Optimus Prime 🚛 Pt.2 (tfp)

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Why am I excited myself?


Optimus had gone "missing", no one had seem him for almost 2 Earth months now. Everyone was worried, everyone except for Y/N. He'd emerge from his quarters every now and then which he seemed oddly protective of. He'd usually come out to see how everyone was doing, steal a cube of energon and then disappear all in the span of 5 minutes. No one seemed to find it suspicious since they were all wondering where Optimus was. But, he was in no trouble what so ever.

Optimus was being treated like a king. He got to lay in the comfortable confines of the nest he now called his home all day, he was fed, he was cared for and washed when needed, and he was continuously bred day in, and day out. He couldn't be happier. Although sometimes, he did feel guilty for leaving the others on their own, and he was informed by Y/N that they thought he was missing. He wanted to go out and show them he was fine and well, but he also didn't want to show he was currently 5 months sparked. The first and second month were fine, his stomach didn't show anything at all. Also with the third month, only a small unnoticeable bump, but nothing huge. But near the fifth month, it was a little obvious.

Y/N suggested being nest ridden from now on, since he didn't want Optimus going out in fear of Optimus getting hurt along with their pups. And also to let the others know that there would be more mouths to feed. Y/N was worried that some of them would disagree, so he had to hide Optimus and keep his mate and pups safe from being separated.

Y/N returned back to the quarters after leaving, bringing a fresh cube of energon back to Optimus and just being filt with so much love at the sight of his sparked mate. Y/N bit the corner of the energon cube and sat beside Optimus, propping his head up gently and feeding the energon to Optimus who hummed softly in delight of having the refreshment he was craving.

Optimus stroked his swollen stomach, his optics closed as he swallowed the energon, refuelling his tanks. After he finished the cube, he opened his optics to gaze up at Y/N taking in his beauty.

"Thank you... Is everything fine out there? Are they well? Anything major happening?" Optimus questioned, not being able to help but be concerned for his Autobots that thought he was missing. Y/N gently brought his servo down to caress Optimus's helm gently before travelling down to rub the forming stomach where his pups were growing.

"Yes, everything is fine with them. There haven't been any decepticon run ins which is good. No ones hurt, but I'll need to go out soon to get more energon for everyone, and for you and our sparkpups." Y/N explained, his gaze locked with uentranced by the Cybertronian infront of him. Optimus nodded understandingly, relieved that no one was hurt but only needed energon.

"That's good. I wish I could go out there and tell them I'm fine... or maybe go out for some fresh air." Optimus sighed, a little disappointed that he couldn't do what he wanted anymore. He wanted to go out, be a prime, but he also wanted to be a good carrier and not put his sparklings in any unnecessary danger. 

Y/N hummed, understanding his mates wishes, and he wanted to fulfill them, like how he always made Optimus happy. 

"I will take you out soon, my spark, I promise you. Maybe sooner than you think since there are no cons out." Y/N slowly shifted his frame to lay down beside Optimus, his servo gently holding the warm and sparkpup filled stomach he adored the sight of. Optimus smiled softly, the thought of getting out to just breathe was nice, even if he loved this royal treatment he was receiving, he needed a break. Optimus leaned into Y/N, his optics closing once more as he now began to relax.

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