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Chapter 141: I Like You
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The drone followed them in.

The tent was very dark because it was getting dark outside.

From this angle, he could see the fire that was started by this team. It was flickering and illuminating in a corner.

There was a shelf in the tent, which Su Feifei had exchanged for food.

This had a very good blocking effect.

Next to it was a place for hay to start a fire. Xiao He and the others had cleaned up the place in an orderly manner. It was very neat and clean.

Bo Silin looked up and saw Su Feifei pursing her lips in a serious manner.

Before he could open his mouth, his sleeve was suddenly pulled by someone, and he fell backward!

Su Feifei pressed down on him.

[What the f*ck!!!!!]

[Fly closer drone!!]

[Hurry! Fly in! Fly to the side of Bo Silin’s pants, will you!]

[Bro chill??]


The bullet screen instantly exploded.

Grandpa Bo gritted his teeth and shouted in front of the screen.

“Fly over!”

“Sir… That’s your grandson and future granddaughter-in-law,” the butler said.

Grandpa Bo immediately came to his senses and coughed lightly.

It seemed like it wasn’t too appropriate to say such a thing. He turned around to his back facing the screen.

“Tell me when it flies over. I don’t care.”

The butler was speechless.

In the dark shadows, Bo Silin propped himself up and their eyes met.

“What’s wrong?” He asked in a hoarse voice.

She was on top of him, and the two of them were pressed tightly together. He could feel her chest rise up and down.

Su Feifei suddenly raised her head and pointed at the drone above her. “Look!”

Bo Silin followed her movements and raised his head.

In the next second, Su Feifei leaned forward and directly grabbed Bo Silin’s lower body!

Bo Silin was speechless.

[F*ccckkkk! What is going on!]

[She’s going in for the kill!]

[Girl think about us!]

[I’m so excited! What’s going to happen next?!]

[Su Feifei!! You impress me every time!]

After being stiff for two seconds, Bo Silin’s breathing became heavier and his mind became blank.

“It’s quite filled,” Su Feifei mumbled.

Bo Silin was speechless.

“But,” Su Feifei opened her mouth again and frowned at Bo Silin. “What are you hiding?”

[What the f*ck?!]

She was about to reach out again.

Bo Silin immediately grabbed her wrist, his breath unstable.



He closed his eyes.

“Do you know that there are differences between a man’s body and a woman’s body?”

Bo Silin felt that he had to have a good talk with Su Feifei about this matter.

It was fine that she was the one who ambushed them today.

If she looked at other people’s…

Just thinking about it made Bo Silin’s scalp tingle.

[I can’t speak anymore, everyone I’m…]

[What’s the difference? Tell her! Tell her!]

[Let’s just make her look and find out. Won’t she know if it’s a wooden stick after a quick peak?]

[The f*ck… you guys are really…]

[Don’t be shy. Can’t you join in? Why can’t we talk about biology?]

He was about to speak when there was a sudden noise outside the door.

“Why are you pulling my-”

The tent was opened and immediately closed.

Shen Ruoqing and Qiao Hefeng’s faces appeared on the screen.

They closed the curtain, and it turned completely dark inside.

[What the f*ck??? Why did you close the curtains!!!]

[I want to see what happens next!]

[You two!! Get out!!]

Inside, Su Feifei wanted to get up, but Bo Silin grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

His lower body was terrified. She frowned and wanted to say something, but Bo Silin reached over and pressed her lips gently.

“Don’t move,” Bo Silin whispered in her ear.

After that, Bo Silin immediately felt the person in his arms freeze.

He raised his eyebrows.

His breath brushed past Su Feifei’s ear. She didn’t know why, but her whole body suddenly went soft and her palms started to sweat. Her heart throbbed as if a switch had been pressed.

She turned her head uneasily and Bo Silin reached out his other hand to hold her in his arms, his movements were very light.

She didn’t feel any aggression, so her body softened. She just lay on top of him and didn’t move.

“What are you planning to tell them?”

Across the shelf, Qiao Hefeng’s voice was very anxious.

“Hurry up and finish whatever you’re doing inside! There won’t be any noodles soon! Look at Xiao He, it’s like he hasn’t eaten anything in eight lifetimes!”

[Stop talking and get to the good part!]

[Let me see Su Feifei and Bo Silin!!]

[F*ck! Stop getting in the way!]

[What are you two trying to say? Who cares if he finishes all the food!]

“Why are you in such a hurry to tell them?” Shen Ruoqing let go of him. “Listen to what I have to say before you go. They’ll eat their share!”

“Then hurry up and tell me!”

Shen Ruoqing choked and gritted her teeth.

This blockhead!

“Qiao Hefeng, are you made of iron? Of all things to learn from Su Feifei, why did you have to learn this from her?” Shen Ruoqing said.

[I suddenly feel like watching this instead???]

[Shen Ruoqing, a friendly reminder. Su Feifei is listening.]

“What do you mean by that?” Qiao Hefeng asked.

Su Feifei’s head moved. Bo Silin’s hand touched the top of her head. Su Feifei only felt warm and didn’t move.

But she also wanted to know what Shen Ruoqing meant too.

“It’s just … “Shen Ruoqing’s words were stuck in her throat. She could not say it.

Qiao Hefeng’s eyes were fixed on the curtain. He didn’t care about what she was going to say. He was afraid that Xiao He would snatch all his noodles.

“Qiao Hefeng! Do you want to hear it or not!” Shen Ruoqing shouted.

Qiao Hefeng trembled in fear. “Why are you being so loud?!”

“It’s all because you’ve been focusing on the outside!”

“You’re crazy! Are your words more important than your face?”

“How do you know that my words are not important?”

“F*ck, then tell me!”

“I like you! I really like you! Alright! I said it!”


A strange silence suddenly fell on the field.

[Guys, I can’t tell if it’s a fight or a confession. ]

[The result was expected, but the process was completely unexpected.]

[I’m already laughing my *ss off hahaha!]

[Are they both comedians?]

[No, why is this love line so complicated? It’s almost like a script…]

[Trust me, even a script can’t be this ridiculous.]

Qiao Hefeng froze for a long time. “You, you… You just said…”

“Yes,” Shen Ruoqing made up her mind and said directly.

She finally understood.

Ten thousand hints were not as simple as a simple confession.

She had been paying attention to Qiao Hefeng for a long time. However, Qiao Hefeng would ignore every hint she tried to give him.

She passed him water as a hint, but he only thought that she was going to poison him to death.

She wiped his sweat off as a hint, but he only thought that she wanted to snatch his food.

If she didn’t say it directly, was she going to lose him?

Maybe in the next life.

On the haystack, a certain man’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He seemed to have found a way.

“Feifei.” He called out softly and sat up with her in his arms.

Su Feifei wasn’t heavy, and she even looked a little petite in his arms. Usually, because of her high tension, it was not obvious.

However, now, with a light hug, he could feel how tiny she was.


Chapter 142: Not Deaf, Just St*pid
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Feifei’s hand was still around his neck.

In the dark, the heat from his skin was warm. She moved and felt that everything she touched was hot.

After that, she felt her hand being held by him, and they were brought to his neck.

Su Feifei’s ears twitched and she retracted her hand. She didn’t know why, but she suddenly felt awkward.

“Don’t be afraid.”

As soon as she heard this, Su Feifei felt provoked.


“Afraid of what?”

She would let him do whatever he wanted with her.

Bo Silin chuckled. On the other side, the noisy confession continued.

“Y-y-you… Are you crazy?” This was the first sentence Qiao Hefeng said.


[Everyone, please be patient. She likes to use honorifics when she’s scared.]

[I’m dying of laughter, hahaha! Hefeng wake up!]

[Where should I pay to watch?]

[I’m a VIP! Festival Group! Where are my benefits?]

[You, why don’t you just lie between the two? I’m worried about your mental health.]

“I’m not crazy. I’ve been paying attention to you since the day you returned to the team!” Shen Ruoqing mustered up her courage and said, “That day was also the day I joined the team. I felt that you were in the same boat as me, so… I don’t know what happened, but I just thought that you were quite cute!”

Qiao Hefeng started to tremble.

Two lines of conversation suddenly flashed through his mind. It was the words Bo Silin had said when he attacked him in the helicopter that day.

“I know it’s been hard for her to let go after all these years, but I didn’t expect it to be that hard!”

“Is that so?”

Qiao Hefeng suddenly raised his head.

“What are you doing?” Shen Ruoqing was shocked.

“I…” he looked around to make sure that there was no one around and no camera. Then, he took a step forward and got closer to Shen Ruoqing.

Shen Ruoqing’s face turned red and she was a little nervous.

“You… You didn’t mind me doing that?”

Shen Ruoqing paused in her actions. “Doing what?”

