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The Queen is still in her little pod with Senator Palpatine.. He is whispering into her ear about the proceedings.. Making her believe she is helping by overthrowing Chancellor Valorum.. Even as a Senator, Palpatine is a nasty piece of work..

Cade has just stepped out of the Jedi Council Chambers to find, Outside Aayla, Ashlyn and Quinlan.. "I believe that Anakin will not pass the test Master.. He is too old to be trained.." Obi-Wan said with "Ankin will become a Jedi, I promise you." Qui-Gon said to him.. "Can I ask for you to be my teacher?" Cade asked Aayla.. She smiled.. "Do you not want to come and learn from me?" Quinlan asked.. Cade looked at Aayla again.. "He trained me, he is a very patient Master." Aayla said with a smile.. "Something I hear you still have to learn Obi-Wan?" Ashlyn said, smiling at him.. "I'm very close to taking the trials." Obi-Wan replied.. "Rials for what?" Ashlyn asked.. "To leave your Master and become a Jedi, in your own right." Aayla said.. "Like you." Ashlyn said, smiling at her.. "Well I still do not think your brothers will even pass the test." Obi-Wan said to her.. "Oh ye of little faith Obi-Wan.. Has your Master taught you nothing, but to defy the council?" Quinlan said.. Qui-Gon bowed his head.. "Not any more." Obi-Wan said.. "Good to see you are not perfect after all." Ashlyn said, smiling at him..  "Here." Cade said hanging Obi-Wan his field glassed back..  "When did you take them?" He asked.. "On the ship.. I was going to keep them.. But I thought that might not be the Jedi way." Cade said with a smile.. "So I guess you still have a lot to learn after all, Obi-Wan." Ashlyn said giggling.. "Hey, Cade, they want to see you now." Anakin said to him.  "I'm on it." Cade said with a grin at Aayla..

Inside the Council rooms with Cade, he stands in front of Mace Windu.. Mace has a talbot with pictures on it.. "A ship.. Cup.. Ship.. Speeder bike.." Cade said as each image came up on the screen.. Mace looked over at Yoda.. They did not believe that both boys could be so strong with the Force.. "Sister, you have, yes?" Yoda asked.. "Yes. She is the same. Only she shines bright.. Want to meet her?" Cade asked.. "No, not right now." Mace said to him.. "Your loss.  She is so much prettier than Aayla.." Cade said with a grin.. "Mmmm.." Yoda said.. "Bring the other boy in, with Gui-Gon.." Mace said.. Anakin, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Quinlan enter.. "Master Voss, why are you here?" Mace asked...  "Interested in one of the boys to train, yes?" Yoda asked.. "Yes, Master Yoda." Quinlan said bowing to him.. "How feel you, boys?" Yoda asked.. "Cold, Sir." The booth replied.. "See through you, we can." Yoda said..  "Be mindful of your feelings." Mace said to them.. "Your thoughts dwell on your Mother." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.. "Yes, Sir they do." Cade said, looking at him with a strange look.. "We miss her." Anakin said.. "Afraid to lose her, mmmm?" Yoda asked.. "No, not really." Cade replied.. "Fear is a path to the dark side.. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." Yoda said.. "You are the Jedi not me.." Cade said.. Quinlan put his hand on Cade's shoulder.. "I sense much fear in you." Yoda said.. Cade this time held his tongue..

"Sen in the sister." Mace said.. Ashlyn was led into the room, she smiled at the Jedi Masters, all sitting around in a circle.. She went to stand with Obi-Wan, as Anakin and Cade were staging in front of Qui-Gon and Quinlan.. "Hello." Ashlyn said, smiling at them.. Mace smiled at her automatically.. No one in the room spoke, they were watching Ashlyn like she was a brand new star system they had just discovered.. "I guess you asked me here for a reason.. Is it my brothers?" Ashlyn asked.. "Yes." Mace said, still smiling at her.. "Cade gave the glasses back to Obi-Wan.. He was never going to keep them." Ashlyn said with a giggle.. Mace and the others all giggled too.. "You do not fear the loss of your Mother?" Yoda asked.. "She is not dead.. She is here in my heart.. Always will be." Ashlyn said.. Silence.. "May I say something?" Ashlyn asked.. "Yes." Mace said without a thought.. "No disrespect to any of you.. But you fear Anakin and Cade will turn to the dark side.. Is it because your once apprentice did?" She asked Yoda..  "No." Yoda replied.. "Because I can feel the dark side here in the Council room.. I can also feel it in the Senate." Ashlyn said to them.. "Mmmm.. You too have abused your power." Yoda said.. "But I have never gone to the dark side." Ashlyn said with a smile..

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