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Chapter 161: Rich Team
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Feifei slowly raised her eyes and her gaze swept across Qi Zhuliang’s deeply wrinkled face.

Against the firelight, that face was filled with arrogance and disdain.

She raised her hand and pointed at a corner.

“Qiao Hefeng is over one point eight meters tall and weighs about 60 kilograms. These drag marks would not be deep enough for his height and weight.”

Everyone looked in her direction.

It was the drag mark that Qi Zhuliang had checked just now.

Qi Zhuliang laughed coldly, “Did I need you to tell me that? I’ve been in this line of work for so many years, how could I not know?”

He turned on the flashlight and shone it on the ground.

“The drag marks here might have been covered up by someone. Look, there’s a row of footprints on this side, which means that it’s very likely that someone knocked him out first and then dragged him away!”

Under the light, a row of shallow footprints could be clearly seen.

Everyone came to a sudden realization when he pointed it out.

So it was like this!

Su Feifei spoke again. “This is Qiao Hefeng’s footprint. It can’t be someone else’s. No one dragged him.”

[Hey queen, you know… sometimes you just have to trust the professionals.]

[When has Su Feifei ever barked with no bite? Either way, I’ll be on her side. Let’s see how this plays out.]

[That’s right. Isn’t she tired of overshadowing everyone? Take a rest queen.]

[Before this, it was just all about survival skills. Now, she even knows how to identify traces??]

[Have you forgotten about Su Ling’s evil deeds in the bathroom? Didn’t Su Feifei say that the direction of the footprints was part of the trace identification? Maybe she really does know what she’s doing!]

[I’m a Su Feifei fan. I hope she knows what she’s doing, but the truth is that it’s complicated to go against a professional.]

Qi Zhuliang was shocked by the audacity of this wimp.

He couldn’t reason with an outsider at all!

“Be careful where you thread!! Who gave you the confidence to make such a judgment?” Qi Zhuliang roared, “The young people these days don’t even have the ability to observe their surroundings. They just say whatever they want! I can’t be bothered to play house with you! Scram!”

Qi Zhuliang was so angry that he turned around and left.

“Qi Zhuliang, Qi Zhuliang!” Xiao He stopped him and said with a troubled expression, “These footprints... Uh, it might really be Qiao Hefeng’s.”

[No way. Xiao He, you’re starting too?]

[What’s going on? Why do you think it’s Qiao Hefeng’s?]

[The truth is that Xiao He is a hidden expert. He’s always been into feet after all!]

Qi Zhuliang was about to combust from anger.

Xiao He immediately raised his foot.

“Because on this island, only our team can afford to wear this brand of shoes.”

As he spoke, he placed the bottom of his sole in front of Qi Zhuliang.

Everyone took a look.

He looked at the ground again.

Sure enough, the footprints on the ground had the same logo as the one on Xiao He’s feet.

[Wait… What? So you only know it because of the logo?]

[I honestly thought he was into feet!]

[Indeed, only Su Feifei’s team is rich enough to afford these shoes.]

“Oh, right.” Feng Xuege nodded frantically. “Our team has been saving up island points for a long time, but we could never afford that pair! Only Su Feifei’s team could afford it for all her members! We just got them today!”

As she spoke, she showed off her shoes.

Qi Zhuliang held the flashlight and lowered his body. He shone it left and right, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

It actually... Really did match Qiao Hefeng’s height and weight!

When he entered the room just now, he had been so angry that he had subconsciously paid attention to the covered drag marks and neglected the fact that these footprints could also be Qiao Hefeng’s... This was a very low-level rookie mistake.

Now, there were so many pairs of eyes staring at him waiting for an answer.

He had spoken too confidently just now. Now, he definitely had to show his true ability!

“It’s possible that he was threatened!”

Qi Zhuliang said, “There’s a lot of dust around these footprints. In addition, the distance is very short. According to the height that you’ve said, his steps should range further. So, it’s possible that someone might’ve been holding an offensive weapon or something outside the tent. Forcing him out is no different from my speculation just now!”

“No.” Su Feifei said.

Qi Zhuliang was speechless.

What else is there to say?

This time, no one dared to refute her and fixed their eyes on Su Feifei’s face.

Qi Zhuliang was short of breath. He gritted his teeth and said, “It’s true that I was careless just now. However, it was also because you guys destroyed the scene first. Otherwise, I would have noticed such a detail!

“I’m only providing a possibility. Even I won’t dare to make such a direct judgment.

“I advise you to be more modest. There’s always someone better than you. Don’t think that you’re so awesome all the time!”

No one dared to speak. Xiao He was so scared that he started to tremble.

Su Feifei didn’t intend to delve into this topic. She bent down and picked up a toy that she had just kicked away.

“This doesn’t belong to Qiao Hefeng.” Su Feifei said, “Today, Qiao Hefeng deliberately left the live stream to sort out his toys. These were all sent over by his studio. Every toy looks used, which means that he really likes them and fiddles with them over and over again.”

She pointed at the other plush toys.

Everyone looked over.

[I get it… He really really likes his toys…]

[I don’t know if I should laugh. It’s such a serious matter. It doesn’t seem appropriate to laugh out loud.]

[Qiao Hefeng, how much do you like toys?]

[Tonight’s hot search has already been reserved for his big boy toys. I’m sure of it.]

Qi Zhuliang frowned. He looked at the toys that had been played with, and his expression changed.

“He must’ve just bought it!” Luo Feifa squinted her eyes and said disdainfully.

“No!” Shen Ruoqing retorted, “All of Qiao Hefeng’s toys have been with him since he was young!”

Luo Feifa sneered.

Su Feifei said again, “There is some fur scattered on the ground. They are of various colors and don’t belong to any of the toys in this tent. They are all new and neatly distributed. The fur must have been scattered.”

She took the flashlight from Bo Silin, shook the ground, and shone it on the first pair of footprints.

“Someone could have thrown this toy into the tent and caught his attention.”

She reached out and threw the plush toy to the side.

The sand on the ground flew up.

Sure enough, it matched the traces on the sand here.

Qi Zhuliang’s expression changed again!

“Then, after a certain distance, they threw another one.”

Su Feifei held the flashlight and flashed it across the colorful fur on the ground that appeared at a distance.

As the lights flashed, she began to simulate the scene...

“Someone outside threw it one by one, and he picked it up one by one. That’s why the distance between the steps are short.

“In the end, there were too many toys, and this one toy fell out.”

As she spoke, she pointed at a footprint that was moving to the side.

“He wanted to pick up this toy, but for some reason, he didn’t come over... Oh, the reason is that he dropped another toy.”

She turned the flashlight to the right and saw another trail of sand.

She continued to explain as she moved.

“He gave up on this toy and picked up another yellow, square-shaped toy.”


Chapter 162: Islander or Soldier?
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Feifei turned around and walked toward the door.

“He followed this path, and in the end…” She raised her eyes and looked into the forest. “He went Northwest.”

As her cold voice echoed, a long silence ensued.

Qi Zhuliang’s lips quivered as he thought of a way to refute her points. However, he realized that there was not a single point that he could refute!

Although the situation she described was outrageous, judging from the traces at the scene, it was indeed very likely he went Northwest!

Where did this little monster come from?

Qi Zhuliang was shocked, and he could not control his emotion at all!

Luo Feifa, who was standing at the end of the line, was also about to faint. She was the only one here who knew that the truth was exactly as Su Feifei had said!

However, how could this b*tch deduce the situation with just a simple observation?

She was getting goosebumps. If she didn’t know about the scene, she would have thought that Su Feifei had installed a surveillance camera in this tent!

[Su Feifei is awesome!!]

[So like… Which toy was it that made Hefeng give up Buzz Lightyear?]

[Didn’t she say it just now? It was yellow and square, hahahahaha!]

[But doesn’t that mean someone was luring Qiao Hefeng into the depths of the forest for something?]

[Oh yeah, f*ck! I got distracted by the toys.]

“Go and find it.” Su Feifei gave Qiu Ye a look, and he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and pointed out the direction to the person they were looking for in the jungle.

After putting down the walkie-talkie, Qiu Ye said sincerely, “Su Feifei, you’re awesome!”

Everyone also turned to look at Su Feifei.

Su Feifei only glanced at Qi Zhuliang. The crowd followed her line of sight and looked at Qi Zhuliang as well.

Their gazes met.

Qi Zhuliang suddenly took a deep breath.

“About just now…” He took a step forward. “I said some inappropriate statements. The future generation is terrifying. You’re good.”

Su Feifei raised her eyebrows. She did not expect Qi Zhuliang to admit his mistake that quickly.

“I see.” Su Feifei responded indifferently.

“A mistake is a mistake,” Qi Zhuliang explained, “I’ve been working on set for the past few years and I’ve seen many people who get carried away just because they’ve become a little famous. Besides, Xiao He was right. I adhere to many rules and I’m also stubborn. That’s why I was so emotional just now.”

Xiao He was speechless. Qi Zhuliang had actually heard what they had just said.

“It’s not your fault,” Bo Silin’s voice interjected, “Someone was trying to lure you into a trap. It’s inevitable that someone will take advantage of such a situation.”

Take advantage?

Qi Zhuliang tilted his head and frowned. The next second, his eyes squinted as he looked directly at Luo Feifa.

Luo Feifa had just finished sending a text message and was shocked by his gaze.

“What did I do?” She glared at him. “What does this have to do with me?!”

