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A ship has arrived on Tatooine.. Darth Maul has arrived.. He has his glasses out, as he scans the area.. Nothing to see here.. He sets an alarm off, out of the ship come three probe droids.. They are sent out onto the planet.. I am guessing he is on the lookout for Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.. 

Qui-Gon has entered the hangar where all the pod racers are.. Watto is on him as soon as he sees him.. "I want to see your spaceship, the moment the race is over." Watto said to him..  "You know he has one, Watto.." Ashlyn said to him.. "Have you seen it?" Watto asked her.. "No." Ashlyn replied.. "Then go away." Watto said to her.. "Fine!" Ashlyn said walking off.. "Patience my blue friend.  You'll have your winnings before the suns sets, and we will be far away from here." Qui-Gon said.. "Not if your ship belongs to me, I think huh?" Watto said with a laugh.. "I warn you no funny business." He said glaring at Qui-Gon.. "You don't think Anakin can win?" Qui-Gon asked him.. "Don't get me wrong.  No.  I have good faith in the boy.  He's a credit to your race, but uh.. Sebulba there is going to win I think." Watto said..

"Oh no!" Jar Jar said when he looked over at Sebulba.. Two blue Twi'leks were rubbing his feet and shoulders.. The same one who attacked Jar Jar in the market place yesterday.. "Why do you think that?" Qui-Gon asked.. "He always wins!" Watto said laughing.. "I'll be betting on Sebulba." He said.. "I'll take that bet." Qui-Gon said.. "You what?" Watto asked.. "I'll wager my new racing pod against, say, the children and their Mother." Qui-Gon said.. "No. One Pod is not worth four slaves.. Not by a long shot." Watto said.. "The children then?" Qui-Gon said right back to him. "Hmm well, uh, that is still three slaves." Watto said, remembering he had sold them all to the man last night... But it was a bet, and he liked to bet.. "We'll let the fate decide huh? I just happen to have a chance cube here.. Blue it's the kids, red it's the Mother." Watto said.. He pulls the cube out of his little bag.. He throws the dice on the ground, it has five red sides and one blue.. Qui-Gon uses the force to make it go to blue, just as the Jedi did yesterday.. Watto grumbles.. "Alright, you win this small toss outlander.. But you won't win the race! So it makes little difference!" Watto said as he flew away from Qui-Gon..

Padme, Anakin, Cade and Kina have just arrived on the Eopies.. With Shmi and Kister on the other.. R2 has dragged the pod in with 3PO at his side.. Ashlyn has now run back into the hangar.. "Better stop your friends from betting, or I'll own him too." Watto said as he flew past Anakin.. "What was that about?" Anakin asked.. "I'll tell you later." Qui-Gon said.. "Good morning." He said to Shmi as he helped her down.. Ashlyn looked over and smiled.. She wished that it was Qui-Gon that was going her mother happy.. R2 is beeping again.. Ashlyn turned to him and patted him.. "You did really good, little buddy." She said.. R2 beeps again.. "Oh my, space travel sounds rather perioless." 3PO said as they all stood together.. "Have you been telling tales R2?" Ashlyn asked with a giggle.. R2 beeps again.. "Well I can assure you, they will never get me into one of those dreadful starships." 3PO said.. "I'll go with you R2." Ashlyn said smiling.. Beeping again..

"This is so wizard Ani.. I'm sure you'll do it this time." Kister said.. "Do what?" Padme asked.. "Finish the race of course." Kister said.. "You've never won a race?" Padme asked.. "Well, not exactly." Anakin said with a smile.. "But he does race very fast." Cade said, smiling at Kina.. "But you have never finished?" Kina asked with a doubtful look.. "Kister is right. I will this time." Anakin said with a huge grin.. "Of course he will." Qui-Gon said..  "Yes, Padme, have faith in our little friends." Kina said, smiling at Cade.. Darth Maul's little probe droids are in the market square, probing..

In the huge stands, the crowd cheers.. Announcer is talking huttese.. Oh it's an alien with two heads.. "That's absolutely correct.. Podracers, there is a big turn out from all corners of the outer rim territories.. I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.." Head two said..  Head one speaking huttese.. Anakin, Cade, Kister and Ashlyn have dragged their pod onto the starting grid.. "I see Ben Quadinaraos from the Tund system." Head two said.. Head one talks huttese. "Two times winner Boles Roor." Head two said.. Speaking huttese.. "Sebulba!" Head two yelled.. He was excited now.. Crowd cheers.. Sebulba of course is blowing kisses to the crowd.. Oh my he has one orange pod with huge  trubins, wow no wonder he wins.. "And in the front row nearside pole position, Mawhonie!" Head two said.. Crowd cheers.. He bows.. "A hearty hello to Clegg Holdfast and his voltec KT9 Wasp!" Head two said with excitement.. "Mm..hmm, Mm..hmm." He said.. "And back again it's the Mighty Dud Bolt.  With that incredible racing machine the Vulptereen 327." Head two said.. Crowd cheers..  "And hoping for a win today, Ody Mandrell.. With his record-setting pit droid team." Head two said.. Droids are little pit droids, all being silly.. "And a late entry.  Young Anakin Skywalker, a local boy." Head said.. Anakin waves, the crowd cheers again,.. "I see the flags are moving into position onto the track." Head two said.. 3PO, still naked is out onto the track with his flag for Anakin.. "One of the beasties lets off a bum burp, right into Jar Jar's face.. "What? Oh Pewsa!" Jar Jar said.. Beastie blows a raspberry at Jar Jar.. "Be safe." Shmi said to Anakin as she hugged him.. "I will Mum, I promise." He replied.. "Give 'em hell Ani!" Cade said, punching him in the arm.. "Cade!" Shmi said.. "Sorry Mum.. I hope you win, Ani." He said with a smile.. While this is going on, Sebulba is at Anakin's pod, he breaks something on it.. He snickers and walks off laughing.. "You won't walk away from this one you slave scum." Sebulba said as he passed Anakin.. "Don't count on it slime ball." Anakin replied.. "You're bantha fodder." Sebulba said.. "Well you have to cheat to win!" Ashlyn yelled at him.. "You all set Ani?" Qui-Gon asked.. Ashlyn smiled at him. "Yep." Anakin replied.. "Right." Qui-Gon said, helping Anakin into the pod.. "Whoa!" Anakin said with excitement.. "I'll be watching you, Anakin." Ashlyn said going to leave him.. "I'll be right there with you brother." Cade said to him as he touched him.. Anakin nodded.. "Now remember, concentrate on the moment.  Feel don't think.  Use your instincts." Qui-Gon said to him.. "I will." Anakin and Cade said at the same time.. "May the force be with you." Qui-Gon said to Anakin, with a grin at Cade... "Is that something that the Jedi say?" Ashlyn asked....  "Yes." Qui-Gon said.. "I like it.  May the force be with you Anakin." Ashlyn said, smiling at Qui-Gon as she took his hand.. Head one talking huttese.. "Jabba The Hutt." Head two said.. Crowd cheers.. Jabba speaks huttese.. "Welcome and begin the race." Head two said..

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