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Chapter: 271 Eyebrows

Bo Silin was speechless.

The world turned quiet again.

Qiu Ye was the first to laugh and break the silence while everyone stifled the laughter.

Then, Qiu Ye took out a loudspeaker and shouted at Bo Silin’s back, “Farewell, Your Majesty!”

With that, the two figures disappeared.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief the moment they were out of sight.

“Alright, alright, it’s finally over!” Qiu Ye called out to everyone, “Go back to your own tents! There’s an event tomorrow! Stop fooling around! You’re all killing me with this nonsense!”

Bo Silin walked under the moonlight.

Su Feifei’s eyes were half-closed, but she was very obedient on the way back and didn’t say a word. She only started to struggle when she was about to reach the tent.

“Hat, the hat!”

Bo Silin quickly turned her head so that she could not see the hat.

After passing by the tent where the food was stored, Su Feifei plunged into her role again.

She repeatedly nodded in front of the rice.

“Not bad, there’s enough food. This year’s grains are abundant. The people won’t have to worry anymore.”

“The people have you, of course, they don’t have to worry.”

Bo Silin said slowly as he supported her to the side of the bed and put her down.

Then, he covered Su Feifei with the blanket.

The person on the bed had her hair down. Then, she suddenly reached out and pulled his face closer.

“Consort Lin, let me tell you a secret. Do you want to hear it?”

Bo Silin’s body stiffened.

The memories rushed towards him like a tide.

He pursed his lips. “I don’t really want to hear it.”

He hadn’t forgotten about what happened just now. After he agreed, all the hairs on his body were counted.

“No,” Su Feifei pulled both his ears and looked at him. “You have to listen.”

Bo Silin pursed his lips. He was starstruck as he looked at her face and sparkling eyes.

“Alright, speak.”

“I feel pain here.” Su Feifei slowly reached out and touched her forehead. “It hurts every day.”

Bo Silin’s movements paused and his eyes slowly darkened.

“Every day?”

“Yes, in my dreams.”

“You feel the pain in your dreams?”

Su Feifei nodded softly, “Someone told me that General Wei committed treason. However, I didn’t believe it. I let the rebels enter the city. It’s me, I personally opened the city gates! I never believed that he would betray me!”

Her fingers paused and she pursed her lips.

She did not continue after that. The night could conceal many things. However, it couldn’t hide the fear and trembling in her voice. She couldn’t hide the regret flowing out of her red eyes.

“They will hate me for life…” Su Feifei lowered her eyes and murmured. “They all will. Xiao Ya, Ran Ran…

She gave a long list of names, and none of them were repeated.

Survive In The Wilderness! The Actor King Sits In My Arms And Weeps ✔️Where stories live. Discover now