010-The truth

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Adeline knew that she couldn't get the harsh words Severus had said to her get to her. She knew that she shouldn't bur if got to her. Adeline knew that things were a mess but she knew that all she did was for Sophie and To protect her

Adeline knew that the way Severus was. She knew that he couldn't find out the truth over Sophie and that she was his daughter. Adeline looked to see Sirius as he walked in and smiled

"Hey little potter are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed

"Ugh don't ask. Severus is being is normal self. You know the vile words and it just makes me realise that even if I doubt it I did the right thing" she said as Sirius looked to her and smiled

"It's a shame Remus isn't her real father" Sirius said as Adeline nodded

"Sometimes I think that but then I know if she wasn't Severus. Sophie wouldn't be Sophie. It's hard. It's a mess but I know I just want to do what's best for her I mean I am doing the right decision aren't I?" She said as Sirius looked to her and smiled

"I know it's not easy but you have always done what is best for Sophie. You did the right thing Severus snape is not father material and look at how he acted after he slept with you how do you think he'd react if you told him you were pregnant" Sirius said as Adeline looked to him and smiled

She knew he was right and she had to think over  Sophie and what was best for her

Adeline walked down the great hall as she saw Sophie "mum are you okay?" Sophie asked as Adeline looked to her daughter and smiled

"I'm fine"

"After what snape did bad said to you. I was worried over you" Sophie said as Adeline looked to her daughter and smiled

"Oh my sweet girl I am fine. You don't need to worry over me I'm okay" Adeline said. Sophie looked to her and nodded. She knew that she saw the hurt and fear in her mums eyes when Severus had her pinned to the wall and Sophie that she wasn't going to let him get away with it

"He had no right to speak to you like that. To talk to you like that. He will pay"

"No Sophie the last thing I need is for you to get into trouble and for him to tell me my daughter is out of control. I don't need another reason for him to have a go at me"

Sophie looked to Adeline and nodded. She knew how she wasn't going to leave it or let it go as Severus wasn't going to get away with how he spoke to her mum but she knew how she had to be more sneaky and she had to find a way to make him pay without him knowing it was her

Sophie walked into the common room as she saw Draco

"You have that look in your face" Draco said as Sophie looked to him

"What look?" She asked innocently as he smirked to her

"The up to no good look. Your mother had it too. What are you up too?" He asked as she smirked

"I may of made professor snape cauldrons explode in his face. He insulted and laid his hands on my mother. No one touches my mum" Sophie said as Draco looked to her and shock her head

He knew that Sophie was something. In fact he thought that she was pretty damn special

Adeline stood in her classroom and looked to see Severus as he walked in

"What do you want?" She asked

"Your daughter has been causing trouble again"

"Or really what is it that she has done?" She asked

"I know it was her she caused all the cauldrons in my classroom to blow up" he said as Adeline tried to hide the smirk on her face

"Her father is a marauder what do you expect after what you said to me. She seen it"

"Cut the fucking crap Adeline you and I know Remus is not her father" Severus said

Adeline looked to him and rolled her eyes

"And how would I know the whore remember. You know what you can do all you want to me, i can handle it I know what a vile bully you can be. I know how you used me all those years ago to make Lily jealous and to hurt James and I have dealt with it but Sophie is too more and innocent and I will not let you start some sick vendetta against her because of us" she said as he grabbed her and pushed her harshly against the wall

She gripped her want in her hand and send him flying back as they started to cast spells back and forth. She groaned
As she found herself falling to the floor as she went down. She groaned as he was suddenly on top of her

She felt her breathe hitch in the throat as they held a look

"This brings back memories" he said as she tried to push him off of her as he held her down and looked to her

"Tell me the truth Adeline is Sophie mine" he said

"I already told you"

"Adeline" he said as he slammed her into the wall. She let out a breathe as she felt his hand trail down her side.

She looked to him for a moment

"You know the truth"

"No the actually truth" he said

"Please don't do this Severus" she said with tears in her eyes as his fingers traced her collarbone and down to her chest

"Tell me"

"Yes okay. She is your daughter. She's the result of the night that you used me. And you can't tell her" Adeline said

"And why not"

"Because if you do I will kill you" Adeline spat. She knew she'd do what she had too. In order to keep Sophie safe even if it was from the truth of her own father

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