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Chapter 131: Su Feifei, Relax
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The moment she finished her sentence, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Bo Silin’s waist.

Then, she tightened her grip and pulled him in.

She mimicked Bo Silin’s actions in the past. She had always been a fast learner.

The second the two of them closed the distance, the people in the bush exploded into fireworks.

“What the f*ck! What the flying f*ck! What the holy f*ck! What the freaking f*ck! What the sh*tting f*ck! What the f*cking f*ck! What the absolute f*ck!”

Qiu Ye jumped on the spot.

What was going on?

What was the situation now?

He was dumbfounded, really dumbfounded.

It wasn’t the horndog Bo Silin who took the initiative, it was Su Feifei!

[Help! I can’t breathe!]

[Where have I seen this before?]

[Look at how she pulled him in!]

[That’s what I’m saying. Su Feifei can’t take it anymore, she needs him!]

[Tear him down, girl!]

[Get your man queen, slay!]

[Su Feifei, you’re crazy! I love that for you!]

“What do we do, what do we do? Can we continue watching?”

Xiao He covered his eyes with his hands, his fingers opened up to two slits, and he peeked through.

“Children, don’t look! I’m going to get a sty!”

Qiu Ye did the same and elbowed Xiao He.

At the seaside.

Su Feifei’s clothes were very thin, and she could feel the heat from Bo Silin’s body. Her eyes were locked onto his and her movements were steady.

The atmosphere of the scene was ambiguous and bizarre.

Bo Silin looked at her and seemed to be able to see the hungry look in Su Feifei’s eyes.

That was called awe-inspiring righteousness.

Bo Silin was stunned for a moment, then chuckled.

“This is a bath, not a death wish.” He also slowly put his arm around Su Feifei’s waist, and the smile in his eyes swayed in front of her. “Feifei, relax.”

[W-w-w-what are you saying!!!]

[I won’t say much. I’m going to cut the audio. Goodbye!]

[This sentence will be my alarm for next month!]

[Bo Silin, you still have some fight in you after all!]

[Don’t worry. I suggest you listen to what Su Feifei has to say first.]

Su Feifei did not say anything.

Su Feifei was a waman of action. If she could do it, she would definitely not act pushy.

She didn’t take Bo Silin’s words to heart at all. She was only thinking about one thing, and that was the third plan.

Now, only plan three had not been implemented.

It was not practical to pull the tent over or drug him, so she went for the last one.

On Bo Silin’s side, he had not even started his performance when he suddenly felt a hand on his leg.

[What the f*ck!!!]

[She’s going for it! Is this something we can see?!]

[Isn’t it a little inappropriate for me to be here?]

[Su Feifei, do you have to be so stubborn? This is a little out of my league ]

In front of the screen, Bo Xi and Grandpa Bo looked at each other.

They didn’t expect that this scale would suddenly fly to the edge of parental guidance 18.

At the same time, the sound system beside him suddenly started playing.

“Drive, drive to the edge of the city…”

Grandpa Bo’s face turned red and he turned his head away in embarrassment.

Bo Xi also turned around and looked out of the corner of his eye.

This was ridiculous.

The last time this happened, she remembered the awkward feeling when she saw the kissing scene on TV with her parents.

As for the person involved, Bo Silin, he did not feel so good at the moment.

“Su Feifei…”

“What?” Su Feifei was still trying hard. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

[He’s comfortable! He’s very comfortable!]

Bo Silin moved his lips and looked at her face full of anticipation. In the end, he still spat out that word.

“It hurts.”


Su Feifei immediately let go.

Bo Silin suspected that his leg was going to be swollen from the pinch.

However, the drone was neither too close nor too far away, so it didn’t capture the live situation and only recorded their audio.

[It hurts? Where does it hurt? Can you be more specific? Asking for a friend!]

[Su Feifei, are you serious? Where did you touch him?]

[Spread the news. Su Feifei hurt Bo Silin!]

[I’m really afraid of getting keratoconus after reading the comments today.]

[The live broadcast room won’t be banned, right? ]

[They’re already showing it. No take-backs!]

Su Feifei frowned and thought to herself, ‘This move that Bo Xi taught me doesn’t seem to be working…’

It seemed like she could only use her next trump card.

Su Feifei dropped the basin.

Everyone was speechless.

“You go first, I’ll go and prepare the rest.”

Su Feifei left after saying this.

“What? What did she say?” Qiu Ye was anxious.

“I don’t know! I didn’t hear what she said!” Xiao He was also anxious. “Why did she leave?! Is she not having a good time?”

[What are you preparing for, Su Feifei?]

[Maybe she needs to fart?]

[I bet a pack of spicy pork noodles that Bo Silin is absolutely ready for Su Feifei to take him to bed now!]

[Aite bet. I’ll up it to two packs!]

[I’ll bet three packets that he’s ready for more than just the bedroom dances!]

[Can’t we just wear clothes and chat?]

Bo Silin stood rooted to the ground, his shaken heart was already in turmoil because of the last sentence.

After a while, he lowered his head and looked at his leg.

Although it was painful, it was not that bad.

A few minutes later, Xiao He came over to call for them. “Su Feifei is asking everyone to go to the long table for supper!”


Everyone looked at each other.

There was still supper at this time?

As expected, the burly men had prepared a pot of seafood noodles.

The seafood that they had kept in the wooden cart before was now put to good use. Soon, the fragrance spread out within a radius of a few hundred meters.

The tent was gone, and the few of them stood there bitterly, occasionally smelling the fragrance in the air.

Luo Feifa’s team was furious.

Her bald head was shining under the fire. Everyone lowered their heads. They wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to.

“What do we do now? How are we going to sleep tonight?”

“Don’t worry about where you’re going to sleep.” Huang Ling came over with the rattan. “Let’s build a hammock. I’ll pick things to exchange for a tent tomorrow. Let’s make do with sleeping tonight.”

“Can I even sleep on this bed?” Luo Feifa squinted.

Huang Ling frowned.

“Feifa, at least it’s better than having no place to sleep, right?” Su Ling immediately said.

Luo Feifa snorted and walked to the side.

Huang Ling’s expression was ugly as well while he set up a hammock. The atmosphere here was in sharp contrast to the one in Su Feifei’s camp.

When the seafood noodles were served, everyone cheered.

“Waa! Su Feifei is the best!”

“Lobster! Lobster!”

“It smells so good! Su Feifei, thank you!”

[I want a bite too!]

[The cooking show is starting again??]

[I’m eating pot-wrapped meat. It’s also very fragrant. ]

[I have a bowl of small wonton in my hand. I can finally eat while watching the live stream today happily.]

The noodles were served to everyone.

Bo Silin came over with his walking stick.

Just as he was about to take a seat, a hand hooked onto his arm.

“I’ll help you.” Su Feifei’s figure appeared beside him.

Bo Silin was speechless.

The sun had really risen from the West today.

He sat down, half-believing and half-doubting her actions.

“Let’s start eating.” Su Feifei said.

the crowd immediately began to inhale the noodles.

Su Feifei lowered her head and seemed to be fiddling with something by her feet.

Bo Silin turned his head, his gaze was soft. “Do you need help?”

“No…” the words were at the tip of her tongue when she suddenly remembered another sentence from the book.

Boys liked girls to show weakness.

Thinking of this… Su Feifei lowered her eyes and moved her feet away. She nodded silently and added, “Alright, help me take it out. I… can’t carry it.”

Her voice was not loud, but everyone at the table heard her.

Everyone stopped eating their noodles.

One of the burly men even choked.

Everyone looked at each other.

What the h*ll did she just say?

She can’t carry it?


Chapter 132: Legally Married
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Feifei can’t carry something?

Were there hundreds of steel bars underground?

While everyone was curious, Bo Silin reached out to take it.

However, when his fingers touched the glass bottle, he suddenly froze.

This… could it be…

“What is it, Bo Silin?” Xiao He was even more curious.

“Take it out and let me see!”

[What I’m more curious about is, if Su Feifei can’t lift it, can Bo Silin?]

[Bo Silin, it’s time we spend some money to ban some accounts.]

[I mean, Bo Silin is mighty and majestic. Of course, he can carry it!]

Bo Silin lowered his eyes to take a look and looked up again.

He and Su Feifei’s eyes met.

Su Feifei asked, “Why are you looking at me? Take it out.”

Bo Silin was speechless. He grabbed the can and placed it on the table with a bang.

It was another newly unearthed gas station.

He had gotten over it.

Everyone was speechless.

Su Feifei touched the edge of the jar very naturally and said, “Today is the first day back on the island. Let’s have a few drinks to celebrate.”

“Drinks?” Xiao He asked.

“Yes, this is good for your body.” Su Feifei nodded.

[Forgive me for thinking a little astray?]

[So this is the reason why she couldn’t carry it? Should I give Bo Silin some supplements to prevent him from losing his health at the most critical moment?]

Su Feifei personally filled Bo Silin’s cup and symbolically poured herself a little more.

“Drink up.” she smiled.

Bo Silin was speechless.

[Girl, you are being too much right now…]

[Why did she give herself a sip and give Bo Silin a cup?]

[It’s to prepare him for bed later!!]

[Can someone kick that viewer off please…]

“I don’t need this,” Bo Silin replied.

“No, you need it.” Su Feifei said.