“Why the sudden shock?” Bo Silin smirked. “No one said it has anything to do with you.”

Luo Feifa was speechless.

Bo Silin’s cheap mouth!

[Su Feifei and Bo Silin really complement each other well!]

[Su Feifei wasn’t bothered to say it but Bo Silin has said it all.]

“I found him! Director Qiu!” There was a sudden exclamation from the walkie-talkie.

Qiu Ye immediately perked up and said, “Bring that brat back! D*mn it, everyone here was looking for him, but he’s in the jungle picking u toys?”

“No, we didn’t find him…” The other party said anxiously. “We found a Spongebob toy that was left outside the arena!”


Qiu Ye was shocked.

“Arena?” Su Feifei frowned.

Qiu Ye’s face turned pale.

[What? An arena?]

[Didn’t you guys watch the director’s special? Qiu Ye has been secretly building a large venue these two days, but it’s still hidden. It’s built in the second circle. He’s probably planning to host a game there.]

[Qiu Ye really has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He even made an arena??]

[Did he get the inspiration from playing as a tiger last time? Don’t tell me a real tiger is here…]

“It’s a venue I built recently…” Qiu Ye looked at Su Feifei helplessly. “I prepared it for the next round. It’s actually full of…”

His voice became softer and softer. “Lions… Tigers… Wait… Some small animals.”


[Is that reasonable, Qiu Ye? Wild animals??]

Su Feifei’s eyes turned cold.

Xiao He and the rest covered their mouths and looked at each other in fear.

“Wait… but why were Qiao Hefeng’s things left outside the arena? Could it be that someone had entered beforehand?”

Su Feifei and Xiao He shivered.

“Assemble the troops!” Su Feifei immediately ordered.

“Yes, captain!”

Qi Zhuliang’s thin body trembled in fear.

A whole team of people ran over from all directions of the campsite. In less than five seconds, they had lined up and stood in front of her!

“Oh my God…” Qi Zhuliang glanced at Qiu Ye. “Are you all celebrities or soldiers?”

Qiu Ye, “Oh no, I’m not in the mood for this.”

His face was ashen, and he was ready to wait for Su Feifei’s judgment.

Qiao Hefeng was a member of Su Feifei’s team.

If something were to happen, he wouldn’t be able to account for their loss!

He suddenly thought of something and stepped forward. “Su Feifei, the arena is located in the inner layer of the second circle. The door is locked and the key is with me, so there’s a high chance that there won’t be a problem!”

Qiu Ye reached for the key in surprise.

He was stunned when he touched it.

“W-where’s my key?!”

[We’re finished. It’s over.]

[Friends, do you smell a conspiracy boiling?]

[Isn’t that coincidental? Just saying.]

[Wasn’t Qiao Hefeng attracted by someone just now? It doesn’t seem like Shen Ruoqing or anyone else wanted to surprise him. Something must’ve happened.]

[Oh my God! Stop with this rollercoaster show!!]

“Let’s go!” Su Feifei narrowed her eyes and turned around. “Roll out!”

She took the lead and Bo Silin immediately followed suit.

The entire team went into the forest.

Before she left, Su Feifei said, “Qiu Ye, go and prepare the anesthetic needles and all the equipment that is needed just in case. Bring them to the arena when you’re done!”

“Yes, captain!” Qiu Ye subconsciously stood at attention.

The main force immediately advanced in the direction of the arena.

Luo Feifa was at the back, her steps slow.

The phone lit up. She glanced at it, smiled, and typed quietly.

“If they attack, get ready to fight back.”

Tonight, she was going to give it her all! Su Feifei walked into the middle of the forest wearily.

“Pay attention to your surroundings!” She said, “Bo Silin, you’ll be at the last line!”

“Alright,” he said. Bo Silin didn’t ask why and turned to the end of the line.

Su Feifei walked to the middle and stopped.

“What’s wrong, Su Feifei?” Xiao He asked.

“It’s fine.”

She gave an answer and then lifted her leg again.

In the next second, screams broke through the air!


A huge net instantly bound everyone and hung them in the air!

Upon closer inspection, it was the same net they had used to capture Luo Feifa’s team!

Su Feifei lowered her head and saw the fire below…

Huang Ling and the others were holding torches.

Luo Feifa’s mocking face appeared in his line of sight.


Chapter 163: Get Lost or Die, Choose
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“How does it feel up there, Su Feifei?” Luo Feifa sneered.


[Holy f*ck!!!!]

[Put my Su Feifei down!]

[Luo Feifa, you’re good. But you’ll be dead meat soon.]

[My blood pressure is rising, friends. If I don’t f*ck her up today, when will she ever learn?]

[This net is the trap that Su Feifei set up before! When did that baldie learn how to do it? She’s so shameless!]

“Aren’t you surprised?” Luo Feifa moved closer with a torch.

Tiantian, who was beside her, screamed in a low voice. She was dazzled by the light of the fire and was afraid that Luo Feifa would use it to burn them.

However, as soon as she dodged, Luo Feifa became even more arrogant and laughed out loud.

“It seems that your courage hasn’t grown. I thought that by following Su Feifei, you would become stronger in everything! Weren’t you happy when you dissed me? What, you’re not going to continue?”

“If you want to hear it, of course, I can continue!” Tiantian gritted her teeth.

Su Feifei was right beside her. What did she have to be afraid of?

“You only know how to copy Su Feifei’s traps! No wonder you lost!” Xiao He also added, “Why don’t I call you leftover vegetables from now on? You seem to like eating leftovers and have to take a bite of everything. Previously, it was a barbecue, and now it’s a trap. Su Feifei can just leave you some trash and it’ll be enough for you to eat for a long time!”

Luo Feifa was instantly furious.

“Captain!” Huang Ling frowned and pulled her back.

Luo Feifa pushed him away and was about to stab Tiantian with the torch!

However, before the torch could reach her a cold light flashed across Luo Feifa’s face!

She was shocked and took a few steps back. Blood appeared on her face!

“Captain!” Huang Ling jumped in shock and immediately went to take a look.

Luo Feifa reached out and touched her face. When her fingers came down again, her heart trembled violently!

Was that really blood?

If she hadn’t dodged it, the arrow would have been in her right eye!

“Su Feifei!” Luo Feifa shouted, “Are you f*cking crazy?!”

Su Feifei didn’t answer. Her dark eyes were cold as she stared at her face.

Luo Feifa’s lips quivered. She looked at Tiantian, who was glaring at her, and Xiao He, who was gritting his teeth. This group of people seemed ready to rush over and tear her apart at any time.

She smiled again.

“Don’t think you’re the only one who knows how to make this net! We also have people who are good at survival in our team! What’s so difficult about making a net? Isn’t that right, Huang Ling?”

Su Feifei’s gaze slowly shifted to Huang Ling.

Huang Ling was speechless.

He simply wanted to sew Luo Feifa’s mouth up! Was this woman crazy? He didn’t want to be hunted down by Su Feifei and Bo Silin!

[You got some really bad luck Huang Ling.]

[It’s obvious that the Luo family paid for Huang Ling to work for her. Who wouldn’t say no to money? To be honest, Luo Feifa is a crazy woman.]

[Even though it’s hard to earn money, it’s even harder to eat sh*t. Huang Ling, you should be punished.]

Luo Feifa retracted her gaze and continued, “You guys are looking for Qiao Hefeng, right?”

She smiled. “Then we’ll wait right here. When you find him, he might be a corpse! What a pity. Who knows what will happen to that poor little thing in this barren mountain with wild beasts and poisonous insects…”

A cold light flashed in Su Feifei’s sleeve.

Luo Feifa immediately shut up.

“Get lost or die, choose one.” Su Feifei asked.

Two seconds later, Luo Feifa gritted her teeth and retreated to a safe distance with Huang Ling. Only then did she dare to curse.

“I don’t have time to chat with you! I’m going to your camp to restock supplies. You’ll have to spit out everything you’ve stolen from me today!”

Her voice faded away, and Su Feifei ignored her. She lowered her head and tidied her sleeve arrows.

Beside him, Shen Ruoqing suddenly sobbed.

Su Feifei paused and turned around.

“Su Feifei…” Shen Ruoqing sobbed for a moment. She was a little scared and immediately said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just too worried…”

The next second, a hand appeared on her head and rubbed it.

“He’s fine for now.”

Hearing this, Shen Ruoqing looked up in confusion.

[I want Su Feifei to pat my head like that too!!]

[Where’s Bo Silin?Did Bo Silin go to find a knife?]

[Shh, Bo Silin is taking notes. We should be able to see him tear up very soon.]


“It’s true.”

Shen Ruoqing immediately held back her tears.

If Su Feifei said it was fine, it was fine.

“What should we do now?” Shen Ruoqing sniffled and asked.

Su Feifei looked around and called out, “Bo Silin.”

“You’ve finally remembered me,” From the side, a faint voice with a tinge of sourness could be heard.

Shen Ruoqing was shocked.

He immediately distanced himself from Su Feifei in the net.

Everyone looked down in surprise.

“Bo Silin, why are you down there?!”

After Xiao He finished his sentence, he covered his mouth again, his eyes darting around.

[Xiao He, if you don’t cover your mouth, you’d all get found out!]

[Bo Silin is back in action yet again!]

[I’m dying of laughter. So Su Feifei had Bo Silin walk to the back earlier because she had expected this?]