“T-that!” Qiao Hefeng was anxious.

[Which one? Don’t tell me…]

[The Spongebob pants man!!!]

[Hefeng miscalculated. I bet he never thought that there would be a camera here.]

[I’m laughing my head off. Man’s wilding!]

[Hefeng, can you be more careful when you check? If he finds out that this live broadcast was out, I think he would really go to and see a therapist.]

“Oh, that… “Shen Ruoqing blushed and glanced at his pants. “What’s there to mind? Can’t people have their own little hobbies? And… And mine is also… Hello Kitty…”

Qiao Hefeng was shocked!


She was also one?

Before this, he had no feelings for Shen Ruoqing at all.

However, the magnetic field between people was just so mysterious! He suddenly felt that at this moment, the love that came from all directions was about to drown him!

Was this… The feeling of love?

Qiao Hefeng’s entire body floated up as if he had been instantly wrapped up in a pink bubble, healing him.

The image of Hello Kitty flashed across his mind.

The background music that only belonged to him resounded in his ears.

Only you…

He let out a cry from the depths of his soul!

In life, it was important to have a confidant!

[I’m f * cking dead hahaha!!]

[These two people are locked down and loaded! Tie ’em up!]

[I’m laughing my head off. Hurry up and end the comedy! I want to watch the other side!]

[I really don’t recommend watching this live stream with family…]

[I want to know when the two of them will be able to see this video.]

[The production team… I’m begging you… please tell them what’s happening on the live broadcast.]

“Then, then we could… “Qiao Hefeng’s voice also tightened.

Shen Ruoqing blushed. “Huh?”

“We could…”

He was getting more and more nervous. He did not know where to start. His mind was blank. Driven by the flirtatious night, he slowly approached Shen Ruoqing.

Shen Ruoqing stopped breathing and closed her eyes nervously.

She could hear her heart beating.

He was moved, he was in love!


Qiao Hefeng suddenly quivered again!

“What’s wrong?” Shen Ruoqing was also shocked.

[Are you going to kiss him or not? Hurry up! I still want to watch the next one!]

[I hereby announce that the two of you are now married and can leave. The exit is over there.]

[Hurry up!]

“I… I still have one more thing to do…”

Qiao Hefeng seemed to have made up his mind. “If… If you still like me after seeing this…”


He reached out and began to untie his pants.

Shen Ruoqing was speechless.

[What the f*ck?? Aren’t they moving too fast?]

[W-What are you looking at??? Hefeng! You’re an idol!!]

[Perfect. I can show the two elementary school kids the adult version of life.]

[Hefeng, I can’t watch anymore. When will they know that this is a live broadcast?]

[This, this, this… It’s a good thing the lighting is dark, otherwise, I’ll get blinded!]

[Aren’t you afraid that after he takes it off, a huge Spongebob will appear in front of you?]

[Come on, I can think of that big guy who will come back… right??]

[Can the drone check up on the other couple?]

“I’m…” Shen Ruoqing said softly, “I’m not ready yet… And I don’t have to look… Could it be that there’s something special about you?”

Qiao Hefeng’s expression froze, and a defeated expression quickly appeared on his face.

Not prepared… So, the tolerance she showed just now was just to coax him?

Shen Ruoqing immediately felt the change in his mood and reached out to pull him back.

“Actually… Actually, there’s no problem… ” Shen Ruoqing gritted her teeth. “It’s just that… There are many people here.”

She glanced outside, afraid of disturbing others.

[Wow the only couple that cares about the viewers!]

[I’ve taken a look at the number of viewers. It’s probably around 320 million. No problem, we’ll close our eyes for a while.]

[It’s just a small scene. What haven’t we all experienced? Come, please start your performance! ]

Qiao Hefeng’s eyes lit up and he immediately nodded solemnly.


He pulled up his pants.

He steeled his heart and quickly pulled his pants down and covered them again.

“Did you see that?”

Shen Ruoqing was speechless.

Qiao Hefeng frowned. “Too fast. Didn’t you see?”

“Alright, then you have to look carefully this time,” he said seriously as he got closer.

Shen Ruoqing did not react. “What…”

The next second, Qiao Hefeng quickly pulled his pants down again! They pulled it back up!

“Did you see that?” He lowered his voice, as if he was passing on a signal from an underground party, and then repeated his actions. “Did you see that!?”

Shen Ruoqing was speechless.

She saw it.



It was like a ray of light in the dark.

It was dazzling, prominent, and outrageous.

Shen Ruoqing gritted her teeth. “Y-you’re only showing me this?”

“Actually, I have a collection… ” Qiao Hefeng said with a red face, “If I don’t wear it, I won’t be able to sleep…”

He coughed lightly.

“I’ve thought about it before, would my future partner care about this? Ah… Who knew that the audience would them before my partner?”

“But luckily, they only saw one thing. The public relations team said that it could be considered an accident. They were planning to say that I was filming here and didn’t have any underwear to wear, so I borrowed the director’s team’s underwear. They wanted to throw the blame on Qiu Ye first. Anyway, this is Qiu Ye’s style of doing things, so everyone was okay with it.”

Qiu Ye, who was in front of the screen, was speechless.

Su Feifei and Bo Silin were speechless.

Those who had ears all fell silent.

Those with mouths could not speak.

[It’s a beautiful wish, but it won’t be fulfilled.]

[Hefeng’s public relations team is destined to have insomnia tonight.]

[Did it make it to the hot searches? Can anyone check?]

[Hefeng’s birthday is coming soon. Let’s give him an unforgettable birthday gift.]

[Can it be more unforgettable than Bo Silin’s birthday present?]

“Alright, I can accept that,” Shen Ruoqing said.

She then pushed him away.

“If you don’t plan on doing anything else, let’s go.”

As she spoke, Shen Ruoqing took a step forward.

“Who says I wasn’t going to?”

Qiao Hefeng pulled her back, pressed her against the wall, and kissed her.


Chapter 143: A Big Aperture
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Oh my!]

[He’s grown up, he’s really grown up!]

[Bo Silin! You better watch how he did that! Did you see that? Have you learned it? Do as he did!]

[Su Feifei, we don’t expect you to learn. Just don’t move. Please…]

[Su Feifei, if you can, don’t speak.]

[Kiss her. Just do something. Please! I beg you!]

The tent quickly quieted down.

Su Feifei came back to her senses and saw that the shelf was shaking.

“You’re so sweet.” Qiao Hefeng asked, “What did you eat just now? Honey roasted chicken? Did you leave any for me?”

“Qiao Hefeng! Can’t you put more effort into it!”


[What did I do wrong? Why do I have to listen to this?]

[God… If you’re listening…]

[I’ll be honest with you. The quality of this microphone is really good. I can hear everything clearly.]

[Qiao Hefeng, watch your image. You’re kissing, not flirting with a fan.]

Then, the last sentence began to float across the entire bullet screen.

At this moment, at Bo Silin’s studio.

“Help me!”

A man wearing a cap suddenly ran in.

Li turned his head, a little surprised.

Li’s original name was Li Da.

The person who ran in was called Li Er.

It was his younger brother and Qiao Hefeng’s manager.

Although the two of them were from the same industry, they usually worked in different places and would not meet for no reason.

What was going on today?

“Did something happen?”

The dark circles under Li Da’s eyes hadn’t disappeared yet. He had two eye bags and looked slightly tired.

As he spoke, his eyes were still on the screen, monitoring Bo Silin at all times.

He was afraid that he would create another hot search for the team.

“Didn’t you see the hot search?!” Li Er shouted.

Li Da then took a look. After reading it, he immediately froze.

Good fellow.

[Qiao Hefeng Series Underwear, Same Model. On Sale.]

[Qiao Hefeng, Watch the Livestream.]

[Qiao Hefeng, this is a kiss, not a fan.]

Li Da was speechless.

“W-what should we do?” Li Er was about to cry. “I just think that you guys are more experienced in dealing with these things. After all, didn’t the hot search appear one after another a while ago? Is there any way to withdraw it? This trending topic is rising too quickly!”

Li Da was speechless.

“Say something!”

“Do I look like someone who has a way out?” Li Da asked.

If he had a way, why would he let Bo Silin hang on the hot search every day?

The two of them looked at each other.

Li Er trembled. “Don’t tell me… Don’t tell me that we can only…”

“The netizens are crazy. Besides, this Qiao Hefeng of yours has a problem with his brain. How could he not know that he’s being recorded?”

“That’s still better than yours, right? Should I say that Bo Silin seems to be doing most of the trending searches on purpose?”

It was a simple game of chess.

It triggered two rounds of sadness.

The two lips quivered.

