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Chapter 191: Disgusting
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Did you hear that? The movie queen is going to personally send something over!]

[I’ll go and give her a good beating!! You’d better not have anything going on with this woman!]

[It’s so obvious. There shouldn’t be anything going on, right?]

[Are you trying to provoke Su Feifei? Oh my gosh, I can’t bear to watch anymore.]

Xiao He was trembling.

What the h*ll is this woman talking about? Was she trying to blame Su Feifei?

‘Bo Silin sure is brave!’

Bo Silin might have to bear the consequences of your outrageous words!

Their eyes met.

Pei Zhu raised her eyebrows.

What was she looking at? Who was she showing her dead face to? She was already being very polite. Even if this woman was jealous, she had to hold it in!

Wasn’t it all for the psychological game?

She should just play along!

She must be angry, right? There’s no other way, right? It’s just that she won’t dare to have any reaction in front of the camera, right?

She didn’t expect Su Feifei to be here. It was Su Feifei’s bad luck for being here. Pei Zhu would also let her see Qin Ya’s position in Bo Silin’s heart!

As soon as Pei Zhu smiled, Su Feifei glanced at her.

“Where are my men?” Su Feifei said.


“Tie her up.”

Pei Zhu was speechless.

Su Feifei turned around and walked inside with a smile.

Were opponents so sensible nowadays?


The brawny men had long been prepared to make a move. They rubbed their hands and stepped forward!

The campsite was suddenly filled with pig-like screams.

“What are you doing? Get away! Let me go!”

Very quickly, she was tied up in the middle of the camp. As she hung on the pillar, Pei Zhu’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“You’re crazy!”

That crazy woman! She actually dared to make a move? Wasn’t she afraid that she wouldn’t be able to continue on her path in the entertainment industry?

[Qin Ya probably doesn’t know that her assistant is being arrogant, right? ]

[What does it have to do with Qin Ya? Take her name out of this!]

[That’s right, and the assistant was just doing her job. If it was for Bo Silin, why would she give it to someone else?]

[Is Su Feifei a bandit?!]

[Qin Ya, you can do it!]

[Qin Ya, charge, charge, charge! Come get your man!]

[No way, what’s with the comments?? Qin Ya’s fans bought an army here?]

Qin Ya’s fans poured in in large numbers and were extremely aggressive, flooding the screen instantly.

The hot search was flooded. For a time, the phrase Su Feifei kidnapped people at will was high on the list while the regular fans controlled the comments.

Su Feifei stood in the middle of the camp.

“Tiantian, come here,” she said.

Tiantian stepped forward and glanced at Su Feifei guiltily.

“Is it her?” Su Feifei tilted her head and asked.

Tiantian was shocked!

“Su Feifei, h-how did you know?” Her eyes reddened, and her expression instantly turned aggrieved. Originally, she had held it when she saw the assistant. She was trying to put up a good act for Su Feifei.

When Pei Zhu saw Tiantian, the anger in her heart instantly surged.

She was wondering why Su Feifei suddenly went crazy. So it was this because of this woman who came to complain that caused her to be on this pole!

“What do you mean by it’s me?” Pei Zhu played dumb. “You guys aren’t trying to frame me, are you? You need evidence to speak and do things!”

Tiantian glared at her. At that time, Pei Zhu’s bodyguards had followed her, so Tiantian had not fought her.

She didn’t want to cause trouble for Su Feifei. However, now that Su Feifei was here, what was there to be afraid of?

Tiantian immediately puffed out her chest and said, “That’s her! She was the one who hit me!”

[No way!]

[Pei Zhu was the one who beat Tiantian up? Did Pei Zhu do it herself?]

[Sorry, I’ve made up a dramatic scene in my head.]

[Is there any meaning to this? Did Tiantian really get beaten up just because she said so?”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Where’s the evidence?” Pei Zhu’s eyes widened.

Su Feifei glanced at her. Then, she turned around.

“Tiantian, attack!”

At Su Feifei’s command, Tiantian gritted her teeth and immediately went up.

“You!” Pei Zhu could not believe what she was seeing. “Make a move and I’ll-!!”

A hard slap resounded. It happened to be in the same position as Tiantian’s swollen face.

[Holy F*ck Su Feifei!]

[She’s really attacking! Su Feifei, you’re awesome!]

[This Pei Zhu is so silly, how dare she step foot in their zone!]

[Let’s mourn for her loss. After feeling sorry for Luo Feifa, I feel sorry for Pei Zhu.]

[At least Pei Zhu is not bald. She can still be saved.]

Pei Zhu was so shocked that she could not speak.

After Tiantian retreated, Su Feifei slowly stepped forward.

This time, Pei Zhu’s eyes finally showed fear. However, she didn’t stop verbally fighting back, “Su Feifei! This is a show! How dare you make a move! You’re dead! If you have a brain, let me go. I won’t let you off if you don’t!”

“Remember what you said. I’ll be waiting.”

Su Feifei’s cold eyes swept across her face.

These words were said calmly.

Pei Zhu looked at Su Feifei as if she was looking at a lunatic.

What was the background of this woman?

How could she have such a personality?

Isn’t Bo Silin afraid of losing his life by creating a love line with such a person?

“Bo Silin is back!”

Someone called out.

Xiao He’s heart was at his throat as he turned to look at the entrance of the encampment.

Sure enough, Bo Silin was holding onto his love-shaped walking stick and was looking at Su Feifei with a smile.

Xiao He frantically mouthed, “Run! Run!”

Bo Silin stopped in his tracks and wondered what Xiao He was gesturing. ‘A hug? I haven’t seen you for a day, do you have to be so disgusting?’

[Bo Silin is here, he’s here with a smile!]

[I really want to know what Su Feifei is thinking at this moment. Did her brain circuit understand Pei Zhu’s provocative words just now?]

[She’s just taking heranger out on Pei Zhu for fun!!]

[Bo Silin, run!]

Bo Silin walked around Xiao He, not looking at him.

Xiao He broke down immediately.

He’s dead! This time, he was really dead!

Pei Zhu’s eyes lit up and she shouted, “Bo Silin! I’m here! Bo Silin! Save me! There’s a lunatic here, she wants to kill me!”

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows.

“Who is she?” He stood in front of Su Feifei and asked.


[Does Bo Silin not know Pei Zhu?!]

[Isn’t this Qin Ya’s assistant? This means that they don’t have much contact in private, right?]

[Bo Silin, stop pretending! How many times have you seen assistant Qin Ya? We’ve already taken pictures as evidence!]

Su Feifei looked up.

“She said she’s here to give you something.”

Bo Silin looked at Pei Zhu.

“It’s me, Bo Silin! I’m Qin Ya’s assistant, have you forgotten?”

Pei Zhu immediately said, “Qin Ya received your gift today. She’s very thankful for it. She especially asked me to bring you a gift.”

As she spoke, she took out a box from behind her with great difficulty.

“This is it!”

Xiao He received Bo Silin’s gaze and stepped forward to take it.

Pei Zhu continued, “Qin Ya said that when you went to the Paris Fashion Week, she saw that you liked these cufflinks, so she specially bought them for you as a birthday gift. The shooting was two weeks late, so they only arrived now. I hope you don’t mind.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the entire place fell silent.

Xiao He’s hand that was holding the box was trembling.

Chapter 192: She Definitely Pooped
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[When he went to Paris Fashion Week, he was with Qin Ya?!]

[Hoyl f*ck what a turn of events!]

[What’s going on! It can’t be true! The main character is here?]

[Every sentence revealed a huge amount of information! I’m going crazy!!]

Qin Ya, Pei Zhu-

The two names quickly appeared in Bo Silin’s mind.

This was getting interesting.

He turned around and saw Su Feifei staring at him with her dark eyes.

“I didn’t.” Bo Silin immediately replied, “What cufflinks? I don’t remember a thing.”

Pei Zhu was speechless.

“Someone said that you were a couple with her?” Su Feifei asked slowly.

[What the f*ck! Su Feifei, you know what a couple means, right?!]

[So Su Feifei knew all along?Doesn’t that mean that Su Feifei acquiesced to it when she was alone?]

[I’m having the same expression as Xiao He now. I’m so scared!!]

Bo Silin did not expect her to ask this and was stunned.

“It’s a trending search that the company bought back then,” he said.

Pei Zhu was speechless.

Was this something that could be said?

‘Bo Silin, have you gone crazy with these people?!’

Following that, the conversation that made Pei Zhu’s jaw drop continued.

“So it was fake?” Su Feifei asked.

“All of it was. It’s all Li Da’s fault. He’s very unscrupulous when it comes to promoting the drama. I condemn this kind of behavior.” Bo Silin said.