[Then, why did Su Feifei still come in if she knew that there was a trap?]

Bo Silin walked forward.

“Do me a favor and give me the thing.”

Su Feifei didn’t notice his sour eyes at all.

However, Shen Ruoqing noticed it and tried her best to hide behind Tiantian. If she had known that Bo Silin was watching the whole time, she would not have dared to let Su Feifei touch her head.

But… Who would ever refuse Su Feifei’s head pats?

Bo Silin’s face was full of resentment as he handed over the pliers.

Su Feifei reached out to take it up, but it didn’t move. She lowered her head and met his eyes again.

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows.

“I’m just as sad about Qiao Hefeng’s disappearance.” He said, word for word.

Shen Ruoqing and Xiao He was speechless.

“That’s why we have to save him as soon as possible,” Su Feifei said.

She gently patted his hand.

Bo Silin did not let go. “I know, but I still feel like crying when I think about it.”

Shen Ruoqing was speechless.

[What’s the meaning behind this?]

[I can’t watch any longer.]

Su Feifei glanced at him.

“Then you can go to the side and cry.”

Bo Silin was speechless.

He let go of the pliers in an instant.

[Justice may be absent, but Su Feifei’s mouth will never be hindered!]

On the other side, Luo Feifa took out all the carts from Su Feifei’s camp.

“Why don’t you put the cart back…” Su Ling said.

“What kind of joke are you playing with me?” Luo Feifa rebuked angrily, “It’s not easy to come here. Of course, I’ll take whatever I have! Su Ling, why are you being such a wuss?”

Su Ling followed behind her, speechless.

She could only watch as she piled up the piles of things and carried them back to her camp.

“It’s useless to transport the things back, right?” Su Ling said, “Once Su Feifei comes back, won’t you have to hand it over? ”

“Hand it over? Heh, that’s only if she can come back!” Luo Feifa sneered.

Su Ling frowned.

Luo Feifa glanced at her and avoided the camera. “I will win.”

“I’m telling you, that net is just a smokescreen. To think that Tiantian treated it as a simple trap! What a loser! Huang Ling’s trap is a chain of traps.

“As long as the net is cut open, another mechanism will be activated, and they will die without a doubt!”

Su Ling was shocked, “Then… What about Qiao Hefeng?”

“That fool?” Luo Feifa said indifferently, “He’s just bait and is useless. If Su Feifei didn’t step into that trap, I’ll use plan B and really throw him into the arena. I believe that Su Feifei, who values her teammates’ lives as much as her own, would go in to save them.”

Luo Feifa sneered and put the things away.

“Alright, let’s go. Don’t hold back and take whatever you can!”

After that, Luo Feifa took the lead and walked out of the tent.

Su Ling took a look outside and immediately took out her phone. Her fingers were trembling as she sent a message to Su Feifei.

[Don’t cut the Rope! It will trigger a mechanism thing!]

The next second, the phone was suddenly snatched away!

Su Ling’s body trembled as she raised her head.


Chapter 164: Protect Your Man
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The light from the phone screen illuminated Luo Feifa’s cold face. Her eyes were like a venomous snake as she stared at Su Ling.

“Su Ling, this move of yours is pretty smart, huh?” She slowly said, “You betrayed me?”

Su Ling pursed her lips and her mind went blank.

Luo Feifa raised her hand and smashed the phone into pieces!

“I saw you talking to Su Feifei! But I didn’t think you would be so st*pid as to be in the same boat as her. It seems that I have overestimated you!” Luo Feifa pulled her in front of her. “I’ll remember this. I’ll settle this with you after tonight!”

Goosebumps appeared on Su Ling’s skin as she gritted her teeth and remained silent.

She watched Luo Feifa’s figure leave, and her heart sank.

Luo Feifa would never let her off easily!

From the moment they entered the island, even their last bit of affection was in danger and could collapse at any time. Now, she only had one path to take!

Su Ling immediately got up and opened the tent.

However, a strong arm suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Su Ling, please go back.” Huang Ling’s face appeared. “The captain asked me to look after you.”

Su Ling looked at him and said in a cold tone, “Huang Ling, if Su Feifei’s team was safe and sound today, do you know what the consequences would be?”

Huang Ling’s eyebrows twitched.

Of course, he knew.

Su Feifei alone was enough to make them suffer a fate worse than death on the deserted island!

Moreover, there was still Bo Silin on the team.

One would be stuffed to death, and the other would make them suffer.

“I know. But I have no choice.” Huang Ling said, “You can go.”

Su Ling gritted her teeth and turned around, but then she suddenly turned back.

“Alright, it’s not like they’ll survive anyway.” Su Ling shrugged her shoulders.

Huang Ling heaved a sigh of relief.

“But…:” she looked inside the tent. “I don’t dare to stay here alone. It’s too dark. Give me the torch.”

Huang Ling frowned. “Su Ling, don’t play any tricks.”

“What trick?” Su Ling immediately frowned, and her voice softened a lot, “Do you think I will burn the tent? Alright, then you can give me the flashlight!”

Her sweet voice made Huang Ling’s heart skip a beat. He was a little embarrassed for misunderstanding her, so he handed her a flashlight.

“It’s too dark, you’re just going to let me in like this?”

Her almond-shaped eyes seemed to be glistening with tears. At first glance, her eyes were indeed a little red.

“If all of you leave and I stay in this dark tent alone, what’s the difference between looking at me from the outside and looking at me from the inside? You’re just going to leave me here…”

Huang Ling’s heart softened. “Sure, I’ll stay with you for a while.”

He had just gotten up, but he was still dizzy from her soft voice. The next second, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his neck!

Huang Ling’s vision turned black, and he fell to the ground!

Su Ling — who was behind him — took back her flashlight and pouted. She had long gotten used to the way she dealt with men.

But she didn’t expect that… One day, she would actually do it for Su Feifei!

This was ridiculous!

Su Ling didn’t have time to think too much. Since she had already reached this far, she could only brace herself and run forward.

Just as she was about to reach the forest trap, she saw Su Feifei cut the last vine with a pair of pliers!

“Wait! Don’t come down! There’s a trap!”

Su Ling shouted.

The vine broke and a huge net spread out in an instant.

All of them fell and rolled on the ground.

It was over!

She was still a step too late!

Su Ling’s heart beat rapidly. Her whole body was stiff, and her pupils expanded a bit.

She didn’t dare to go over and just stared in that direction.


One second…

Two seconds…

A full ten seconds.

Nothing happened.

Su Feifei pulled the people around her up and walked towards Bo Silin.

“Well done.” She smiled.

“Just following orders, I dare not disobey.” Bo Silin raised his eyebrows slightly.

Su Feifei was stunned.

[What the f*ck? What did I just hear?]

[I’m numb!!]

[This is a live broadcast! Behave yourself!]]

[Is this something I can tune in to? Am I worthy of listening?]

[Why don’t we just change to another channel?]

[The next variety show scheduled: Let’s Get Married.]

Su Ling stepped forward.

“You guys…” She looked around carefully. “Are you guys okay?”

“Su Feifei already knew that there were traps around here.” Xiao He said smugly, “That’s why she let Bo Silin stay at the end.”

Su Ling then looked in the direction Xiao He was pointing in.

He saw that the positions of the mechanisms left on the tree had all been destroyed, and not a single one was left out.

Su Ling let out a sigh of relief, but she was immediately shocked again.

“No, I have to find Luo Feifa immediately!” She said, “Qiao Hefeng is in her hands. She’ll know very soon that the trap didn’t succeed. I think they’ll use the second plan. Qiao Hefeng…”

She glanced at Su Feifei.

“Where’s Qiao Hefeng?” Su Feifei asked.

“I don’t know,” Su Ling replied, “Luo Feifa has been on guard against me for a long time and didn’t tell me everything.”

Su Feifei thought for a moment and waved. The crowd immediately surrounded her.

“Time is of the essence. I’ll go back and get the equipment. You guys go first and stop Luo Feifa.” Su Feifei handed the rope on the ground to Xiao He. “You haven’t forgotten what you did when you surrounded the wild beasts a while ago, have you?”

“No, I didn’t!” Xiao He immediately nodded solemnly.

Su Feifei took out her wooden sword and threw it at Shen Ruoqing.

“You should protect your own man.” She said.

Shen Ruoqing’s expression immediately became serious.

[Queen behavior!]

[Su Feifei is amazing! Even Shen Ruoqing listens to her!]

[It’s mainly because of these two. One is a crybaby and the other is a little princess. They really need protection. I’m dying of laughter.]

[But why are they talking about the second plan? What else does Luo Feifa want?]

[Have you forgotten about the wolf in sheep’s clothing? Without the camera, what would she not dare to do?]

Su Feifei turned to Bo Silin. “Wait for me at the arena. That place is the most dangerous place on the entire island right now. After Luo Feifa gets ambushed, she might move her men to the arena to threaten us. We have to find a way to stop her.”

“Alright,” he said. Bo Silin said.

“Su Feifei, this is the first time you’ve handed us such an important mission!” Xiao He suddenly said. “We’ll definitely see through it!”

Su Feifei turned around and saw that everyone was looking at her with starry eyes. She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

“Go, time is of the essence.” She waved her hand.

Everyone turned around and left.

Su Feifei stared at the crowd and her tense body relaxed a little. After Bo Silin talked to her tonight, she suddenly realized something.

