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Chapter 211: Predictions

At the end of the intense kiss, Su Feifei pushed him away and suddenly burrowed into the blanket.

Bo Silin was speechless.

The scene of him grinding his teeth reappeared in his mind!

He immediately shook it off and picked her up.

Su Feifei gritted her teeth.

Bo Silin suppressed it fiercely.

“No need, there’s really no need for…”

“I want it!”

Does she want it?

Bo Silin felt that the aftermath of the incident with the gas station had been too much. He was already starting to hallucinate.

“We… Can enjoy ourselves together.” Bo Silin lowered his voice, his fingers slowly moving up her pants.

“Together?” Su Feifei raised her head to look at him.

“Yes, together.”

There was a tearing sound in the air.

Su Feifei felt a chill down her spine!

Bo Silin lowered his eyes and suddenly patted twice.

Right then, blood dripped from his nose to the place he patted.

“Bo Silin, you’re bleeding.”

Su Feifei looked at his collar and saw a blood streak.

Bo Silin did not reply. He only stared at the blanket in a daze. After a while, he raised his head to look at her.

After confirming that it was not an illusion,

“Y-you wear… diapers?”

Half of the fire that had rushed to his legs was extinguished when he saw what seemed to be a pair of paper diapers.

Su Feifei also took a look.

“This one?” She pulled up her pants.

A snap.

“This is called a pair of safety pants.” She said, “Tiantian gave it to me. It’s really useful.”

It was much better than the menstruation cloth she had to use.

It was soft and skin-friendly, and able to withstand 360 degrees of rotation. It was a great help during periods and a great friend for women with large amounts of energy.

Bo Silin’s nose bled even more. He felt that it was not as simple as getting angry. In fact, he was a little intoxicated.

Did she have to play with him like this?

She couldn’t even take responsibility for pouring a bunch of burning stuff into his mouth!

Bo Silin immediately lost all his strength and fell onto the bed.

All the light in his eyes disappeared.

Tiantian’s voice could be heard from outside the tent.

“Su Feifei, you really can’t bite him!”

“You don’t know, but it can hurt men!”

“This will affect a lot of things in the future!”



It would affect many things.

She thought of the grinding of teeth and the activity of washing him.

What else did Bo Silin not understand?

It could be said to be a great enlightenment!

Under the influence of alcohol, he started to see Su Feifei’s afterimages.

He propped himself up and asked with his last consciousness, “W-Who taught you that?”

“Xiao He.” She said, “He showed me a video.”

Bo Silin, “Wha… Other than this, did you see anything else?” he asked after a while.


“For example?”

Su Feifei stepped onto him and gently picked up the bloodied head.

“I’ve learned a move today,” She said in a low voice, “If you can’t take it later, just say no.”

She paused.

“But I won’t stop even if you tell me.”

That was what happened in the video. Then, Su Feifei pulled his pants off.

Bo Silin immediately stopped her hand.

“N-now?” His voice trembled as he looked at the comfort Pants.

“Yes, now.”

“If it wasn’t for… aren’t you still on your period, our…”

“Aren’t you also bleeding?”

“That’s different! Yours is from the bottom.”

“You’re the top, we’re a perfect match.” Su Feifei smiled.

Bo Silin’s body froze.

He stared at this bright and sweet smile and almost drowned in it.

A voice in his head was telling him to stop. Yet, he would listen to her no matter what she wanted to do! He would give her whatever she wanted!

However, the last bit of rationality still reminded him of…

It was forbidden to fight a bloody battle. After a long while, he sighed.

His blood was boiling, and the gas station he drank seemed to rush from his stomach to his lower body.

“Su Feifei? Su Feifei, did you hear that? You can’t bite!”

Tiantian continued to speak. Su Feifei frowned and turned around to answer. The next second, her mouth was covered by Bo Silin. He then pressed her against the wall.

A soft voice rang in her ear.

“I can’t take it anymore…

“Help me…”

Su Feifei only revealed her eyes and stared at him. He took her hand and pressed it under her body.

Her eyes suddenly widened. First, she glanced at it curiously. Then, she let out a gasp.

Her thoughts were suddenly pulled back.

The scene disappeared.

Su Feifei glanced at Gu Sheng. Her eyes were dazed for a moment before she stared at her hand again.

Last night, her wrists were already sore, but Bo Silin still asked for it over and over again. In the morning, before she left the tent, she was pressed down by him again.

“Feifei?” Gu Sheng called out.

Su Feifei finally came back to her senses.

Where were we just now?


The four strategies that Bo Silin mentioned.

