track #5: earthling*

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may 29th, 2021 at 8:37pm.

life on planet virgo is not always perfect.
there's versions of me everywhere,
it's my only population.
frank's & franky's all over,
and they always take cover,
when rain clouds of emotions,
come pouring.
we all remember,
when stars & skies,
of day & night,
would light up so bright,
all because of an earthling,
who came crashing down,
and told me he would stick around.
the king would walk everywhere,
along with him by his side,
they shouted & cheered,
because of my smile,
and they would think,
he hasn't been this happy in a while.
good things only take that long,
because he fixed his spaceship,
behind my back,
and returned to his home planet,
where someone was already waiting.

planet virgo | ALBUM1Where stories live. Discover now