Li Da, who was in front of the screen, was speechless. So was Xiao He.

In the end, he has to bear everything!

“Oh, that’s right,” Bo Silin continued, “Qin Ya’s side has plans to continue to hype up the couple, but I didn’t cooperate. I hate it the most when it comes to creating fake love lines.”

[Bo Silin said it himself! It’s true, it’s true!]

[Please, I hate fake love lines the most. I’m always serious, okay? The only thing I love is Su Feifei, okay?]

Su Feifei smiled and looked down at the box in Xiao He’s hand.

Xiao He immediately felt that it was too hot and stuffed it back into Pei Zhu’s hands.

Pei Zhu was speechless.

She couldn’t tell if the current scene was real or if she was dreaming.

Was this the Bo Silin she knew of?

Was the person standing in front of her really Bo Silin?

Immediately, Pei Zhu thought of Su Feifei’s look when she wanted to fight back.

She shuddered and immediately shouted.

“Bo Silin! Don’t be threatened by this woman! Qin Ya has already decided to stay and accompany you! She will help you!”

Su Feifei’s gaze fell on her.

[It’s over!]

[No no, hold on. What did she just say? Qin Ya is going to participate in this show??]

[With Qin Ya’s influence, if she were to participate in this show, wouldn’t she win for sure?]

[Ermmm, as Su Feifei’s fan, when it comes to winning or losing, it’s really not necessarily who the opponent is.]

[Yes, it’s mainly because Qin Ya is a strange person.]

[You guys are the abnormal ones!]

Xiao He was completely numb. He led the group of people and slowly retreated, trying to leave the scene.

“What are you looking at!” Pei Zhu glared at him and was determined to stand up for Bo Silin. “When Qin Ya is done filming, we will punish you!”

As she spoke, she shot Tiantian with a threatening glance.

Tiantian gritted her teeth.

Everyone closed their eyes and prayed for Pei Zhu.

Originally, one could only leave after a debt is paid. No one can save them now.

She didn’t expect Su Feifei to turn around and walk away. Instead, she sat down on a stool more than ten meters away, turned around the roasted rabbit, and looked over.

This time, everyone was stunned.

What was Su Feifei doing?

Pei Zhu held her breath and glared at her. She did not speak so as not to affect her momentum.

In the silence, suddenly…


Everyone shivered!

The sound was so soft. It was a little secretive, a little awkward, and a guess that everyone tacitly agreed on but dared not believe.

[Did I hear it wrongly?]

[With all due respect, this sound really sounds like Su Feifei!]

Then, the entire place exploded.

“F*ck! “F*ck! Who was it? What was that?”

Xiao He covered his nose and looked at Qiao Hefeng.

“It’s too damn smelly!”

Qiao Hefeng shuddered, “What are you looking at me for? It wasn’t me!”

“We’re all eating the same thing. Who has the ability to let out such a stinky fart?”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone turned to look at Pei Zhu.

Pei Zhu was the only one who ate different things.

Bo Silin shuddered and retreated more than ten meters. He stood behind a tree, his face so wrinkled that it did not seem like his own.

Everyone’s reaction was half a beat slower, and they also retreated more than ten meters.

For a moment, the place that had been rather crowded just now…

Pei Zhu was the only one left.

No one dared to approach within a ten-meter radius.

The moon hung on the willow tree, and only the chirping of cicadas could be heard.

The empty space reverberated with a long silence.

Pei Zhu’s face turned purple!

She really wanted to shout that it wasn’t her! In fact, she could also feel the heat coming from behind her.

“What’s going on!”

The sphincter is not listening to me?

Her mind was blank as she watched the drone slowly approach her. She was so shocked that her whole body went numb.

Was she being watched in front of the entire nation just now?

Bo Silin, who was hiding behind a tree, suddenly glanced at Su Feifei.

Just now, before the loud sound came out, she had already retreated.

Could it be that she knew about it long ago?

Another sound appeared! This time, there was a rising tone at the end!

Qiao Hefeng’s hair stood on end as he ran all over the place, shouting, “Pei Zhu! Do you not care about martial virtue? We’re all civilized people. Can’t we talk things out?! Why did you have to use such a special method to get our attention? That’s too obscene!”

[I’m f*cking exploding hahaha!]

[Why? What’s happening?]

[Pei Zhu, are you very angry? When you’re angry, you get angry from below?]

[Stop making jokes. I think Pei Zhu is about to break down.]

“Put me down!” Pei Zhu shouted.

“Put you down?” Trembling, Xiao He put on the mask and threw one to Tiantian. “What are you talking about?! Who would dare to approach you now?”

After they put on their masks, they hurriedly took more masks in front of the wooden cart for the rest. There were only two or three of them.

“Give it to me!”

“Don’t snatch it, it’s mine!”

“I was the one who went to exchange it!”

In the end, the winners of rock-paper-scissors, Qiao Hefeng, Xiao He, and Bo Silin, put on gas masks.

Su Feifei moved the roasted rabbit away from the scene.

Pei Zhu was on the verge of a breakdown. Her face turned green and then white.

What made her break down, even more, was that she could already clearly feel another wail coming from her stomach. The two earth-shaking sounds just now seemed to be preparations for a certain undercurrent that would come later.

“Hurry up! Quickly put me down!”

She was already crying.

“Hurry up! I can’t, I can’t!”

[Can’t what? Explain yourself!!]

[What do you mean you can’t??]

[This is the first time I feel like I’ve overdone my reading comprehension?!]

On this side.

A new round of rock-paper-scissors began.

“Whoever loses has to cut the rope and put her down.”

Xiao He frowned and looked serious.


Everyone had an expression of determination. A minute later, there were only two people left to fight.

Qiao Hefeng and Bo Silin.

Bo Silin’s gaze coldly stared at Qiao Hefeng through the gas mask.

Qiao Hefeng was on the verge of collapsing.

“Ahem, Su Feifei is watching.” Xiao He reminded him, “Ready… Rock paper scissors shoot!”

The last voice was heard.

Qiao Hefeng hurriedly pulled out a pair of scissors.

He saw the slender hand opposite him spread open its five fingers and a piece of paper appeared.


[Bo Silin has to cut the rope?!]

In the next second, Qiao Hefeng’s face turned pale, and he moved extremely quickly.

He quickly clenched his two fingers into a fist.

In two seconds, the ending had changed.

It would be better for him to die from a fart than to win against Bo Silin. Shen Ruoqing looked at Qiao Hefeng with tears in her eyes. At this moment, he was a hero in her eyes!

Bo Silin looked at him with a smile.

Qiao Hefeng was determined to die. He picked up the scissors and steadied his gas mask.

“I’m off!”

Step by step, he got closer. The scissors were in front, and he was behind.

“You, don’t release it anymore! I’m warning you!” Qiao Hefeng said, “Once the rope is cut open, you’d better get out of here!”

“Hurry up!!!” Pei Zhu roared, “Hurry! Hurry up!”

“What are you shouting for? I’m cutting it now!”

“Hurry up!”

Pei Zhu’s face had already turned purple!

She really can’t take it anymore.

The moment the rope was cut. In mid-air, a sudden sound of intestines rumbling could be heard.

Qiao Hefeng’s entire body stiffened, and he instantly raised his head as his lips trembled madly.

The next second, the entire campsite was filled with screams.

Pei Zhu took the box and ran!

Qiao Hefeng’s cry of despair reverberated throughout the camp.

“She pooped! She definitely pooped!”

Chapter 193: Join Forces
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What do you mean!”

“It’s true! I heard you!”

Qiao Hefeng pointed angrily at Pei Zhu.

Pei Zhu shot into the forest and disappeared.

[It’s over.]

[Really? The chicken leg in my hand doesn’t even smell good anymore.]

[Thank God this passed. Pun intended.]

Save me! Why did I open this livestream? Why!]

A few of them rushed out of the encampment and chased after the figure in the forest.

“Assistant Pei, you should go back and practice clenching your butthole!”

“Stop following me!”

“I thought you were here to make a scene. I didn’t expect you to come here to vent your anger!”

“No matter how stressed you are in life, you shouldn’t do such a thing!”

“I’m going to complain to the movie queen! I’ll lodge a complaint!”

“Forget it, forget it. I’ll go back and help with the roasted rabbit. I won’t be getting any rabbit meat later!” Xiao He said.

Qiao Hefeng shook his head weakly, “I’m not eating, I can’t eat anymore…”

Everyone walked into the encampment.

“Eh, where’s the roasted rabbit?”

On the other side.

Bo Silin looked at the figure who was feasting on the roasted rabbit in the open space, “You sure are carefree.” He said faintly.

