1 || Incident

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Hi, my name is Imani Williams

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Hi, my name is Imani Williams. I just moved to Savannah Georgia. It's quite an adjustment compared to the crampy town I lived in before.

My mom got a really good job here that supposedly pays so well that she enrolled me in a fancy public school.

I wouldn't put it past that it'll be filled with annoying obnoxious kids but we can only hope it won't, right?

We've been unpacking for the past 3 days and it was starting to get sickening. So I decided to go out for a stroll on my ever-so-lovely bike.

I don't own a car so if my mom isn't driving me my transportation is either this bike or walking. And I don't have the stamina to walk that far.

It's been a long day, at least for me and it's currently 5:30. I have some wireless headphones connected to my phone that lie in the basket of my bike.

I have songs shuffling on play from my most used playlist. Taking in my surroundings I notice just how beautiful it is here.

Greenish-Orangish grass and beautiful fall-colored trees litter the scene making it seem almost unreal.

But besides that.

I came out here to think about life and how I ended up where I am now. My father is a deadbeat. He walked out on us.

I was only a few months old and my brother and sister were around 3. After he left and pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth life has been tough.

My mom struggled so much to provide for us after that. We almost ended up homeless.

Now my older siblings are 21 and living their best college lives while I'm stuck here with my mom. Don't get me wrong I love my mother to death for what she did for us.

I'm just jealous of how they get to stay in one place, make friends, and not have to leave them after 5 months. I mean for crying out loud this is our THIRD move of the YEAR.

I don't even know why I bother trying to settle every time we move knowing the fact it won't last. But I refuse to be lonely, I mean I may keep to myself but this is high school for crying out loud.

I'm just tired. I want a normal life like every other teen my age. You know not moving every few months but I never get a say in what happens and it's so unfair- My thoughts get cut off by someone yelling.

"Hey, what are you- WATCH OUT!" They yell but it's too late. I attempt to turn my bike handles but hit their skateboard resulting in my bike falling and me landing half on top of the poor person.

I gasp loudly with a 'oof' at the impact though it wasn't as bad as this person broke my fall. Wait- the person. I gasp loudly and immediately open my eyes only to find warm hazel ones staring right back at me.

I quickly scramble to my feet muttering 'sorry' continuously. I put my hand out to help him up which he takes almost pulling me back down as he does.

I dust off my clothes and finally look up at the giant towering over me. I took a step back noticing just how close we were.

I raked my eyes down his figure. He had curly dark brown hair, with the warmest hazel eyes I've probably ever seen. He was wearing a black shirt and black sweatpants with his skateboard now in hand.

I brought my eyes back up to his face to find him staring at me questionably. This seemed to pull me back into reality and I began to bend down and pick up my bike and phone.

I examined my phone slowly. Oh thank God there are no cracks.

"What's your name?" The boy asked me his deep voice startling me. I contemplated telling him my name as I got situated on my bike.

I finally looked up at him and sighed, "My name is Imani." I told him with a small smile. I then started peddling in the direction I came in not looking back.

"Well hopefully i'll see you around Imani," The boy yelled after me causing the faintest smile to appear on my lips.

"Well hopefully i'll see you around Imani," The boy yelled after me causing the faintest smile to appear on my lips

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Chapter one redo!!!!

Thanks for reading toodles!!

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