Bo Silin was right. There were some things that she didn’t have to shoulder alone — the person she wanted to protect wanted her as well.

Wei Ling had once said that even comrades on the battlefield could backstab you at any time, so don’t trust anyone.

In her previous life, she had many disputes with Wei Ling because of these ideas. Because she had always believed that one should not doubt the person who could be trusted.

In the end, Wei Ling used that arrow to teach her a solid lesson. Therefore, after coming here, she keeps a heavy height in her heart…

Was the trust and love that she had held easily broken just like that? If not, then who was wrong?

Today, she finally understood the deeper meaning behind it all.

Bo Silin had said that the person she wanted to protect was also her.

That night, under the moonlight, those figures that rushed at her were still lingering in her mind.

If there was someone in this world who dared to risk his life for her, what was there to be afraid of?

In front of her, a figure suddenly left the group, took a few steps back, and walked in her direction.

Su Feifei looked up.

Immediately, she looked into a pair of amber eyes.


Chapter 165: Sweeter Than Candy
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The determination in her eyes had not completely disappeared. She looked at Bo Silin, unable to react.

[Don’t look away Su Feifei!!]

[Hahaha, she’s shy!]

[I bet Bo Silin is going to do something sneaky here!]

[What if Bo Silin stabs her in her back…]

[Stop!! You’re all fake fans for thinking that!]

Bo Silin quickly reached out and pinched Su Feifei’s chin.

Su Feifei’s body froze when she felt the marks left on her skin left by his cold fingertips.

“Pay attention to your safety and come over safely.”

He turned around and left after saying that.

What followed was the bullet screen that exploded into fireworks and the teammates in front of them who didn’t know if they should look.

“F*ck! The f*ck!” Feng Cuege couldn’t help but cover her mouth and stomp her feet.

“Isn’t it sweeter to just eat candy?” Xiao He asked with some experience.

Feng Xuege’s team members nodded frantically!

They were all regretting it.

Why didn’t we join earlier?

“That’s nothing, it’s just a small teaser to what they are like!” Xiao He shook his head, indicating that they had seen too little to react that extravagantly. “You guys don’t know, but there was once when we even knocked ourselves on the head!”

“Which time, which time?”

Xiao He, a veteran of Subo Pot, shook his head and walked forward while describing it vividly to everyone.

Su Feifei reached out and touched her chin.

She threw away her unnecessary thoughts and strode in the direction of the camp.

“They ran away?” Luo Feifa shouted agitatedly, “Are you all f*cking useless?! They were all hanging up there, so how did the mechanism fail? What kind of lousy mechanism was it? Where’s Huang Ling?”

“He fainted in the tent, and Su Ling is also missing!” A person came out and said.

Luo Feifa was so angry that smoke was coming out of her head. She had already shaken off the cameras, and the group was walking in Su Feifei’s direction to see the fruits of their labor.

In the end, she was told that they had failed even before she was halfway there!

“D*mn it, you f*ckers are a bunch of trash!”

“Captain, w-what do we do now?” The rest of the people’s faces turned pale.

They had never regretted following Luo Feifa more than now!

If they had known earlier, they would not have followed Luo Feifa’s team.

Now that Su Feifei was fine, they would definitely be the ones in trouble!

What to do, what to do!

Luo Feifa’s face darkened, but before she could speak, a loud shout suddenly rang out in the air!

“Luo Feifa! You baldie!”

Luo Feifa was speechless.

[I’m sorry, but I feel like laughing now. Would that be considered rude?]

[I’m already laughing. I’m sorry.]

Luo Feifa turned around and saw Shen Ruoqing standing not far away with an angry face.

Did she come alone?

Luo Feifa frowned and looked around Shen Ruoqing.

“What are you looking at!” Shen Ruoqing stepped forward and growled, “Where did you trick Qiao Hefeng to?!”

[Why is the drone hiding behind the tree? I can’t see!]

[Get out! I want to see the scene!]

The drone was not too far away, not too close. It was hiding behind a tree, which was Luo Feifa’s blind spot.

When Luo Feifa confirmed that Shen Ruoqing was alone, she could not help but laugh.

“No way, Shen Ruoqing. Now you’re the courageous one, huh?” She sneered. “You dare to come here alone? I don’t know if you’ve been blinded by love or if you’ve always been that st*pid. Oh, I forgot that you were. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have chosen the wrong team.”

Shen Ruoqing looked into her eyes and felt a little uncomfortable.

However, with the wooden sword in her hand, she thought of what Su Feifei had said to her before she left, and she straightened her back again.

“I chose the wrong team?” She said loudly, “I don’t think so! At least my hair is still here. What about you? And you? Luo Feifa, do you know that everyone in my team asked me to ask you why your mother didn’t give you hair?”

[Save me!]

[Shen Ruoqing has brought new life into the show!]

[I don’t understand. The more I look at Shen Ruoqing, the cuter she becomes. The more I look at Qiao Hefeng, the cuter he becomes too… Am I…]

[It’s as if they’ve been reincarnated into hotter and better people. Amazing!]

[You can always trust in Su Feifei’s power!]

Luo Feifa exploded in an instant.

“Shen Ruoqing!” She screamed, “What are you guys doing?! Go and get her!”

The comments were filled with laughter.

In the next second, Luo Feifa directly snatched the crossbow from the hands of the person beside her.

That was from Su Feifei’s team.

Shen Ruoqing dodged, and the wooden sword blocked the arrow’s tip.

Two sharp arrows had been inserted into the ground where he had been standing.

The bullet screen was silent for a moment.

[What’s going on? Was she really going to do it?]

Luo Feifa grabbed her crossbow and rushed toward Shen Ruoqing’s direction.

“Seems like you’re asking for a death wish today! You want to be buried with Qiao Hefeng, right? That’s good! At least when he dies, he’ll have a partner to join him!”


[If the drone wasn’t there, we wouldn’t have heard this at all!]

[I’d be trembling in my knees right now!]

[I thought it was bad enough in person, but it’s even worse in private!I want to know what else she’s done!]

[All the past news about the Luo family over the years was f*cking true!]

Fortunately, Shen Ruoqing suddenly dodged backward.

“Xiao He! Do it!”

A shout suddenly rang out!

In the next second, Luo Feifa could not stop in her tracks and was directly hung on the rope that was pulled out from the ground!

Ruoqing pounced!

A wooden stick immediately appeared in the air and directly hit the back of her head!

She smacked the bald-headed woman.

Luo Feifa screamed and hung from the ground, holding her head.

After swinging a few times, her body was suddenly suspended in the air again, and she fell directly into the trap on the ground!

Luo Feifa hurriedly pressed her hand to the ground and saw that the whole pit was full of spikes.

She immediately retracted her hand, her entire body swaying and she could not stand steadily.

Cries of pain echoed.

Xiao He and the rest jumped down from the tree.

The people in Luo Feifa’s team were shocked and retreated in a hurry.

Xiao He stepped forward and looked at Luo Feifa, who was already dumbfounded in the pit and laughed.

“What’s the big deal with learning a trap from Su Feifei? If you have the ability, then learn this too!”

Luo Feifa exploded and shouted outside, “What are you guys doing? Hurry up and get me out of here!”

No one dared to step forward.

Luo Feifa stomped her feet in anger. Then, she saw the drone in the air and instantly understood what was happening.

It was a trap!

They had deliberately made her think that Shen Ruoqing was the only one who had come. They had also deliberately made Shen Ruoqing provoke her so that she would rush towards Shen Ruoqing without any scruples!

Moreover, all of this was recorded by the camera!

There should be a lot of people in the country laughing at her now!

At the thought of this, Luo Feifa went insane!

“Let’s go,” he said. Xiao He called out to everyone. As soon as they turned around, Luo Feifa’s face turned cold.

She took out her walkie-talkie and ordered, “Do it!”

Going against her, huh? Alright, then let’s see who can beat who!

On the other side, when Xiao He and the others were halfway there, a scream suddenly sounded in the air!

Shen Ruoqing stopped in shock.


The few of them looked at each other.


“Qiao Hefeng??!!”

Everyone immediately ran.


Chapter 166: A Lackey
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the other side, Luo Feifa finally pulled out of the trap and shouted, “Charge!”

With the help of a few survivors from the island, she found the nearest path and ran in the direction of the arena.

The huge arena formed a circle and was wrapped in a light-colored cloth. The center of the building was hollow and flat.

At this moment, a person was suspended mid-air.

He had a wire device on him, and he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

“Help! Anyone there?! Save me!”

Qiao Hefeng didn’t dare to look down. There were a few unidentifiable creatures that had been staring at him for half an hour. Just a minute ago, for some reason, those people on Luo Feifa’s team were suddenly told to put him down into the pit of creatures!

“Don’t just stand there! Help me!”

Qiao Hefeng roared.

The few of them looked troubled.

“Are you really going to put him down?” One of them said.

“I don’t know. Didn’t captain tell us to…”

“Heavens, this is going to be fatal if we do! I can’t do it!”

“Me too! Luo Feifa is crazy, are you just as crazy as her?”

One of them was a bodyguard from the Luo family. He frowned and said, “If you don’t listen to the Luo family, you’ll only end up with a worse fate. At least if we put him down, without the camera, we can still escape the responsibility. However, if we don’t complete the mission and the camera comes, we’ll…”

Everyone looked at each other.

“No! I don’t want to!” A skinny man stepped back, his eyes full of fear. “You guys are insane!”

