9 || Wendy's Diner (filler)

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"IMANI YOU BETTER BE FUCKING READY!" I hear Alex shout from downstairs

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"IMANI YOU BETTER BE FUCKING READY!" I hear Alex shout from downstairs.

One thank the lord my mother isn't home right now, and two I really need to take that house key away from her.

I groaned from my comfortable state on my bed wrapped in a cocoon of blankets and watching peaky blinders on my laptop.

Alex barged into my room the door hitting the wall in the process.

If that leaves a dent she's dead.

"Why are you still in bed?" She asks almost yelling.

"Because it's a Friday night?" I say in a questioning tone confused as to what she's going at.

"Because it's a Friday night," She started in a mocking tone, "I told you we have a pool party to attend." She finished walking into my closet.

I groaned and flopped back in bed closing my eyes.

I miss the old Alex, straight from the go Alex- let me stop.

My eyes snapped open as I felt fabric fall on my face. I sat up to look at Alex who had her hands on her hips.

"Well get dressed we don't have all day, Mateo is coming in fifteen." She said walking out of the room.

I looked down at the black bathing suit in my hands only one thought running through my head.

Jeez, she is so bossy.


"Come on, plus Carson will be here your boyfriend!" Alex said emphasizing the word boyfriend making me scowl.

She and Mateo who was behind us laughed resulting in me rolling my eyes.

Mateo then ran up to Alex who was walking backward while speaking and threw her over his shoulder.

She squealed as they laughed disappearing into the backyard.

At this point, I should get paid for the amount of third-wheeling I do. Especially when we were in the car, ugh that was DISGUSTING.


"You're so cute babe," Mateo exclaimed taking glances at Alex and making her giggle uncontrollably.

What the fuck is going on?

"You're even cuter baby!" She gushed kissing his cheek making me wanna jump out of the vehicle.

I need fucking therapy.



Now here I am standing by a chair that could've possibly been the surface where a child was conceived judging by the spots on it.


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