Bo Xi had said that it was best to have some wine before entering the tent. In a tipsy state, it would definitely create wonderful sparks.

Though… Su Feifei didn’t know what kind of sparks it was that she mean. In her entire life, she had only started a fire with wood and created sparks.

However, she trusted Bo Xi’s words very much.

She had to listen anmeters

In front of the screen, Bo Xi and Grandpa Bo had already started to slap their thighs.

“Hahaha!” Bo Xi laughed maniacally and took out her phone to take pictures of Bo Silin’s dark face.

“I can’t take it anymore, I’m dying of laughter!” She shouted, “When Bo Silin comes back, I’m going to develop this photo and hang it on his bedside to remind him!!”

On a deserted island, everyone at the table started to eat ad mind their own business.

The one who suffered the most was none other than Qiao Hefeng.

He didn’t dare to eat the lobster to his heart’s content.

Why are seafood noodles so hard to eat these days?

“Excuse me.” Xiao He suddenly popped his head out. “Bo Silin, did you carry firewood just now? Your hands must be hurting, right? Su Feifei, why don’t you feed him?”

Hearing the prompt of her feeding him brought back a lot of memories.

Su Feifei was just about to agree when Bo Silin immediately picked up the bamboo cup and drank it all in one gulp.

“No need, I can drink it myself.” Bo Silin put down his cup.

Su Feifei was satisfied and also took a sip.

After pushing the cup away, she realized that she was injured in her right hand. So she couldn’t eat noodles with her left hand.

“I’ll help you.”

A low voice passed by her ears.

Bo Silin directly took her bowl and fed her the noodles.

In an instant, the temperature in the area rose!

Everyone’s eyes widened and they stopped breathing.

Xiao He started to pinch himself again.

The burly men’s faces turned red as if the shyness that should have belonged to Su Feifei had been transferred to them.

Tiantian was also so excited that she was trembling.

[What did I just see? What did that mean?]

[Baby, you’ve finally made it. I can die in peace.]

[Subo rice pot! I love you!]

[This ship will stay with me forever!]

[I hereby announce that you are the biggest fan of this couple, Bo Silin!]

Su Feifei turned to look at him with a blank expression.

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows and moved a little closer. The chopsticks had already touched her lips.

The shape of her lips was beautiful, and the color was pink.

His eyes moved, revealing an undisguised desire.

[Holy f*ck, this look is spicy!]]

[Don’t look back Su Feifei, you’ll fall in love!]

“Be good and open your mouth.” Bo Silin said.

The entire place exploded. Everyone covered their mouths at the same time and started to scream silently.

Xiao He clenched his fists and wanted to run away!

However, he was afraid of disturbing this peaceful painting, so he didn’t dare to move at all. He only dared to pinch his thigh until it was bruised!

It’s here, it’s here! The day had finally come!

The finish line is close!

He wished he could rush up and press the two heads together!

Su Feifei, quickly take a bite! hurry up and take a bite!

As long as you take this bite, I’ll declare that you’re legally married from now on!

[Eat, eat!]

[Eat the noodles and then eat out the person. I’m begging you.]

[Bo Silin’s clothes today look really easy to tear apart.]

[I think this man is intoxicating. He’s giving off a sexy feeling from head to toe. It’s impossible for Su Feifei not to feel it this time! ]

[Su Feifei has also been enlightened! Trust me!]

As the bullet comments boiled, Su Feifei leaned forward.

Bo Silin’s heart moved slightly.

Her every action was so cute that it made his heart tremble.

Wait, she was blushing?

Su Feifei was being shy?

Bo Silin could not believe the results of his analysis and took another look.

It was really pink.

It was very beautiful, but it also made one’s hair stand on end. In the next second, he knew the reason for the creepy feeling.

Su Feifei slammed the table and stood up.


she stretched out her hand and pointed at Bo Silin.

Bo Silin’s bowl of noodles froze in his hands, not knowing whether to put it down or take it.

“Are impudent!”

A voice that was full of vitality rang out in the entire camp.

Everyone stood up in unison.

Almost reflexively, they immediately lined up in a formation!

Su Feifei’s body swayed.

She pulled her leg out of the wooden bench, her gaze sweeping across the entire place before landing on Bo Silin.

“Who allowed you to… without permission… What do you want to do huh??”

Everyone’s eyes were about to pop out.

This time, Bo Silin had already anticipated this.

“Are you trying to seduce me?”

Su Feifei shouted and tilted her body, allowing Bo Silin to catch her immediately.

He protected Su Feifei’s injured hand. He put down the bowl of noodles as he held her.

Bo Silin pursed his lips as he looked at the obviously drunk face.

She was drunk just like that?

[What the f*ck? Su Feifei is drunk just like that?? ]

[Su Feifei, did you get yourself drunk from that one mouthful?]

[Didn’t anyone notice Bo Silin’s little actions? He’s even taking care of Su Feifei’s wound!]

“Say something!”

Su Feifei straightened up and grabbed Bo Silin’s collar. She asked fiercely, “With such a handsome face, what else could you be doing if not trying to seduce me? Speak, is it true or not!”

Huh? Handsome?

Bo Silin’s eyes lit up and he smiled.

“Yes,” he said after a second’s pause.

[We shouldn’t be here!!!!]

[I want to go home…]


Chapter 133: A Real Kiss??
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Please!!]

[I’m dying of anxiety! Can they kiss already?!]

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes.

The drunkenness had already spread to her cheeks. She reached out her hand slowly and pinched Bo Silin’s face.

“You’re honest…”

She furrowed her brows and hiccuped.

Bo Silin reached out to scoop her up, the two of them pressed tightly together.

Everyone watched the ants move on the ground, not daring to raise their heads.

However, even if they didn’t raise their heads, they couldn’t ignore what they were talking about.

“Is there any reward for my honesty, your majesty?” Bo Silin’s voice sounded again.

This time, the brawny men’s faces turned even redder.

They wanted to hear it, but they were embarrassed, excited, and helpless.

[Omg a daddy!!]

[Is this something that can be said on this show??]

[Bo Silin’s public relations team has already been disbanded, right?]

[I don’t care about them. I just want to know what happens next.]

At this moment, in Bo Silin’s studio. A few staff members sat together and volunteered to work overtime.

There was a large screen in front of them, on which all kinds of replies were rolling down.

Their hands were clenched into fists, and their faces were also flushed red. Waves of emotions surged in their hearts.

“This hot search…”

“Who cares about the f*cking hot search!” Li didn’t even turn his head. He stared at the screen excitedly. “Bo Silin! You can do it!”

The staff member was speechless.

“The reward …”

Su Feifei squinted her eyes and looked at several double images flashing in front of her. She struggled to think about this question.

“You didn’t think of one, did you?” Bo Silin hugged her, his voice very close and low.

Su Feifei looked up at him and felt like she was looking at a starry sky. She could just swim in it all day.

“Well, I didn’t expect it… ” she said sternly, “But… I’m very fair. You can tell me whatever reward you want.”

“What if… ” Bo Silin paused and mumbled in her ear, “What if the person I want is you, your majesty? ”

[Bo! Silin! What did you say!]

[What the f*ck did he say!]

Xiao He was already trembling.

The corners of his mouth rose crazily, and he couldn’t help but want to stir up the hot search. It had already exploded, right?

“You want me?” Su Feifei stopped swaying and looked at him. After a while, she laughed.

“Sure. Here you go.”

everyone was speechless.

Bo Silin’s temperature was instantly raised by this sentence.

He squinted at Su Feifei and said, “You said it. there are many people looking at us now, and the evidence has been left behind.”

[You still know that it’s a live stream??]

[You two are just short of a bed, okay!!!]

“Of course it’s true!” Su Feifei stood up. “My words carry enormous weight! I am a woman of my word and…”

She chuckled. His eyes swept across Bo Silin’s body, and her gaze swept across his body.

“I also want you..r…”

Bo Silin’s movements instantly froze.

“Parents.” Su Feifei paused. “And grandpa.”

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows.

What did she mean by that?

“What about me?” Bo Silin asked again.

Su Feifei frowned.


If she wanted his parents, she could only have him.

“That too.” Su Feifei said.

“I’ll take it…” his tone was more or less filled with helplessness and disdain.

However, Bo Silin did not care about that at this moment.

Capture her first, and then slowly teach her the rest.

Anyway, there was still a long way to go, so he was not in a hurry.

“Words are not proof. When you sober up tomorrow, you’ll have forgotten everything.” Bo Silin’s gaze started to move from her eyes down to her lips. “I need proof.”

“Proof? How can I give you the proof?”

“You’re mine, and I’m yours. Do you now know how to prove this?”

Bo Silin guided patiently.

The drunk Su Feifei was much more obedient than usual. The way she stared at him in a daze was more like a vigilant deer in the forest.

She was attracted to curiosity, and her eyes were also glossy.

One couldn’t help but want to taint this cleanliness with a bit of the real world.

“I… I don’t know.” Su Feifei answered.

“That day on the hospital’s rooftop, what was on the opposite side? Baby, do you still remember? ” Bo Silin moved closer.

“The rooftop of the hospital …”


She remembered.

The ring, the man, and the woman entangled together.

“Su Feifei?” Bo Silin’s bewitching voice rang out.

His eyes which were filled with the starry sky were pulling her into his orbit. His thin lips opened slightly, and the words that came out of his mouth were scorching hot.