Su Feifei’s back stiffened. Then, she turned around. Her mouth was full of oil, and there was only half a roasted rabbit left.

Bo Silin, “Su Feifei.”

He stepped forward and wiped Su Feifei’s lips.

“They didn’t notice, did they?” Su Feifei asked. Then, she gave a strange smile. “It’s okay if you find out. I don’t think you would want to eat it anymore.”

Bo Silin, “Su Feifei.”

What a good move, killing two birds with one stone.

From the moment they tied up the woman, she was planning to capture this roasted rabbit, right?

No, her plan should have started from the stomach upset part.

She was never careless about food.

“I’ve found the information.” Bo Silin sat down in front of her.

“That quickly?”

Su Feifei’s eyes lit up. Bo Silin nodded. “There’s nothing unusual. Here’s the information.”

He handed the phone to Su Feifei and helped her flip through the information.

“The only special piece of information is that he got into a car accident two years ago before he participated in the survival variety show. He was in a vegetative state for a month.”

A vegetable?

Su Feifei bit into the rabbit meat and looked down at the screen.

Bo Silin nodded.

The reason why this information was special was because this description had never appeared in the book.

There was not much description of Gu Sheng either. What was more interesting was that Gu Sheng had only participated in the wilderness program two years ago. He did not participate in other programs, nor did he have any interactions with her.

Bo Silin had a flash of inspiration.

“Su Feifei, why did you want to check on his information?” He asked.

Su Feifei stopped eating the roasted rabbit and glanced at Bo Silin.

“To confirm something.”

“You’re sure that he’s not someone you know, right?” Bo Silin asked.

Su Feifei’s eyes flickered.


“He is,” Bo Silin said.

The two of them looked at each other for a moment.

“Believe me, he is.” Bo Silin repeated.

The only variable now was him. Gu Sheng only joined the show because of Su Feifei. At the same time, he didn’t participate in the program because of the original Su Feifei.

He came to the conclusion that he had only interacted with the current Feifei. After eliminating all the wrong answers, even if the remaining ones were ridiculous, they could only be believed.

Bo Silin’s eyes darkened.

Su Feifei started to chew on the roasted rabbit again.

“Then can you do me another favor?” She asked.


“Let’s put on a show.”

Their heads touched again.

After muttering to herself for a while, Su Feifei retreated.

“By the way, be careful of Qin Ya.” Bo Silin said, “She should be participating in the next battle. She’s a strong opponent.”

Su Feifei nodded.

“When do we act?” Bo Silin’s eyes were already starting to flash with excitement.

“Wait for me to finish.”

Su Feifei bit down on the rabbit’s leg and mumbled.

[Sorry, I didn’t understand the whole thing. I only understood this one sentence. ]

[I can only see one thing, their love. What are they talking about??]

[Whatever they’re thinking about, I’m already scared of it.]

[Don’t say that Bo Silin is in on it too, Su Feifei’s brain is actually quite sharp, especially when it comes to protecting her food, right?]

[I’ll pray for that person, amen.]

At the filming location on the mountain top.

After the shower, Pei Zhu cried to Qin Ya in the room.

“There must have been something wrong with that fish soup! I only ate that fish soup. I’ve also asked around just now, and the fish soup was sent by Su Feifei! I’ve been mocked!!”

She wiped her tears and looked at Qin Ya.

Qin Ya, you drank it too. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Qin Ya took out a box. “Eat it, and you won’t have a stomach ache in a while.”

Pei Zhu immediately took it.

Qin Ya often had some strange things on her, all of which were very useful.

She was already used to it.

“To be honest, Qin Ya, Su Feifei is a bit scary!”

Pei Zhu instructed, “If you have to face her in the future, you must be very careful!” She’s a lunatic!”

Su Feifei?

Qin Ya read the name and said, “It doesn’t matter. Since I’m here, she’ll be eliminated soon. I’ll go to their campsite to see Bo Silin after the shoot tomorrow.”

Pei Zhu wanted to say something but stopped.

She wanted to say that Bo Silin was acting strange, but she was afraid that Qin Ya would feel uncomfortable.

In the end, she kept her mouth shut.

Qin Ya had never made a mistake when she made a move. She would wait for her to see the situation.

At the campsite, Su Feifei came back after eating the roasted rabbit.

She picked up her bow and arrows and walked out.

“Su Feifei, where are you going?” Xiao He asked.

“To hunt.” Su Feifei said.

At the director team’s campsite, Qiu Ye was sitting in Gu Sheng’s tent with the surveillance screen.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Sheng saw his unfriendly expression and asked.

“It’s late and Su Feifei said she wanted to go hunting.” Qiu Ye sighed and glanced at him. “That’s quite worrying.”


Gu Sheng frowned.

“Yeah, her hand injury hasn’t healed yet, and she’s not used to moving alone. If anything were to happen, the Festival Group would be the only ones to take responsibility.”

Gu Sheng immediately sat up.

“You’re thinking of the Festival Group if she gets in trouble?” His eyes turned cold as he picked up his walking stick and walked out of the door.

Qiu Ye said, “Hey, I was just saying! Why are you getting mad? You’re angry at me because of a woman’s choice?”

Gu Sheng’s figure disappeared into the night.

Qiu Ye’s expression immediately changed as he watched them leave.

“You did it,” Bo Silin jumped down from the tree, his love-shaped walking stick on his back. He glanced at him. “Your acting has improved.”

“What are you guys up to this time!” Qiu Ye broke down immediately. “Don’t make me lie for you next time! Look at the sweat on my palms! It scared me to death!”

“Since you’re already here, why don’t you continue with the act?” Bo Silin said with a smile.

Qiu Ye suddenly felt that something was wrong.

“I won’t!”

He wanted to run away but was pulled back by Bo Silin.

“I don’t want to! I don’t want to act anymore! I’m not good at acting!”

“This time, you’ll definitely be good at it.” Bo Silin promised.

Five minutes later. A black bear suit was thrown into Qiu Ye’s arms. Qiu Ye took a look and felt numb.

“What the f*ck? You want me to play the bear?”

[Hahahahahaha, a bear? What the hell are they doing!]

[Qiu Ye, stop struggling. You’ve been a tiger before, relax.]

[I’m really good at it this time.]

On the other side, Su Feifei was walking in the mountains under the twilight.

There was a sudden movement in the grass.

She immediately turned around.

“Who is it?”

Chapter 194: Hidden Intentions
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the grass, Gu Sheng walked out slowly with his hand on his abdomen. His figure was thin and his lips were pale. His sharp eyes softened for a moment.

“It’s me,” he said.

Su Feifei’s eyes turned cold. ‘Good, I was afraid you wouldn’t come.’

Tonight, she was going to tear off this fake skin with her own hands!

Gu Sheng saw the hostility in her eyes, but he still walked forward. The next second, Su Feifei raised her bow and arrow.

“What are you doing here?” she asked wearily.

“I heard that you went into the mountain alone, so I came to take a look.”

Gu Sheng had no intention of hiding his intentions.

The main reason was that he couldn’t move freely, and Su Feifei was on high alert, so he couldn’t hide his intentions at all.

It was better to take the initiative to appear.

“I don’t need the help.” Su Feifei said.

“You’re going hunting to feed your team, right?” Gu Sheng stepped forward and stared at her with his dark eyes. “I’ll go with you. I can help. After all, I haven’t quit yet, so I’m still a part of the team.”

He had already heard about Qiu Ye changing the rules.

Now that the number of people in Su Feifei’s team had increased, she had to ensure a source of food.

“What can you do? You’re a cripple.” Su Feifei glanced at his leg.

“Isn’t Bo Silin a cripple too?” Gu Sheng pursed his lips and asked after a while.

“How can he be the same as you?” Su Feifei asked.

[Su Feifei, I’m relieved to see you like this.]

[Why do I have the feeling that Gu Sheng is here to be abused?]

[Yeah, this feels wrong. It’s like she’s here to pay off a debt.]

Gu Sheng’s breathing fluctuated for a moment.

“What’s the difference?” Gu Sheng continued to ask.

“He’s better looking than you,”

Gu Sheng, “Su Feifei.” He paused for a moment. “I just don’t think you’ll like such a weak, fair, and useless man.”



Qiu Ye was hiding behind a tree, laughing so hard that his body was twitching. He turned to look at the pale and useless man beside him. At this moment, his face was not white, but very dark.

Bo Silin narrowed his eyes, the telescope was almost poking two holes in his eyes.

His long fingers were pressing on the telescope, and they were turning white.

“Hey, Bo Silin, can you bear this?” Qiu Ye kicked him lightly. “Aren’t you going to stop him?”