She didn’t hear anything the whole time just now, her mind was full of… Anyway… Bo Silin had said this before.

“I’m done listening. What’s wrong?” Su Feifei replied.

Gu Sheng was surprised by her calm reaction. “I want to hear your opinion.”

“I have no opinion.” Su Feifei said directly, “I’ve already said that this is your business. It has nothing to do with me.”

Gu Sheng was speechless. This was not the result he had expected.

“Gu Sheng,” Su Feifei stood up and said, “You said so much just now because you wanted to tell me that you had no choice. However, in exchange for that, the battlefield of Great Yan was covered with corpses. If I forgive you today, who will forgive my soldiers?”

She put her hand on the table and knocked it.

“Do you remember General Ran?”

Gu Sheng stiffened and pursed his lips.

“His wife was about to give birth. On the night you led the rebel army into the city, he held a pair of tiger-head shoes and gestured to all his brothers in the camp. After that day, a child lost his father.”

Her voice was calm and without any warmth. It was precisely because of such a faint description that the whole incident sounded cold and desolate.

Gu Sheng’s fingers tightened.

“Another of his son was supposed to join the army when he reached eight years old. Yet, all I can remember was that General Ran was hacked to death in front of me. That day was his son’s birthday.”

Gu Sheng couldn’t stand it anymore. “Alright… please… stop…”

“Chun Tao has been with me since she was young. She was my only personal servant. In front of the main hall, she was shot nine times by the rebel army.”

He took a deep breath, his fingers clenched tightly, pale.

“And me too, Wei Ling.”

Gu Sheng closed his eyes.

It was five short words. She didn’t say much, but countless images of the past instantly appeared in his mind. Su Feifei’s eyes flickered, and her knuckles turned white as she held the edge of the wooden table.

She pulled back and didn’t want to talk anymore.

“I’m not a saint. I can’t control why you made a mistake. I only know that you deserve to die.

“Your grievances are yours, but my blood feud is mine.

“It’s the same for you.

“Now that you’ve explained the situation clearly and I’ve heard it. In the future, if you continue to annoy me, don’t blame me for being the one to pull the trigger instead!”

She turned around and left.

Gu Sheng stood up.

“W-what if I use my entire life to atone for my sins? I’ll do whatever you want me to do in this life! I’ll accept any punishment you want!”

Su Feifei turned around.

“How many deserted island points can you earn in your life?”

Gu Sheng choked. He looked at the current Su Feifei and felt that she was a stranger. He couldn’t hold it anymore and dropped to the ground.

Su Feifei continued on, not caring to turn back.

“Just live well and think about those people who died because of your choice every day. Wei Ling, didn’t you say before that I’m bound to stick to my plan and that I’m doomed to fail?

“Then let’s have a match.

“Let’s see if your method is better or mine.”

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth and asked, “What about Bo Silin? If you didn’t like how I manipulated people’s hearts, then what’s the difference between Bo Silin and me?”

Chapter 212: Dragon and Phoenix

Su Feifei didn’t answer and turned to leave.

However, this question lingered in her mind for a while.

She had never thought about it that way before.

Was Bo Silin the same as Gu Sheng?

He was obviously different.

Bo Silin was much cuter. He still had a bunch of family members.

How could Gu Sheng be compared to him?

When she turned a corner, Qiao Hefeng and the others immediately rushed over.

“Su Feifei, are you alright?”

“Did he bully you? If he did, we’ll break his knees!”

Su Feifei was surrounded by a few people, and the coldness in her eyes disappeared instantly.

“I’m fine,” she replied with a smile.

Tiantian squealed and hugged Su Feifei’s arm. “That’s good! Let’s ignore him!”

The curtain was suddenly lifted. Bo Silin’s footsteps were light as he walked out of the tent.

His face was pale. He raised his head and looked at the group of people.

“Bo Silin?” As Qiao Hefeng spoke, he could not help but glance at the lower part of his body.

[Ahh! Bo Silin is alive!]

[Bo Silin, you’ve finally appeared!]

[ Su Feifei was abducted by Gu Sheng! You missed everything!!]

Bo Silin had just opened his mouth when he suddenly smelled the stench of blood in his nose.

He could not help but retch.

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

[Only one night caused this??]

[Pass it on!! Bo Silin has been toyed with by Su Feifei the whole night.]

[I got it!]

Shen Ruoqing nudged Qiao Hefeng with her elbow.

“Quickly go to the tent and find that…”

She winked at Qiao Hefeng. Qiao Hefeng immediately received the message and immediately ran into the tent!