The Luo family’s bodyguard immediately turned to look at him and narrowed his eyes.

Before he could speak, he heard panting behind him.

“I knew it! All of you are useless!” Luo Feifa appeared with a group of people, panting.


A few of them immediately stepped aside.

Not far away, Qiao Hefeng’s pupils shrank.

“Holy sh*t f*ck balls… Why is there a female devil here?!”

His whole body was shaking, and his eyes kept darting to a corner of the forest as if he wanted to say something.

Luo Feifa stepped forward and wanted to press the switch to descend the wire down.

“Captain!” The thin man stepped forward and stopped Luo Feifa’s movements. His frown formed creases on his forehead. “You’re not really thinking of… Throwing him into the herd of beasts, are you? ”

Luo Feifa narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

The people around him immediately pulled him back.

“You’re Lu Jin, right?” Luo Feifa asked, “A survival blogger in the same company as Huang Ling?”

Lu Jin nodded.

“What, are you going to tell me what to do?” Luo Feifa asked.

Lu Jin looked at her in disbelief for two seconds and asked, “Are you really going to throw a living person into the pit? Luo Feifa, are you crazy?”

“Lu Jin!” The few people around him were pulling his sleeve to stop.

Luo Feifa paused and raised her eyebrows. Then, she took two steps in his direction. Lu Jin was pulled away by the person beside him, his face full of anger.

She moved closer and slowly lifted Lu Jin’s chin with the crossbow in her hand.

“You’re not convinced of my sanity?” Luo Feifa slowly said, “Do you want to go in and accompany him? ”

“You’re going against the law!”

With the tip of the arrow in her hand, she slapped Lu Jin’s face, leaving a bloody ditch.

Everyone was shocked, and fear crept into their souls.

“What law? Who in the Heavens will hear his screams here?”

She grabbed Lu Jin’s collar and said word by word, “I’m telling you, I, Luo Feifa, am the God in the Luo family!”

In the next second, she stared at Lu Jin while she pressed the button with her finger!


Qiao Hefeng screamed.

Lu Jin immediately tried to struggle forward to stop her, but he was held down again. His heart raced as he watched Qiao Hefeng slowly descend down to the pit!

“Su Feifei! Bo Silin! Come out and save me! It’s not too late now! I don’t want to be eaten!”

Luo Feifa’s eyebrows moved when she heard this.

Bo Silin?

“Qiao Hefeng, do you really think Bo Silin is a God? Is there any use in praying to him before death?” She laughed out loud. “What a retard!”

“Try it anyways. What if it really works?”

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the air.

Luo Feifa was stunned was the voice and let go of the button. The scream stopped abruptly, and the rope stopped descending lower.

The next second, three strong men rushed out and held her against the tree trunk!

“Ah! Let go! Let go of me!”

This time, it was Luo Feifa who screamed. Her face was pressed against the tree branch. She turned her head with difficulty and saw Bo Silin’s silhouette under the light of the arena.

Bo Silin was still playing with a slingshot in his hand, his lips curved.

His smile replicated the one Luo Feifa had a few seconds ago.

Was that really Bo Silin?

When did he come?!

“So you think you’re a God in that family?” Bo Silin repeated slowly.

The drone above his head was buzzing.

Luo Feifa’s mouth was wide open in shock.

So just now… she was being f*cking recorded?

After that, Bo Silin turned to face the camera.

“Bo Xi, did you listen to that? You’ve been working for nothing for so many years, she doesn’t even care about the Bo family!”

[I’m speechless…]

[If you’re shouting at the drone, it means that Bo Xi must be watching the live broadcast now, right?]

[Are they going to make a move on the Luo family?!]

[I heard that the Luo family has a list full of scandals! It’s over for them!]

[I knew that something was wrong just by looking at Luo Feifa. I can’t believe that nothing has happened to her before!]

[I’m watching the live broadcast on my knees today! I’m breaking out in a cold sweat!!]

In front of the screen, Bo Xi stood up.

“Prepare the car!” She said as she went downstairs.

The chauffeur immediately drove the car downstairs.

“Young miss, w-where are you going?” The butler asked.

“Where else am I going to go?”

Bo Xi laughed coldly. “I’m here to help my sister-in-law and show that brat that I’ve still got a lot of fight in me! I won’t get stepped on like this!”

The driver stepped on the gas and sped off.

“Bo Xi! Good luck! My faithful granddaughter!” Grandpa Bo stood on the balcony, craning his head and roaring, “End them!”

On the island, Luo Feifa stood her ground in shock.

She couldn’t break free, so she could only grit her teeth and give the Luo family’s bodyguard a look.

The bodyguard understood and silently walked behind the tree.

“Bo Silin, what does this have to do with you?” Luo Feifa gritted her teeth and shouted, “Drop it! I’ll sue you for intentional injury!”

“You? Sue me?” Bo Silin smiled and glanced at the drone.

Luo Feifa was speechless.

If the scene just now was broadcasted… It was easy to tell who would win.

Luo Feifa’s face darkened and she sneered, “Bo Silin, are you Su Feifei’s lackey or something?!”

“Yup,” Bo Silin nodded.

Luo Feifa was speechless.

[As long as he admits it, the rumors won’t be able to attack him that harshly…]

[F*ck, Bo Silin, you’re awesome, amazing, and astounding!]

Luo Feifa was so angry that her bald head began to sweat.

She gritted her teeth. “You’re the only grandson of the Bo family. Aren’t you afraid of embarrassing yourself by sticking to a woman like this?”

“Oh, my whole family can’t wait for me to embarrass myself.”


[Stop fighting, Luo Feifa. Take a break.]

[I can testify that everything he said is true.]

[Bo Silin is using magic to defeat ordinary people… even if it’s a little redundant I guess it’s kind of effective?]

[If they want to bicker, they should find someone of the same level. For example, Su Feifei?]

[I think Su Feifei is on a whole other level.]

Luo Feifa gritted her teeth. “Fine, you’re all crazy, right?! Then Let’s go crazy together!”

She screamed and started to struggle in the grips of the three brawny men!

[F*ck! Is she crazy?]

[Did this woman get an electric shock?!]

[The strong men can’t even stop her, damn!]

Everyone’s attention was immediately attracted and they all ran in Luo Feifa’s direction.

Bo Silin narrowed his eyes, frowning slightly as a strange feeling passed through his heart.

In the next second, a handcrafted knife suddenly shot out from the dark, heading straight for the rope on Qiao Hefeng’s body!


“It broke!”




Chapter 167: Bo Silin, I’m Coming
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xiao He and the others had just arrived. Shen Ruoqing screamed and her tears flowed out!

The one who shouted the loudest was still Qiao Hefeng.

At the same time, Bo Silin moved first.

His figure was extremely fast. With one foot, he stepped onto the edge of the arena, and with a few steps, he climbed up.

However, the tip of the blade in front was faster!

The blade flashed in the night sky, accurately slashing the rope!

Qiao Hefeng’s heart turned completely cold. However, in the next moment, the rope only trembled a little from the strike, and the knife fell to the ground; it didn’t break.

There wasn’t even a single fray of string that got cut.

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

Did he survive?

Luo Feifa, who had just attracted everyone’s attention, was in disarray.

She turned around and looked at the bodyguard with gritted teeth. As the two of them looked at each other, the flames in Luo Feifa’s eyes were about to shoot out.

“Are you a f*cking id*ot? Were you even trying to think?” She roared, “That’s steel wire! Steel wire for goodness sake!”

“Didn’t you just give me a knife to…” The bodyguard said.

He used his hand as a knife and waved it in the air.

“I’m asking you to press the f*cking button! Press the button!” Luo Feifa stomped her feet.

[That’s not right. Are they discussing criminal activity?]

[Luo Feifa has gone completely crazy.]

[She’s finished. Prison has a cold hard bed waiting for her.]

[Let’s congratulate her with a 10-year prison meal set.]

[Did anyone else notice Bo Silin’s actions just now? That was so cool!]

[I saw it, I saw it! That was super fast! When he moved it felt like a fever dream.]

Bo Silin stepped on the edge of the empty space in the arena and looked down at Qiao Hefeng.

Qiao Hefeng hung in the air and looked up at him with a smile that was uglier than crying.

“Bo Silin…”

He was carrying two toys in his arms.

Bo Silin turned around and left.

“Ah! Bo Silin! Bo Silin! Save me!” Qiao Hefeng shouted in midair.

At that moment, the rope suddenly trembled and he dropped a little.


Qiao Hefeng shouted and immediately pulled his leg back.

The sound of chaos suddenly rang out.

Bo Silin turned around and saw that the two teams had already started fighting. Xiao He and Shen Ruoqing were at the front. The button had been pressed and Qiao Hefeng was descending again!

“Bo Silin! Bo Silin! I can’t take it anymore!!!”

Qiao Hefeng’s legs shrunk to the shortest possible length, and his buttocks trembled.

Even the steel wires started to tremble.

This time, he could see what was underneath.

“Argh! It’s a tiger! There are lions too! A cheetah! Qiu Ye, you crazy man!

“Bo Silin, save me! It’s going to pounce on me!

“I can’t hold on any longer, it’s really coming! Mom! Save me!”

The tiger took two steps back and crouched.

This action instantly sent a chill down Qiao Hefeng’s spine, and he couldn’t even shout. His eyes widened and he gasped. He grabbed the steel wire and leaned back.