After a long while, Li Da went first, “Forget it. We’re brothers. Let’s not hurt each other. From my experience, I advise you to accept reality. No matter how much money you spend, it’ll be all for naught.”

He pointed at the screen and continued, “If these two can make it to one hot search, then they can make it to ten. It’ll make you go bankrupt.”

Li er’s eyes lost all hope and light.

In the tent, a newly-formed couple was overly intimate.

The atmosphere on the pile of dried grass gradually became heated.

[What are Bo Silin and Su Feifei doing? This noise is breaking the rules!]

[They haven’t been moving for so long. Could it be that they’ve fallen asleep?]

[God f*cking couples! They’re composing a poem, okay?]

[I want to see it!!]

Su Feifei finally frowned when she heard the sound of Shen Ruoqing’s clothes being torn.

It was so strange.

Bo Silin held her hand and rubbed it gently for a moment. Then, he led her to his face slowly.

The moment she touched it, her fingertips froze, but she didn’t take it back.

He pinched her index finger down again, to his neck, and placed it on his protruding adam’s apple.

Bo Silin moved closer and closed his long legs, imprisoning her in his body, his breath reaching her ear.

“Su Feifei, do you know what this is?” He asked.

On the other side, the two of them were already panting.

Bo Silin was very satisfied.

Very good, it was a perfect atmosphere.

“This is the difference between men and women.” He said in a hoarse voice, “Touch it.”

This sound was similar to the one in the cave…

No, it was even more tempting and magical than that time.

She was in the dark and could vaguely see Bo Silin’s gaze on her.

So she reached out and touched it.

For the next second, his adam’s apple moved up and down.

“Can you feel it?” he asked in an even lower voice.


“Is it different?”

Su Feifei touched her own. “Yeah.”

Further down.

Her fingers touched his chest.

It slipped and stuck to his abdominal muscles.

He took her hand and reached the finish line.

She had clearly touched him just now, but the situation was inexplicably different.

She actually… Felt her cheeks heat up.

Across the shelf, the sound from the other end became more and more intense.

“I broke it! I still have to go out later…” Shen Ruoqing whispered.

“Who cares!”

[You two?]

[Are you really coming??]

“Does you know what you’re doing?” Bo Silin’s voice continued.

“I know.”

Bo Silin was stunned.

She does?

How did she know that?

“Then tell me, how do you feel?”

“I’m feeling good.” Su Feifei said.

Bo Silin was speechless.

What was she doing?

He was stunned for a long time and did not come back to his senses.

“What?” Su Feifei noticed his stiffness and frowned.

Didn’t those men say that they were going to have some fun when they dragged the military prostitutes into their tents?

Didn’t the people here say that?

However, her memory of this part was a little blurry and she couldn’t match it to what they say nowadays.

Bo Silin finally recovered from his shock.

“It… ” he was defeated. “It counts.”

Su Feifei was relieved. It seemed that she had hidden it well and there was no problem.

“They sound very happy outside, don’t they?” Su Feifei suddenly had an idea and asked.

Qiao Hefeng was especially happy.

Bo Xi had said that she was free to do as she pleased.

She had already pressed it down and checked it. There were no major problems.

Then, it was naturally time for her to freely express herself.

Su Feifei’s eyes immediately locked onto Bo Silin.

Her eyes first swept past his long and narrow ones, then his smooth skin, and his delicate facial features. Finally, her gaze slid down and swept up and down.

Bo Silin paused for a moment. “Well… I’ll be very happy too if I was doing it with a person I like.”

“Do you like me?” She asked.

In an instant, the pause button was pressed on Bo Silin’s entire body again.

Did Shen Ruoqing and Qiao Hefeng’s hands-on teaching finally work?

Did this directly open up a big aperture?

“Why do you ask?”

Bo Silin looked at the clarity in her eyes and almost lost himself in her. However, there was still the last trace of vigilance in her dizzy mind.

“It’s nothing.” Su Feifei answered. “I just want you to be happy too.”


Chapter 144: Kiss
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bo Silin was silent in the dark night.


A few seconds later, he heard Qiao Hefeng say dejectedly, “I can’t find it! It’s too dark here!”

“Be patient!” Shen Ruoqing’s voice was also a little louder.

[Help! I can’t breathe!]

[What can’t you find??? What is it??]

[What are you guys doing? It’s not what I’m thinking, right??]

[My scalp is really going numb. I don’t know if I should continue to watch it.]

[Turn it off! Right now!]

[You guys need to take it easy! Be careful, this room might really be banned!]


Bo Silin’s thin lips parted slightly, and all the blood in his body rushed in one place.

The simplest look could ignite the most vigorous flame in his eyes. He found that he would always yield to Su Feifei’s straightforwardness and enthusiasm.

She didn’t like to beat around the bush, and she also didn’t like to test the waters. She asked whatever she wanted and gave whatever she wanted.

This feeling instantly struck the deepest part of his heart.

What he wanted the most was possession.

Su Feifei was the only thing running through his veins.

He was in full bloom, a form that only he could see.

His slender fingers pinched her wrist and tightened.

“Are you sure?” His voice was extremely hoarse.

Su Feifei nodded. “I’m sure.”

To make him happy!

Attack the Bo family!

She wanted to take his entire family for herself!

What was wrong with her?

She’s too good!

“What do I have to do?” Su Feifei was excited. “What can I do to make you happy? ”

She leaned forward and mimicked Qiao Hefeng’s actions, once again pressing Bo Silin against the pile of dried grass.


Su Feifei recalled the scene just now. Then, she lowered her head and gave Bo Silin a peck on the lips.

Although she did not have much memory left of last night, she still remembered that Bo Silin was trembling when she hugged him and kissed him.

He was so happy that he was trembling.

He definitely liked it.

As expected, Bo Silin’s body froze again and his pupils shrank.

Su Feifei said again, “But I’ll say this first. Don’t cry this time. I don’t like men crying.”

Bo Silin was speechless.

“Bo Silin, are you happy?” She asked.

“I’m happy.”


Good job.

A few more times.

Su Feifei immediately pecked him on the lips three more times like a chick pecking at rice.

“Three times as happy?”

Bo Silin’s gaze had already started to change, his deep eyes like a deep pool.

“Yes… More than that.”

More than that?

There was a stacking effect?

It was okay.

Su Feifei rolled up her sleeves and glared at Bo Silin’s lips, ready to go all out.

Tonight, she was going to send Bo Silin directly to paradise!

On the other end, Qiao Hefeng’s voice became more and more anxious.

“Why don’t you turn on a flashlight? I-I have no experience!”


“It’s okay. Everyone is eating noodles outside. Who would care about us?”

[Turn it on!]

[Quick, let me see what Su Feifei and Bo Silin are doing!]


[Hefeng, you have no experience? Are you still a…]

[True, elementary school children would not know…]

On the other side.

“But Su Feifei…”

Bo Silin tucked her stray hair behind her ear. Su Feifei’s attention was pulled back to him and she saw him half-leaning on the pile of dried grass in an exceptionally lazy and seductive posture.


“Kissing isn’t supposed to be like this.”

The next second, he pulled her hand lightly and she pounced on him.

Their soft lips instantly touched.

Su Feifei immediately recalled the feeling of transferring air in the water that night.

It was soft, fragrant… And numbing.

He grabbed her waist, turned over, and pressed her down on the haystack.

Bo Silin held her up with his arms and placed the dry grass behind her head as a cushion.

She was a little confused.

When she closed her eyes, they were filled with mist, and she could see the bottom of the lake. She pressed her fingers against his firm chest, and the heat continued to pass over.

Tears instantly appeared in her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the overwhelming desire in his eyes, which he did not hide at all.

However, she didn’t quite understand what that look meant.

He suddenly separated, the tips of their noses touching, and their dense breaths began to intertwine.

“Do you understand the difference?” Bo Silin asked.

Su Feifei pursed her lips and didn’t answer.

There seemed to be… A slight difference.

“Do you?”

He curled his lips and looked down at her full lips.

He lowered his body again. This time, his movements were much slower. The second time, he kissed the corner of her lips. His slender fingers began to climb up her arm until their fingers slowly intertwined, and he pulled her to the wall.

A lingering breath started from the corner of her lips, and the light kiss continued forward.

Finally, it reached the side of her ears and neck.

She was trembling.

Bo Silin’s breathing also became chaotic.

“What about now, Su Feifei?”

In the dark, Su Feifei’s eyes were dazed and her body was weak.

She couldn’t explain it herself, but it was indeed different. As for what was different and how… She could not understand.

It was as if her heart had been suddenly torn open by someone, and his breath invaded her domineeringly, not giving her any time to react.

This was an experience she had never experienced before.

She had never been tainted by a person’s scent in her life.

From his nose to every pore on his body.

