Queen Amidala is standing with Kina watching the Federation Army arrive in her courtyard.. "Today is a sad day for Naboo.." Padme said to Kina.. "Yes indeed it is. But why are they doing this? That is what I want to know." Kina said to the queen.. Nute Gunray and Lott Dod, have just left the landing craft.. "Viceroy, we have captured the Queen." Captain Roger Droid said.. "Ah Viceroy, Victory at last." Nute Gunray said with just a hint of excitement..
Stingray ship arriving, it has come from the swamplands to the lake at the palace.. "Mm, dis'n lovely." Jar Jar said looking around.. Top is off the ship, engines have powered down.. Qui-Gon standing looking around, surveying the area.. He doesn't like what he sees..
"How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?" Sio Bibble asked Nute Gunray as they walked down the long staircase in the Palace.. "The Queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimise our occupation. I have assurances that it will be ratified by the senate." Nute Gunray said with confidence.. "I will not cooperate." Queen Amidala replied with just as much confidence.. "Now your Highness, in time the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view.. Commander." Nute Gunray said.. "Yes Sir?" Roger Droid replied.. "Process them." Nute Gunary said.. "Captain, take them to camp 4." Roger Droid said.. "Roger Roger." Droid replied..
He then led them out into the courtyard under guard.. Jedi are watching from the balcony above.. They follow them to the overpass in the courtyard.. Jedi Jump down to face the guards.. "Whoops!" Jar Jar yells as he hangs off the side of the bridge.. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan spring into action.. Their lightsabers are humming as they hit the ground at the same time.. They begin the Jedi dance whooshing their lightsabers around, slicing and dicing droids.. Jedi are so cool.. "Whoo-hoo-hoo." Jar Jar said with excitement as he watched them.. Well I for one am impressed by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.. Finally Qui-Gon force pushes droids, while Obi-Wan slices the other one's head off.. "We should leave the street, Your Highness." Qui-Gon said to them.. Sio leading Queen Amidala away from the open street. "Get their weapons." Qui-Gon said to the volunteer army.. "Whoa, yousa guys bombad!" Jar Jar said with pride.. Once they are out of sight of the Federation army, they stop to talk..
"We're Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor." Qui-Gon Said to them.. "Your negotiations seemed to have failed Ambassadors." Sio Bibble said with distaste.. "The Negotiations never took place. It's urgent that we make contact with the Republic." Qui-Gon said.. "They've knocked out all our communications." Captain Typho said.. "Do you have transports?" Qui-Gon asked.. "In the main hangar. This way." Captain Typho said leading the way..
At the hangar, there are Roger Droids everywhere.. "There are too many of them." Captain Typho said.. "That won't be a problem." Qui-Gon replied.. "Your Highness, under the circumstances I suggest you come to Coruscant with us." Qui-Gon said to her.. "Thank you Ambassador, but my place is with my people." Queen Amidala replied.. "They'll kill you if you stay." Qui-Gon said.. "They wouldn't dare!" Sio Bibble said in anger.. "They need her to sign a treaty ro make this invasion legal. They can't kill her." Captain Typho said.. "There's something else behind all this, Your Highness. There's no logic in the Federation's move here.. My feelings tell me they will destroy you." Qui-Gon said.. "Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us.. Senator Palpatine will need your help." Sio Bibble said to the Queen.. "Ethier choice presents great danger to us all." Queen Amidala said.. "We are brave, My Lady." Kina said to the Queen.. "If you are to leave Your Highness, it must be now." Qui-Gon said.. "Then I will plead our case to the Senate.. Be careful Governor." Queen Amidala said..
They all head out into the hangar with Qui-Gon and Obi out front.. "We will need to free those pilots." Captain Typho said looking over at them all sitting under Roger Droid guard.. "I'll deal with that." Obi-Wan replied.. I bet you will Obi-Wan.. Qui-Gon marched right up to the Roger Droids.. "Halt." They say.. "I'm Ambassador to the Supreme Chancellor. I'm takeing these people to Coruscant." he said.. Like it was an everyday occurrence.. "Where are you taking them?" Roger Droid asked.. "To Cursaunt." Qui-Gon replied.. Not the sharpest tools in the shed are the old Roger Droids.. "Courosaunt, that does not compute. Uh, wait, Uh you are under arrest." Roger Droid said.. Bugger! Oh lightsaber time.. Goodie.. Qui-Gon didn't mess around, he just sliced the Droid in half.. Nice.. Obi-Wan is over doing the Jedi Jump, taking out his droids, before he slices and dices them.. "Go!" Obi-Wan said to them.. Pilots all jump to their feet, they all rush onto the ship.. The Council is also boarding with the Queen.. "Move!" Qui-Gon said to them. Finally all are aboard, the Jedi have a couple of more droids to slice and dice, before they too are aboard.. I think Jedi are just so cool.... Ship is away.. "Now stay here and keep out of trouble." Obi-Wan said to Jar Jar.. Not possible Obi-Wan.. Especasiley as you have left him with the Astromech droids.. "Hello." Jar Jar said to them.. Beeping and whistling..
star wars the phantom menace⭐️
FanfictionAnakin skywalker has a sister and brother Cade and Ashlyn skywalker