Bo Silin put down his telescope and turned around, smiling.

Qiu Ye suddenly felt a chill down his spine. The next second, he was pushed by someone and fell from the tree.

He cursed out loud, “What the f*ck was that for?!”

Su Feifei squatted down to find a place to set a trap, ignoring Gu Sheng’s words.

The corners of Gu Sheng’s lips lifted slightly.

“You’re not angry, right?” He probed, “Would you be unhappy if I told you about the people on your team?”

[I can already smell the flames of war in the air!]

[How good is this Gu Sheng guy anyway? His personality keeps changing, he’s such a smooth talker!]

“No,” Su Feifei replied while digging.

The smile in Gu Sheng’s eyes had just appeared.

There was only an mhm sound.

Suddenly, a piece of soil was thrown at his face. After it was hit, it slowly slid down. Gu Sheng spat out the mud in his mouth.

“What was that for?”

Another one, Su Feifei shoveled the soil with all her might and didn’t even look back. “What are you doing? Get to work!”

Gu Sheng had no choice but to avoid the splashing mud. He picked up a branch and began to dig a trap.

Even though he was injured, he was still very fast. The two of them didn’t need to communicate at all. As long as Su Feifei reached out her hand, Gu Sheng would know what to hand over.

Mud and soil flew everywhere.

“Su Feifei-”

She started to cut the branches. The force was so great that it seemed as if it was going to smash through the ground.

When Gu Sheng opened his mouth, wood shavings and mud were thrown at his face immediately after. In the end, he understood her intention and could only shut his mouth.

Seeing that she was using too much strength, he still reached out and wanted to help.

“Be careful, don’t get hurt.”

Su Feifei suddenly slid back two meters and dodged it.

Gu Sheng’s hand froze in mid-air.

“Dirty.” She threw out a single word.

[I don’t know who she was referring to but yes.]

[Obviously, she meant Gu Sheng.]

[It’s tragic, but why is it a little funny?]

Gu Sheng’s expression changed several times. In the end, he still fell silent.

“Gu Sheng, don’t you want to know who Wei Ling is?” Su Feifei suddenly put away the knife and looked up.

Her dark eyes looked at him from a distance.

Gu Sheng paused for a moment. Now that they were talking about this seriously, he felt like he was standing on the edge of an abyss. Sweat seeped out of his palms.

“Yes, I do want to know.”

“It’s not actually my dog.” Su Feifei said.

Gu Sheng slowly opened his mouth. “Then?”

“It’s a human. However, it’s still not as good as a dog.”

It was a human. However, he was still not as good as a dog. Gu Sheng’s body shifted.

“Okay,” he said after a while.

“He used to be my comrade.” Su Feifei didn’t look at him. She lowered her head and continued to sharpen the stick in her hand as she said calmly, “He used to be the closest person to me.”

Gu Sheng lowered his eyes and slowly leaned on his walking stick.

All he could see was her jet-black head.

His eyes flickered.

“I’ve given him many things and told him many secrets. Some of them are related to my life and death, while some are related to the lives of countless people behind me.”

“And then?” Gu Sheng heard his voice go hoarse.

“And then I was killed by an arrow.”

Su Feifei stuck the last stick into the trap. It looked like an arrow that had left the bow.

Gu Sheng’s body stiffened.

“Actually, he helped me a lot. He’s my master, my friend, and also some other unimportant identities.”

Su Feifei got up and looked into his eyes. “Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to do what I wanted to do. Perhaps I would have been killed long ago. So if it’s just a life, it’s fine if you pay it back. But he shouldn’t have touched the thing I care about the most. Gu Sheng, do you know what I care about the most?”

Gu Sheng gazed in her direction. His eyes were calm as if there were no waves in them.

“I don’t know.”

Su Feifei’s expression was mocking as she slowly curled her lips. “It’s not important anymore. You just need to know that he deserves to die.”

What she cared about the most was Great Yan. They were her people, her soldiers. All of them had turned into bones when she and her men stepped through the city.

This was a blood feud.

Gu Sheng nodded and said in a low voice, “You’re right. This kind of person will receive retribution.”

Su Feifei sneered and stared at him. Her voice was calm.

“How is it enough to just get retribution? I also want this retribution. I personally gave it to you.”

Chapter 195: Keep Pretending
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

She saw with her own eyes that a certain muscle on Gu Sheng’s cheek twitches.

It was a physiological change that he could not control.

Su Feifei sneered and covered the trap.

Pretending to look away.

‘Shriveled b*stard, continue acting.

It was fine if he hid far away in this life and she couldn’t find him.

Yet he delivered himself to her door?

Wasn’t this just courting death?

She was originally just wasting her time. However, from now on, this show had a different meaning to her.

“Let’s wait for our prey.”

After the trap was set, Su Feifei stood to the side and waited with her arms crossed.

Now, all they had to do was wait for Qiu Ye to come out and force Gu Sheng to use the bow and arrow.

Other things could be covered up, but in the face of danger, one’s most instinctive reaction could never be hidden.

In particular, Wei Ling was used to using a bow with his left hand, and his posture was very special.

Tigers don’t change their stripes.

He would act out of instinct.

Gu Sheng turned to look at her. His gaze moved slightly. His eyes slid across her full forehead, to the tip of her nose, and then to her lips. His lips moved slightly and he was about to open his mouth.

Right then, there was a sudden movement in the grass.

Su Feifei immediately turned around. A huge black creature walked out unsteadily from behind the tree.

It even tripped when it came out, almost a little unwilling.

It took two deep breaths and moved forward.

[What the f*ck?]

[What happened to his acting skills!]

[Qiu Ye, let’s be serious, okay?]

[You’ll be easily discovered if you don’t try hard!]

Su Feifei took a step back and turned to look at Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng’s expression turned serious.

“This trap isn’t enough. Climb up the tree first!”

He immediately turned around and ran forward.

Su Feifei also started to run, but she suddenly turned around.

“Do you think you can run?” She asked.

She was concerned about him?

Gu Sheng could not hide the joy in his eyes. “Don’t worry.”

“I won’t. If you can’t escape, you can stall the bear first. You’re going to die anyway.”

Su Feifei turned around and climbed up the tree.

Gu Sheng, “Su Feifei.”

The black bear slowly approached.

Su Feifei took a big step and climbed up the tree without even looking back.

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth and supported his body. He threw away his walking stick and used the same technique to jump up the tree from low to high.

“Give me the bow!” Gu Sheng said.

Su Feifei had been waiting for this.

She raised her hand and threw the bow and arrow over.

Gu Sheng raised his hand and drew his bow. He was using his right hand, and his movements were very skilled.

Su Feifei sized him up and didn’t say anything.

[Su Feifei, stop him!]

[If we’re not careful, this show will lose its second director.]

However, very quickly.

The grass moved again and a second black figure appeared.

This time, it was still covered in black fur, but its body was standing upright, looking around.

[Another one? Bo Silin, is that you?]

[Where is Bo Silin?]

[Good friends do d*mb sh*t together!]

The black shadow stood in front of him happily.

He even raised his arms and roared out.

After Qiu Ye had finished shouting, he suddenly realized that the bear in front of him had turned around and was looking at him. He was stunned.

Eh, why is there another one in front?

Who is that?

Bo Silin had found another actor besides him?

[Didn’t Bo Silin only find one just now?]

[They’ve been walking up the mountain for a long time in this barren mountain. It can’t be Qiu Ye.]

[F*ck no way!]

[I’m already scared of this show. I think it’s normal for anything to appear now!]

Qiu Ye paused for a moment, not understanding the situation.

The bear in front suddenly turned around and pounced toward Qiu Ye!

“Qiu Ye! Retreat!”

Su Feifei shouted and immediately tried to get down from the tree.

But someone pulled on her wrist.

“It’s dangerous!”

Gu Sheng tugged at her.

Then, Su Feifei threw him away!

“Get lost!”

She leaped and directly jumped off the tree!

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth. He had no choice but to draw his bow again and look for an opportunity.

On the other side, Qiu Ye was pounced on by the black bear. He stood up again and didn’t hear Su Feifei’s cry.

[Look at Su Feifei’s reaction. That bear must be real!]

[What should we do? What should we do? Is that real?]

[Will someone really die today?!! I hope not!]

[That was quick!]

“F*ck, your props are more realistic than mine!” Qiu Ye sized up the black bear and said, “That b*stard Bo Silin gave me such a low-quality one, but he gave you such a good one?”

As he spoke, he lifted his leg and kicked.

The black bear’s butt flicked.

[Qiu Ye! Stop!]

[You’re looking for death, you’re looking for death, you’re looking for death!]


The black bear went around him and pushed him with its paw.