He had only touched her lips, but why did it feel like he wanted to melt her into his bones?

“It’s different, right?” He coaxed.

This time, there was a long silence in the darkness.


She replied softly.

Bo Silin’s smile spread across his lips.

He picked her up again. This time, the kiss was no longer gentle.

The moment she was pushed against the wall, Su Feifei subconsciously raised her hand to resist!

However, Bo Silin already knew what she was going to do in advance and immediately suppressed her movements. He stroked her long hair with his other hand and stroked it gently.

After comforting her, she became soft again.

The feeling of invasion was even more obvious this time.

He was attacking. It was as if he was carrying a large flag to attack a city.

Horses neighed and screeched, the wind blew the autumn grass, and the flames of war soared…

In the end, she could only hear the sound of the city in her heart collapsing one by one.

She began to tremble at the unknown, feeling as if she had reached some kind of territory.

It was a territory that did not belong to her at all. She had never even touched it before.

“Bo Silin…”

“Relax, I don’t bite.”

He gently caressed her lips, and Su Feifei’s biting action loosened.

Bo Silin covered her again.

The temperature rose.

It was a lively bonfire party outside.

Fire, laughter, and hard liquor.

It was extremely charming and their breaths lingered.

Suppression, exploration, and desire.

“Breathe, Feifei.”

His voice rang out again as he slowly led her forward.

Her long hair was already scattered on her side, and her arms wrapped around the two of them, slender and dense.

The air was sucked dry, but her heart was filled.

His comforting words rang in her ears. In her line of sight were his abyss-like pupils and the same oppressive aura.

Su Feifei didn’t know how much time had passed before this deadly entanglement finally ended.

Bo Silin put his arm up to put some distance between them and lowered his head to look at her.

Their eyes met.

The spring water in his black eyes had melted into a different scenery, no longer cold. He smiled and whispered in her ear, “This is a real kiss, Su Feifei.” He reached out and touched the tip of her nose. “You can only do it with me in the future.”

He didn’t forget to fill in the gaps.

Su Feifei leaned against the wall and panted lightly, her mind still in a mess.

But very quickly, Qiao Hefeng’s cry rang out.


Su Feifei immediately came back to her senses and looked up.

She saw a figure frantically putting on his pants and running out of the door.

The remaining three people were at a loss.

[What’s going on??]

[Hefeng, what are you doing?]

[Shen Ruoqing, you hit him?]

[There’s light! ] Quickly look inside! Hurry up!]

[Hollllyyy f*ckkk!!!]

[Su Feifei! Bo Silin! What are you guys doing!]


Chapter 145: Baby’s Full Moon Party
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As soon as the light from outside came in.

It immediately shone on Su Feifei’s face. Her hair was scattered, her lips were swollen, and she looked confused.

This scene was really hard to ignore.

Even Qiu Ye, who was behind the camera, shouted.

“The f*ck?!”

Qiu Ye shivered and immediately rushed out, flying directly into the tent.

When the lights were turned on, Su Feifei had already tidied up her hair and returned to normal.

Bo Silin was different.

It could be said that he had a despicable look on his face.

He was leaning against the pile of grass, his face full of satisfaction.

[It’s enough to just look at baby Bo’s expression. It’s enough to make up a fancy action movie in my brain!]

[I’d like a personal reply to that!]]

[What kind of face was that? Does this show have no laws?]

[Everyone, calm down! His clothes are still in good shape! Isn’t that reasonable?]

[I don’t care, I don’t care! As long as my favorite ship is in great harmony!]

In the tent, Qiu Ye trembled as he pointed at Bo Silin, “Y-y-y-you…”

Bo Silin got up lazily, picked up his walking stick, and slowly walked past Qiu Ye. He rubbed his waist with one hand, his delicate eyebrows furrowed.

“Ah… My waist is so sore.” He said, “Maybe because just now… Forget it, I won’t say much. It might not be appropriate for the audience to hear.”

What is it that can’t be broadcasted?! Just say it!

[What the f*ck!! I want to know!!]

[Something must have happened! That’s for sure!]

[At least a f*cking kiss and above! I can’t guarantee how far they went but look at Su Feifei’s mouth!]

[Who’s up there? Did Bo Silin finally make a move?]

“You beast! Bo Silin! You beast!” Qiu Ye roared madly.

When Bo Silin walked past him, he licked his lips and sighed.

“Qiu Ye, remember to come to the baby’s full moon celebration next year.”

“You should hurry up too. You’re not young anymore. You can’t even find a wife.”

Qiu Ye was speechless.

[Qiu Ye if you die, you’ll die a cheap death.]

[As expected, Qiu Ye has been blacklisted by Bo Silin.]

[Legend has it that when Bo Silin is unhappy, he will pick someone from his list of enemies and stab them. I didn’t believe it before, but now I really do.]

On the opposite side, Shen Ruoqing was stunned when she saw Qiu Ye.

When he saw Su Feifei and Bo Silin coming out of the tent, his expression was so stiff that he could’ve been mistaken for a wax figure.

So… Just now, they were… being watched?

She quivered and ran away.

She found Qiao Hefeng, who was crying under a tree. Qiao Hefeng was currently in a state of extreme grief. Shen Ruoqing stepped forward and gave him a pat.

“Hefeng, you …”

“Ah! Don’t talk to me yet!”

Qiao Hefeng immediately covered his ears, turned around, and hid under the tree.

This back view was filled with grief.

The wind blew, and the leaves rustled down, adding a few points of desolation to the entire scene and composition.

[What’s wrong with Hefeng?! Don’t cry, don’t cry. I still love you!]

[Don’t tell me he’s unhappy that Patrick pants have gone missing?]

[It must’ve been brave of you to share. Why are you crying?]

[Was Shen Ruoqing being too rough?]

Xiao He and the others noticed this and came over with the seafood noodles.

“What’s going on?” He asked, “Hey, why aren’t you eating the seafood noodles? We’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

Qiao Hefeng didn’t say anything and just curled up in a corner.

Shen Ruoqing’s face was full of helplessness.

“What’s going on?” Xiao He felt that things were not as simple as they seemed.

“I’m fine…” Shen Ruoqing’s face was unusually red. “Give me the noodles. I want to talk to him alone.”

Xiao He took a few more glances and was a little worried. After he passed the noodles to Shen Ruoqing, he went back to the campsite to find Tiantian.

“Something seems to have happened to Hefeng.”

“An accident or something?”

“Yeah, he wouldn’t say no matter what.” Xiao He frowned and said, “I don’t know if Shen Ruoqing bullied him or something. It seems like there’s something going on between the two of them!”

Was there a problem?

The burly men also came up. They looked at each other with serious expressions.

“Let’s go!”

[Ignite your soul!]

[This is exactly what I want! Just looking at Su Feifei’s team gives me a sense of positive energy!]

[Xiao He is definitely going to investigate this. Let us know what happened to Hefeng!]

A few minutes later in the director team’s tent.

“Will we be scolded if we sneak in like this?” the burly man asked in a low voice.

“What are you afraid of? There’s Su Feifei here!” Xiao He said, “What’s the worse that can happen?”

Upon hearing this, Tiantian also felt more at ease. “That’s true. What should we do now? ”

“We’ll definitely be discovered if we rush over right now.”

Xiao He picked up a drone and connected it to the system. “This will do!”

As soon as the drone was turned on, the bullet screen was filled with comments.

[Oh, you can see it from here?]

[Isn’t this the live stream room of the other people? The number is written on it. It’s probably someone who was eliminated before and it automatically connects to the live broadcast room.]

[Xiao He you’re so smart! Thank you, I love you!]

The drone glided forward and stopped under the tree.

Shen Ruoqing put down her bowl and reached out to touch Qiao Hefeng’s shoulder.

“Alright, it’s not a big deal. Don’t be like this.”

“Isn’t it big enough???!!!”

Qiao Hefeng’s roar was filled with grievance and despair.

“It feels like Ruoqing really bullied him!” Xiao He whispered.

“Don’t they have a good relationship or something?”

“Look at his tottering face. Something must have happened!”

“Get closer, let’s listen more clearly!”

The drone got closer again.

Shen Ruoqing gritted her teeth and blushed.

“You don’t have to be too sad, it’s easy for a boy to have his first time uh…”

“Ahhh! I’m not listening!”

Qiao Hefeng immediately covered his ears.

Shen Ruoqing frowned and reached out to pull his hand away.

“I’m not lying to you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask other experienced people later to see if it’s true!”

“Don’t comfort me, I’m not good enough for you.”

“I’m not comforting you!” Shen Ruoqing raised her voice. “Besides, three hours is no different from three seconds. As long as we are in love, I don’t care about that! And it’s really because it’s your first time that you… Well, it’s normal anyway!”


