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"Your Highness

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"Your Highness." Captain Typho said as he approached.. "What is the situation?" Padme asked.. "Almost everyone's in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground resistance movement.. I brought back as many as I could.. The Federation army's much larger than we thought, and stronger.. Your Highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win?" Captain Typho asked her.. "The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw the droid army away from the cities.. R2." Padme said.. R2 projects out a hologram.. "We can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side.. Once we get to the main entrance. Captain Typho will create a diversion. Then we can enter the Palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy they will be lost and confused.." Padme said.. "What do you think, Master Jedi?" Kina asked them.. "The Viceroy will be well guarded." Qui-Gon said.. "The difficulty is getting into the throne room.. Once we are inside, we shouldn't have a problem." Captain Typho said.. "There is a possibility that with this diversion, Many Gungans will be killed." Qui-Gon said.. "Wesa ready to do our-san part." Boss said.. "We have a plan which should immobilize the droid army.. We will send what pilots we have to knock out the droid control ship that is orbiting the planet.." Kina said.. "A well conceived plan.. However there's great risk.. The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields." Qui-Gon said.. "There's an even bigger danger, if the Viceroy escapes, Your Highness, he will return with another droid army." Obi-Wan said.. "Well that is why we must not fail to get the Viceroy. Everything depends on it." Padme said.. R2 beeps.

"She is more foolish than I thought." Darth Sidious said.. "We are sending all troops to meet the army assembling near the swamp. It appears to be made up of primitives." Nute Gunray said.. "This will be to our advantage." Darth Sidious said.. "I have your approval to proceed then, My Lord?" Nute Gunray asked.. "Wipe them out. All of them." Darth Sidious said.....

In the swamps the Gungan Army are on their beasties.. They are all coming out of the mist, hundreds of them horns blasting as they march.. .. That is so spooky.. "Halt!" General said.. "Starting up the shields." Gungan said.. Huge dome around them.. Over the hill the droid army with their hover tanks is coming.. "Open fire." Droid said.. Hover cannons all firing.. But the Gungan's shield is holding strong....

Padme, Kina, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Cade, Obi-Wan and R2 are all hiding in the city hiding behind a building.... Before they rush off on their mission.. Qui-Gon crouches down and talks to Anakin and Cade.. "Once we get inside, you two find a safe place to hide and stay there." He said to them.. "Sure." Anakin said.. "Yes Sir. May the Force be with you." Cade said..  "Thank you, now stay there right!" Qui-Gon said.. Captain Typho then fires on the tanks and the droids all rush to fire back..  Leaving room for the others to run through.. Lightsabers are now humming and whooshing away.. Obi-Wan has taken out a droid.. Cade and Anakin both watch on with awe.. They are into the Hangar, where the droids are firing on them.. Anakin and Cade have made their way over and around some of the boxes in the hangar.. Padme and Kina are out with their blasters,  fighting with the Jedi.. "I thought the battle was going to take place away from here." Nute Gunray said looking at his monitor.. "This is too close." Lott Dod said.. Back inside the Hangar.. "Anakin, Cade, find cover now!" Qui-Gon yelled at them.. "Quick get to your ships." Padme said to her pilots.. R2 rushes off and jumps up into a ship.. "Come this way." Anakin said to Cade.. Padme, Kina and the Jedi are taking out the droids.. Anakin and Cade hide in the same ship that R2 is in.. They both watch as the others fight.. "Are you scared?" Cade asked.. "No. you?" Anakin replied.. "No way!" Cade replied..   R2 is beeping at them.. Pilots are off to destroy the control ship.. "Fighters straight ahead." Pilot said.. "Roger Bravo leader." Pilot said..

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