Knockout 🚘 (tfp)

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After their first meeting, Knockout had nothing in his circuits except for Y/N, the large, bulky but slim build, fierce optics, and his servos. By the primes, the servos, they way they could wrap around his neck cables and cut his energon flow, they way they could carress his frame and feel every nook and cranny, and the way they could play and tease his valve.

Knockouts engine revved, he couldn't handle being pent up with unrelieved stress any longer. He grabbed his buffer from his bench, shining his armor, he made sure to double buff for the upcoming events. Smiling softly as he was sure he got everywhere, he raised his servo and smashed his beloved buffer against the wall, wincing as he did. Now he had a reason to leave, he strode out of the med bay and to the control room where the one and only Megatron resides.

"My liege, some fool snuck into my med bay and broke my sweet buffer, I've searched the storage rooms and we are out of buffers, may I be groundbridged to a work shop?" Knockout asked as non-chalantly as possible.

"Go get your silly tool, Soundwave, open a bridge for Knockout" Megatron dismissed Knockout with a small wave, a portal opened behind the two and Knockout was quick to transform and speed through.

Now the hunt begins, Knockout changed directions, turning his com links off.

"Where are you my juicy mech" Knockout drove from town to town before he stopped for a break in a small town, Jasper Nevada. He sighed deeply, slowly losing hope.

"I thought finding a giant, extinct predacon would be a piece of cake" Knockout hummed, gazing at the scenery before a familiar black haired boy walked out from a human fast food restaurant. Knockout smirked as the human got on an all to familiar motorcycle.

"This must be my lucky day" Knockout slowly followed the purple motorcycle making sure there's a car infront. They drove out of town, before they male human started taking glances behind them suspicious. Knockout decided to turn down a road, and park out behind a small gas station.

It was at least an hour wait before Knockout saw it, Y/N flying behind the clouds. He shifted into drive and followed the giant beast as best as he could, he didn't have to drive for long because the predacon finally landed and started smashing at a cliff wall. Knockout parked a couple feet away and transformed, watching the predacon at work.

Knockout smirked, crossing his arms as he watched the beasts frame tense and jolt in all the right places. Frag, Knockout felt as if he was in heat, his engines revved unusually loud catching the attention of Y/N, Y/N turned around and growled at the sight of the red con. Y/N approached Knockout but stopped and smelt his frame.

"Easy big boy, I'm freshly buffed" Knockout placed his servos against Y/N's faceplates, trying to keep him away from his armor. Y/N started to lick Knockouts frame and nudge him down to the sandy terrain, the scent Knockout was emitting was intoxicating to Y/N. It was the scent of a needy slag.

Y/N transformed once Knockout was laying on the ground, he sat in between Knockouts stabilisers, pulling them around his large hip struts.

"Frag, what's got you so ready to try and breed me?" Knockout half moaned, while Y/N started to grind their interface plates together.

"You're in heat, did it just start? If it didn't then it's a miracle I wasn't able to smell your needy valve from a mile away" Knockout moaned only now looking at his vitals and determining he is in heat.

"I guess I am in heat, perfect timing" Knockout smirked and unlatched his interface plate, showcasing his wet valve to Y/N.

Y/N growled and took his interface plate off discarding it somewhere behind him and stroked his spike a few times before aligning himself with Knockouts valve and pushing in.

Y/N gave no time for Knockout to adjust to his girth as he started thrusting, feeling Knockouts walls tighten around him.

Knockout was a moaning mess, his optics were rolled to the back of his helm and his servos were trying to find something to grab onto before grabbing onto Y/N's arms and digging his claws into his armor. The wet sounds that their genitals made when they made contact sent Y/N into a frenzy, the sweet scent of Knockouts sent just made him more of a beast than what he thought.

"Fr-Frag! Faster! Breed me with your thick spike!" Knockout started panting, moving his hips in sync with Y/N's vigorous thrusting. His servos wrapped around his own smaller spike and he started stroking himself, his stabilisers started shaking as his finish grew closer. Y/N grabbed Knockouts neck cables, squeezing as he to drew closer to his own release. Knockout slowly started choking on his own breath, feeling his stomach churn before releasing his juices on his and Y/N's pelvises. Knockout let his optics close as he felt Y/N release inside of him and lock them together. Knockout was on the verge of passing out, but Y/N released his grip and placed his servo on Knockouts thigh area.

"That was incredible" Knockout spoke softly, grazing his servo over his pelvis and feeling the growing bulge. His stomach was the size of a human female who was 5 Earth months pregnant. Y/N hummed and pulled his knot out of Knockout watching his fluids flow out of his swollen valve.

"Are you able to stand?" Y/N question placing Knockouts plating and his own back on.

"Nope" Knockout chuckled and sat up watching Y/N who walked to the cliff side and pulled a piece of energon from it before returning to Knockout and handing it to him. Knockout took the blue crystal and ate it at a slow pace admiring the mech who just ruined him for the first time in eons.

"Want to do this again handsome?" Knockout half smirked and watched as Y/N transformed and curled around Knockout purring.

"I'll take that as a yes"


It's like 1:20 am and I gotta wake up early

Hope u like it xx

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