Qiu Ye staggered after being pushed by him.


Look at the acting skills! He was really good at acting as an animal!

As a director, how could he lose?

Qiu Ye immediately fell on all four limbs and looked at him. Then, he turned around and shook his body.

What a joke! He had made quite a few documentaries on wild animals!

“Hey, who are you? Xiao He? One of the brawny men? Could it be Qiao Hefeng? Your body shape doesn’t look like it either. You must be one of the brawny men, right?”

The black bear pounced again.

“Qiu Ye! This is real!”

Su Feifei’s roar sounded again.

Qiu Ye laughed and said, “What’s real?”

The next second, he was stuck and almost vomited blood.

“What? Is the bear real? You!!!”

The black bear stared at him.

He panicked.

He was completely flustered!

He wanted to run but it was too late!

The black bear pounced on Qiu Ye with all its might!

Su Feifei immediately took out her sleeve arrow! His expression turned cold!

Bo Silin happened to arrive at the scene and the two of them looked at each other, ready to attack!

Qiu Ye also roared!

The next second.

The black bear pressed Qiu Ye down.

He roared while swinging back and forth.

The strength was great!

The speed was extremely fast!

No one could react in time!

Qiu Ye was stunned for a moment and turned around to look.

What was going on?

His neck was still there?

His body was also intact.

Then what was the bear doing?

After a second of confusion.

An idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and his face quickly turned red.

No, no, no, no.

It wouldn’t be the Su Feifei he was thinking of.

That was impossible! Impossible!

Su Feifei’s movements stopped, and Bo Silin’s expression froze.

Soon after, the candle emoji that had not appeared for a long time filled the screen again.

Chapter 196: Till Death Do Us Part
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After two seconds of silence, Qiu Ye’s roar echoed throughout the forest.

He struggled to escape, but was pressed back by the black bear!

Bang! Bang!

This was the secret of reproduction!

Bang! Bang!

This was a collision of life!

Bang! Bang!

This was the fruit of love!

“Ahhhh! F*ck! Stop your perverted actions!”

Qiu Ye roared, “Save me! Hurry up and save me!”

“Bo Silin! Don’t record the video anymore! Hurry up and save me, someone save me!”

One of his bear claws trembled in the air. He wanted to struggle, but it was to no avail.

The eyes of the black bear behind him were red.

Faster and faster!

The love of the bear could not be stopped!

[Please save him. The children are watching.]

[The clothes are fine, but I’m afraid Feifei won’t be able to protect him.]

[I’m sorry, I just realized that this is actually a dangerous situation. Is it too late to laugh now?]

[Don’t worry, Qiu Ye. At least it thinks you’re the same kind now.]

[At least you have someone in your life that loves you now.]

[I’m really numb from laughing.]

Qiu Ye madly pounded the ground and roared loudly. In the end, he stopped moving and let it do whatever it wanted.

Forget it. If life had to treat him this way. Then so be it.

After the black bear moved a few times, it got up from Qiu Ye’s body in confusion.

As for Qiu Ye, he had once thought that the darkest moment of his life was when the helicopters changed formation.

After that, he thought that it was because he saw Su Feifei walking towards him with her thick makeup and crab legs.

He had fantasized about such a scene before-

One day, when he was on the stage of a world-famous director, someone would raise a microphone and ask him, “What’s the biggest difficulty you’ve encountered in your career as a director?”

At that time, he didn’t know whether to choose the helicopter or Su Feifei’s heavy makeup.

But now… There was no need to choose. There was no need for that anymore. If he could, he really wished that the internet really had no memories. However, at this moment, not only did the internet have it, but it would also spread like wildfire.

Tonight, the top three trending searches were obviously about Qiu Ye.

[Shocking News! Qiu Ye Violated by a Bear?]

[300 Rounds of Qiu Ye and Bear. Video Link Below!]

[PM for Details, Watch aHigh-definition Uncensored Qiu Ye and Bear.]

In the director team’s tent.

“F*ck! Hurry up and save them! Hurry up!”

The Assistant Director shouted, his body already numb. Behind him, there were several staff members who were laughing too hard to act.

When they saw the Assistant Director glaring at them, they immediately took their tools and ran into the mountains.

In the mountains, as the two looked at each other, the atmosphere became a little stagnant. Su Feifei took a step back and the atmosphere became tense again.

Qiu Ye was still lying on the ground. He didn’t want to live, but he didn’t dare to die.

Su Feifei kept her eyes on the black bear as she retreated.

[I’m more afraid that it wants more.]

[Qiu Ye is still wearing a black bear costume. The others might just look like dinner.]

Gu Sheng drew his bow from the tree, but did not fire.

This distance had already exceeded the normal shooting range.

Bo Silin suddenly leaned close to Su Feifei’s ear.

“Call me when you’re done.”


[Why call?]

[What is it? Why should she call him?]

[Explain clearly!]

“Why call?” Su Feifei asked.

“Do you still remember what Qiao Hefeng cried out when he fell into the arena?”

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes and nodded.

She exchanged a look with Bo Silin and immediately started running!

With a moving target, the black bear was immediately attracted to it!

It instantly moved and ran in Su Feifei’s direction!

Gu Sheng’s pupils shrank as he drew his bow to the maximum.

Both sides were moving too fast.

He couldn’t aim!

The black bear pounced with all its might, causing Su Feifei to… scream out loud?? The figure in front suddenly let out a wail.

“Ahh, please! I don’t want to die! I want to go home!”


Isn’t it a little too similar?

Su Feifei circled around and was gradually caught up.

Bo Silin stood to the side and pulled the slingshot, aiming at the black bear’s eyes just in case anything happened.

He was looking at Gu Sheng out of the corner of his eye.

He was waiting for Gu Sheng to make the first move.

Su Feifei ran up the tree, but the black bear bit her clothes.

She turned around and landed on the ground again. As she pulled off the hem of her clothes, she kicked it.

“Ahh!” Su Feifei added more strength.

But she gradually lost his patience. Seeing that Gu Sheng was still hesitating, she turned around and shouted, “Gu Sheng, what are you doing? Shoot the arrows!”

The black bear’s roar reverberated through the forest!

Suddenly, an arrow broke through the air!

However, it only brushed past!

Gu Sheng gritted his teeth. The hand holding the bow and arrow began to tremble.

That was because he was still using his right hand.

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes. In the next moment, the black bear swiped its paw and flipped the person over!

Su Feifei hit the ground and suddenly came up with a plan.

“You dare to flip me over?”

She suddenly pulled out her knife and prepared to face the black bear head-on!

“Don’t be rash!”

Bo Silin’s voice sounded.

Qiu Ye, who was on the ground, sat up and lifted his hood.

“F*ck! That’s a bear, Su Feifei!”

[This is a bear-y serious situation girl!]]

[Su Feifei, let’s just bear with it for now!!]

[Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid! Steady! Su Feifei can bear-ly even think about what’s going on.]

[ I don’t mind playing the bear to catch Su Feifei’s heart!]

Su Feifei jumped onto the bear’s body, and the black bear roared and opened its mouth!

She raised her hand and was about to hit the bear’s mouth.

This time, both sides were destined to suffer!

Su Feifei didn’t care and gathered her strength to move!

Right then, the arrow was suddenly fired!

It hit right in the bear’s mouth and went through the tip of its teeth. It was an extremely good aim!

Su Feifei instantly stopped and raised her head!

She looked at the person on the tree after a distance.

Dead silence.

Gu Sheng clenched his bow tightly and pursed his lips. At this moment, the face he gave had penetrated through time and completely matched the face of the last battle of Great Yan.

He held a bow In his left hand and an arrow in his right.

Because he had used too much force, his thumb had already drawn a bloody mark.

Just like before.

Their eyes met, and Gu Sheng’s eyes were full of struggle.

After a while, he closed his eyes.

There were some things that didn’t need to be said.

The forest was silent for two seconds.

Su Feifei’s expression was calm. She got off the bear, and all her anger and agitation had faded.

She even patted the bear’s head. Then, she called out Bo Silin’s name.

Bo Silin had the same thought and immediately threw the arrow over.

The next second, her slender hand caught the bow and arrow.

Then, she aimed at Gu Sheng.

Everyone was speechless.

What was going on?

Without waiting for them to react, Su Feifei took an arrow and shot!

The rain of arrows headed straight for Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng’s reaction was extremely fast. He flipped down from the tree.

After that, a wooden sword also flew across the sky and he immediately dodged it.

With a loud bang, it was directly inserted into the tree trunk.

The tree trunk was instantly split into two!

Gu Sheng turned his head and said, “Su Feifei! Calm down please, Su Feifei!”

