Predaking 🐉 (tfp)

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Hey guys I have requests to finish and I honestly don't like being rushed and reminded every hour or day, I will get to your request at my own pace and I'm also busy since I have alot going on right now. Hopefully you understand <3

The war between Autobots and Decepticons was finally over, Optimus had given himself and the matrix of leadership to revive cybertron. That got everyone in their feels for a while, but now they had to rebuild their beloved planet.

Y/N was in charge of carrying heavy loads of metal to different locations and to scrap metal that lay around, he was carrying tons of metal pipes in his claws while other nicknaks were strapped to his back struts. He flew down to the ground, placing the pipes in an area surrounded by other building materials and Y/N finally landed. Bulkhead walked up to Y/N and unlatched the multiple satchels that littered his back gazing over them.

"Perfect, this is all we need for now. Take a break Y/N there's energon at the ship" Bulkhead rubbed Y/N's snout before walking off. Y/N shook his frame off from the metal dust that had collected on his body before taking off once more in the air.

Making it back to the flight deck of the ship and ate his fill of energon while purring in content, Arcee came through the door and onto the flight deck, she strode over to Y/N and rested her upper frame on his shoulder plate.

"If feels so good to finally be home, what about you Y/N? Feeling good?" Arcee moaned in satisfaction Y/N grunted in response and curled around Arcee.

Arcee was about to say something until a beam of light shone in the sky along with high pitched roars, Y/N's audio receptors twitched and he sat up staring into the distance.

That was the sound of a battle cry, Y/N hadn't heard that sound since the fall of his pack, he stood tall ready for taking off, but Arcee stopped him.

"Just be careful Y/N" Arcee softly spoke, Y/N purred and rubbed his helm against her and took off.

Y/N flew for a few minutes before he saw the sight of three other predacons two bowing and another glaring at them, Y/N's optics widened in disbelief but that was quickly swapped to happiness. He dove down and landed a couple feet away from the smaller predacons, they all turned in unison and shrieked at the presence of another predacon.

Y/N transformed into his bot form and gazed at them softly.

"If this is a human hallucination do not pinch me, it's been millions of years since I've seen another predacon" The two blue predacons looked between Y/N and a red predacon that still stood glaring not at them but now at Y/N. The red predacon transformed and growled.

"I am predaking, your king and master. Now bow to me like these two, Skylynx and Darksteel, if not i will scrap you into dust" Predaking threatened displaying his claws and sharp denta. Y/N scowled at the other predacons weak threat, and narrowed his optics at Predaking.

"I'd lower my tone when speaking with a true king, one that has had a real pack to lead and not some scrap diggers" Skylynx and Darksteel growled at Y/N's insult and went to attack but Predaking kept them back.

"A true king? Don't make me laugh you fool" Predaking stepped closer to Y/N

"I'm not the fool here, you are. You aren't only a fool your an imposter, someone who thinks they can rule after winning a fight against two other weaker predacons." Y/N smirked as Predaking roared in anger and charged at Y/N, they both transformed and scratched and bit at eachother.

Y/N bit Predakings front stabiliser which caused Predaking to trip and fall on his side, Y/N towered over him aiming to bite his neck, but was slapped away by Predakings tail.

(I'm really bad at fight scenes im sorry)

Y/N ran at Predaking, both of them standing on their back stabilisers trying to bring the other down while they bit at eachothers faceplates. Y/N used his wings to push him forward and bring Predaking on the ground, he used his stabilisers to hold his body down while baring his fangs at Predaking forcing him to yield. Predaking lay defeated on the ground with his new alpha standing over him, Y/N stepped off of Predaking and transformed.

"I was expecting more from a 'king'" Y/N smirked making Predaking growl and he to transformed.

"I will defeat you" Predaking stood tall, getting into Y/N's space his helm reaching Y/N's chestplating.

"Is that so?" Y/N purred teasingly only making Predaking angrier.

"You two, scout the area for decepticon fugitives and bring them to the nemesis, west of this location. I'll let the autobots know you will be around the area and to not attack you, but if you hurt them I will rip your sparks out" Y/N instructed pointing to Skylynx and Darksteel, they both nodded unsettled by the fight and the threat, they both flew in different directions disappearing behind the ruins.

Y/N turned back to Predaking who was still staring at Y/N, but not with anger but with embarrassment.

"What?" Y/N questioned, stepping back slightly. Predaking looked down mumbling something before looking back up with a blue tint.

"After battling, the defeated predacon must mate with the new alpha, I read about it in a secret decepticon file" Predaking never felt so embarrassed saying those lines making him blush harder.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot". Y/N quickly stole Predakings lips in a kiss, they both quickly warmed up to the kiss getting sloppier and heated. Predaking hesitantly rubbed at Y/N's interface plate, making Y/N groan and bite Predakings lower lip.

Y/N's plating hissed allowing him to remove it, Predaking grabbed a hold of Y/N's thick and riggid spike, slowly pumping it. Y/N moaned softly, continuing to stick his glossa into Predaking's mouth while making out. Predaking pulled away and sank down to his knees, licking Y/N's tip while blushing madly.

"Stop teasing" Y/N half demanded, carress Predakings helm. Predaking teasingly started to take Y/N in his mouth. Y/N hummed, watching as his spike slowly disappeared into Predaking's mouth.

Predaking starting bobbing his helm, using his glossa to rub Y/N's tip. He went at a smooth pace for a few minutes before Y/N took Predaking off his spike and pushed him down to the ground. Y/N got in between Predakings stabilisers and wrapped them around his waist, rubbing Predakings interface plate a few times it quickly hissed off allowing Y/N to align himself to Predakings dripping valve.

"Ready? Because im not going to be easy on you" Y/N rubbed himself against Predaking awaiting his answer.

"Hurry up and get it over with... my king" Predaking blushed and watched as Y/N smirked and sheathed himself with Predakings warm, tight walls. Predaking hissed in pain not getting the chance to adjust to Y/N's huge size, as he clawed his servos in the ground beside him.

Y/N's thrusts were hunger, after not breeding for millenia this felt like heaven. He placed his fists beside Predakings helm and growled, his beastly instincts taking over with breeding the predacon underneath him. Predaking panted, moaning becoming increasingly louder.

"Frag! P-please knot me!" Predaking's optics filt with fluid as his pelvis started to tighten signalling his overload, this would be his first overload since he was created. He surprisingly loved this feeling of being bred, he knew he would be a whining slag for his new king, begging to be filt with his offspring in the future. He moaned loudly as Y/N pushed his knot into Predaking, triggering his overload as Y/N filt him with his sweet juices.

They both panted, reminiscing in the moment before hearing someone clearing their throat. They both looked beside them and saw Skylynx standing beside Darksteel.

"Should we come back?" Skylynx asked with a bright blue blush across his faceplates. Predaking looked away in embarrassment, while Y/N eased his deflated knot out of Predaking.

"No, I have to breed you two also, pack rules" Y/N placed his and Predakings interface plates back on, standing back up and pulling Predaking up also.


Im the alpha im the leader!! 🐺

Gotta get those predacon numbers up somehow 😈

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