“That’s the proof,” he said.

Su Feifei grabbed his collar and steadied herself. “Really?”


he was very certain that she understood his wants.

“Alright, I’ll give you the proof.”

The next second.

Su Feifei immediately stood on her tiptoes, hooked her left arm around Bo Silin’s neck, raised her head, and pressed her lips against his.

Their soft lips instantly pressed together.

The bullet screen instantly exploded with exclamation marks!

Everyone was speechless!

D-did they really kiss??!!

In the director team’s tent.

“Holy f*ck!”

Qiu Ye was so shocked that he even threw away his tablet. Two seconds later, he knelt down and shouted.

“Bo Silin! You animal! Animal! What method did you use to get her to do that?”

The Bo family also exploded.


Bo Xi, Grandpa Bo, and the butler stood up and jumped on the spot.

Grandpa Bo stuck his head out and called for a servant in the courtyard.

“Go! Book a hotel! Hurry up! Choose a good day! My grandson is getting married!”

All the blood in Bo Silin’s body was rushing to the same place.

Without any hesitation, he wrapped his arms around Su Feifei’s waist and deepened the kiss.

However, the next second, Su Feifei’s head tilted to the side and she fainted in his arms.

Bo Silin, who was preparing for a long time paused.

Is she for real?

Only then did he raise his head and find that there were already a few more human-shaped stone pillars beside him.

Xiao He and the rest stood in place. They did not know where they had lost their chins. Their whole demeanor was crooked and stood in place.

Did the scene just now… really happen?

Ater a long time, Xiao He slowly stepped forward.

“Do… do you need my help, Bo… Bo Silin… Su Feifei… fainted?”

He reached out to help her up.

In the end, Bo Silin turned sideways and gave way. The next second, he picked up the person in his arms, threw away his walking stick, and walked into the tent.

[What the f*ck? A medical miracle?]

[Is this the power of love?]

[Is there a possibility that she’s just pretending??]


[Drone, you’re awesome! Go into the tent and shoot them now!! Be good!]

[That’s why Bo Silin has been deliberately not using the wheelchair for the past few days. He insisted that Su Feifei support him instead…]

[Bo Silin you cunning lovesick bird!]

In the director team’s tent, there was also a cry of despair.

“Bo Silin! You scheming animal!”

Xiao He swallowed his saliva and stood still for a long time. Then, he waved his hand and said to everyone, “All of you can go back! Bo Silin will take care of Su Feifei tonight. It’ll be fine!”

Qiu Ye’s voice exploded from the speakers around them. “Get her out of Bo Silin’s tent! We don’t allow men and women to live together!”

[Qiu Ye, give up. I can’t handle this.]

[If only your brain was a third as good as our Bo Silin’s, you wouldn’t be here scolding people.]

[Maybe even Xiao He is better than you now.]

[Maybe even Qiao Hefeng is better.]

[Please, you’re taking things too far. Qiao Hefeng is the bottom line…]

Xiao He said, “Disperse, disperse!”

No one paid attention to Qiu Ye’s order.

In the tent, Bo Silin placed her on the bed.

Su Feifei frowned. The slight blush on her cheeks hadn’t faded, and her expression was completely different from usual.

After the coldness faded, the lines on his face were extremely soft. She was pretty and had exquisite facial features.

“It’s hot …”

she mumbled and suddenly reached out to unbutton her collar.

The next second, her collar was directly pulled open.


Chapter 134: Trending Again!
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The button bounced twice on the ground.

Her soft and beautiful body had exquisite lines and curves. One could vaguely see the shape of a figure through the cloth. Her usually flat figure was actually… very impressive.

Bo Silin’s body froze slightly.


Su Feifei called out again. She reached out in the air, grabbed Bo Silin’s sleeve, and pulled it hard!

Bo Silin pounced forward and buried his entire face in Su Feifei’s chest.

Bo Silin was speechless.

He propped himself up, and all the blood in his body instantly rushed to his head.

Then, he could clearly see that on the snow-white patch, bright red blood began to appear.

Bo Silin was speechless.

He suddenly raised his hand, and his delicate features instantly cracked.

A… nosebleed?

Why did he have a nosebleed?

This matter was no less impactful than waking up in the cave.

The light of life had once again been extinguished.

At the entrance…

“How is it, how is it? Did you hear that? Did you hear any cries?” Xiao He asked Qiu Ye, who was squatting in front of him.

“Crying?!” Qiu Ye turned around and cursed, “You’re forbidden from saying such vicious words! What else do you want to hear? Xiao He, you’ve changed!”

Xiao He glared at him and said righteously, “I only hope for great harmony in life, and I hope that the lovers will finally be together! If you can’t hear anything, then don’t stand at the center position!”

He pulled Qiu Ye away and squatted in front of him.

Qiu Ye was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Were these people crazy? Was he the crazy one?

[Xiao He you’re so funny!]

[Should I say it or not? Xiao He is really promising.]

The curtain of the tent was suddenly lifted. Then, a figure walked out.

Everyone was speechless.

Xiao He trembled. “Bo Silin?”

[That quick??]

[That was like one or two minutes!!]

[I can’t accept this!]

[Go back!]

[Everyone relax! His clothes are still intact! Three minutes can’t even be enough for him to take off his clothes! If he could see the comments now, he would probably kill someone.]

Bo Silin covered his nose and lowered his head to bump into the few people squatting outside.

Several pairs of eyes met, and everyone fell silent.

Furthermore, they all had their own reasons for being silent.

“What are you guys doing here?” Bo Silin narrowed his eyes.

“Huh?” Xiao He panicked. “We… we’re here… here… digging for wild vegetables?”

When the last sentence was said, it was phrased into a question.

Tiantian glanced at him, but she didn’t dare to agree.

Xiao He’s face immediately drooped.

‘Forget it, I can’t explain it.’

Was he supposed to say to the truth?

Qiu Ye’s laughter sounded very abruptly, and his expression was still sneaky. “Hey, Bo Silin, why are you out so quickly?”

[Qiu Ye still has something to say??]

[Oh my Su Feifei, wake up. Your boys are fighting.]

[As long as we get a good view of the fight, I’ll be happy.]

At Bo Silin’s studio.

Li sat in front of the computer, his mouth twitching. After a long while, his hand holding the cigarette started to shake.

After Bo Silin being a bottom trended online, he thought that there would not be any more words that would surpass this hot search.

Since life had already reached the bottom, then there was only one way up, right?

Everything will be fine. Just a minute ago, he was still thinking that.


But why…

Could anyone tell him what the words on the screen meant?

A staff member passed by.

“Bo Silin is on the hot search again?” he took a closer look. “What the f*k, why is that word there?”

The person continued reading.

“Bo Silin… lasting three minutes…”

The kettle fell to the ground. Everyone looked at each other and went numb.

“W-what should we do… are we going to retreat?”

Li put out the cigarette and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, his entire body was on fire.

“Retreat? Motherf*cker! How can we not retreat? I’ll remove this hot topic today even if I have to bet on my dignity as a man!”

The studio immediately got busy.

At the same time, in the Bo family’s house.

“What?” Grandpa Bo was shocked. “He… He’s that bad?!”

“No… ” the butler was anxious. “I-I don’t know! The team has already removed the hot search, shouldn’t we do something now?”

Grandpa Bo frowned.

What else could he do at this point?

He had never expected that his grandson would fail at the last step! This b*stard!

His phone suddenly rang.

Grandpa Bo took a look and saw that it was Grandpa Qiu!

“Oh no, they’re definitely here to mock me! This man has been coveting my Su Feifei for the past two days!”

He turned on the speaker.

Grandpa Qiu’s voice was immediately heard.

“Oh, I heard your grandson only took three minutes?”

Grandpa Bo was speechless.

“I think Su Feifei is a really good girl! Qiu Ye also likes her a lot, right? Our Qiu family’s strength is up there. No matter how weak Qiu Ye is, at least he won’t cross the line. If he really can’t do it, why don’t you give her up? Bo, what do you think?”

“Qiu Goudan, in your f*cking dreams!”

Grandpa Qiu was furious. “Bo Tieniu, how dare you!”

Grandpa Bo directly hung up the phone.

He was trembling with anger and called for Bo Xi.

“Go! Buy the hot search! Hurry up and buy the hot search!”

“What are we buying?” Bo Xi asked after taking a sip of her drink.

Grandpa Bo thought for a moment.

In less than half an hour, a brand new hot search had firmly stuck at the top of the ranking — Bo Silin’s 18 centimeter… it was followed by the word explosion.

Bo Xi looked at the searches and then at her grandpa, who had a righteous look on his face.

“What are you looking at?” Grandpa Bo walked out of the door and muttered, “It could be right… right?”

On a deserted island.

A few of them had no idea what was happening outside. No one knew how much Bo Silin’s reputation had changed in the past few minutes.

Bo Silin took Xiao He’s paper and raised his head to wipe the blood from his nose.

Qiu Ye was still laughing, “Your nose is bleeding, hahaha… it can’t be that you can’t take it even before you even started, right? B-Bo Silin, you’re too weak… ah!”

Before he could finish his sentence, Bo Silin waved his hand and a slingshot appeared.

It went straight for Qiu Ye’s nose.

Qiu Ye turned his head after he shouted.

Blood from the same nose instantly appeared on Qiu Ye’s face.

