6 || Arguments & Hangouts

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The silence at this table is so loud

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The silence at this table is so loud. It'd dinner time and my mother brought chipotle for dinner. This is my favorite but right now something is wrong and it's throwing me off.

I can't even enjoy my food because I'm so anxious. I'm pretty positive my mother is mad at me but she's not even saying anything and it's scaring me.

"So," I start trying to get her to at least speak to me. She hasn't spoken since she called me down for dinner.

My mother only pears up at me before looking back towards her laptop taking a bite from her bowl in the process.

I stare for a few seconds more before going back to my food as well. The cleaning of my mother's throat snaps my head up looking at her with wide eyes.

"So," She starts looking up at me briefly before turning back to her laptop screen "Where were you last night?" She asks never looking up.

I gulp. How do I tell my black mother that I stayed the night at a boy's house?

"And don't try and say you were at Alex's because her mother informed me that Alex was staying at our house which was obviously a lie." She says.

Oh shit.

"Oh um," you know what I'm just gonna be straightforward, "I was at my friend Carson's house with Alex," I say all in one breath.

"I knew it. This town is no good for you we need to move again," My mother starts rambling making me stand up instantly.

"NO! We are NOT going to move again just because of your thoughts and problems." I yell. Woah did I just talk back to my mother? Oh shit.

I sunk back in my seat scared of what my mother would say. She just simply stared at me.

"Okay." She said in a deadly calm voice.


"Look ma I'm sorry for talking to you like that," I said sincerely. I mean I truly am sorry for my outburst.

It's just we move so often and it takes away from my teenage years. Cause I'm always labeled as the 'new girl' and that title just sickens me.

My mother nods her head at me turning back to her computer.

"Can I still hang out with my friends tomorrow?" I asked nervous about her answer.

The plans were already made and I'd hate to cancel last minute and stay at home lonely for the day.

My mom stares at me making me furrow my eyebrows before she nods her head.

Wait. For real?

"Yes?" I ask shocked to which she nods her head again. I jump up from my seat and hug her tightly making her chuckle a bit.

She taps my back and I step away. "Thank you so much ma, I'm going to go to bed now!" I say excitedly kissing her forehead.

"Love you," I say walking away from the kitchen, "Love you more!" She calls out.

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