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Kiara sighs as she looks in the mirror. The others are still getting changed because Steve had to explain this whole thing to Natasha and Sam first.

She still can't believe her dad is nowhere on Earth. He could be anywhere right now. For all she knows her dad could be dead.

She doesn't like this at all. Bruce sounded really shaken on the phone, like he faced the actual devil.

Kiara missed her dad really much these past few years and now she doesn't even know if he's still alive. She already lost her mom a few years ago, she can't lose her dad, too.

Her thoughts get interupted when Steve walks into their room. His suit is not what it looked like when she first met him. He is also the same person anymore. The same goes for her.

When Steve first met her she was agent Stark. A sweet girl with good skills who wasn't that good in control of her powers.

Now she's known as Quake, Destroyer of Worlds. A known fugitive with great combat skills and very good in control of her powers.

When Kiara first met Steve he was just a sweet, innocent boy who didn't understand much of this world full of tech.

Now he's also a known fugitive who's not so innocent anymore. Sweet? Of course he still was. But he was much rougher.

They both changed. Being on the run does that to you.

'Hey.' He says as he walks further into the room. 'You okay?'

Kiara sighs and turns around to see him.

'Yeah. I was just thinking. I just- I just feel a little lightheaded.'

He walks to Kiara and gives her a hug and a kiss on the top of her head.

'You up for this? You don't have to if you don't feel good.'

'I want to. Our friends are in trouble and they need our help.'

'Okay. But if you don't feel up to it, then don't. They may be in trouble but you are important, too.'

This is what Kiara likes- no- love's about Steve. Even if the whole world would be in trouble, Steve always checks on her first.

'I know.' Kiara says as she pulls away. 'But I feel up for it.'

Steve leans in and gives her a kiss.

'Okay.' He wispers.


The 'team' is on their way to Edinburgh. That's where Wanda and Vision are. When Steve, Natasha and Sam freed Wanda with the help of Vision they made a deal.

Check in every now and then. But Vision shut down his transmitter so both the Avengers at the compound have no idea how to track them. But Steve does.

When they land somewhere in Edinburgh they see fire and destruction all around them.

'They're already here.' Kiara says as the four walk out of the Quinjet.

'We need to hurry.' Steve says.

Kiara, Natasha and Sam are hiding at the trainstation until Steve gives the 'go' sign. They see Wanda standing up, getting ready to fight Thanos' warriors while protecting a wounded Vision.

Then a train goes by and Steve walks behind it. But somehow the warriors know he's there so they look from Wanda to the figure that stands behind the train.

Once Wanda notices that they're looking at the silhouette, Wanda turns around to see it, too.

When the train finally passed and tgey see him standing there, one of the warriors throws her stick but Steve catches it and walks into the light.

That's the sign for the other three to go and fight those aliens. Sam kicks a the alien woman through a glass while Natasha runs to Wanda and Vision.

Kiara runs to the alien man and catches the stick Steve throws at her. She slides on her knees past him and cuts him with the stick.

When he was about to stab her Kiara came to him first and stabbed him in his stomach. He cries out in pain. Kiara uses her powers to send vibrations through him which increases the pain. And while he's distracted she uses a move Natasha learned her and kicks him on the ground.

But then the stick gets takes out of Kiara's hands by the alien woman who's about to attack her but Steve takes the stick from the alien man and stops the woman before she stabs his girlfriend.

Steve and Kiara both fight her while Natasha is still with Wanda and Vision. Sam flies in and kicks the woman to the ground next to the other one.

'Get up.' She says to him.

'I can't.' He replies back.

'We don't wanna kill you.' Kiara says. 'But we will.'

'You'll never get the chace again.'

Then they both get beamed up, taking the stick in Steve's hand with them. Then a large shop flies away.

Sam, Steve and Kiara walk to Natasha, Wanda and Vision once the huge ship dissapeart into the sky.

'Can you stand?' Sam asks as he helps Vision to get up.

'Thank you, Captain.' Vision says.

'Let's get you on the jet.' Steve says.

The door closes and Sam takes off before more of Thanos' army get back to try and take the Mind Stone a second time.

'Now, I thought we had a deal.' Natasha says. 'Stay close, check in, don't take any chances.'

'I'm sorry.' Wanda says. 'We just wanted time.'

'Where to, Cap?' Sam asks.

'Home.' Steve answers.

Kiara sits down by Wanda and Vision while she opens the top of her suit. She looks at her wound she got from that alien man.

'You okay, Kie?' Wanda asks.

'Yeah. It's nothing.' Kiara answers.

Steve comes with a med kit and sits infront of Kiara while he gets some stuff out of it.

'Steve-' Kiara begins but get's cut off by Steve.

'If you don't clean this wound it's gonna infect.'

Kiara knows that there is no point in talking back to the Captain America so she just gives in. Steve starts to clean the wound which makes Kiara whine.

'Heard what you did.' Vision says, partly trying to distract Kiara.

'Did what?' Kiara says as she looks at him.

'You took down the Watchdogs. Good job.' Wanda says.

'Actually, it was only one person who needed to be stopped.'

'What do you mean?' Natasha says as she walks to the group.

'The Watchdogs were being controlled.' Kiara says.

'By who?' Natasha asks.

'You and I both knew him, Nat. It was Felix Blake.'

'That son of a bitch!' Natasha swears.

'Wait- wait. Who's Felix Blake?' Vision asks.

'He was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.' Kiara answers.

'Why the hell did he betray us?!' Natasha asks mad.

'According to A.C. after Deathlock broke his back and he ended up in the hostpital, he went off grid. Nobody saw him until me and my family and friends took him down.'

'Never liked him anyways.' Natasha says blunt.


'All done.' Steve says as he puts everything in the med kit again.

'Cap. We're here.'

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