The moment he entered.

Good fellow!

The bed sheets were covered in blood!

Qiao Hefeng scowled miserably and searched around, but he could not find Bo Silin’s limbs.

“We’re finished! Bo Silin must be miserable…”

On this side.

Bo Silin pulled Su Feifei over.

“Finished?” He asked.

Su Feifei nodded. “You were right.”

Bo Silin curled his lips. He was still a step too late. Otherwise, he would really like to see Gu Sheng’s expression.

“Su Feifei!”

Xiao He was panting and suddenly ran back from outside. “I’ve found it! The reason why Huang Ling was able to produce salt so suddenly was because Qin Ya had returned! Qin Ya brought back salt, I don’t know how she made it!”

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes as her phone suddenly rang. It was a mission notification. As soon as she refreshed the page, the latest mission had been issued.

[Mission content: Hunt]

[Mission Reward: For every 20 pounds of meat, exchange for one square meter of land. The winner will get to have resident Cuihua.]

“20 pounds of meat can be exchanged for one piece of land!” Xiao He shouted, “Isn’t that…?”

The few of them looked at each other.


Su Feifei jumped up from her seat.


Dozens of people quickly flashed into the encampment.

“Bring your crossbows! Let’s go!”


The sound of uniform footsteps rang out in the forest.

Bo Silin sat on the spot and shook his head silently. The next second, he got up and pulled her back.

“I suggest we split up.” He said.

“Share your thoughts, military counselor.” Su Feifei’s face was serious.

When it came to winning, she was never vague.

“Qin Ya’s team left an hour earlier. I’ll leave it to you. Leave Captain Gu Sheng to me. We’ll attack from both sides, and I’ll help you deal with the rear.”

Su Feifei’s eyes lit up. This was a good idea.

“Good! I’ll assign some people to you. Which ones do you want?”

Bo Silin quickly pointed out the people in the team, “Qiao Hefeng, Xiao He. These two will be enough.”

“There are more than twenty people in team Gu Sheng. Are the three of you enough?” Su Feifei asked.

“They’re the crouching dragon and the young phoenix. We’re solid. That’s enough.” Bo Silin nodded.

Xiao He and Qiao Hefeng instantly puffed out their chests listening to this praise!

“I’ll ask about the scale again.” Bo Silin smiled. “To what extent can I play with him?”

“It’s fine as long as he doesn’t die,” Su Feifei said.

That was a considerate answer. He suddenly felt more confident.

She slowly felt a sense of security when he nodded back.

“After you’re done, come and join us.” Su Feifei said.

Bo Silin made an okay gesture. Then, the two of them split up.

Bo Silin turned to look at Qiao Hefeng.

“What are your orders, Bo Silin?” Qiao Hefeng said.

Bo Silin hooked his finger and smiled. “Go to the tent and take out your toys.”

After Qiao Hefeng left, Xiao He carefully asked, ” “Bo Silin, how are your injuries?”

“What kind of injury?”

“It’s… like…”

Xiao He’s line of sight swept to the lower part of his body. He pursed his lips and said, “Don’t worry, Grandpa Bo has already brought the best medical team over!”

Bo Silin frowned.

Simultaneously, in the director team’s tent, Qiu Ye stared at the screen and suddenly had a bad feeling.

“The few of you, go and keep an eye on Bo Silin! Don’t let him cause any trouble!” Qiu Ye said, “Send a few more people to keep an eye on Gu Sheng as well! Hurry! Hurry! Someone’s life may be on the line!”

He could tell what Bo Silin was about to start playing!

Su Feifei also became serious!

These two people were full of destructive power when separated, but when they were together, they were so deadly.

It was unimaginable!

However, a few minutes later, the staff member ran in, panting.

“Director! Our black bear suit has been stolen!”

“What?” Qiu Ye stood up with a whoosh. “Well don’t just stand there, find it and snatch it back!”

“I can’t get it back! The person who came just now was Xiao He. He directly opened the black bear’s cage too! He had run far away when we weren’t paying attention!”

Qiu Ye,”Motherf*cker!”

Su Feifei’s disciples were all hooligans!

The ominous feeling grew stronger as he turned to look at the screen.

At this moment, Gu Sheng’s team had already reached the deep mountains.

Su Feifei was also digging a trap with a team of people.

Gu Sheng was on his motorcycle, with Ji Ran behind him.

The few people behind him followed on foot.

Ji Ran said, “It’s a good thing we have this! Qin Ya’s team also has motorcycles, and this time, they’re using meat to exchange for land. I think if we’re lucky, we might be able to hunt a deer or something, and we might be able to exchange for more land than them!”