Bo Silin smirked, his face full of sarcasm. “Qiu Ye, oh Qiu Ye, why do you have a nosebleed just by looking at me? Control it, the entire country’s audience is watching.”

Qiu Ye was speechless.

“Get lost! F*ck you, you animal!”

[Does anyone know happened to the hot searches? Looks like the Bo family bought the hot search, hahaha!]

[If our baby Bo sees this, he’ll go home and fight his grandpa.]

[It’s a good thing he can’t see. It’s really tragic, hahaha.]

Bo Silin looked at him coldly, then turned and went into the tent.

Many people were destined to have a sleepless night on this deserted island, he was one of the many.

The next day, Su Feifei had a headache when she woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and opened them to look at her surroundings.

When did she reach the tent?

Didn’t she prepare to win over Bo Silin last night?

She suddenly stopped.

She turned around and saw a pair of amber eyes.

The man with a curly beard was lying beside her. His collar was half open, and his collarbones were clearly visible. His hair was slightly messy, and his clothes were covered in blood.

There were still two red bloodstains on his perfect face.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with resentment as he stared at her.


Chapter 135: Don’t Cry Bo Silin
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Su Feifei moved her lips and looked at Bo Silin’s clothes — which had obviously been torn —then at his posture.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Bo Silin’s eyes were filled with resentment as he reached out to touch the corner of his mouth.

Only then did Su Feifei notice that there was blood on the corner of his mouth.

Her face darkened. “Who did this to you?”

Bo Silin stared at her for two seconds and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned red.

He glanced at Su Feifei’s hand, then at his collar. He pulled the blanket over himself and lay down.

“What are you doing!” Su Feifei sat up straight and reached out to touch him. “Bo Silin?”

He was crying? What did that look mean?

Could it be,.. her?

Some scenes suddenly flashed through Su Feifei’s mind.

At times, it was the scene of her pulling Bo Silin’s waist into her arms, and at other times, pulling Bo Silin to bury his head in her chest…

She stood rooted to the ground, frowning.

Her mind was a mess.

She had never done such a thing before, and she had drunk alcohol last night. Who knew that this body could not drink at all?

She actually got drunk in one gulp and didn’t even manage to complete her main task.

“Don’t cry. What did I do to you last night?” Su Feifei pushed him. “You go first.”

Bo Silin still kept his head down and did not speak.

Su Feifei gritted her teeth and softened her tone. “Don’t cry, Bo Silin.”

Bo Silin still did not move.

Su Feifei got up and saw a lump on the bed. She felt a little guilty.

Could it be that she had gone too far?

She didn’t hurt him, right?

Sometimes, when the military prostitutes in the military camp served too many people at once, they needed to get medicine.

Su Feifei started to think.

“Can I see?” she asked.

The person under the blanket paused.

What did she want to see?

Su Feifei stepped forward and was about to lift the blanket when she paused and sat down beside him.

“Bo Silin, it’s my fault.”

She lowered her voice and said, “Come out first and talk to me.”

“It’s already happened. Crying won’t solve anything. Don’t worry. No matter what happens, I’ll take full responsibility.”

The person on the bed immediately jumped up when he heard the last sentence.

Their eyes met, and the tear stains on his face were still there.

That was called pitiful.

“Really?” Bo Silin asked in a trembling voice.

Su Feifei was speechless.

She felt at a loss.

Was he really crying?

Was she that impetuous last night?

that’s right, it was her first time doing such a thing and she didn’t know what to do. In a moment of desperation, she must have been ruthless and didn’t know the severity of her work.

No matter how delicate Bo Silin was, she had never seen him cry because of work.

He didn’t even cry when he was working, so why would he cry now?

She must have done something extremely ruthless.

She pursed her lips and finally made up her mind. “I’ll take a look for you.”

As she spoke, she got up and went to pull Bo Silin’s pants.

Bo Silin immediately retreated and held her hand.

What was going on? Did he overdo it?

“Don’t move, let me see.” She said, “If you’re injured, I’ll apply medicine for you later.”

Applying for medicine?

Bo Silin glanced at her hand and then at his crotch.

“No… there’s no need.” his throat tightened.

Even though there was a second when he wavered.

He was Bo Silin, a man with a bottom line.

“You have to use medicine when you’re injured.” Su Feifei’s face darkened. “Don’t be afraid of embarrassing yourself. If you don’t seek medical treatment, it’ll affect your whole life.”

Bo Silin was speechless. Su Feifei suddenly frowned when she saw his frozen expression.

A white light flashed in his mind, and in the next second, his lips trembled.

“Bo Silin…”

“What?” he subconsciously responded.

Su Feifei’s brows were furrowed, and her eyes were very complicated. There was 40% guilt, 30% fear, 20% doubt, and 10% helplessness.

“You… you’re not broken, are you?”

There was a long silence in the air.

The next second, Su Feifei stood up immediately.

“I’ll go find the doctor!”

“No, I’m not! No! Wait!”

Bo Silin pulled her back.

If she were to find a doctor, he would be on the trending searches forever.

He would rather be dead than ruin his reputation like that.

Bo Silin was very clear about this.

“I’m very complete.” He solemnly promised, “Nothing is missing anywhere.”

Su Feifei glanced at him suspiciously. “Really?”

“It’s true.” he nodded firmly.

“Then what did I do last night?” she asked.

hearing this, Bo Silin’s shoulders drooped again.

Two seconds later, Su Feifei heard his answer.

“What? I did that?”

Su Feifei was silent for a moment.

As expected.

However, if she were to propose now, wouldn’t it be too abrupt?

If she told him about this kind of thing rashly, he would definitely be frightened. Moreover, they had just experienced such a violent storm. If she said it now, he might just faint.

She would do everything according to the book first, then Bo Silin would understand her hint. She would just tell him directly when the time was right.

“Come together, everyone!”

Qiu Ye’s dragged-out voice suddenly sounded on the radio.

Today was the day of the team’s departure, so they had to delay their conversation.

“Let’s go out first.” Su Feifei glanced at it and suddenly asked, “Where’s your walking stick?”

“You broke it.”

Bo Silin pointed to a pile of broken pieces in the corner with his chin.

Su Feifei fell silent again.

That intense? The wood part could still be explained, but the metal part was broken as well.

“I’ll help you.” she lowered her body and pushed the thought away. She used her uninjured hand to pick Bo Silin up.

Bo Silin leaned towards the person happily; his face was all smiles.

Light returned to his eyes.

Qiu Ye was holding a loudspeaker when he saw this scene and became speechless.

[What the f*ck!!]

[They’re out! I’ve been waiting all night for this!]

[Help! Did the two of them really sleep in the same tent last night?]

[We’re live streaming right now. Are they really not going to avoid suspicion at all?!]

[They’re insane!]

[When did this show become too much for me to handle???]

Qiu Ye gritted his teeth. “Bo Silin, didn’t you walk perfectly with your walking stick yesterday? Why can’t you walk again so early in the morning?”

[Qiu Ye is calling him out!]

[Qiu Ye, you’re so immoral. why did you expose my baby??]

Before Bo Silin could say anything, Xiao He immediately stepped forward.

“Director Qiu, you can’t just say that! Bo Silin was seriously injured last night, but he still insisted on carrying Su Feifei in!”

Qiu Ye was speechless. Tiantian agreed, “That’s right! Even if he bled, he didn’t forget to cover Su Feifei with a blanket!”

“I saw it too,” Shen Ruoqing replied.

Qiao Hefeng replied, “What a role model! Even though your leg broke, you still shine like a star!”

Were these the soldiers that Su Feifei had raised?

[Qiu Ye’s expression is so funny, hahaha!]

[Qiu Ye’s expression is legendary!]

[You’ve messed with the wrong gang.]

Bo Silin nodded slightly at them.

Very good. those who wanted to increase their pay increased their pay, and those who didn’t have a job came to work. The Bo family’s door was always open to welcome anyone in.

Outside the island, a war started.

Grandpa Qiu’s sports car was parked in front of the Bo family’s house.

The two sides were playing a game of chess.

The butler was holding his phone and doing a live broadcast.

This was because Grandpa Bo had appeared on camera a while ago and was loved by the netizens. The netizens left comments online, hoping to see Grandpa Bo’s daily life. That was why Grandpa Bo started his first live broadcast.

He did not expect to have an uninvited guest in the first stream.

Grandpa Bo sneered as he sat at the stone table.

“You didn’t come here today to discuss business with me, did you, Qiu Goudan?”


Chapter 136: The Battle Between Bo and Qiu
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Grandpa Qiu’s face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, “I remember saying, don’t, call me, by, my, nickname!”

“Goudan, you can’t be like this.” Grandpa Bo raised his head. “Even if you’re rich now, you can’t forget the days when you dug out bird nests in the village. Only by facing the past can one step into the future.”

Grandpa Qiu was speechless.

[I’m sorry, can I laugh?]

[What’s with the atmosphere of this business meeting?]

He took a deep breath and raised the flag. Today, he was here to clear his grandson’s name!

“I don’t want to waste my breath on you.” Grandpa Qiu said, “I’ve also decided that Su Feifei will be my daughter-in-law! Due to the current situation, I propose a fair competition!”

“Fair competition?”

Grandpa Bo pointed at the live broadcast on the big screen. It was Su Feifei carrying Bo Silin out. “Do you think there’s still a need to compete?”