At this moment, the bullet screen finally exploded.


[What??? No way??? It’s not what I think it is right??]

[Someone, save me!!]

[So, the thing that Hefeng couldn’t find just now was…]

[Hefeng? At least Bo Silin has three minutes, and you? Three seconds?]

[Hahahaha, I can’t take it anymore. I’m laughing so hard that I’m paralyzed. Let me call an ambulance and continue laughing. ]

[Charge! Let’s make it to the hot search, sisters we rise!]

Two minutes later, Qiao Hefeng appeared on the hot search for the eighteenth time today.

The hot search was called three seconds.

At this moment, the public relations team was sitting in front of the computer.

He saw the entry that was rising and not a single sound could be heard.


Chapter 146: Requesting to Lose
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After a while, Li Da couldn’t hold back his laughter.

He reached out and patted Li Er’s shoulder to comfort him.

Back then, they had thought that their studio was the most miserable one. Now that he saw Qiao Hefeng’s team, he felt more at ease.

“What do we do?” Li Er’s voice started to tremble.

“Listen, there’s no need to retreat.”

Li Da sighed and turned to the staff, “Take off your hat…”

Everyone took off their hats. The bright hairline almost made Li Er have the urge to kneel down and pray.

“You… You…”

The program had only been on air for slightly more than a month!

How did the dense forest turn into a desert oasis?

“Go back and sleep early. Don’t take this matter to heart, just let them run their own course.” Li Da instructed, “Otherwise, your team will end up like us.”

Li Er trembled. In the end, he could only close his eyes and sigh.

On a deserted island.

Xiao He’s hands were already shaking.

He panicked, and in the end, the drone fell directly towards the two!


Qiao Hefeng cried out when the drone hit him.

“Who is it? Who ambushed me?”

When he saw that it was a drone, he shuddered and shouted.


Qiao Hefeng threw away the drone, turned around, and ran into his tent.

Shen Ruoqing was speechless.

On the other side, Xiao He was just as shocked and consoled himself, “Good thing they’re not fighting haha! Remember this, only you and I know about this, no one else must know. It’s a good thing we didn’t let the camera follow us in just now…”

“But…” Tiantian tugged at his sleeve and pointed at the surveillance screen on the computer.

On the surveillance screen. There was an image filled with bullet comments, and it was facing the direction of the grass.

It was the drone that had crashed down!

The few of them looked at each other and shouted the next second, “F*ck!!!”

Xiao He cried, “Hefeng, my comrade! I’ve let you down!”

When they returned to the camp, Su Feifei was just about to start roasting the rabbit. However, everyone’s faces were pale and they looked dazed.

Only Bo Silin leaned back lazily with his eyes narrowed. His eyes were always on the side of Su Feifei’s face, and the corners of his lips never lowered.

“The roasted rabbit is done. Call Qiao Hefeng out to eat.” Su Feifei said.

Xiao He and the others looked at each other. “He… he said that he wanted to sleep… Yeah…”

“Why?” Su Feifei narrowed her eyes.

Xiao He quivered. “I’ll go and get him!”

In less than five minutes, Qiao Hefeng came out wearing a bikini.

Xiao He was following him with a speechless expression.

Shen Ruoqing was stunned. “Didn’t you say you wanted to sleep…”

“Yes, I wanted to sleep. I came out when I heard about the roasted rabbit,” Hefeng replied.

Shen Ruoqing was speechless.

The other people in the know were speechless.

[Why is this the last stubbornness of a man who only knows how to cause his own trouble?]

[I can’t. If I keep watching, I’m going to become Qiao Hefeng’s fan. Help.]

[This is really funny. My family members don’t have to go to the gym anymore. They can just watch the live broadcast every day and gain abs from this.]

Su Feifei glanced at him and shared the roasted rabbit with him.

A glimmer of light suddenly appeared on Qiao Hefeng’s broken face. Just as he was about to take it, he felt a cold gaze from the side and immediately retracted his hand.

“That… Ruoqing… can you help me hold it?” Qiao Hefeng said in a low voice.

Shen Ruoqing helplessly took the roasted rabbit and handed it to him.

Qiao Hefeng immediately turned his back to the camera, lifted his chin, and began to eat.

Renbo’s face was completely black. His eyes moved between Shen Ruoqing and Qiao Hefeng, and his hand that was holding the rabbit meat clenched into a fist.

After Su Feifei finished distributing the meat, she looked at Renbo in the corner. She suddenly got up and walked to the fire, clapping her hands to signal everyone to pay attention.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in her direction.

“Qiu Ye just came to inform us that tomorrow will be divided into two parts. One will be the game, and the other will be collecting plants to exchange for island points. Don’t worry about the first part, play as much as you want. I only have one request for you guys…”

“We will definitely win!” Xiao He said loudly.

“To lose.”

There was a second of silence.

Everyone was speechless.


[Su Feifei, are you sure the word lose came out of your mouth?]

[Su Feifei, do you want to lose? Is that you??]

Su Feifei said, “I didn’t say that wrongly. You can play however you like. It doesn’t matter. But you must lose in the last step.”

Everyone did not seem to understand. However, under Su Feifei’s long-term training, no one asked any questions and accepted it.

In any case, Su Feifei’s words had never been wrong.

“For the other activity, Renbo, step out.” Su Feifei said.

Renbo was stunned, but his body’s instinct made him put down the roasted rabbit and walk forward.

“You’ve become familiar with the plants on the island these days, and I guess most of them will be herbs, so you’ll be leading the team.”



Su Feifei didn’t explain too much. She pointed out a few people in the crowd and directly formed a small herb-picking team.

Tiantian and Renbo will be leading the way.

Before Renbo could adapt to this sudden mission, a few people arrived in front of him.

“Captain, you speak. We’ll follow!” One of the brawny men who had been assigned to the group spoke up.

When Renbo heard the word captain, his face flushed red.

“Well… Uh…”

“Renbo is very familiar with medicinal herbs. We can rest assured if we follow you!” Tiantian said with a smile.

She turned her head and winked at Su Feifei as if she was giving her a secret signal.

Su Feifei smiled and nodded.

Renbo’s face turned even redder. Ever since he joined the team, he had never been put in an important position. Or rather, from the start of the show, it was as if the celebrity aura that belonged to him had been instantly removed. Now that there were suddenly so many pairs of eyes looking at him, he was a little uncomfortable.

“Well…” He said with a stiff face, “Then, then come with me. We’ll gather here at nine in the morning tomorrow.”


Everyone replied in unison.

[Should I say it or not? Su Feifei’s team is really more complete than the army.]

[Feifei has a military-style management after all.]

[Look how scared Renbo looks. But why did Su Feifei ask him to go?]

[She deliberately sent him away, right? Renbo likes Shen Ruoqing, isn’t this love triangle obvious?]

[We’re talking about Su Feifei. Think about it when you’re free. She can’t understand a two-sided love, but can understand a love triangle?]

The team quickly regrouped.

At the same time, Luo Feifa’s team had also come up with a plan.

They had gotten someone to tamper with the list of games for tomorrow.

“Leave the plant-picking part to me.” Huang Ling gave him a simple task. “I’m very familiar with this area. All you need to do is play the game. But I think this…”

He pointed at Qiu Ye’s crooked handwriting and asked, “A slash? What game is it? Don’t tell me… they want us to fight?”


Chapter 147: Is This a Trap?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He handed the list over.

Everyone looked around and did not understand.

“Qiu Ye, that pervert, he’s always using different ways to mess with us.” Luo Feifa sneered. “You’ll know tomorrow. “We must win this time! Did you all hear that?”

She was full of morale.

However, there were only a few people around that reacted well. Some people agreed, but most of them were still complaining.

“The opponent is Su Feifei. How can we win?”

“That’s right… if you can win, then go…”

“We haven’t won even once.”

[Hahahaha, if I didn’t see that bald person, I would have thought that these people were Su Feifei’s fans…]

[Su Feifei, the only woman that I’ll never be able to surpass in my life.]

[Ever since she got caught, Su Feifei’s name has become the inner demon of this team.]

[If you were starved the whole day and hung on the barbeque rack for two hours, you’ll also have inner demons.]

Luo Feifa clenched her fingers, gritted her teeth, and cursed, “D*mn it! How did Su Feifei train her team to be so obedient?”

Why did the same trick not work on her?

Su Ling glanced at her and didn’t want to say anything. She just wanted to go home as soon as possible. She was tired and afraid.

The next morning, Qiu Ye’s broadcast sounded on time.

The three teams gathered.

Except for Su Feifei’s team, the other two teams were drowsy.

The herb-picking team had already set off.

Renbo thought about his role as he walked, he just needed to brush it off and do some missions.

