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371 Marry Into the Bo Family

The moment Su Feifei raised her hand, Su Ling had already rushed over!

She was the closest to Su Feifei, and amidst the chaos, she subconsciously reached out and stopped Su Feifei from getting closer.

Lin Yu’s hand quickly caught up to Su Ling. She grabbed her hair, and pulled it down with all her might!


“Get lost!” Lin Yu called out.

Su Ling didn’t retreat. Instead, she silently moved forward and also pulled her hair!

“You’re the one who should get lost!”

The two of them started fighting!

Behind him, Xiao He and the others were dumbfounded.

“Has she gone mad?” he asked after a long while.

“They’ve all gone mad, they’re all crazy!” Qiao Hefeng shook his head.

Half an hour later, outside the Bo family’s house, a group of people could be seen watching the show.

“I’m being bullied! I came all the way here to look for Bo Silin! In the end, the Bo family has forgotten about me. Now that you’ve grown, all you do is look down on other families! Why aren’t you keeping to your words?!”

Lin Yu knelt on the ground and hugged the carved door as she kept on weeping.

Su Ling was also in a sorry state as she stood to the side.

“Now that you’ve grown bigger, all you do is look down on other families! You didn’t keep to your word at all! The Lin family has climbed up the social ladder. If Grandma finds out, she’ll be so sad!

“Grandma Cuihua is a good person, but unfortunately she’s passed away. If she was still here, she’d deal with all you snobs! Grandma Cuihua! I miss you so much. You said that I was your only granddaughter-in-law, but look at them! They aren’t honoring your wishes at all!”

Lin Yan sobbed as she spoke.

“Stop with the nonsense!” Grandpa Bo roared angrily.

“What nonsense? Why are you going againsn’t a dead woman’s wishes! Did you not care for her at all?? She even wrote it in her will!”

Grandpa Bo was speechless.

The rest of the people were just the same.

Bo Xi took a deep breath, her head was buzzing from the noise.

In the past, the reason why the Bo family had avoided them was because the Lin family was known for being difficult to deal with.

They learnt all the tricks of a shrew and a rogue. They never cared about their image and were shameless in whatever they did.

She had been beaten and scolded before, but her thick skin deflected everything.

There was no other way to avoid it except taking it head on.

“Get her out!” Bo Xi said directly.

The bodyguard immediately took action.

“Don’t touch me, you pervert!” Lin Yu puffed out her chest when the bodyguard got close to her. “How dare you!”

The bodyguard was speechless. He didn’t dare to move forward after being hit by her by her shoes. Lin Yu’s body trembled, and she sat down on the ground again.

Throughout the whole process, Su Feifei leaned against the door with her arms crossed and didn’t say anything.

Lin Yu raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, feeling smug.

Survive In The Wilderness! The Actor King Sits In My Arms And Weeps ✔️Where stories live. Discover now