“Let’s all calm down first.” Bo Xi stood by the table and waved his hand. “You can talk about your advantages first. I’ll be the judge.”

“Advantage?” Grandpa Bo laughed. “I don’t have any advantages.”

As he spoke, he unbuttoned his suit and swung it out.

More than 20 property ownership certificates were inserted in the inner lining of his clothes.

“It’s just a small production.”

Grandpa Qiu sneered and put down his walking stick.

“You old fart, you want to compete with me in terms of assets?”

He raised his head coldly as he spoke, revealing a light blue necklace on his neck.

This necklace was the Qiu family’s heirloom. It was called the lover’s heart and was sold for more than 500 million dollars.

“Houses, there’s nothing new about them.”

The last sentence directly pierced Grandpa Bo’s heart.

Grandpa Bo laughed out loud. “Yes, you’re right. There’s nothing new. What’s a house to us? Su Feifei is happy with what she has.”

He stood up and stretched. “Actually, today’s competition is quite dull. I don’t even want to participate. I’m bored. Don’t we still have to let Su Feifei choose in the end? Xuanji, help me back to my room to rest.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around inadvertently.

The air immediately rang with the clanking of metal.

Grandpa Qiu took a closer look.

He saw a row of gemstone necklaces hanging on Grandpa Bo’s back!

The cost of making this was very high and priceless!

Grandpa Qiu and Bo Xi were speechless.

[I’m really numb.]

[I don’t know if I should laugh. It seems funny, but it also doesn’t seem worthy of laughing.]

Grandpa Qiu gritted his teeth.

It was all his fault for miscalculating the game!

He didn’t expect Bo Tieniu to be so attentive. On the other hand, he wasn’t fully prepared when he left either! Grandpa Bo stopped in his tracks and hissed.

“What’s wrong?” the butler asked.

“My head hurts,” Grandpa Bo said.

“Yeah, it’s the hat that you’ve been wearing for too long!”

The butler understood and reached out to help Grandpa Bo take off his hat.

When the hat came off, instantly, things were scattered all over the ground.

Grandpa Qiu focused his eyes.

They were car keys for the major luxury car brands!

“Why are you acting so rashly!” Grandpa Bo shouted, “Pick it up quickly. Don’t dirty the gift for Feifei! ”

Grandpa Qiu was speechless.

In the end, he still lost this round.

Bo Xi was just the same.

He even had a f*cking backup idea and rehearsed in advance with the butler.

[I’m sorry, I’m getting numb from laughing. I’ll make a move first.]

[The two elderly people here have to take full responsibility for my death from laughter.]

[My cheeks are already aching honey, it’s bad for my skin!]

[I wonder how Su Feifei will react when she sees this video?]

[I’m not surprised how Bo Silin acts now that I’ve his grandpa.]

On a deserted island.

Qiu Ye, who was still unaware of his grandfather’s crushing defeat, was holding a loudspeaker and announcing the rules.

“The teams will set off today! As you are the most popular person in the live stream room, you have received the reward of bringing your team forward by one kilometer! The festival Group will send you to-”

“I won’t be using the reward for the time being.” Su Feifei came over with a walking stick and then handed the walking stick to Bo Silin.

Bo Silin received it and was stunned.

The handle of this walking stick… was actually… a heart?

[Su Feifei, you?????? ]

[Is this the power of a woman?]

[No way? Was it a coincidence? Why did she suddenly make a heart?]

[Can I start preparing to scream again?!]

“Do you like it?” Su Feifei asked.

This was also mentioned in the book.

She had to express her love to the boy at all times.

There was nothing Su Feifei didn’t know now. The only thing she knew how to do was to seize the opportunity.

In the past, when she was starving in the wild, she could wait outside the rabbit hole for a few hours without moving just to catch her target.

Bo Silin was now an equally important target to her.

Towards a target, one must be patient, wholehearted, and loving.

“I like it very much,” Bo Silin replied.

However… he didn’t really understand.

Qiu Ye was speechless. These two people were treating him like he didn’t exist, right?

“Excuse me!!” he coughed violently.

Only then did Su Feifei look at him. The stars in her eyes disappeared in an instant, and she returned to her cold and indifferent state.

“The rules didn’t say when I’ll use this reward. I’ll use it when I see fit.”

Qiu Ye was puzzled.

If she didn’t use it now, when will she?

“Su Feifei, Luo Feifa’s team has a lot more masters that survived in the wild…”

“I know, I can win.” Su Feifei said.

Alright, if she said she could win, they could only believe her.

Compared to Qiu Ye, Xiao He and the rest were full of confidence.

Su Feifei had never disappointed them.

The news quickly reached Luo Feifa’s camp.

Luo Feifa, who hadn’t slept well all night, was bald and more irritable as she sat on the hammock.

“You’re saying that their team won’t be using their special privileges? They want to use it in the second round?”

She laughed out loud, ‘Su Feifei, why are you so crazy? Do you think you can reach the same place as us without using this thing?’

A smile appeared on Huang Ling’s face. “This will be easy. No one is better at surviving in the wild than me. It’s a good thing that they’ve underestimated the enemy.”

[To be honest, Huang Ling has been a veteran player in the wilderness for five or six years. He just happened to go to a deserted island to survive a while ago.]

[Yeah, I’ve seen his reels too. They’re really good.]

[Su Feifei is going to be at a disadvantage against such a professional.]

[Su Feifei should really be more vigilant this time!]

[Don’t worry, I believe in her!]

On Su Feifei’s side, the team had been organized and she called everyone over.

“Do you all understand the mission this time?” she asked.


“At all costs, destroy Luo Feifa’s team!”

[Isn’t it supposed to be winning the competition?]

[Su Feifei is about to start! The game is finally starting!]

[Sure enough, once the war is declared, it’s true that they won’t rest until one of them is dead.]

They were then sent by the director team to the place where they had set up camp.

The three teams collided, and the smell of gunpowder in the scene became thick again.

This time, Su Feifei’s team was still pushing small carts.

However, when the other two teams saw the small cars, their eyes were filled with envy and admiration.

[This scene is really funny.]

[I suggest that you photoshop the picture and make it into an emoji pack. There would be so many.]

[I remember someone scolding Su Feifei for enslaving her own team members… Come out so we could have a short chat…]

It was evening, and they all took a break.

Luo Feifa’s team relied on Huang Ling to successfully hunt for food, and they even had coconut water to go with it.

Su Feifei’s team quickly ate a sandwich and went to bed.

Everyone’s faces were filled with question marks.

Su Ling pulled Luo Feifa’s sleeve, “They went to be so early today. Something must have happened.”

“What can happen? They’ve been pushing such a heavy cart. I’m sure that’s why they went to bed.”

Su Ling could only shut her mouth.

“Originally, they mastered the skills of surviving in the wild, so we couldn’t walk fast on an empty stomach. However, the situation is different now. Huang Ling is indeed capable. He managed to earn us a tent so quickly.

“I’d like to see how she’s going to win against me this time!”

Luo Feifa snorted coldly and continued to joke around with her team members by the bonfire. She only went to sleep in the tent way past midnight.

Around four in the morning, a loud shout suddenly exploded in the air.

“Everyone, gather!!”


Chapter 137: Don’t Mess With Us
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The tents in Luo Feifa’s team all trembled from this shout.

Everyone squinted their eyes as they walked out, but the sky was still dark.

“Who is it!” Luo Feifa cursed.

She could vaguely see that Su Feifei’s team had already lined up.

Luo Feifa was speechless.

“Run ten laps around the field! Are you all ready?” Su Feifei called out.

“Yes, captain!”

Everyone’s blood was boiling with excitement.

Then, she heard a series of footsteps.

They were coming for Luo Feifa’s camp.

[It’s 4 in the morning, Su Feifei. I got up to pee and this is what I see?]

[Luo Feifa fell asleep at two apparently, hahahaha!]

[Su Feifei went to bed at nine!]

[I understood something.]

[Su Feifei, don’t tell me Bo Silin thought of this?]

With the brawny men as the leaders, even Qiao Hefeng, who was at the end of the line, was in high spirits.

The footsteps of the few people were very synchronized, and the place they ran past was filled with dust.

“What the…” Luo Feifa and the others choked and glared at Su Feifei.

“You’re crazy! It’s not even daybreak yet, why are you running!”

Su Feifei didn’t even look at her and just stood aside with a handmade cone.

“Get ready to sing!” Xiao He shouted from the front.

“We workers have strength! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

“The great gan river flows to the east! The stars in the sky! Shen Bei’s battle suppression! Hey hey hey hey, big dipper!”

[Hahahah! I’m so glad I stayed up to do my homework!]

[This is a well-deserved chant!]

Luo Feifa’s chest heaved up and down, and she screamed in anger.

“Su Feifei! Get lost!”

“I’ve seen injustice! A lion’s roar!”

The brawny men suddenly squatted down and started singing directly into Luo Feifa’s ear.

They ran away after they finished singing, which gave Luo Feifa a fright.

The rest of the screams were drowned out by the singing.

“Su Feifei! You b*tch!”

“We should! Attack! Time! Out! Ya!”

“I’m going to kill you!”

“Red, red, red! Break into the nine prefectures!”

All the birds on the tropical island woke up at this moment.

Luo Feifa’s entire team was speechless.

When the sun rose.

Su Feifei was pushing the cart in front of them and was walking at a fast pace.