He couldn’t sleep last night. No matter how he thought about it, he definitely couldn’t let that woman do whatever she wanted!

If he was so obedient and did whatever she asked him to do, how terrible would that be?

So this time, he had to be perfunctory! He wanted Su Feifei to see his attitude!

However, just as he set off, he met Luo Feifa’s team on the way.

“Your team actually sent you out instead of Su Feifei herself?” When the two teams met, someone clamored.

“This is so funny! You can still pick herbs without Su Feifei?”

The people behind Renbo exploded.

Tiantian immediately stepped forward and cursed, “Haven’t you heard of his family? They’re a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners! Renbo has seen more herbs than you have eaten rice! Do I need to say more?”

He reached out and tugged at Tiantian.

“Not that much…”

Tiantian glared at him and whispered, “Where is your imposing manner? Your sparkling aura? Su Feifei said that if you lose, you’ll get shamed!”

Renbo was speechless.

‘This is a f*cking cult.’

Tiantian turned around and stared at the men opposite her with her hands on her hips.

After being yelled at and seeing Tiantian’s fierce expression, the men suddenly thought of the wolves that Tiantian had stabbed to death. Hence, they didn’t say anything and left silently.

[This isn’t called survival in the wilderness. This is called The Legend of Feifei whereby Feifei brings out the true colors of her people.]

[The gods are still f*cking around, aren’t they?]

[I’m putting money into this show, it must go on!]

[She’s no longer the Tiantian of the past. She’s now the new and improved Tiantian 2.0!]

“Let’s go, we’ll continue picking the herbs.” Tiantian said, “If we can’t beat them, they’ll look down on us! I’ve already spread the word.”

“That’s impossible!” Renbo immediately said, “You want to win against me with just these few people? I’ve already seen all the herbs on this island!”

In order to win against Su Feifei in picking herbs, he had put in a lot of effort!

These people still wanted to mock him for his efforts?

[Renbo, let me remind you when you came out just now, you seemed unwilling??]

[It’s fine. In Su Feifei’s team, he’ll have to work for Su Feifei sooner or later, hahaha. He just needs to accept that.]

On the other side, Qiu Ye began to announce the rules of the first round.

“The first game is a test of tacit understanding!”

“Each team will send out two candidates. One of them will first write down the answer to my question on these white papers. After that, the same question will be given to your partner and you will have to answer it in front of the camera.

“It’s worth mentioning that we will be using the nomination system this time! In other words, the show’s director will decide who will play the game!”

“Isn’t that you?!” Someone shouted from below.

Qiu Ye turned around, holding a rose in his mouth.

“Yes, it’s me.”

Everyone was speechless.

[I was wondering why my screen suddenly oozed oil?]

[Qiu Goudan’s grandson, please move aside. You’re blocking me from looking at Su Feifei.]

Qiu Ye casually pointed, “Team Su Feifei’s fighters will be Su Feifei and Bo Silin!”

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Bo Silin. There were faint electrical sparks in the air.

Next was Luo Feifa and Su Ling, and Feng Xuege also went on stage with a partner.

After writing the question, Qiu Ye chuckled.

Qiu Ye had never lost when it came to digging up interesting points of others!

After Su Feifei finished writing, she left the stage.

Bo Silin was left on the stage to answer.

“Please listen to the question!” Qiu Ye looked at the paper and said loudly, “Question one when was the last time the other party kissed?”

[F*ck. Isn’t that too much for the first round??]

[I’m shocked. I’m really shocked.]

[So you’re saying that you want Bo Silin to tell you when was the last time Su Feifei kissed?]

[Yes, yes, yes!!!! Quickly tell us, was it yesterday??]

[He wouldn’t have said it even yesterday, right? This is a live broadcast after all.]

[I just can’t figure out these two. Let’s watch the live broadcast and analyze the video again.]

Luo Feifa from the first group answered first.

“Su Ling’s kiss… last time?” She and Su Ling looked at each other and frowned, “It was… Last month?”

Su Ling’s eyes immediately widened.

Everyone was in an uproar!

[Didn’t Su Ling just say that she had been single for three years? Kissing last month?]

[With who? ]

[Was it before you started the show?]

[Is this a game or a tea spilling session??]

Qiu Ye smiled, his entire face filled with satisfaction.

Su Ling immediately mouthed Luo Feifa.

However, it was too late. Qiu Ye directly threw the answer and said, “Wrong answer!”

This time, it was Luo Feifa’s turn to widen her eyes.

She gritted her teeth and said, “Su Ling! If you don’t write the real answer, how can we win!”

Everyone was speechless.

“This… “Su Ling’s face turned red, “This is the true answer!”

She was going crazy.

Who the Hell sewed up Luo Feifa’s mouth?

She finally understood that Qiu Ye had deliberately set these questions to trick them!

“Don’t try to set up your character here!” Luo Feifa gritted her teeth. “If you want our team to win, you’d better write well in the next round!”

Su Ling was so angry that her face was about to pop off.

[This is really exciting, sisters.]

[Qiu Ye, you’re really something. One question and you immediately turned into an enemy.]

[I think what Qiu Ye really wants to hear is not from this group.]

[Su Ling’s team is going crazy. Hahahahaha!]

The next second, Qiu Ye turned around.

He looked at Bo Silin and gave a fake smile, “It’s your turn, Bo Silin.”

Bo Silin’s eyes swept across the crowd and fixed on Su Feifei.

Su Feifei looked up at her.

Before they set off, she had said that she was going to lose, so she would probably lie in this round.

However, it didn’t matter. He said what he wanted to say, and it had nothing to do with the answer.

Everyone’s hearts were in their throats as they stared in his direction.

[Say it! Say it! Hurry up and tell me!]

[I can’t breathe anymore!!!]

Qiu Ye’s eyes were also locked on those thin lips.


Chapter 148: Free Diabetes
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bo Silin curled his lips and spat out the two words in a lazy voice.


In an instant, everyone’s breathing stopped.

It was not that he had not thought of this answer.

However, when he really heard it, it was still… Too! Extreme! To! Hear!



[Really?? Was it really yesterday??]

[It can’t be nonsense, right?!!

[Let’s see Su Feifei’s answer! Hurry up and look at Su Feifei’s answer! I beg you!]

[Don’t force me to kneel and beg. Qiu Ye, hurry up!]

[Why can’t the live stream be sped up to twice the normal speed?]

Qiu Ye waited for Bo Silin and reached out to flip through Su Feifei’s answer.

This guy really fantasized about it!

Let’s see how Su Feifei’s answer will slap him in the face!

He gritted his teeth and flipped the paper.

In an instant, his entire body froze on the spot.

When Bo Silin saw his reaction, he raised an eyebrow and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

When the staff member next to him saw this, he immediately took over the task of reporting the answers, but his voice was trembling.

“The… The answer is correct!”

Everyone was speechless.

Feng Xuege was the first to let out a small scream.

Following that, a few girls in her team also blushed and screamed.

Not to mention, everyone on Su Feifei’s team was also boiling with excitement.

[F*cking h*ll!!]

[I’m exploding, my cheekbones are rising to the sky!!!]

[I don’t know how to talk anymore. Can someone just send me a synopsis? I can’t keep watching this I’m about to faint!]

[Bed! Send the bed over to them! Hurry up!]

[Didn’t anyone notice that the people in Feng Xuege’s team are all fighting for love lines? hahaha!]

Bo Silin was also slightly stunned. Then, he looked at Su Feifei. Su Feifei also stared at him with a serious face.

“You didn’t change your answer?” He couldn’t suppress the corner of his mouth.

“I thought you would change.” Su Feifei replied.

[Holy f*cking sh*t balls!!!]

[Don’t, don’t be like this. My blood pressure is really rising!]

[I’m having diabetes at such a young age!!]

“Switch, switch!” Qiu Ye couldn’t stand it anymore and shouted, “Switch! Feifei, come up and Bo Silin, get down!”

Bo Silin’s icy gaze swept across his face.

Qiu Ye was forced to shut up again and did not dare to say anything more.

The three teams began to switch positions.

This time, it was Su Feifei who sat on the stage. Bo Silin wrote the answer and handed it to the director.

Qiu Ye had learned his lesson and did not ask any questions this time.

Instead, he changed his direction. He said loudly to Luo Feifa’s group, “What skincare products does the other party like to use?”


[Does Luo Feifa even need it?]

[Qiu Ye’s revenge live broadcast. It’s not without reason that you can be brothers with Bo Silin.]

When Luo Feifa was writing down the answer, she was so angry that she almost blew her top. Fortunately, Su Ling did know this question. Although it was humiliating, at least they wouldn’t lose any points.

Su Ling coughed and said the name of a skincare product.

