015- A distraction

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Adeline sat in her chambers. Her head was killing her. She knew how she had gotten drunk and how she had told Severus that she loved him and she knew that she should have never done that and she was full of regrets. She knew that she wanted to try and stay away from him but she knew that was easier said than done

Adeline heard a knock at the chambers and sighed as she answered it and saw Sophie who looked to her and frowned

"Are you hungover" Sophie asked as Adeline looked to her and sighed

"I'm just feeling under the weather that's all" Adeline said as she took a sip of her coffee as Sophie looked to her and raised an eyebrow at her

"Actually yes you are hungover. What happened mum, you don't drink what did he do?" Sophie asked as Adeline looked to her

"Who?" Adeline said as Sophie rolled her eyes

"Bloody me blobby who do you think. Him my father. I know it's him. He always upsets you"

"I was honest with him and now I am the one who is left looking like an idiot in all of it" Adeline said as she brewed herself a hungover potion and knocked of back. Sophie looked to her mum and smiled

She knew how much that Adeline had sacrificed for her and how it wasn't easy. She knew that Adeline always put her first over her own happiness and she hated to see her mum like this


"I'm fine baby" Adeline said as Sophie smiled

"You're my mum and I love you and all that you deserve is happiness. You have sacrificed yourself for me and my life and I am grateful for I want you to be happy and I don't know what's going on with you and Jim but if he doesn't see how amazing you are then he doesn't deserve you" Sophie said as Adeline smiled

"When did you get so wise" Adeline asked as she pulled her daughter into her arms and hugged her

Adeline stood in her classroom and looked to see Severus as he walked in and looked to her "whatever it is. Forgot if I dint best to talk to you or over what happened" she said

"What when you told me..."

"I know what I said Severus I know what an idiot I was and I know what a fool I was. I saw the way that you looked at me and how it speaks for itself. Look just go and we can forget it. Just forever I said anything and we can forget it happened" she said as he looked to her

"Is that how you cope with everything bury your head in the sand and forget over it. Like with our daughter" he said as she looked to him

"Excuse me?" She said

"You heard me. You avoid your problems like the fact that Sophie is mine" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"Do not judge me not over Sophie. I have a right to keep her from you and if you're going to throw that back in my face every time I don't even know why I am bothering with you. I grew her, I gave birth to her and I'd kill for her. Your not a mother and you don't get to judge me for what I did" she said

"You still robbed me"

"And you still hurt me. This..this right now is why we will never work. Get out of my classroom Severus before I use the killing curse on you" she said as he looked to her and scoffed as he walked out of the room as Adeline felt her blood boil through her body

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