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"Hello I Jar Jar." He said to Ashlyn.. "Hello Jar Jar." She replied with a bright smile.. "Mesa like hersa." Jar Jar said.. "I'm Qui-Gon Jinn.  Your son's were kind enough to offer us shelter." He said to Shmi.. "I'm building a Droid, want to see him?" Anakin asked Pame, not waiting for an answer, he dragged her into his room.. "Oh yes, he is building a protocol droid.." Cade said following him into the room with Kina..  "His name's 3PO come on I'll show you." Anakin said.. He was so excited.. "Oh mooie-mooie." Jar Jar said.. R2-D2 follows them into Anakin's room.. "Isn't he great? Of course he is not finished yet." Anakin said.. He then turns 3PO on.. "You forgot his eye." Cade said, shoving it into hisd socket..  "He's wonderful." Padme said smiling.. R2-D2 beeps.. "You really like him?" Anakin asked Padme.. "Anakin built him to help Mum." Cade said.. "Uh oh uh, where is everybody?" 3PO said.. Anakin fiddles with his eye.. "Wops." He said.. "There." Anakin said.. "Oh hello." 3PO said to Padme.. He then looked at Kina.. "Oh there are two of you." He said going to stand in front of R2-D2..  "I am C3PO human-cyborg relations.  Who might I be speaking to?" He asked.. "He's perfect." Padme said.. "Oh perfect." 3PO said with pride.. "When the storm is over, I'll show you my podracer.. Did you want to see Ashlyn's BD1 unit.. It growls like a Jawa." Anakin said with a smile.. 3PO wobbles across the floor.. "I'm not sure this floor is entirely stable.. Oh hello.  I don't believe we have been introduced.  I am." 3PO said R2-D2 beeps.. "R2-D2 a pleasure to meet you.. I am C3PO Human-cyborg relations." He said.. R2 beeping again.. "Naked? I beg your pardon? What do mean Naked?" 3PO asked.. R2 beeping cheekily.. "My parts are showing?  My goodness Oh!" 3PO said... "Not quite perfect yet then. So what about you Cade, what bot do you have?" Kina said.. "Bot's are not my thing, girls are.." Cade said with a smile.. Kina blushed..

"Are there more of you on the ship?" Ashlyn asked Qui-Gon.. "No, why do you ask?" He replied.. He watched her with amazement, the light was shining so bright from her.. She reminded him of Master Yoda.. "I just thought there would be more of you." Ashlyn said.. "Well no, this is it." He replied, smiling at her.. "I baked some star cookies.. You might want to take them back to the ship, too, just for you and the girls to enjoy, later.. Oh and the Gunguan, Jar Jar." Ashlyn said, smiling at him again.. "Thank you." Qui-Gon replied, taking the tin with the cookies in it..

"Come into my room, I want to show you my BD1 unit.. Of course it is not as advanced as Anakin's 3PO.. He barks like the Jawa talk.. Oh by the way I cooked dinner.. Unlike Anakin and Cade, I can cook." Ashlyn said, smiling at Padme and Kina when they came out of Anakin and Cade's room..... "Oh really?" Padme asked with a smile.. "I can too." Anakin said as he followed.. "I will not pretend that I do.. Because I definitely do not." Cade said to Kina.. "So you plan on going hungry a lot then?" KIna asked.. "No, I am sure there will be some girl, or boy like Anakin that will look out for me." Cade said with a grin..  "Do you want to see my BD1 unit?" Ashlyn asked.. "I would like to." Kina said smiling.. "Yes, that would be fun." Padme said.. "Here he is, want to hear him bark?" Ashlyn asked.. "No, he sounds like a Jawa screaming for help." Anakin said, teasing his sister.. "Do they scream for help?" Ashlyn asked.. "When they are being killed they would." Cade said.. "Anakin, Cade, Ashlyn, time to wash up for dinner." Shmi called them.. "Come on the bathroom is this way.. It is good to wash the sand off before you eat. It doesn't taste too good." Anakin said, taking Padme by the hand.. Cade smiled at Kina as they followed on..  "Girl time." Ashlyn said to her brothers and Jar Jar at the door.. "Fine, we will go wash up in the kitchen with Mr Qui-Gon." Anakin said walking off.. Once the door was closed, Ashlyn pulled Padme and Kina down to her level.. "I know you are the Queen.. You are so young and pretty." Ashlyn said, smiling at Padme.. "I am not a Queen." Padme replied.. "I know you are." Ashlyn said.. "I could be Queen." Kina said.. "No, you are her twin sister..  Just like I know that man Mister Qui-Gon is a Jedi.  I saw you coming a long time ago." Ashlyn said with a smile.. "You can see the future?" Padme asked.. "Yes, can't you?" Ashlyn asked with a smile.. "No." Padme replied with a smile.. "Not a lot of people can do that." Kina replied.. "Oh.. I just thought...." Ashlyn said looking bewildered.. "I...." Kina was going to say want to know how we are going to get around this blockade.. When Cade banged on the door.. "Mum said enough girl time.. Anakin and I are hungry." He yelled through the door.. He then laughed, he knew he had disturbed them..

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