4 || Party & Thor

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It's been two weeks

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It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I moved here. Two weeks since I started my senior year at Savannah High.

And quite frankly it's honestly not that bad. My mother wasn't kidding when she said this school was fancy. But she did forget to mention how strict they can be.

I forgot my homework ONCE and got sent to the front office.

Anyways currently we're at lunch and by we're I mean me and Alex. We just got our trays and are sitting at our usual table located toward the back of the room.

"So," Alex starts dragging out the 'O' sound. I raise an eyebrow at her in a questioning manner indicating for her to continue. "I heard some news about a jock party happening this Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me."

At this, my eyebrows raise almost to my hair line and I choke on my milk. "One since when did you go to parties? and two why." I ask dumbfounded.

Alex rolls her eyes before answering, "I can go to parties and you're my only friend." She starts defensively but ends her statement by whining.

"Please Mani pretty please with a cherry on top!" she begs taking hold of my hands in the process of persuading me.

I sigh loudly rolling my eyes at her stupidity but agreeing nonetheless. She happily lets go of my hands cheering and stuffing a french fry in her mouth.

One this I've learned about Alex is that compared to her two weeks ago, BOY she can talk. I mean I love that about her just wasn't expecting it.

I mean she seemed so quiet and innocent but now I know that is the complete opposite.

For the rest of the lunch period we sit and talk about today's events future events and more. I am so not ready for this party.


It's party time bitches.

I just finished getting ready for the party and am currently waiting for Alex to get here.

I'm wearing black biker shorts and a graphic tee. I wanted it to be something comfy in case I get home late and am lazy.

I finished off my look with some lip gloss to coat my lips. I stare at myself in the mirror and hot damn do I look good.

A knock at the door cuts me off ad I immediately rush down the stairs. "IM GOING NOW MOM!" I yell as I don't know where my mom is.

"OKAY!" She yells back giving me the green light. I open the door and step outside closing it again. Finally, I set my eyes on Alex and raise a brow.

"Your wearing sweats, won't you get hot?" I question and she waves me off with a roll of her eyes. "Just come on," she says already walking off my porch.

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