Luo Feifa was carrying her luggage behind her, looking like she was about to die.

Everyone on the team had panda eyes and couldn’t open them at all.

“Catch up to them!”

Luo Feifa was furious. She gritted her teeth and insisted on finishing the last part of the journey.

Huang Ling was the most spirited person in the entire team.

He encouraged everyone, “Our opponent is using this method to make us tired! Let’s sleep early tonight so we can keep up with them tomorrow! Good luck, everyone!”

However… when they finally caught up with Su Feifei, they found that Su Feifei’s entire team was roasting meat on the spot.

Luo Feifa’s entire team’s faces darkened.

[That’s so mean!! I love it! Huang Ling didn’t have time to get food today. What are they having for dinner?]

[They’re probably hungry. They exchanged all their points for tents yesterday.]

[I’m going to die of laughter.]

[Next, please enjoy Luo Feifa’s hissy fits.]

[Remember not to provoke Su Feifei next time. If you really do, you’ll die a miserable death.]

In the forest, the fragrance of barbecue wafted.

Luo Feifa gave up struggling and set up the tent on the spot.

Anyway, with Su Feifei’s character, even if she moved the tent to another place, Su Feifei would still follow her.

She might as well save some energy.

When the tent was set up, she had no more strength left.

She turned around and saw that everyone’s lips were pale. They had been running around the whole day without any food, so how could they not be pale?

“Sleep early.” Huang Ling consoled everyone, “Rest well. I’ll find something to eat for everyone tomorrow morning.”

Luo Feifa glared at Su Feifei and went into the tent.

However, the smell of the roasted meat still kept coming in.

“This fat cow is so delicious!” Xiao He’s voice rang out. “Isn’t that right, Bo Silin?”

“It cooked perfectly. There’s so much oil in one bite. Not bad.” Bo Silin replied.

Luo Feifa’s entire team was in shambles.

[You can eat it quietly! Why are you still describing the taste? Hahaha!]

[I’m calling the police!! I want to a bite too!]

[At this moment, a netizen who was accidentally injured opened a bowl of instant noodles with great difficulty.]

[A second netizen opened a takeaway app by the way.]

[The third netizen shed tears of envy when they watched by the extra way.]

“This chicken skin and feet are awesome!” Tiantian said, “It’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. I can feel it dancing on my taste buds!”

“Yeah, my corn is also very fragrant. First, it’s covered with condensed milk and then roasted for twenty minutes. It has a sweet milky taste, but also a refreshing texture!” Shen Ruoqing said.

Renbo forced out a sentence, “Yeah, the pig trotters smell good…”

Finally, it was Qiao Hefeng’s turn, “Oh? It’s my turn?”

Everyone gave him a look.

“F*ck! Everything is delicious!”

[Come on, let’s go home, really…]

[Qiao Hefeng, it’s time to show off your intelligence online.]

[Should I say it or not? Isn’t this the true portrayal of our current generation?]

[Who is it referring to?]

[D*amn, does anyone care about the life and death of Luo Feifa’s team?]

Luo Feifa’s entire team was already on the brink of hunger.

The last straw was Qiao Hefeng’s heartfelt praise.

They didn’t know when they had fallen asleep.

They only knew that the tears tonight were really salty.

The next morning, Luo Feifa propped herself up and managed to get out of the tent.

using the last of her strength, she was about to order Huang Ling to get her something to eat when she suddenly stopped.

Similarly, Su Ling was also shocked.

“That, that’s…”

People came out of the tents one after another and started to tremble.

Everyone looked at the barbeque rack not far away, and their eyes flashed with greed!

“It’s food!” someone shouted.

Luo Feifa was still clear-headed and scolded, “Are you a good-for-nothing brat?! You still want the leftovers?”


“Some of them are still very clean…” the man mumbled.

[Look how hungry the child is.]

[Some are still clean, loser!]

[I’m really laughing like h*ll right now!]

[Su Feifei probably didn’t expect that these people would even want to eat the leftovers, right?]

“No one saw us anyway. Feifa, we’re starving!”

“He’s right, staying alive is the most important thing!”

A few of them shouted.

Luo Feifa was obviously hesitant.

She looked at Huang Ling.

Huang Ling’s brows twitched as he whispered, “We don’t know when they left. Now that we’re here, the most important thing is to have the strength to catch up.”

Luo Feifa pursed her lips.

He was eating Su Feifei’s leftovers in front of the national audience.

This matter was too embarrassing!

However, the rumbling sound of her stomach reminded her that if she didn’t eat, she might really faint.

Luo Feifa took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

This was a silent agreement.

“Yay! Charge! Charge! Charge!”

A group of people cheered and rushed towards the leftovers.

Luo Feifa also stepped forward immediately.

She was afraid that if she was too late, the clean spots would all be robbed.

The light was right in front of her! They seemed to be able to smell the pungent smell lingering around their bodies!

Last night, they had been tortured to death by those despicable people. Now, all the food has been laid out by them!

Chicken skin and chicken feet!

Umami fungi!

Condensed milk corn!

They’re all here!


Huang Ling suddenly shouted as his expression changed.

However, it was too late.

The person running in front had already stepped on a loose wooden board!

The next second, a large net flew up from the ground and directly tied up everyone on Luo Feifa’s team.

“Su Feifei.”

When she was only a few centimeters away from the chicken feet, she was hung upside down on the vine tree!

The large vine net swayed in the air.

The people inside were speechless.

Who am I?

Where am I?

[Holy sh*t!!]

[No way, no way, no way??!!]

[Su Feifei! You’re dead meat!]

[Hahahahaha, I thought having no sleep was the lowest point of their lives. I never thought that they would even f*cking eat leftovers!]


Chapter 138: Grave Diggers
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Out of everyone, Luo Feifa was the only one who was a step slower and stood outside the circle to pretend to look hesitant.

Even Huang Ling was dangling from it.

Luo Feifa stepped forward to reach for the net and tried to cut it with a knife, but she couldn’t reach it no matter what.

It was as if Su Feifei had calculated it, it was just outside her limit.

Luo Feifa gritted her teeth and screamed in anger.

“What do we do now? What do we do?”

“Don’t be in a hurry.”

Huang Ling carried a small knife with him, but the vine was thick and hard. He didn’t know how Su Feifei got it, but it bound him tightly, and the knife could only cut it little by little.

“This won’t do.” Huang Ling made a prompt decision. “By the time we cut it open, they would already reach the finish line. Take the small bottle in my bag and shoot it at them! This is the sap of the anacardium tree, and it can cause an itch on the skin. As long as we can hold them back, we still have hope!”

Luo Feifa immediately took action.

She ran forward from sunrise to noon and was getting closer and closer to the end of the third circle, but she still didn’t see Su Feifei’s team.

Luo Feifa was panting from exhaustion.

She was almost at her limit. She was famished, her stomach was rumbling, and she was anxious and scared.

If Su Feifei won this time, Qiu Ye would definitely abuse his power to reward Su Feifei!

At that time, she would not be able to leave this place safely!

By the stream.

“Drink up, this is fresh water.”

After Su Feifei cleaned up the mud in the cracks, she turned around and called out to the others.

Xiao He and Tiantian immediately cheered and stepped forward.

Because the mineral water was too heavy, they had a lot of stock in their food tents.

However, Su Feifei said that she would find fresh water for them to drink if they carried the burden along the way.

At first, everyone was skeptical, but they didn’t expect Su Feifei to really find it!

Shen Ruoqing finished drinking and passed the water to Qiao Hefeng.

Qiao Hefeng transferred it to Renbo.

“I’m not drinking it.” Renbo immediately snorted, “It’s dirty!”

Su Feifei looked over. “This place is running water. It’s flowing, so it’s not dirty.”

“I don’t want to drink.”

“Then die of thirst.”

the simple and brutal words made Renbo choke and speechless.

Bo Silin came up with his love-shaped walking stick, his cold eyes glistening across Renbo’s face.

Renbo’s body was covered in goosebumps.

“It doesn’t matter if you die.” he said slowly, “Graves aren’t hard to dig up.”

Renbo was speechless.

[Renbo, why don’t we just drink it?]

[Bo Silin’s dissing after Su Feifei was very pretentious, but it was also tragic.]

Under Bo Silin’s gaze, Renbo could only take the water from Qiao Hefeng and drink it.

Qiao Hefeng reached out and pulled on Renbo’s sleeve. “Hey.”


“Take it from an experienced person.” Qiao Hefeng leaned over and said in a low voice, “Rather than being beaten up and becoming honest, it’s better to be honest from the beginning. I’m not lying to you.”

He left after he finished speaking.

[Hefeng! So that means he was completely beaten up, right?]

[Renbo isn’t that bad. Although he’s pretentious, he’s just a coward.]

[As long as he doesn’t act up, he’ll be the one who dies of anger in the end.]

Renbo pursed his lips and didn’t speak.

Su Feifei looked at Bo Silin.

“Did you just say that Luo Feifa will be here soon?”

Bo Silin pressed on Tiantian’s watch and looked at the time.

“They should be here soon.”

Su Feifei nodded.

The entire plan today was done by Bo Silin.

That included the leftover food, the height of the vines above the bamboo forest, where their team would rest, and how long it would take. Bo Silin wrote everything down to a T, it was filled with numbers that she couldn’t understand.