Ji Ran was stunned.

“That, that, that! Is it a deer?”

[Is this guy’s mouth blessed or something??”

[The deer came just because he said it?!]

[Qin Ya entered the mountain an hour earlier and only managed to get some snakes. I have to say that Gu Sheng is really lucky.]

Gu Sheng immediately jumped out of the car and went up the tree. After the crossbow was ready, he aimed at the deer.

The deer didn’t know that danger was approaching.

He narrowed his eyes and suddenly drew the bow.


A water ball suddenly hit his face!

Gu Sheng was shocked and turned around.

He did not see anything around him.

Where did the water come from?

He gritted his teeth and looked at the sky.

Was it raining?

‘I shouldn’t care about such things right now.’

He focused his vision again, and the next second… two hit him!

It couldn’t be an accident!

“Who was that?!” He turned around and scolded his team.

Hearing the noise, the deer ran away immediately.

The sound of leaves crunching could be heard in the forest.

“D*mn it!”

He immediately jumped down and ran after the deer.

“What about me, captain?” Ji Ran asked.

“Keep up!”

Ji Ran had no choice but to give up on the motorcycle and follow suit.

Immediately after, a roar suddenly sounded behind him!

The motorcycle’s headlights flashed, and it was right in front of Ji Ran.

Ji Ran turned around, his mouth wide open.

“Y-you!” All the hair on his body stood up. “Captain! He’s here! He’s here! Bo Silin is here!”

Chapter 213: Smelly Feet

Without waiting for Gu Sheng to react, the motorcycle had already flown across the jungle!

He knew that Bo Silin was wearing it. He was tall and easily recognizable.

Xiao He was sitting behind him.

Xiao He was also holding a pink and blue water gun!

[What the f*ck!!!!! ]

[I’m drooling!! Bo Silin look’s extra cool today!]

[Bo Silin, if this image of you had appeared in front of Su Feifei, we wouldn’t get to catch the meat!]

[Bo Silin really abides by the traffic rules. Even now, he still doesn’t forget to wear his helmet!]

“That’s our motorcycle!” Ji Ran shouted.

“What do you mean by yours?” Xiao He said, “If we manage to snatch it, it’s ours!”

Ji Ran, “Bandits! You’re just a bunch of bandits!”

Qiu Ye, who was in front of the screen, was speechless. He knew it. He would be finished sooner or later.

Would this program still be famous after this?

What would happen if even the director team could no longer control the guests?!

The motorcycle leaped over the vines and sped through the forest. Bo Silin raised his hand, and his voice came from the helmet.

“Thank you for the supplies, Captain Gu Sheng! Thank you so much!”

Gu Sheng’s eyes turned red and he almost vomited blood!

[Su Feifei, your husband is snatching supplies for you!]

[Su Feifei’s horse is injured. She needed this W! Qin Ya had a motorcycle and it was faster by leaps and bounds. Now, Su Feifei has one too!]

[I’m dying of laughter!]

“Captain, what should we do? We only had one of those!” Ji Ran shouted.

“Let’s hunt!”

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth.

He’ll just catch more prey and settle the score later!

Fortunately, the deer from earlier soon appeared in his sight again!

Gu Sheng immediately approached the deer. Suddenly, he stepped on an active board.

Gu Sheng immediately narrowed his eyes.

“Wait!” He raised his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Ran was stunned.

“It’s a trap,” Gu Sheng stared at the movable wooden plank under his feet.

He was the one who designed this trap.

He couldn’t be more familiar with it if he wanted to.

He taught this technique to someone in his team and she used it against him in the end?

Bo Silin’s plan was very well thought out but he was too naïve!

Gu Sheng sneered and retreated with Ji Ran.

After he let go of his foot, a huge wooden stick immediately appeared on his right, swinging in the air!

Ji Ran was almost hit, and he screamed in fear.

[Wasn’t this the trap that had hit Luo Feifei’s bald head? I know that!]

[Wait, how are they going to deal with Gu Sheng again?]

[But Gu Sheng seems to be very familiar with it. It won’t work this time!]

Gu Sheng took a step back, dodged, and moved. In just a few moves, he had dodged all the hidden weapons.

The trap finally ended.

Ji Ran let out a huge sigh of relief. Fortunately, he managed to keep his life.

“Captain, you’re really awesome!” Ji Ran sighed and leaned against the tree, panting.

The next second. The tree trunk shook, and a huge thing suddenly came crashing down from the sky!