Su Feifei didn’t say anything and shot the arrows again and again!

Before the staff who had just arrived could figure out the situation, a tranquilizer gun was aimed at Su Feifei!

Everyone was shocked.

“F*ck! Hurry up and stop her!” Qiu Ye was frightened. “What’s going on?!”

Chapter 197: Supportive Husband
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The bullet screen also exploded.

[Things are getting exciting!]

[Why did they suddenly start fighting?!]

[Su Feifei’s expression is no different from seeing her father’s murderer!]

“Uh the bear… Uh…” The staff member looked at the bear on the ground. For a moment, he didn’t know which one to deal with.

“Stop them! Stop her! Are you blind? Humans are more dangerous than bears these days!” Qiu Ye roared.

By the time the bear was dealt with, the person was already gone!

On the other side, Su Feifei had already pulled the trigger, her face expressionless.

The tranquilizer gun exploded.

She brushed past Gu Sheng’s face.

Gu Sheng’s pupils shrank!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Su Feifei.

Su Feifei’s eyes were colder than the muzzle of a gun.

Her hands were also very steady as she placed another arrow.

This time, Gu Sheng did not avoid her. He stood there and looked at her.

Su Feifei curled her lips coldly. Then, she stretched out her index finger and slowly touched the trigger.

His gaze moved slightly and he stared at her hand… It was extremely stable, without any hesitation or trembling.

He still didn’t move and just stared.

Qiu Ye was shocked and opened his mouth wide. “He really came?”

Bo Silin also looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

His gaze swept past Su Feifei and then fell on Wei Ling’s face, deep in thought.

Suddenly, Su Feifei exerted force with her fingers!

The next second, the staff member suddenly pounced on her.

“Su Feifei! Su Feifei, calm down!”

She hugged their thighs and cried until two lines of tears fell.

“Su Feifei, you have to stop this madness! I’m begging you!”

“Su Feifei, please leave our crew a way out!”

Four of them cried, and one of them was responsible for removing the bow from Su Feifei’s hand.

Gu Sheng could not hold on much longer either and stumbled. The rest of the staff came forward and supported Gu Sheng’s body.

“Su Feifei, let’s have a chat.” Gu Sheng turned his head and said.

The night was filled with confusion, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Su Feifei didn’t refuse and gave a curt nod. Only then did Gu Sheng relax and fall on the stretcher carried by the Festival Group.

In the air, there was a sudden wailing sound. It was the black bear that had been shot.

Su Feifei calmly turned around, walked to the black bear’s side, and pulled out the arrow.

Qiu Ye gasped.

What was she doing?

The staff member trembled as he raised the tranquilizer gun again!

“There’s no need for that.”

Su Feifei stopped him.


No need?

The black bear’s injuries were not serious, but it was hard to guarantee that it would not jump up and hit them again!

[Su Feifei, why don’t we solve this like civilized people?]

[This is so scary.]

After Su Feifei finished speaking, the staff member didn’t dare to move.

She walked to the bushes at the side. As soon as Su Feifei left, everyone retreated in unison, trembling.

Especially Qiu Ye. He immediately took off his black bear suit, threw it aside, and stood still.

Soon, Su Feifei returned with the familiar herbs. Then, she rubbed it and applied it to the black bear’s wound.

The black bear moved a little, not used to it.

Su Feifei slapped its head. “Don’t move.”

Everyone was speechless.

That’s a bear for goodness sake!

Among the crowd, only Gu Sheng looked calm and even smiled.

The black bear seemed to understand Su Feifei’s words.

He lowered his head again and even rubbed it against the side of her pants.

Qiu Ye, “Su Feifei.”

When I told you to stop just now, you weren’t as obedient as you are now!

[Does it understand Su Feifei’s words!]

[All things have spirits. I believe it now.]

[That’s strange. The bear that I thought was huge just now suddenly became small?]

[You’ve become cuter!!! ]What’s going on in your tiny little brain you sweet little baby?]

“It was just playing with me just now.” Su Feifei raised her head and said, “I don’t have any ill intentions. You guys go back first, I’ll send it to the mountains.”

Qiu Ye trembled. “You? Alone??”

“Let’s go. Bo Silin, stay.” Su Feifei said.

Bo Silin immediately puffed out his chest.

“Alright,” he said. He walked past Gu Sheng with his chest puffed out and his head raised, his posture elegant.

Gu Sheng coughed on the stretcher. “Su Feifei, I’ll wait for you over there. Come and find me after you’re done.” He said.

Without waiting for Su Feifei’s response, he signaled the staff to carry him away.

The staff members started working in unison.

Qiu Ye and the others had no choice but to retreat.

Su Feifei reached out and picked up the bear. The black bear leaned on her side and moaned, not willing to leave. She narrowed her eyes and kicked him again.

“Let’s go.”

Why does this look so familiar?

She glanced at Bo Silin.

After walking for a few dozen meters, Qiu Ye’s head suddenly thumped and he turned around.

Worried, he instructed, “Su Feifei, don’t bring the bear back! I refuse to see it in the camp! I object!”

After Qiu Ye had this thought, he felt that it was ridiculous. However, it didn’t seem impossible since it was Su Feifei he was talking to.

Su Feifei glanced at him. “We don’t even have enough to eat. Why would we want to raise bears?”

Qiu Ye heaved a sigh of relief. He did not want to see anything related to bears in his life! However, he was still a little worried. “No, swear on your life you won’t! You won’t bring it back to the base!”

Su Feifei squinted at him. However, Qiu Ye was very determined. At the risk of being cut, he also stared at Su Feifei fiercely and used his posture to show his determined attitude!

After a long while.

“I swear, I won’t bring the bear back to the base,” Su Feifei said mechanically.

Qiu Ye thought for a while and was completely relieved. He turned around and left.

On the other hand, Gu Sheng stayed in the woods for a long time.

From the time the moon rose to the treetops until the sun rose, no one came.

When the sky was almost bright, he sighed softly.

He took another look at the quiet surroundings, turned around, and walked towards the encampment with his walking stick.

Just as he was about to move, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

When he looked up, he saw a pair of long, narrow, amber eyes. At this moment, there were shiny eyes that seemed very friendly looking back at him.

The director’s tent.

Qiu Ye welcomed a new round of collapse.

A man and a bear stood outside the tent.

She was very awake, and the bear was already asleep. It was leaning against Su Feifei’s leg with its eyes closed.

“Su Feifei!” Qiu Ye’s desperate cry came from inside. “What did you promise me? You swore an oath! You said you won’t bring the bear back to the base!”

“This is not the encampment.” Su Feifei looked around.

This was the director’s tent.

Qiu Ye, “Su Feifei.”

He endured it. “It’s impossible to raise this thing!”

Bo Silin quickly interjected, “The husband should take care of his wife.”

Chapter 198: Acceptance
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As soon as he said this, the bullet screen exploded.

Qiu Ye lifted the curtain with a whoosh, and the muscles on his entire face were deformed.


Su Feifei raised her eyebrows.

Were these words really that effective?

Bo Silin said… a single sentence and got Qiu Ye to accept the bear.

The staff around them looked over curiously.

“There’s no other way, it won’t leave.” Su Feifei looked down at the black bear. “This bear is still young and injured. We’ll send it away after it recuperates.”

“Young?” Qiu Ye exploded. His trembling index finger poked the bear through the air. “It’s young, but it’s very experienced in committing heinous crimes!”

Seeing this, Su Feifei had no choice but to say the second sentence that Bo Silin had taught her.

“Bo Silin said that if you don’t accept the bear now that it’s here, people will ask why.”

“Ah!” Qiu Ye collapsed and knelt on the ground.

Save him!

Someone save him!

There was more to this

“Once husband and wife, till death do you part.” Su Feifei continued.

[A day together as husband and wife, a hundred day of love!]

[I’m dying, I’m dying! I’m laughing so hard that my mom is going to kick me out of the house!]

[I originally thought that this bear would be Su Feifei’s pet. I didn’t expect it to become Qiu Ye’s pet in the end??]

[Ever since I started watching this livestream, I’ve never thought of what the next scene would be.]

In the end, Qiu Ye accepted the bear with a defeated expression. It was temporarily detained so that it would be convenient for the veterinarian to apply medicine on it when he came.

When Su Feifei left, the black bear suddenly woke up and opened its eyes.

A man and a bear looked at each other across a tent.

Qiu Ye silently looked away. He was numb when it came to Su Feifei’s antics.

In the forest, Gu Sheng was staring at Bo Silin.

“Su Feifei had something to do, so she asked me to come over instead.” Bo Silin said with a smile.

Gu Sheng’s face was calm, and he returned to his usual gloomy and cold appearance.

