a mess over it all.

"I don't need protecting severus I can handle myself" she said as he looked to her and nodded

"I am aware of that" he said as the two of them held a look. Adeline knew how things were and how it was a mess and how none of it was easy and she did want to make it work

But little did Adeline know just how everything between her and Severus was going to change and how none of it was going to be the same again

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