The next second, the roar of a beast echoed!

“Hefeng!” Shen Ruoqing screamed.

Bo Silin turned around, leaned forward, and grabbed the steel wire.

Xiao He was fighting with a bodyguard and his face was distorted. He shouted, “Go and control the machine! Hurry up! Raise him up!”

“I, I don’t know how to!” Shen Ruoqing faced the machine and did not dare to press any button.

While Ruoqing stared at the machine, Luo Feifa tried to grab her but was stopped by Tiantian. So Luo Feifa grabbed Tiantian’s hair, and Tiantian bit her arm!

The two of them rolled on the ground. Tiantian immediately got up. The speed and strength she had gained on the island were not for nothing. She pressed Luo Feifa’s bald head to the ground in a few moves.

“Why did you want to burn me with fire?!” Tiantian bellowed, “I can’t believe you did this behind our backs! You are inhuman!”

“You b*tch! Let go of me!”

“Stop this nonsense! Su Feifei said that she would take revenge on the spot!”

On the other side, Bo Silin’s palm began to bleed from gripping the steel wire too tightly.

He pulled on the steel wire and stumbled.

“Bo Silin can’t hold on any longer!” Xiao He shouted, “Press them all!”

In her panic, Shen Ruoqing could only press one button.

The machine instantly shifted to the side.

Qiao Hefeng started to sway and moved toward the tiger’s mouth.

“Who is it? Who wants to harm me!” Wails of pain could be heard at the bottom of the pit.

Shen Ruoqing shivered.

“He’s done for, I pressed the wrong button!”

Bo Silin’s strength increased. Blood flowed down along the steel wire, and the veins on his entire arm bulged. He gritted his teeth and exerted force, wanting to pull him up from the pit!

Xiao He’s pupils shrank, immediately understanding Bo Silin’s intention. “Bo Silin, don’t!”

If he pulled him up, the muscles on his arms would tear!

Bo Silin narrowed his eyes and started to exert more force.

“Bo Silin, I’m here!”

A stern shout suddenly rang out!

He paused and turned around.

Everyone instantly turned their heads.

From the bushes, a white horse jumped out!

The eyes of Xiao He and the rest immediately lit up and they cheered.

“Su Feifei! It’s Su Feifei!”

However, their joy didn’t last long before Su Feifei opened the door of the arena with a whip and barged in!

The door closed behind her with a loud bang.

The cheers came and disappeared just as quickly.

Everyone was speechless.

[What the f*ck???????? ]

“She went in?” Xiao He shivered.

“She really went in?” Tiantian was just as stunned.

Luo Feifa snorted and laughed.

It didn’t take any effort at all to kill her!

Qiu Ye arrived late with his men. When he saw this, his eyes darkened.

“What the… They’re a bunch of lunatics!!!”

The moment the horse entered the arena, the creatures inside didn’t have time to react.

“Release him!” Su Feifei shouted.

Bo Silin immediately let go.

Qiao Hefeng fell onto the horse’s back. He quivered and grabbed Su Feifei’s clothes.

Su Feifei smelled the strong smell of blood in the air.

She looked up and frowned. He was injured. The smell of blood had obviously stimulated the surrounding beasts. In the dark night, all the black creatures were moving.

The only source of light was the moonlight shining in from the hollow ceiling.

The roars of the beasts echoed, and they pounced directly at the people on the horses!

Bo Silin turned around. “Qiu Ye, tranquilizer gun!”

Qiu Ye immediately took the gun and threw it, trembling.

Su Feifei controlled her horse and dodged the tiger in front of her. Then, she heard Qiao Hefeng cry loudly behind her, and the swaying line behind her became the target of the beasts.

“Untie the rope!”

Qiao Hefeng immediately unbuttoned his shirt and threw the wire to the side!

“What do we do, what do we do!” He sobbed. “I don’t want to die!”

“If you don’t want to die, shut up!”


Qiao Hefeng didn’t dare to cry anymore. He bit onto his clothes tightly.

Seeing that a leopard was about to catch up to them. He bared his teeth but didn’t dare to make a sound.

“Feifei, run to the right!” Bo Silin’s voice suddenly rang out.

Su Feifei raised her head and immediately saw the black muzzle of the gun… and that pair of serene eyes.

It was the same scene she had encountered before.

However, this time, Su Feifei didn’t hesitate at all. She galloped on her horse and directly jumped over the obstacles. Without looking back, she galloped in the direction of the gate!

She’s close!

However, the sound behind her was getting closer!

Qiao Hefeng did not dare to make a sound, but he still let out a terrified wail from his nose.

The beast’s claw was approaching his head. It was just a little bit away from smashing this head into pieces!

‘I’m dead, I’m so so so dead!’ Qiao Hefeng shut his eyes tightly.

Su Feifei’s palms were also sweating.

A roar sounded, and the beast’s figure projected a faint outline on the wall. It was huge and terrifying!


Chapter 168: Beast Pit
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Three consecutive sounds fired; it came from the tranquilizer darts. The beasts froze in mid-air for a moment and fell to the ground with a loud crash.

In an instant, the pressure of death disappeared from the top of his head!

He even saw it from the corner of his eye. It was the cheetah that fell!

The position of the dart was very accurate, and it even avoided the head of the beast.

Su Feifei glanced at Bo Silin.

“Not bad!”

Bo Silin kept his gun and smiled. “You’ve taught me well.”

When she heard this, she recalled the time when she taught him hand in-hand when they were hunting rabbits, and her lips curved up.

[Holy f*ck!! The tension!!]

[D*mn it, that scared the sh*t out of me! Why did they have to get into this life-and-death situation!]

[I’ll be honest with you. They’re so compatible in terms of danger levels.]

[Baby Bo shot into my heart with one dart!]

Qiao Hefeng broke down and said, “Let’s go, let’s go! I beg you, I’ll say my thanks when we get out alive-!”

However, in the next second, the white horse suddenly neighed and stumbled forward!

Su Feifei’s expression suddenly changed. She rolled on the ground and picked up Qiao Hefeng, who had fallen!

He turned around and saw the cheetah on the ground biting the horse’s hoof!

Bo Silin immediately fired another shot!

Qiao Hefeng’s vision darkened and he almost fainted at the sight.

Without waiting for him to react, Su Feifei threw him out and nimbly climbed up the side of the pit.

Bo Silin’s reaction was quick, and the two of them quickly cooperated.

Behind him, the neighing of an unknown animal could be heard!

She took out a long hook and an arrow in her sleeve, and with a flip of her hand, she hooked onto the steel frame at the top of the building and climbed up with Qiao Hefeng!


In the entire arena, only Qiao Hefeng’s terrified screams and the hollow sound of gunfire could be heard.

Outside, Xiao He and the others looked at each other in horror and rushed to the screen in front of Qiu Ye.

When they reached it, they heaved a sigh of relief.

On the screen, Su Feifei was almost taken out by a black beast when Bo Silin’s tranquilizer gun was fired!

The herd fell to the ground one after another right after!

Su Feifei gritted her teeth and retracted her arm.

“Su Feifei, are you alright?” Qiao Hefeng asked as he cried.

“Yes.” Su Feifei only replied with one word.

Her arm was numb from the shock. However, with Bo Silin’s help, it was not a big problem.

“I’ll get you out first. I’ll deal with the rest here.” Su Feifei said.

“No!” Qiao Hefeng immediately shook his head. “No! I want to go with you!”

Su Yue’s eyebrows twitched.

Qiao Hefeng continued, “If I get out of here, I’ll be beaten to death by Xiao He and the others! It’s better to die in here!”

“Shut up.” Su Feifei said.

Qiu Ye’s voice came from outside, “I don’t have many tranquilizers left! Use it sparingly!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Bo Silin pulled the trigger again.

Right then, a click sound was heard — an empty shot.

Bo Silin turned his head and looked at Qiu Ye.

Qiu Ye was speechless.

He really didn’t know that he would encounter such a situation!

It was very difficult to get a tranquilizer gun, and he only had one!

“Argh! Su Feifei!” Xiao He suddenly stared at the screen and jumped up. “On your right! The tiger is here! The tiger is here!”

Instantly, everyone present quivered! Everyone held their breaths and looked at the screen.

As expected, a huge creature had already climbed up the steel frame.

That said creature was slowly walking in Su Feifei’s direction!

Su Feifei frowned.

“Hold on tight!” She said.

Qiao Hefeng immediately grabbed her tightly.

Qiu Ye was numb. He stared at the screen and felt like he was in outer space.

He must have been crazy when he thought of this idea.

How did he come up with this arena idea?

He almost played himself to death!

[F*ck! Is this show Man Vs Wild??]

[Su Feifei, what are you going to do now??!]

[Someone, help her!]

[Luo Feifa is so f*cking dangerous. She’s outright killing people!!]

“I’ll count to three and jump down!” Su Feifei said in a low voice.

“Down?” Qiao Hefeng stared at the beast horde below, which was eyeing them covetously. “J-jump into their mouths?”

“On my body.”


“In that lion.”

Qiao Hefeng was speechless.

“I, I, I…”


“Ah? Are you really going to jump?”


“Mother! Mom, please don’t!”

“I’m not your mother, Hefeng!”

Su Feifei grabbed the rope with one hand and grabbed Qiao Hefeng with the other before jumping down.

At the same time, the tiger also moved. It roared and pounced in their direction!