“This is a matter between me and her. I don’t need to tell outsiders.”

As he spoke, he started to leave. Bo Silin did not stop him and stood behind him, watching him.

After two steps, Gu Sheng turned around and squinted his phoenix eyes.

After looking at each other for a moment, Gu Sheng turned around.

“You might think that you understand her now, but there are some things that only she and I can understand. You’ll never be a part of it. ”

“Which ones?” Bo Silin played with the slingshot in his hand.

“Even if I say it, you might not understand.” Gu Sheng’s eyes were filled with a rare hint of ridicule.

“How do you know I won’t understand if you don’t tell me?”

Bo Silin looked up with a smile. “It can’t be something like the Great Yan, right?”

Gu Sheng was stunned, his eyes shaking.

He actually knew about Great Yan?

Su Feifei said it? Did she tell Bo Silin everything about Great Yan?

Before today, he had never taken Bo Silin seriously. He thought that this man was just a little smart, but it was impossible for him to enter Feifei’s heart that easily.

At least not anymore.

Gu Sheng calmed down after a moment of shock.

“She won’t say much.” Gu Sheng sized him up with narrowed eyes. “I know her.”

If Su Feifei didn’t say it, then the man must have analyzed it himself.

Perhaps it was a few words that were accidentally leaked, or perhaps it was some illogical behavior.

In short, his judgment now was that Bo Silin was a very, very smart man.

This man would be a formidable opponent.

Bo Silin did not answer. He waved the slingshot in the air and squinted his eyes as he gestured in the dark.

“Ah, I wonder if I can hunt a rabbit for Feifei later.” He sighed as he fiddled with the slingshot even more clearly.

Gu Sheng recognized the weapon at a glance. This slingshot was made by Su Feifei. He glanced at the love-shaped walking stick that Bo Silin was leaning on, and his face darkened.

In the air, undercurrents were flowing.

“Since you’ve already guessed about Great Yan, I might as well tell you.” Gu Sheng spoke again. “I’ve been close to her for ten years. In these ten years, I’m the person she trusts the most.”

“What happened after that? Why doesn’t she trust you anymore?”

Bo Silin smiled and stabbed a knife into his heart.

Gu Sheng’s body swayed, and his face turned paler.

“Because I made a mistake,” he said frankly.

Bo Silin raised his eyebrows and stopped. Only now did he take a serious look at him.

“But…” Gu Sheng said slowly, “I’ll tell her the reason. The heavens have given me a chance to make up for it, and I won’t miss it for the world. And I’ve already made my decision. I’m going to use my entire life to atone for my sins.”

“So, Bo Silin, don’t waste any more time on this. You can’t win against me. I have determination and endurance. I can afford to wait.

“She met me when she was ten years old. I was the one who brought her up.

“Including the slingshot that you love so much, I taught her how to make it step by step. I’ve been there for all her greatest moments. I’ve been through with her when she was confused, joyful, and in tears, and when she had a breakdown. Have you seen it before?

“Although it’s cruel, you have to admit that there are some things in this world that are based on a first-come, first served.”

Gu Sheng stared at Bo Silin’s expression after he finished speaking. Unfortunately, he did not see any emotional changes.

He was the best at distinguishing people’s hearts. Therefore, he could tell at a glance that although it seemed like things were going smoothly between Su Feifei and Bo Silin, there was actually a big problem in between…

Su Feifei didn’t know where her feelings were at. This was where his chance lay.

The forest was very quiet. Other than the occasional flying birds, there was only the gradually brightening sky.

Bo Silin’s fingers gently stroked the slingshot.

“Gu Sheng,” He said.

Gu Sheng squinted at him, his dark eyes full of vigilance.

“or should I call you like how Su Feifei does?” Bo Silin looked up. “Wei Ling?”

Gu Sheng’s body stiffened. Bo Silin leaned back, the thick vines beneath him.

“Actually, I thought about it before I came. You might really be a formidable opponent. But after hearing what you said, I’ll give up on that idea.

“Tsk, if I may ask, do you still feel that you’re quite pitiful? You had your own difficulties, and you have no choice but to atone for this mistake?”

Gu Sheng pursed his lips. He was a member of the Gu family, so he had heard of the Bo family’s reputation for being venomous.

Who in the Gu family had not been poisoned by the Bo family’s words?

He was silent.

“And you were wrong about something just now.” Bo Silin tossed the slingshot in his hand. His profile was exquisite, and his eyes were lazy.

The words that came out of his mouth were as sharp as the tip of a blade.

“You said you know her? How?

“Just because you trained her and accompanied her doesn’t mean you understand her.

“Seeing her every moment doesn’t mean that you understand her.

“If you really understood her, you wouldn’t dare to make mistakes, and you wouldn’t think that you can make up for it after making a mistake.”

“That’s your personal opinion,” Gu Sheng said coldly. “I don’t need you to lecture me.”

“Don’t worry.” Bo Silin stood up with a smile.

He suddenly raised his slingshot and aimed at a certain direction in the grass.

A rabbit fell to the ground and Bo Silin picked it up. There was a red dot between his eyebrows.

“Ya, Su Feifei is in for a treat tonight.”

Gu Sheng, “You..”

That close shot was definitely intentional!

Chapter 199: Build an Empire!
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bo Silin picked up the rabbit and gently patted its head.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He said to the rabbit, “Wait until I disguise myself and break into your rabbit’s nest. I won’t admit that I’m the one who killed you. After that, I’ll use my entire life to atone for my sins with you, and we can pretend that what happened just now never happened. You’ll definitely forgive me, right? After all, I have my own difficulties to face too.”

Gu Sheng, “Bo Silin…”

Bo Silin raised his head with a smile.

“If we go back now, we’ll be in time for Su Feifei’s breakfast.” He frowned. “You don’t know, but she doesn’t eat her food obediently. She always waits for me to arrive before she eats. You won’t understand even if I tell you. What a sweet burden to bear.”

Gu Sheng was speechless.

“Oh, that’s right,” The man in front turned back halfway. “Su Feifei asked me to tell you that Qiu Ye will announce the division information today. From today onwards, the two teams will stand on opposite sides. Don’t lose too quickly, it won’t be fun.”

Then, he fumbled around in his arms. He took out a piece of red cloth and waved it at Gu Sheng symbolically.

Gu Sheng recognized him at a glance.

It was a letter of challenge.

He pursed his lips. He knew all too well the meaning of this letter of challenge. The person who had been challenged was stunned. His breathing became heavy and he reached out to take it.

Bo Silin took a step back.

He missed. Gu Sheng’s fingers froze in mid-air and he gritted his teeth.

Bo Silin folded the letter of challenge carefully and put it back in his chest.

He e didn’t leave him a single piece of cloth and turned to leave. He held the rabbit in his hand and hummed a song.

Gu Sheng’s breath was heavy. After he retracted his hand, he looked at the sky not far away.

It was dawn.

His first plan was destroyed.

He knew that Su Feifei would have such a reaction, so he wanted to do it step by step and use Gu Sheng’s identity to get along with her first.

He found a reasonable explanation for the knot and deliberately drank the fish soup.

He had thought that his identity would be exposed sooner or later, but he did not expect it to be this soon.

However, Su Feifei clearly didn’t have the patience to reveal his identity anymore, so why was she so sure about this information?

And how did Bo Silin guess it? What kind of opportunity made him guess?

Countless questions flashed through his mind.

Gu Sheng lowered his eyes.

On this side.

The moment Bo Silin turned around, his face had already turned cold.

There was only one word in his mind — ten years!

“Gu Sheng, right? This is good. I’m afraid you won’t have an easy time in the next ten years.”

[Where’s Bo Silin going? Why do I feel like something’s wrong with his expression?]

[It looks like someone is going to be in trouble.]

[He’s going up the mountain! Su Feifei has been staying in the camp all this time. Could it be that Bo Silin went to look for Gu Sheng?]

[G*ck! Why won’t you let us see such an important scene? Director team, are you even human?]

[Are you for real??]

Bo Silin had just arrived at the camp with the rabbit when he saw Qiu Ye walking towards him.

Qiu Ye was holding a megaphone and was obviously here to make an announcement.

He was amused when he saw Bo Silin’s expression.

“Yo, isn’t this the one and only movie king Bo Silin?” Qiu Ye’s gloominess was swept away. He taunted, “How was it? It doesn’t feel good to see your love rival, does it?”

He knew that Bo Silin had gone to see Gu Sheng. He was the one who ordered the camera to be taken down.

“It was alright.” Bo Silin stopped in his tracks and looked him up and down. “How about you? Is your married life harmonious?”