“Correct, pass!”

Qiu Ye snorted coldly and turned around.

It was Su Feifei’s turn.

Su Feifei thought for a moment.

The skincare products that Bo Silin liked?

Weren’t they the ones that she had exchanged in the camp?

“Lavender-scented shower gel,” she casually said.

Anyway, she wanted to lose, it was fine as long as the answer did not match.

Qiu Ye heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Su Feifei didn’t know. If she even knew about skincare products, she would definitely be on the hot search today.

However, the moment he opened the paper, his eyes immediately shot out laser beams, as if he wanted to shoot Bo Silin to death.

“Director, everyone’s time is precious.” Bo Silin leaned back in his chair. “I hope you won’t stammer and drag things out.”

Qiu Ye was speechless. He stared at him for a full three to four seconds before he read the words on the paper.

“I like all the skincare products that Feifei gives me.”

Everyone was speechless.

So full of cringe.

Was this the feeling of overeating?

[If Bo Silin loses this game, he still won in the end.]

[Baby Bo, the number one womanizer.]

[Give up, Qiu Ye, you really can’t beat him.]

Su Feifei’s lips curled up.

Not bad.

She didn’t exchange so much shower gel for him for nothing.

Qiu Ye was about to start pinching his philtrum. He used all his strength to ask the last question.

“Moving on, when was the last time the other party was moved?”

When the question came out, everyone started to whisper.

“You were moved last time?!”

“It’s so abstract, How do I answer it!”

“That’s right, isn’t this made to make everyone lose?!”

“Feng Xuege’s team still has zero points, while Su Feifei and Luo Feifa each have one point. They should be the ones fighting, right?”

[I’ll help Su Feifei answer! Yesterday!]

Suddenly, the screen was filled with the word yesterday.

“Begin answering!” Qiu Ye said.

On Luo Feifa’s side, her eyes met with Su Ling’s and she suddenly made a gesture to her.

[What the f*ck! That’s cheating! They’re cheating!]

[It’s so obvious, yet you don’t care!]

[This hand gesture isn’t very subtle, but it’s still okay.]

“I’ve never been tempted,” Su Ling immediately replied.



[Boo that’s lame.]

The people below instantly pouted, looking unconvinced.

Only Luo Feifa’s team was full of joy!

This is good!

As long as Su Feifei got one more question wrong, their team would win!

On the other side, Su Feifei glanced at it and said, “I don’t know,”


This was equivalent to giving up.

Qiu Ye couldn’t help but blink. “Su Feifei, why don’t you try it? He’s so flirtatious, it’s easy to guess.”

[Qiu Ye, you’re the director. Can you temporarily forget the identity of being a fan?]

[Maybe hope is subjective guys…]

“Qiu Ye!” Luo Feifa immediately expressed her dissatisfaction. “Don’t be so brazen! Hurry up and read the answers!”

Qiu Ye glanced at her and was still waiting for Su Feifei’s answer.

“No, I really don’t know.” Su Feifei said.

What kind of st*pid question was this?

It was indeed difficult to win.

It was a good thing she didn’t want to.

Qiu Ye could only sigh.

He picked up the answer and took a look.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he still almost slipped off his chair.

The next second, Qiu Ye was furious and threw the answer at Bo Silin.

“You’re f*cking disgusting! I can’t read it, you can read it yourself!”


[No, if he says that, I’m going to get excited.]

[Read it quickly!!]

[Yet again, another confession of love.]

[Looking at the reaction, it really was yesterday, right?!!]

Bo Silin reached out and caught the piece of paper.

Was it difficult to read?

He got up, not forgetting to bring his love walking stick.

He took a few steps forward and stood in front of Su Feifei. Then, he reached out and gently pulled her sleeve. The distance between them got closer.

“Now.” His words were clear.


Chapter 149: Punish Bo Silin Please?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qiu Ye, “Oh my god…”

“Someone, get him out… I’m going to puke…”

Oh my God! Hurry up and send someone to punish Bo Silin!

[God, these two faces are going to kill me!]

[At this moment, I can’t say anything other than holy f*ck!]

In front of the screen, Bo Xi and Qiu Ye had the same reaction.

“I’m going to throw up…” Bo Xi broke down. “What did I do wrong to see that!”

Grandpa Bo chuckled. “That’s my grandson, well done! Very good! You can’t get a wife if you’re not shameless! Back then, your grandma relied on my shamelessness to get what she wanted!”

Bo Xi turned and stared at Grandpa Bo.

“Then he is indeed your grandson.”

These words were said exactly the same. It was hard for people not to believe in genes.

On the island during the game’s intermission, a figure wearing a bikini was sneakily squatting on the phone under a tree.

“I really want to go back!” Qiao Hefeng cried and said, “Quickly think of a way to let me go back! If I stay here for a few more days, I’ll get depressed!”

“No,” the team replied coldly. “It’s very popular now. After being on the hot search yesterday, the netizens were all saying that you’re cute. Your underwear was sold out overnight, and we’re considering accepting an underwear endorsement for you. Hefeng, just bear with it a little longer, it’s the time when your career is at its peak!”

“I don’t want it, I don’t want it! I don’t want to be famous like this!”

“It goes up from here!” The manager’s voice was stern. “Don’t cry! You’ve been suffering on the island with Su Feifei, but she treated you like that in return. That’s why it’s so ridiculously comedic! Be good, I’ve already asked someone to send you your favorite things.”

The crying stopped abruptly.


“It’s true.”

Qiao Hefeng pursed his lips, then said, “Then … Alright.”

After the call ended, he finally regained some of his energy.

On the other side, Qiu Ye had finally adjusted himself and stood weakly on the stage.

“In the next game, we will be inviting outside assistance!” He stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky.

The Festival Group’s helicopters slowly arrived. There were more than a dozen of them in a straight line!

The level of luxury was almost on par with the time when Bo Silin put up Qiu Ye’s female outfit photo.

Everyone’s eyes followed the plane, their faces full of doubt.

And outside assistance?

“Who is it?”

“Are they celebrities? Or a vegetarian?”

“Didn’t I hear a while ago that they were going to invite a big shot to help? Don’t tell me…”

Everyone was whispering and boiling with excitement. Previously, the most popular one on the deserted island was Su Ling. She was considered a fresh flower, but she wasn’t even a first-tier star.

“You can all look forward to it.” Qiu Ye’s smile was unfathomable.

This made everyone even more curious.

[Don’t tell me that there really is a big shot coming?]

[I want to know who it is!]

[Look at how poor Qiu Ye is. Can he even afford to hire the best actress?]

[Didn’t the movie king have a movie queen? If she really comes… hahaha we shall see…]

The helicopter landed and the cabin door opened.

“Next, let’s use our most enthusiastic applause to invite our external assistance!” Qiu Ye said loudly.

Applause suddenly rang out in the air.

Everyone lined up and looked over. Then, the slapping sounds stopped abruptly.


“Are you… Teasing us?”

In front of the luxurious and handsome helicopter, a group of silver-haired elderly people was standing in an orderly formation.

There were 50 people.

The group of primary school students wearing straw hats followed closely behind.

The number of people was also 50.

They were full of hope and smiles. They had brought their own backpack, and they looked even more heroic than the young people who had been struggling to survive for more than a month.

“Director, we’ve arrived!” The leader of the group, a middle-aged woman, took the lead and shouted.

“Good, good, very good,” Qiu Ye replied.

Everyone was speechless.

“Director, what are you trying to do?”

“Can’t you tell?” Qiu Ye turned around and smiled so brightly that his eyes were practically overflowing with joy. “These will be the key characters in our next game!

“First of all, there are fifty elites from various industries standing here! Some of them were mathematicians, some of them were writers, and some of them were pilots when they were young!

“This row of children over here is the future hope of our country!

“The reason why we invited them today is so that the show’s concept can be further sublimated!”

[Can you really say that?]

[That is to say, isn’t it others who evaluate ideas?]

[I was touched for a moment just now. Qiu Ye, can you shut up?]

[The Festival Group is amazing. They still know how to invite these people over!]

[I feel like my level and style to show preferences have instantly changed!]

[That’s right, that’s right. Looking at the island now, it’s shining!]

“What does that have to do with our game?”

Qiu Ye made a shush gesture and touched his long wavy hair.

“Of course, I do have a plan.” He said mysteriously, “Once upon a time, they may have been the best in their respective industries, but today, they are not! They are your good friends!

“Staff, bring the props!”

All the announcements on the deserted island instantly sounded with a clear rhythm.

It immediately stirred up everyone’s emotions!

Everyone turned to look at the crowd.

Apparently, they were all commoners.