It missed and the tiger was instantly hung on the steel frame, making a loud noise!

Su Feifei had already mounted the lion.

The sound of the whip falling on the ground could be heard. The lion roared wildly, but she grabbed its fur and jolted it, not letting go!

Then, she turned to Qiao Hefeng, but she found nothing.

Su Feifei was shocked.

Where was he?

When she turned back, the figure in the night directly pulled her hand.

She was slightly stunned and her pupils shrank.

In front of the screen outside, Xiao He was the first to gasp.

“F*cking h*ll! Bo Silin? Why did Bo Silin go in?”

“No way, Bo Silin! You’re crazy!” Qiu Ye jumped on the spot, completely numb.

Su Feifei asked the same question as Xiao He.

“Are you crazy, Bo Silin?!”

“Didn’t I go crazy long ago?” Bo Silin replied.

[This is it!!!]

[Stop showing off! Your life is more important!]

[Hurry up and save her!!]

[I can’t watch it any longer. It’s too scary!]

Bo Silin picked her up, and on his other arm, he was holding Qiao Hefeng.

When he jumped up, Su Feifei saw that there were three steel wires hanging behind him.

It was the one that Qiao Hefeng had been carrying on his back.

“Qiu Ye!” Bo Silin shouted at the top.

Qiu Ye instantly came back to his senses and rushed to the control panel. He immediately operated the machine and began to ascend.

However, the three of them were too heavy, and ascending took a long time.

The lion that had been riddled just now was obviously thinking of revenge. It growled and crouched.

“You, you, you, don’t mess around!” Qiao Hefeng roared at it.

The behemoth leaped into the air causing the people watching the video outside to scream.

Su Feifei immediately shrank further into Bo Silin’s body and pulled her legs tightly.

Bo Silin also retracted his leg.

The lion’s claws barely grazed Qiao Hefeng’s feet, but it missed.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

The steel wire slowly rose again.

[I’m pissing my pants.]

[I’ll be honest with you. The positions of these three are really funny.]

[I’ve never seen Su Feifei shrink herself into such a ball.]

[Bo Silin’s posture is the same too. He’s holding one of them in each hand and his legs are retracted. Why does he look so much like…]

[Everyone focus! The lion is still there!]

However, Bo Silin’s predicament was completely different from the posture in the broadcast.

It was because Su Feifei was clinging to him like a koala bear. Her legs were perfectly clamped… but unfortunately, it was clamped a very crucial part.


Chapter 169: Lost Love
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Su Feifei…” Bo Silin’s lips were dry. “Let go a little.”

Su Feifei, who was in his arms, raised her head and looked at him in confusion. “Why?”

Qiao Hefeng curiously stuck his head in.

He was shocked and let out a small sound before immediately shutting his mouth. “Bo Silin, I didn’t get it.”

Su Feifei tried to move her legs, but she couldn’t move any further.

Instead, this action made Bo Silin’s face darken.

“My… Leg…”


“Leg press…”


Su Feifei frowned.

He wasn’t afraid when he jumped down, but now he’s stuttering?

Qiao Hefeng couldn’t take it anymore.

He reached out and gently poked Su Feifei’s knee.

Su Feifei immediately moved away.

Qiao Hefeng closed his eyes again. His face was red, and he did a good deed without leaving a name.

At this moment, the three of them were like the national flag rising during a national anthem. They were hung in the most conspicuous position and slowly rose up.

It was slow and shaking.

The next second, the lion’s roar sounded again without warning!

This time, the lion exerted all its strength.

She didn’t know how it managed to do it, but it actually knew how to step on the railing first and then use the momentum to pounce in their direction.

Although the lion had been shot by a tranquilizer gun and was swaying, it was still very strong.

“Ah!” another long scream came from outside.

Inside, Su Feifei and Bo Silin quickly raised their legs simultaneously. They had already been conditioned. Like an emotionless machine, they shrank back again.

Qiao Hefeng was half a beat slower, he felt his pants loosen, and he lowered his head in distress.


[Hefeng, look out!!]

[It’s biting Qiao Hefeng! ]

[What the heck??! Wasn’t it just injected with anesthesia? How can it move this much?]

[Don’t tell me Qiao Hefeng is about to lose a leg because of this??]

“Let go! Please, let go!”

Qiao Hefeng shouted as he kicked. As he kicked, the edge of his pants began to pull down again. He was shocked!

The lion bit the bottom of his pants and pulled them down.

The steel wire pulled them upward while the lion dragged them down.

In the end, something did let go — his pants. It managed to slip through his waist. Fortunately, the light was dim, and although the drone was circling, it only managed to capture a faint image.

[Qiu Ye, this is your only chance to atone for your sins. Please shine some light.]

[I’m already having a mental breakdown just listening to his voice, hahahahaha!]

[Will Qiao Hefeng ever escape the fate of having his pants taken off unwillingly?]

[What kind of cartoon will he have today?]

His pants were already half-pulled down.

Qiao Hefeng broke down and reached out to pull them back up with his extra hand.

This caused the pants to be hung halfway.

He and the lion stared at each other. The lion insisted on taking off his pants, and he would rather die than comply.

“Bo Silin!” Qiao Hefeng roared, “Throw me down! Throw it down! Just let me die down there! I don’t want to go up!”

Bo Silin loosened his grip when he heard this.

“Ahh! I’m just joking, I’m just joking! How can you take it so seriously? I want to go up! I want to go up!”

[I’m cracking up! Hahaha!]

[Baby Bo, why did you really let go? Hahaha!]

[Don’t play with me like this…]

[What did he do? I can’t see!]

“Your pants or your life, choose one.” Bo Silin’s cold voice sounded.

In the night, Qiao Hefeng’s sobbing voice came out, but he could still persevere.

“I… I choose fate!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he let go of his hand in despair.

The last trace of dignity slowly fell with the piece of cloth that the lion had taken away… That night, he lost the love of his life.

In the air, two bare legs swung silently in the air.

No one knew that Qiao Hefeng was the only one breaking down, and time passed by slowly.

Su Feifei was close and could see it clearly.

However, she closed her eyes, feeling that her eyeballs had been insulted.

“Ruoqing! Please save me!” Qiao Hefeng shouted.


Just as Su Feifei and the others were about to ascend, Shen Ruoqing sneaked behind Qiu Ye and directly cut off the screen.

The screen turned black, and the comments disappeared.

The hot search exploded.

“D*mn, I can’t afford to pay the penalty fee! Why did you guys turn off the equipment?

“I wanted to see Hefeng’s underwear today!

“You cut it off at such a critical time? Why?

In the court, Shen Ruoqing smiled at the confused Qiu Ye.

“Su Feifei said that I should protect my own man.”

Qiu Ye was speechless.

“Alright, huddle up.”

The three of them finally reached the edge of the top of the arena.

Bo Silin’s fingers had just touched the flat surface of the top and moved up first. When he turned around to look at Su Feifei, he suddenly frowned, sensing danger.

Su Feifei also looked up at the same time.

A baldie had gotten to the top of the machine that held the steel wire. She was holding sharp pliers in her hand, and her eyes were full of madness!

It was Luo Feifa!

At this moment, she knew that the live broadcast had just turned off. Luo Feifa was smug, and resentment was about to overflow from her eyes.

She had never suffered such a huge loss in her life!

Not to mention that she had suffered losses countless times after she met Su Feifei.

How could she endure this unjust treatment?

If she didn’t take revenge today, her last name wouldn’t be Luo for anything!

“Go to h*ll!”

Luo Feifa clenched the pliers hard!

The moment the steel wire was twisted, a rope with a hook was suddenly thrown up from below.

She was stunned and was instantly pulled down by the hook!

What was going on?

Luo Feifa lost her balance and fell down. When she saw the rope in Su Feifei’s hand, she screamed!


Su Feifei first brought Qiao Hefeng up.

Then, she used the strength of the rope to hook Luo Feifa and jumped up.

Luo Feifa passed by her as she fell. She stepped on it again and used force to get up.

“Su Feifei!”

Luo Feifa cursed in fear. However, it was too late.

Su Feifei didn’t even look at her and went up to pat her clothes.

A banging sound was heard from below.

Someone landed. In the next second, a crazy shriek exploded in the arena.

“Argh! Come and save me! Go away! Go away!”

Su Feifei’s cold eyes swept over the pit.

Luo Feifa’s teammates were shocked. They wanted to use the machine to lift her up again, but the steel wire had been cut by Luo Feifa herself.

“Get the rope!”

Huang Ling shouted as he arrived late a second too late.

He glanced at Su Feifei, and his lips turned pale. He immediately rushed to the top of the arena.

Shen Ruoqing immediately took a piece of cloth and helped Qiao Hefeng to cover his lower body.

The live broadcast resumed.

[What’s going on? Su Feifei got out?]

[If she’s out… who’s that in there screaming then?]

[Why did you suddenly cut off the live broadcast just now? Are we not worthy of looking at Hefeng’s pants?]

[Su Feifei I love you!]

[They’re all out, but who is screaming?]

Huang Ling and the others were lying on edge of the arena and using ropes to tie themselves up.

The few of them worked together to pull the rope and let Huang Ling down to save the others.

Su Feifei was expressionless. As if she could not hear the commotion, she lowered her head and tugged at Bo Silin’s sleeve.

“Your hand, let me see.” She said.

Bo Silin immediately raised his hand.

Su Feifei took a look and saw that his entire palm was covered in blood.