An afterimage was left behind as he charged at Ji Ran!

There were more?

Gu Sheng pushed Ji Ran away.


The coconuts bloomed on the ground!

The next second, clear coconut juice flowed out.

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth and became alert to his surroundings as he looked around.

Bo Silin was a complicated man! He had to be careful!

Ji Ran was already scared out of his wits. “Holy f*ck…”

He stared at the exploded coconut juice, and there was only one sentence in his mind — I want to go home.

The sound rang out again!

As expected, there were more!

Gu Sheng’s lips curled up. He was full of confidence this time!

“St*pid! Punk!” He spat out.

He had thought that Bo Silin would come up with something new, but now it seemed that his brain was just so-so.

It was still the same big log, which was a repeat of the same trap from the beginning.

What was the point of that?

He bent over to hide and was about to leave. He pulled the trap, but it didn’t move.

Gu Sheng frowned and looked down.

His right foot stepped on the coconut juice and was already stuck to the ground!

Wait… This was not coconut juice!

Gu Sheng lowered his head and touched it.

It was glue!

Just as the next block of wood was about to reach them, Ji Ran’s scream rang in their ears!

“I’m stuck!”

Gu Sheng tried his best to pull himself out, but he still could not!

“Take off your shoes! Hurry up and take off your shoes!”

He roared. The two of them squatted down in the middle of the flying wooden sticks and began to pull on their shoelaces frantically!

However, they had especially worn hiking shoes for this trip!

In order to prevent slipping, the shoelaces were tied tightly!

His fingers danced so fast that they left afterimages, and he couldn’t pull them away no matter what!

Ji Ran cried as he took off his clothes. “I don’t want to die here. I don’t want to die here. Mommy!!”

[Help me, mommy! I’m a wittle baby!!]

[He’s moving like an elegant pianist!]

He was moving fast!

The wooden stick was approaching!

“It’s too late!” Gu Sheng immediately bent over and pressed Ji Ran’s head to the ground.

“Ugh!” Ji Ran let out a trembling voice.

The wooden stick barely grazed past his scalp!

It was loud and clear, like a razor!

“Continue taking off your shoes!” Gu Sheng ordered after the blow.

He knew that after this strike, there would be a rain of spears and wooden sticks!

The more he thought about the oncoming attack, the more anxious he became!

Ji Ran picked up the laces, pulling them like crazy. Finally, the two of them took off their shoes in the tense and exciting atmosphere!

It was pulled out!

His feet were free, and he finally left the ground that was stuck to the glue!

However, the next second, a strong smell rushed into his nose!

Gu Sheng retched and looked at Ji Ran. Ji Ran uneasily placed his left foot on his right foot, his toes scratching the ground.

“I’m sorry, captain, I’m a sweaty person.”

Gu Sheng, “Ah…”

He didn’t die from the trap, but he almost died from the smell.

He took a step back. “Stay away from me-”

He didn’t manage to finish his sentence when he fell into another trap.

“Captain!” Ji Ran rushed forward, pushed himself to the side of the pit, and looked at the person inside in horror.

This trap was very different from the usual ones.

It only had a wooden stick in the middle.

At this moment, Gu Sheng was sitting on this wooden stick, and his expression changed slightly.

It even sank down.

[Is he sitting on it??]

[The ground caved in or something??]

[Is he alright?!!! I felt that!!!!!]

Ji Ran quickly pulled him up.

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth. There seemed to be some resistance when he got up.

“Are you alright, captain?!” Ji Ran said.

“I’m fine.” Gu Sheng gritted his teeth, but his expression remained the same.

However, his trembling actions had already betrayed him.

“Wait, wait!” Ji Ran suddenly shivered again as he looked at the bottom of the pit.

Those bandits…

The shape of this wooden stick was very strange.

The drone flew closer.

All the viewers in the live stream widened their eyes in unison.

Qiu Ye urged, “Pull it closer, pull it closer! What the h*ll?!”

The camera panned.

Qiu Ye almost fell from his chair to get a closer look.

This wooden stick looked wretched.

The tip was shaped like an umbrella. Small vines were wrapped around it exquisitely. The details of the craftsmanship were obvious.

Ji Ran looked at the wooden stick, then looked behind Gu Sheng. He covered his mouth.

There was a suffocating silence between the two. At this moment, it was happening in this quiet and beautiful tropical rainforest.

Qiu Ye shouted in the tent, “Bo Silin!! This animal! Quickly find him! Stop him! Someone stop him!”

His show was really going to be destroyed at this point!


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