At that moment, Bo Silin’s body seemed to glow.

“Hey, they’re here!” Xiao He suddenly said.

Su Feifei turned around and saw a reflective object not far away.

[Is that?? Luo Feifa’s head??]

[Help! I’m dying of laughter! She can’t even hide it in the middle of the night!]

In the next second, the bullet comments floated across the screen.

[Luo Feifa’s mother, can you see her head?]

[Your daughter is shining!]

“Move out!”

Su Feifei immediately informed him.

Everyone instantly stood behind the wooden cart and formed a line.

It was not easy for Luo Feifa to see them. As if she had been injected with adrenaline, her whole body was instantly filled with strength!

She clenched the bottle in her hand and immediately rushed forward!

She was going to squeeze this thing onto Su Feifei first!

The bottle cap was opened and a few clattering sounds could be heard.

The wooden carts immediately formed a line and spread out their shields!

The thing that Luo Feifa shot out from her hand directly hit the shield.

The sticky liquid dripped down, but no one was hurt.

Luo Feifa was stunned.

What was going on?

[Did he really predict it?]

[I’m pretty sure he did. I bet he even calculated the height of the rope that Luo Feifa can’t cut.]

[I finally understand how the entertainment industry gave him the title now…]

[You fivehead man!]

However, at this moment, a certain man didn’t care about his IQ.

He slowly leaned on his walking stick and stood next to his crush. He opened his screen like crazy just to get Su Feifei’s attention.

[Bo Silin, can you hold back a little!]

[Look at this worthless thing.]

Su Feifei didn’t let him down and held on to him tighter.

“Got you.”

In an instant, Bo Silin felt comfortable all over! He had never felt so comfortable in his life.

He had never imagined that in his entire life, these two words could make his heart ripple in an instant.

[Su Feifei, I’ve been a fan of baby Bo for so long, but this is the first time I’ve seen him smile like this…]

[I think this gif can be made into an emoji package. What do you all think?]

[I won’t allow you to do this!]

[Hurry, keep that smile away for your girl!]

“You…” Luo Feifa was shocked. “How is this possible?”

She gritted her teeth and quickly regained her senses.

Since she couldn’t do it secretly, she would snatch this victory openly!

In any case, the condition for victory was for the entire team to reach the top and snatch the flag!

In other words, if she snatches the flag in advance, Su Feifei wouldn’t be able to get it!

As Luo Feifa thought about it, she broke into a run!

“Director.” Su Feifei’s cold voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Qiu Ye’s voice was heard from the walkie-talkie.

“What’s wrong?”

“I want to exchange for the reward for the last kilometer.”

Luo Feifa suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Qiu Ye was stunned for a moment before he became excited.

The last kilometer?

Wouldn’t that be a direct win?

There’s no need to compete anymore!

She didn’t even need to take the flag. She just needed the director team to help her carry it over!

Luo Feifa turned her head abruptly and gritted her teeth.

“This is not fair! She can’t change at this time!”

“I declare the rules!” Qiu Ye didn’t care about her. His passionate voice rang out, “The competition in the third circle is over. The winner has been decided!”

“Ahh!” Luo Feifa shouted and threw the bottle to the ground.

“This is not fair!” She was almost in tears. “You f*cking bullies!”

However, her collapse didn’t stop the other team members from cheering.

“Yay, yay, yay!”

Xiao He high-fived everyone one by one, and Qiao Hefeng took the grass skirt and started dancing.

He turned away from Luo Feifa and back again.

Xiao He was excited, “Did Su Feifei teach you that cheap dance?”

He immediately put on his grass skirt and began to twist. Then, Tiantian and Shen Ruoqing all joined in.

A green, twisting ocean wrapped around Luo Feifa.

“We’re the winners!”

“This baldy is an id*ot!” Tiantian chimed in.

Shen Ruoqing and the rest all laughed.

Luo Feifa screamed while holding her head.

[No, is the total age of this group of people more than two digits?]

[This is a battle between elementary school students!]

[I’m going to die of laughter.]

[If you want Luo Feifa to die of embarrassment, you can just say it.]

Su Feifei’s lips also curved into a smile. She suddenly turned her head and smacked Bo Silin’s butt. “Well done, there’s a reward for tonight!”

With a loud slap, Bo Silin’s smile instantly froze.

What just happened…

The laughter of the audience slowly died down.

Everyone’s eyes moved to a certain perky object.

The next second, he gulped.


Chapter 139: Husband-doting Segment
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[I’m cackling!]

[What was that!]

[The f*ck?!!]

[Was that an illusion??]

[Su Feifei, aren’t you being too good at this whole thing now??]

[Can this be broadcasted?!]

Only Su Feifei’s expression remained the same. She even asked the crowd, “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me?”

Xiao He thought to himself, ‘What do you think, Su Feifei! You touched the butt of a pure big boy!’ However, Xiao He’s lips moved for a moment, but he did not dare to say it out loud.

After a while, he tried to smooth things over. “Director… about that thing… if we get first place, won’t we get any prizes?”

On the other end, Qiu Ye gritted his teeth.

He still hadn’t recovered from the slapping action just now. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes, the first prize is a hair dryer.”

“Really?” all the girls on the team were excited.

Most of Su Feifei’s team were girls, so washing their hair on a deserted island was the most troublesome thing. They had to wait for a long time for their hair to dry naturally.

Now that there was a hairdryer, of course, they would all cheer!

“Su Feifei! This is awesome! I haven’t felt the hot wind blow my hair for a long time!” Tiantian said.

“It’s a pity that there’s no electricity now. We can only use it when we return to our base.” Shen Ruoqing felt sorry for everyone.

“Yeah, I’m quite envious of baldy. She won’t need to dry her hair.” Xiao He nodded.

“On second thought,” Qiao Hefeng continued, “Luo Feifa’s team doesn’t really need one. They’re either all men or bald.”

Their voices were very loud, especially Qiao Hefeng.

This sentence resonated with the crowd, and it just happened to reach Luo Feifa’s team.

The entire team was speechless.

[Look at her expression! Everyone look!]

[Qiao Hefeng is really killing!!]

“Quiet, quiet, listen to me!”

Qiu Ye’s voice was heard from the broadcast again.

The crowd immediately quieted down and waited.

“First of all, congratulations on successfully conquering the third circle of this deserted island! However, the test has only just begun!”

[What else is there? More tigers?]

[Please stop. I’m begging you. Don’t you want them to enjoy themselves, Qiu Ye?]

[I’d like to see what other tricks he’s going to play next and eventually kill himself.]

“Next, we need to attack the second circle. We are getting closer and closer to conquering this deserted island!

“There will be different tests in the second round. This time, it involves danger and survival!

“The production team has also thoughtfully prepared a few small activities for everyone. The activities will last for a day.

“Within this one day, you can earn island points and exchange them for supplies. To be fair, we can’t use any of the previous island points. This means that all the existing island points will be cleared!”


The biggest reaction was, of course, the members of Su Feifei’s team.

They had the most island points left. If they couldn’t use them, they wouldn’t be able to earn enough resources.

Everyone looked at each other.

Luo Feifa’s group, on the other hand, welcomed a party.

“That’s great!” Luo Feifa gritted her teeth and said, “If this is a fair competition and we don’t look at the accumulated points, our group can’t be worse than them!”

“It’s hard to say… ” Su Ling said, “Don’t underestimate the enemy. Moreover, Qiu Ye’s  games all have loopholes…”

[Hahaha there’s another one who’s been beaten into submission!]

[You’re the one that is f*cking abnormal!]

“What’s the reward for the winner of the next round?” Huang Ling asked.

If they won the first round, they would only be rewarded with a hair dryer. Who knew what type of strange gifts would be in the second round?

He didn’t need a hair dryer that’s for sure.

“Something amazing.” Qiu Ye said, “The champion of the second round will receive a smart toilet!”

Everyone was speechless.

[A smart toilet????? Qiu Ye, you’re crazy!]

[Are you asking a bunch of celebrities to snatch the toilet bowl?]

[I’m just saying. Can’t you consider the practicality of the other party before you supply the supplies?]

[This is to help us survive on the deserted island in the future. Although we don’t need it now, it’s better to be prepared for a rainy day. After all, it’s still up to whoever can survive on the deserted island and win hundreds of millions of resources and bonuses in the end!]

[But… celebrities can’t just go around snatching toilets.]

However, as soon as Qiu Ye’s voice echoed, countless people screamed like crazy.

“I want this toilet! Captain!”

“Captain, if you need me to do anything in the game later, just tell me!”

“Captain, we have to work hard. I don’t need anything! I don’t have to eat, but I’m begging you, you have to win this toilet!”

In Su Feifei’s team, a well-known internet celebrity drooled with desire. “We must find a place to go to the toilet in the wilderness every day. It’s really tough! ”

A male star in Luo Feifa’s team also felt the same way. “Yes, one night, my stomach wasn’t feeling well, so I squatted in the grass for a long time, providing a dinner for tens of thousands of mosquitoes.”

“We must win!”

Everyone raised their hands and shouted like crazy.

In the director team’s tent.

Qiu Ye’s lips curved into a smile, which carried a hint of evil charm.

“Heh, everything is under my control.”

[Are you crazy????]

[I miscalculated. I forgot that you were the best at manipulating people, Qiu Ye.]