She frowned.

“Let’s go back to the camp. I’ll bandage your wound,” She said to Qiu Ye, “Please ask the doctor to come over.”

Qiu Ye quivered at her polite words.

“Yes, captain!” He stood up straight and trembled when he looked at Su Feifei.

Oh my!

He didn’t want to mess with Su Feifei in this life!

The one who trembled the most was still Su Ling.

When Su Feifei walked past her, she was so scared that she shrank back timidly.

“Also, send my horse back to the station.”

“Yes, captain!” Qiu Ye nodded frantically.

For the last time, Su Feifei looked at Su Ling.

“You. Follow me.”

With that said, she pulled Bo Silin and left.

Su Ling’s eyes immediately widened.

Her too?

Was she going to settle the score?

Su Ling’s face was pale as she looked up at the arena.

Huang Ling had already got Luo Feifa out safely.

There were not many wounds on Luo Feifa’s body, but her expression had already shattered.

Most of the beasts inside had been shot by tranquilizer guns before, so they weren’t very aggressive.

However, being suddenly thrown in, even if she didn’t die, she was so shocked and almost lost her mind!

Su Ling trembled even more at the thought of Su Feifei settling the score now. His face was ashen, but she had no choice but to turn around and follow.

[F*ck, what’s going on with Luo Feifa?]

[It’s her own fault. Did she accidentally fall in or something?]

[Let’s consider it retribution.]

[This sister is also amazing. She really likes to play tricks and forcibly court her own death.]

[Even if she’s a God in the Luo family, Su Feifei can break her heavens!]

“Send her away.”

Qiu Ye looked at Luo Feifa in disdain and waved his hand.

Back at the base.

The crowd lined up in a row, all of them covered in dirt and gunk, but their faces were full of excitement.

The female doctor came over with an emergency first aid kit in her hand.

Just as she was about to step forward, Bo Silin changed his position.

“Su Feifei, help me apply it.” He said.


Chapter 170: Performance
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Feifei frowned. “Doctors are more professional.”

Bo Silin frowned. “But she’s rough. She’s going to hurt me.”

Everyone was speechless.

F*ck. Speak with your conscience, Bo Silin!

The doctor was rough, but Su Feifei wasn’t. As if.

[This female doctor has already failed twice in trying to get close to our Baby Bo.]

[I’ll let you do anything you want, Bo Silin.]

[He’s really putting an end to all contact with the opposite sex. What a lad.]

The female doctor’s face was pale.

Su Feifei glanced at Bo Silin, took the iodine, and lifted his hand.

Bo Silin took the opportunity to hold her hands.

Xiao He wanted to break down and smash his head onto a wall again.

Feng Xuege and the others stood not far away, gritting their teeth in excitement.

The few of them looked at each other and said the word Subo Pot ship very excitedly.

“Excuse me!” Qiu Ye coughed and walked forward.

Everyone turned around.

Only Su Feifei lowered her head to deal with the wound while Bo Silin stared at her.

The two of them had no reaction to Qiu Ye’s appearance.

Qiu Ye said, “Everyone is injured. This time, it’s my fault. So, the jungle exploration will be postponed for the time being. I’ll give everyone a good rest and arrange some relaxing activities in the meantime.”

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

“It’ll be really easy!” Qiu Ye immediately raised his hand. “I definitely won’t cause trouble next time! I swear!”

What a joke, someone almost died today, would he still dare to do it?

No one expected Luo Feifa to be crazy enough to think of such a thing! The Luo family was probably in an uproar now, and who knew how much trouble they would get into with the Bo family in the future?

Just thinking about it gave Qiu Ye a headache.

At this moment, in the Bo family’s house.

Grandpa Bo was very excited. Not only did he not find it troublesome, but he was also proud of this outcome.

“My dear granddaughter-in-law! You’re awesome!” Grandpa Bo kept nodding.

“Luo Feifa is seriously injured and will have to undergo psychological treatment after leaving the island. I don’t think the Luo family will let this go…” The butler said.

“They should be thinking about whether our family will let this go!” Grandpa Bo snorted. “Don’t worry. Bo Xi can handle it. It’s a little difficult to touch the Luo family, but it’s not impossible.”

The butler immediately felt relieved.

The phone suddenly rang.

“Qiu Goudan? You again!” Grandpa Bo cursed and turned on the speaker.

“What are you doing?” Grandpa Qiu’s voice was filled with guilt.

“I’m looking at what your grandson has done!”

Grandpa Qiu coughed madly. “He’s responsible for this.”


Did the sun rise from the West today?

Qiu Goudan admitted defeat so quickly today?

“As for the Luo family, if you need my help, just tell me. The Qiu family doesn’t have much power, but we can still help you set people up.”

Grandpa Bo raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure you won’t go back on your word?”

“Of course, I won’t! I’m investing in my future granddaughter-in-law. What’s there to regret?”

Grandpa Qiu’s face darkened when he heard the tone on the other end of the phone.

“What kind of relaxing activities can you arrange?” Su Feifei asked.

Qiu Ye’s mouth twitched.

Even by just listening to this his face was filled with disdain!

“I promise it’ll be easy! There’s a newcomer coming in, I’ll let you guys have a seven-day tour!” Qiu Ye smiled and pointed to the sky not far away.

As expected, the sound of the helicopter was heard again.

Another person?

“Who is it, Director Qiu?” Xiao He asked.

They didn’t have any expectations for the activity that Qiu Ye could think of, and their voices were resentful.

“We’ll be welcoming… A mysterious film crew!” Qiu Ye said.


“The production team contacted me a long time ago, but I never agreed to it.” Qiu Ye smiled and said, “This time, the planned events will change. I agreed to let them shoot here for a week. If we’re lucky, we might even get one or two cameo characters.”


Everyone’s eyes lit up, they looked very interested in this activity.

[This is interesting. I want to see what happens!]

[What kind of crew would actually come to shoot during a live broadcast? This is amazing.]

[But to be honest, this place is really beautiful. Maybe they’re shooting for a historical film?]

[It looks like it. Otherwise, it could be an action film?]

[I really hope Su Feifei can get one or two roles to play!]

[Su Feifei acting as the Empress when she was drunk last time was not bad. She acted like it was real.]

Qiu Ye continued, “Tonight, the first batch of staff will be coming in to set up the scene. You will see them in a while. When the time comes, we’ll also work with the crew and organize some activities to win ingredients for everyone. Let’s party to a week of entertainment!”

Everyone was in high spirits and cheered.

“Su Feifei.” Xiao He suddenly thought of something and started complaining. “Our carts and food have all been robbed. Should we go and get them back? ”

Su Feifei raised her eyebrows. Then, they heard a rumbling sound coming from the camp.

Huang Ling was leading a group of people that were pushing a few carts with great difficulty.

The cart was full of stolen food.

When they arrived at Su Feifei’s camp, Huang Ling immediately walked out and bowed deeply.

“Su Feifei! I’m really sorry, but I’ll return it to you! We won’t dare to do it again! Please let us go!”

[Very good, they know their place now.]

[They’re so cowardly, I’m too embarrassed to scold them.]

[Don’t forget how they helped the evildoer just now!]

[Is Huang Ling really in the right mind though? He probably took the Luo family’s money and didn’t dare to disobey them.]

Su Feifei shot them a glance.

Huang Ling broke out in a cold sweat.

Even Su Ling’s body shrank as she walked into the shadows.

“Xiao He, take it.”


Xiao He immediately kept the items and gallantly walked past them. He even glared at Huang Ling when he walked past them.

Huang Ling did not dare to speak.

“Su Feifei, if you have any punishment, you can tell me! We can all accept it!” Huang Ling said.

A wise man submits to dire circumstances. At this point, if he didn’t quickly admit his mistake, would he just be waiting for death?

They were not as st*pid as Luo Feifa!

“He can stay.” Su Feifei pointed at a random person.

Everyone instantly turned to look.

It was Lu Jin, who had a wound on his face.

Lu Jin was stunned, and his thin body swayed.

He couldn’t believe it.

“M-me?” He pointed at himself.

“Yes, you!” Xiao He nodded and pulled him into the team. He patted his shoulder and said, “We’re on the same side from now on. Welcome to the team!”

Huang Ling’s heart skipped a beat, and a cold sweat began to pour down his back.

“Then, then we…”

“Let’s go,” Su Feifei said.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and ran!

Su Feifei lowered her head again and finished bandaging Bo Silin’s wound.

She was about to withdraw her hand when Bo Silin pulled her back.

“I’ll help you bandage it.” Bo Silin said.

Qiu Ye was speechless.

“Bo Silin! Are you done? I have something to tell you!”

“Just wait.”

These two words almost sent Qiu Ye away on the spot.

[He really does like to take his time huh?]

[The sour smell of love. Disgusting!]

[I love to watch love! More!]

[My hand hurts too. Su Feifei, can you help me bandage it?]

When Bo Silin touched the cotton swab in Su Feifei’s hand, she didn’t react at all.

“If it hurts, tell me.” He said gently.

Su Feifei squinted at him. “I don’t get hurt as easily as you do.”

Xiao He and the others behind him quickly covered their mouths and started laughing.

Bo Silin smiled. “Then, should we…” He paused in his actions. “Should we talk about the topic that we didn’t finish earlier?”

Survive In The Wilderness! The Actor King Sits In My Arms And Weeps ✔️Where stories live. Discover now