“There’s a total of a hundred people here,” Qiu Ye said, “Every group can invite people over. The more people you invite, the more blades you will get. Once the scarecrow man falls, you will receive the island points!”

The entire place was dead silent.

After hearing the rules of the game, everyone stared at Qiu Ye in disbelief.

[So … He invited a bunch of scientists, mathematicians, writers…]

[He’s not here to sublimate the theme…]

[It’s not like I’m here to set a higher goal…]

[Is he here to f*cking help someone with a knife??]

[Are you crazy!!]

[Qiu Ye, you mad man!]

“Let the games begin! You can only use your actions to convince these hundred people! No cheating! You can’t threaten me either!”

Qiu Ye deliberately glanced at Su Feifei when he mentioned the word threatened.

Su Feifei stood still and frowned.

This gaudy competition system really made her want to change the director.

“Let’s start!”

The whistle sounded.

The people in Luo Feifa’s team immediately rushed to the 50 children.

“I have candy here! As long as you guys help me cut down that insignificant person, I will give each of you a candy!”

“Despicable!” Tiantian chimed in, “They’ll definitely have a lot of children to help them! What should we do?”

“I have an idea!”

Qiao Hefeng came out wearing a bikini, his fingers clenched into fists, and he looked a little shy.

“You?” Tiantian glanced at him.

Qiao Hefeng nodded, then called over a staff member and asked a few questions.

Luo Feifa and the others quickly recruited more than a dozen children and were very proud.

“It’s a good thing we have a lot of candy!” Luo Feifa raised her eyebrows and said.

Because they often didn’t eat, they exchanged some desert island points for candy to replenish their energy.

It came in handy this time!

There was no one in Su Feifei’s team who could please a child!

Thinking of this, Luo Feifa was so proud that her eyebrows were about to shoot up to the sky.

However, the next second, one of the children suddenly turned around.


A childish voice sounded, and her little finger pointed in the direction of Su Feifei’s team.

Luo Feifa also turned to look.

She almost swallowed her own tongue when she saw it.


Chapter 150: Do You Believe In Me?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“It’s Ultraman!”

Someone from the group of children shouted.

Su Feifei and Bo Silin turned their heads at the same time.

In the morning light, four figures in red and silver walked out of the tent.

They held their heads high and puffed out their chests.

He stood in the wilderness. The leader even revealed half of his face.

The three men behind him were very big, and he could tell who they were just by looking at their appearance.

[I’m f*ckign deceased!]

[Hefeng, do you not care about your image at all?!]

[Take off your mask! I know who you are!]

[The three brawny men at the back are still pretending and acting!]

[Are they crazy?? This show must be completely crazy!]

“This shirt is too tight…” One of the burly men mumbled.

“Don’t complain! Stand up straight!”

“Did you forget what Hefeng said? Faith!”

“Alright, alright, alright. Faith…”

Qiao Hefeng had already walked up to the child.

“Waa waa waa!”

Exclamations were heard.

He straightened his chest even more!

Luo Feifa was speechless.

“What the…” Su Ling’s mouth twitched, “What, what should I do…”

“What do you mean? Can they compare to our candy?” Luo Feifa gritted her teeth and gave the children another candy. “Children, this candy is really delicious…”


Ultraman, who was the leader, pointed at the child who was about to take the candy.

“You’re not allowed to eat that!”

The child immediately retracted her hand.

“Qiao Hefeng!” Su Ling’s face also turned red, “Don’t you go too far! Now it’s our team’s time to fight for time! It’s not your turn yet!”

Ultraman ignored her and turned to look at the child.

“Do you guys believe in light?”

The 50 children raised their heads in unison!

“Yes sir! I believe!”

[I’m numb. I’m really numb ]

[everyone’s sick here.]

[I really want to escape, but I can’t turn it off.]

“Very good!”

Ultraman, the leader of the group, continued, “No candy! Did you hear me?”

“Yes sir!” The tender voice of a child floated in the air for a long time.

“Our target is Su Feifei.”

“No! Can! Dy! Ya!” The baby voice sounded again.

Luo Feifa’s hand that was holding the candy started to tremble. The word sick appeared in her mind in bold.

However, up until now, there was no experience in her life that could tell her how to solve the predicament in front of her.

Especially when he saw the adoration in the eyes of these children as they looked at Qiao Hefeng.

She felt that she was an outsider.

Immediately after, Qiao Hefeng suddenly turned around!

Luo Feifa was shocked.

The brawny men turned around as well, but their pants could no longer hold up.

[It’s cracking! It’s cracking! Hurry up and look away!]

[You’ve made a mistake!!! Did you hear that!!]

[Hurry up!! One of the kids has already discovered it!]

Qiao Hefeng also noticed it, so he pointed at the person.

“This is it! A big monster! It destroyed our city! It has taken our home! It’s a big bad guy!”

The 50 children clenched their fists and glared at the scarecrow with hatred in their eyes.

“Do you have the confidence to cut them down for me, Ultraman?”


“Do you have the confidence to cut it down quickly?”


“Then let’s charge!”

“Charge, charge, charge!”

The 50 tiny figures rushed to the front of the scarecrow man, raised their small blades, and slashed.

Luo Feifa could not stop him even if she wanted to.

In less than five seconds, the scarecrow was directly destroyed under the punishment of the future generation.

Luo Feifa, Qiu Ye, and even Su Feifei were speechless.

The bullet comments floated across the screen in unison.

Su Feifei turned her head and looked at Qiao Hefeng. There was a hint of contemplation in her eyes, as well as faint and undetectable respect.

“Director! This didn’t count! They cheated!” Luo Feifa shouted, her body trembling with anger!

What’s the point of this?

They could just give the deserted island to Su Feifei’s team right now!

She was so angry that her nostrils were about to let out smoke!

Qiu Ye said lazily, “Although I’m also shocked by this inhuman performance, I have to say… This has nothing to do with cheating. I hereby announce that the three hundred deserted islands in the first round will all belong to Su Feifei.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Luo Feifa was about to hit Qiu Ye when she was stopped by the team members behind her.

“Captain, don’t get too riled up! There’s still one more team!”

They looked at the senior group.

The elderly group looked very mature and steady, and it was impossible for them to be deceived by some small tricks!

Moreover, if she won, she would also get 300 island points, which would be a tie with Su Feifei!

Luo Feifa finally calmed down.

“Quickly think of a way!”

“I know! I’ll go!” Su Ling said.

She immediately stood on the senior group’s side.

“I really admire your profession! And I personally like the piano very much. If there’s a chance, I’d like to play it for you…”

She turned to look at Su Feifei.

This look seemed normal, but it carried a bit of pride.

Luo Feifa was the same.

[Are you sucking up to him?]

[As long as it’s Luo Feifa and Su Ling, I can’t stand them.]

[Su Feifei, come out and punish them!]

[Don’t provoke Su Feifei. Su Feifei obviously didn’t want to win this match.]

[However, Su Feifei’s team members fighting spirit was ignited.]

[Su Feifei can’t hold back their desire to win anymore.]

“Su Feifei, are we still going according to the original plan?” Tiantian asked in a hushed voice.

“No,” she said. Su Feifei said directly, “Get the supplies and go to war.”

Since she had already issued a challenge, how could he allow them to provoke her team?


The venue erupted in cheers.

Su Feifei raised her eyes and glanced in that direction, her eyes cold and sharp.

On the other side, Luo Feifa gave Su Ling a look.

“If it’s possible, please help me!” Su Ling’s mouth was sweet, and she was also very beautiful. As she shuttled through the crowd, she immediately gained a lot of good feelings.

Half of the people expressed that they were willing to follow Su Ling.

However, in the next second, what interrupted them was the sudden sound of pushing a cart in the air!

Luo Feifa and Su Ling immediately looked over with vigilance.

Su Feifei took the horn and opened the cart.

A pile of colorful bags appeared inside.

He didn’t know what was inside.

“Country bumpkin.” Luo Feifa whispered, “I’ve tried to tempt them with benefits just now, but it only works for children.”

“This is for you,” Su Feifei said.

It was a very simple sentence, but it also aroused a lot of curiosity.

When they heard this, everyone couldn’t help but stick their heads out.

Luo Feifa immediately walked out. “Uncles and aunties, these are just excess supplies that their team doesn’t want. There’s nothing special about them! If you have any needs, you can also tell us!”

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes.

Her hand was suddenly pulled by someone. Bo Silin held her hand and pulled her behind him.

She looked up.

“I’ll do it.” He said.

Su Feifei immediately relaxed.

For some reason, Bo Silin’s words made her feel at ease.

At the very least, she was much more at ease than when Qiao Hefeng had appeared.

Survive In The Wilderness! The Actor King Sits In My Arms And Weeps ✔️Where stories live. Discover now