[I think this is going to be fun. Hahahahaha, I’ve never seen such a high fighting spirit between celebrities before.]

“Calm down, we’re about to start the first group of games!” Qiu Ye said.

Everyone instantly quieted down and lined up in an orderly manner.

“The prize this time is not ordinary.” Qiu Ye said slowly as he got up in excitement.

“Not only will it heat up, but it will also warm your cold heart on the cold deserted island.

“It will also provide you with a comfortable massage on your back. In other words, Su Feifei, you can release yourself while enjoying life!

“Of course, there’s also an automatic cleaning service. I guarantee you’ll be able to wash up as you come and go!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the fighting spirit in everyone’s eyes burned brighter!

“Let’s go!”

“We must fight for the smart toilet!”

Su Feifei wasn’t too interested in this thing, but she didn’t miss the light in Bo Silin’s eyes.

“Do you want it?” she asked.

[It’s here, it’s here. Su Feifei’s husband-doting segment is here even though it’s late!]

Bo Silin nodded.

A smart toilet wasn’t a big deal, but if the words on a deserted island were added to the front, it would be a top-tier temptation!

“Alright!” Su Feifei slammed the table. “Let’s win this thing! ”

She had to win this toilet!

Not long after, the staff members arrived at the scene and cleared out an area to begin the segment.

“The first game is a guessing game! One person gestures and the other person guesses the words. Within a limited time, the group that guessed the most words would win! The winner will receive a hundred island points! Group three, please send your people up! In this round of the game, the captain must fight!”

“Su Feifei, Xiao He knows how to play this game!” Tiantian immediately replied, “He played with us two days ago! You can bring Xiao He along!”

Su Feifei immediately called Xiao He and went on stage.

The two of them stood still.

Qiu Ye crossed his arms and leaned to the side with a smile.

The moment he saw this smile, Bo Silin knew that things were not as simple as they seemed.

The staff brought the cards to the stage and showed them to Xiao He.

The words were… underwear…

The person gesturing was Xiao He, and the person guessing the word was Su Feifei.

[I’m sorry… I think I know where this is going…]

[Qiu Ye, you’re really wild.]


Chapter 140: Bo Silin? Shy?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Which variety show would have a guest show his underwear in order to win a smart toilet?]

[Sorry, I’ll laugh first. Don’t hold back guys.]

As expected, the moment Xiao He saw the word, his expression changed and he coughed lightly.

He then raised his hand and pointed at Qiao Hefeng.

“F*ck!” Qiao Hefeng immediately hid behind Shen Ruoqing and shouted, “Why are you pointing at me?! Speak properly!”

Su Feifei glanced in Qiao Hefeng’s direction and frowned.

“Low IQ?” she started to guess the word.

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

Xiao He shook his head and gestured a two, indicating that it was two words.

“Low intelligence?”

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

Xiao He shook his head.

Su Feifei guessed three times in a row.

“I’m sick?”



Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

Xiao He made another action of lighting a fire and pointed to his pants.

Su Feifei’s eyes immediately lit up. “Underwear!”

“Correct!” Xiao He cheered.

[Hahaha, why don’t you guys consider Qiao Hefeng’s feelings?]

[A sickly crybaby! Hahaha!]

[So this is what Qiao Hefeng looks like in Su Feifei’s eyes.]

[Letting Su Feifei participate in this segment is simply a public execution for others, okay?]

The next word was a clean freak.

Xiao He immediately pointed at Bo Silin and made a gesture of washing his hands.


“Smells good?”


“Oh right! A clean freak!”

Qiao Hefeng opened his mouth, but he could not say a word.

[Don’t cry baby Bo!]

[Baby Bo, this life is going to end soon. let’s just endure it.]

The next word was a bald head.

The moment he saw the words, Xiao He burst out laughing.

Luo Feifa was instantly furious,” Qiu Ye! You f*cking sicko!”

“Bald head.” Su Feifei answered without even needing to guess.

Luo Feifa was speechless.

Su Feifei’s entire team laughed.

“Thank you, Feifa!” Shen Ruoqing said, “I was worried that Xiao He wouldn’t be able to explain it! You’re so good to our team, we’ll help you later!”

“Shut up!” Luo Feifa roared.

At the end of the game, Su Feifei’s team had a green light all the way.

With Xiao He’s intelligence and alertness, they directly got first place.


The entire team cheered again. “Su Feifei is awesome! Su Feifei is the best! Su Feifei, you can do it!”

“The game is over for tonight. Let’s treat it as a warm-up. Please be prepared for tomorrow’s storm!”

Qiu Ye took out the loudspeaker and left the stage after the announcement.

Everyone wanted more.

Su Feifei got off the stage and walked to the side.

“Su Feifei, where are you going?” Xiao He shouted from behind.

“I have something to do!” Su Feifei said.

In the Bo family, after watching the live broadcast, both Grandpa Bo and Bo Xi heaved a sigh of relief.

“Good, good, the result was pretty good!” Grandpa Bo sighed. “It’s just that their progress is too slow. When will I be able to hold a great-grandchild?”

Bo Xi’s phone suddenly rang. She took a look and smiled.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have a grandson soon!”

After she finished speaking, she picked up her phone and walked out.

“Hello, Su Feifei, what’s wrong?”

On the other end of the line, Su Feifei squatted on the ground and put the watch to her ear.

“Did you watch the live broadcast?” she asked.

“I’ve seen it.”

Not only did she see it, but she was also very excited about each part.

Last night’s live broadcast had crossed the bottom line of the audit. Since she, Bo Xi, had applied for it, she would have to follow this standard in the future!

[Su Feifei and Bo Xi are on the phone??]

[Is this real??]

“I don’t think the method you’re giving me is very good.” Su Feifei thought for a moment. “I don’t see any changes in him.”

“Don’t be in such a hurry.” Bo Xi smiled. “Bo Silin is actually quite shy.”

[Bo Silin?? Shy???]

[Bo Xi, are you serious?]

“Yes.” Su Feifei said, “I can tell.”

Bo Xi held back her laughter. “That’s why you have to be more proactive.”

“I wasn’t proactive enough yesterday? I’ve already injured him.”

[The f*ck? Where did you hurt him?]

[Speak clearly!!]

[Was it when you two were in the tent? How did he get hurt? I want to hear it too!]

“He… He’s injured?”

“Yes, he didn’t let me apply medicine. Maybe it’s broken.” Su Feifei said.

Bo Xi was speechless.

[Is that true???!!]

“This, this... ” Bo Xi was shocked. “Are you sure?”

“I’m not sure. He didn’t let me check.”

“Then you should check it tonight.” Bo Xi said.

“He didn’t let me, and he even cried.”

Bo Xi was speechless.

[I’m numb...]

[What did I just hear??!!]

[Who is crying? What? When??]

[It might not have been broadcast last night, right?]

[I think that Su Feifei is so drunk that there’s a high probability that she can’t remember anything.]

[Tonight thought… it’s hard to say.]

Bo Xi’s face darkened. She slapped herself for that second of worry.

Did he really cry? He was definitely acting as if nothing happened though.

“If he doesn’t allow you to touch him, you can force him to do a check himself!” Bo Xi said immediately.

“Force him?”

“Just tie him up! Or check him when he isn’t paying attention. It’s best if you can grasp everything! What if there’s a wound that you can’t see, right? For the sake of his health, we can’t mess around with this kind of thing!”

It made sense.

Su Feifei nodded.

“What happens after the examination?”

“After that ... ” Bo Xi touched her chin.

At this point, Bo Silin should have some reaction, right? Did he still need her to take the initiative after that?

However, no one knew what would happen between the two of them.

She still needed to add more fuel to the fire.

“After that, strip him of his clothes and press on top of him, then... ” Bo Xi thought for a while.

she didn’t have any experience in this.


“Then, you can do the rest yourself!”

Su Feifei pursed her lips and nodded. “Alright, I got it.”

She muttered these words to herself and turned around to return to the camp.

In the camp.

Everyone in Su Feifei’s team had already been trained to be independent.

When she returned, the tents were in full bloom and neatly arranged.

“Su Feifei, let’s have seafood noodles for dinner!” Xiao He rushed forward.

Su Feifei responded casually, but her mind was filled with what had just happened.

“That’s strange ...”

Xiao He looked at Su Feifei’s back and muttered, “Why aren’t you all interested in the seafood noodles? Su Feifei doesn’t want to eat it, nor does Bo Silin...”

[Xiao He, grow up.]

[Where’s the person who wanted to make Xiao He rich last time? Look at him! All he can think about is food!]

[Wasn’t this brought out by Su Feifei?]

After Su Feifei left Xiao He, she went straight to Bo Silin.

Bo Silin was done boiling the water.

When he looked up at Su Feifei, his eyes immediately lit up.

“What’s wrong?”

“Come with me.” Su Feifei said.

Bo Silin picked up his walking stick and followed Su Feifei into the tent.

[Good heavens, don’t tell me you’re going to force him to strip!]

[Drone, go in!!]

[This is a tent for food! There’s no reason not to go in!]

The director team.

“Quickly, go in!” Qiu Ye stared at the screen curiously.

Drones were not allowed in the sleeping tent to give the guests privacy.

However, they were allowed to enter the tent where the food was kept.

He wanted to see what the two of them were up to!

Survive In The Wilderness! The Actor King Sits In My Arms And Weeps ✔️Where stories live. Discover now