“Bo Silin! You shut the f*ck up!”

Qiu Ye rushed forward to cover his mouth. However, the next second, he turned around and realized that everyone in the encampment was looking in his direction.

Smoke rose from the kitchen.

Everyone was already having their breakfast.

Xiao He was drinking fish porridge when he passed by Qiu Ye with an ambiguous expression.

Qiao Hefeng chuckled. In order to hold back his laughter, his face turned purple.

Not to mention the others who silently turned around and glanced at them from the corner of their eyes.

“You guys, you guys …”

Qiu Ye’s entire body trembled.

“Who said that? Who was the one who spread it?”

Five minutes later.

Qiu Ye put on his mask and leaned listlessly against a rock in the director team’s campsite. He was even holding a loudspeaker in his hand.

Below them stood three teams — Huang Ling’s, Su Feifei’s, and Gu Sheng’s.

Su Feifei’s team stood on the far left, while Gu Sheng’s team stood on the far right.

There was a group of people in the middle.

Gu Sheng kept glancing over, but he didn’t see Su Feifei.

Most importantly, there was a man blocking his view.

“My hand hurts.”

“My leg hurts.”

“My stomach hurts.”

As soon as Bo Silin mentioned it, Su Feifei would apply the herbs to him.

The moment he applied it, it was as if Bo Silin had eyes on the back of his head. Wherever Gu Sheng looked, he would block it. In the end, Gu Sheng’s face turned livid and he decided not to look at all.

“Everyone, pay attention!” Qiu Ye said loudly.

Qiao Hefeng wanted to laugh when he saw Qiu Ye’s face, but he couldn’t hold it in and burst out laughing.

Qiu Ye immediately pointed at him. “Laugh! Go on! Laugh again and I’ll take all your Spongebob underwear away! Don’t forget how you got your stuff in here!”

Qiao Hefeng became serious. “Director Qiu, if anyone says that you’ve been f*cked like that, I, Qiao Hefeng, will never live under the same sky as them!”

Qiu Ye was speechless and could only take a deep breath.

“Next, we’re going to start attacking the first ring!

“The process of this contest will affect how you will survive on the island in the future! Because we are about to start a new era. The era of tribal alliances!”

After Qiu Ye finished speaking, he looked at the crowd triumphantly.

This was his latest idea. Except for Su Feifei, everyone else was dumbfounded.

“What tribal alliance?” Xiao He asked.

“Get on the sand!”

As soon as Qiu Ye turned around, the staff behind him immediately brought over a tray of sand!

The sand table was a replica of the entire island. The jungle and the encampment were clearly marked. They even put up small flags at the place where they were stationed.

[Awesome, he’s even using the sandbox now!]

[It’s so realistic!]

[I’m suddenly looking forward to the main plot of the show!]

[Su Feifei’s eyes are shining, and her face is full of desire to win.]

“At this stage, we have three teams! The things that you are going to fight for this time are the resources of the tribe and the residents!”

Resources of the tribe?

Residents’ resources?

Qiu Ye continued, “In this game, all sorts of missions will appear on your phones. Whoever completes the mission first would get the resources. Please take a look at your phones!”

Su Feifei switched her phone on and had a new message.

[Name: Su Feifei ]

[Survival Time: 49 days]

[Completed Missions: 0]

[Territory Area: 0]

[Number of Residents: 0]

She turned around and saw that the last two options were not on the other phones.

“Has everyone taken a good look?”

Qiu Ye smiled and walked forward.

“The territory means the ownership of the deserted island!

“Every time you complete a mission, you will get at least one square meter of land. The difficulty of the mission will determine the area of the land. Therefore, in the last round of the competition, other than the smart toilet, the most important thing is to fight for the ownership of the land!

“The first team to pick up the first circle of flags will receive an additional five hundred square meters of land!

“Fight for land, expand the city-state, and build your own tribe! Build an empire!”

Su Feifei’s eyes turned cold, and the fire in the bottom of her eyes instantly burned! She turned her head, and her eyes met Gu Sheng’s.

[I bet my left kidney that Su Feifei will love this game to death!]

[Building an empire, eh? It feels very suitable for Su Feifei!]

[Having Gu Sheng as an opponent seems like it’ll be a wild ride!]

[I’ve stocked up on food at home so I can get updated real-time! I’m ready!]

Chapter 200: Team Name
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Feifei retracted her gaze and smiled.

She liked this game.

“What about the residents?” Xiao He asked, “Are they real people?”

“Of course.” Qiu Ye’s lips curved into a smile. He turned around and said, “Residents, come up!

Behind him.

Dozens of familiar faces instantly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

[Oh my gosh…]

[I’m dying of laughter! Isn’t this the primary school student and uncle and aunts from last time!]

[Are you all here to fight?]

[The deadly memory of fighting on a deserted island reappears in my mind as I sit down in front of my delicious meal…]

“Don’t worry about the residents.” Qiu Ye said, “The people we invited last time were all experts. They’ll be of great help to your city-building in the future. The stats of the residents will also appear on the phone. For example, Zhong Cuihua, please step out…”

Zhong Cuihua stepped out.

Xiao He took a look. “Hey, isn’t this the grandma who insisted on having the wild mushrooms last time?”

“When Cuihua was young, she was an architect! With her, you’ll have the city walls and the buildings. I don’t think I need to explain how useful she will be, do I?” Qiu Ye said.

Su Feifei’s eyes lit up, and her gaze fell on Cuihua’s face.

[Cuihua is awesome!]

[Su Feifei, let’s grab Cuihua first!]

[Su Feifei wants to snatch everything. Cuihua is just an appetizer ]

[What I’m concerned about is that the awesome architect actually fought with the mathematician over a bag of wild fungi?? Is this reasonable??]

The Bo family.

“What? Cuihua!” Grandpa Bo was originally sitting on the chair and eating fruit, but when he heard this name, he jumped up.

He Immediately looked at the screen.

“Tsk, she’s just an ordinary girl.”

He went back to the original.

Bo Xi had just arrived home and could not help but grit her teeth when she saw this scene.

“Old man! Stop sitting too close to the screen!”

Grandpa Bo patted his face. “What’s wrong? I’m already old, it won’t change a thing.”

Bo Xi was speechless.

Grandpa Bo turned his head again. “Hey, what do you think about signing up to be residents? I’ve always wanted to go to the island to play!”

“You probably won’t like Gu Sheng and would want to cut him up yourself, right?” Bo Xi. “Believe me, I’ve lived for so many years, my eyes are as bright as snow!”

“There’s definitely something going on between those two! If we don’t separate them now, when will be the time? You should go and register! Go and give Su Feifei a big surprise!”

On the island.

“In order to make it more convenient for us to address you in the future, you can now name your team!” Qiu Ye continued.

To name the team…

Su Feifei’s team gathered together and were in a dilemma.

“What should we be called?” Xiao He asked, “Su Feifei’s team? The first team?”

Everyone turned to look at Su Feifei.

Before Su Feifei could speak.

“Let’s call it the Great Yan,” Bo Silin said first.


[Why that name?]

[That’s so random…]

Su Feifei turned around and glanced at him, her eyes flickering.

“Not Great Yan.” She replied.

Bo Silin was a little surprised.

Now that she could build an empire on the island, it was such a good opportunity. Why didn’t she want to use the name of Great Yan? After all, she can resolve her regrets and fulfill her dream.

The next second, Su Feifei said, “How about Subo Pot?”

Bo Silin’s eyes immediately lit up.

[What???? ]

[Bo Silin is laughing like an id*ot!!]

[I’m madly pounding the bed cause I can’t scream here!]

[This is the second time I’ve heard the words Subo Pot from Su Feifei’s mouth!!]

Qiu Ye cleared his throat. “Alright! Report the team’s name!”

Xiao He was the first to step forward. He was very excited.

“The name of our team is-”

As he spoke, he led Qiao Hefeng and the others toward Gu Sheng’s team.

“Team! Subo! Pot!”

Gu Sheng’s entire team was silent.

Ji Ran and the others gritted their teeth, and sparks flew.

“What’s there to be proud of?!” Ji Ran cursed in a low voice, “Let’s see what else you can do when we win!

“Let’s call our team Qin Ya team for now,” Huang Ling said.

“Qin Ya?” Someone asked, “Aren’t you the team leader?”

“Our Captain is Qin Ya. But there are still two days left before the filming, so she delayed her arrival.”

Qiu Ye turned to Gu Sheng.

“What are your names?”

Gu Sheng glanced at Su Feifei.

“We’re called the Great Yan’s team-”

A dart was shot out directly.

Gu Sheng had expected this and avoided it. Everyone was shocked by the sudden silence and turned to look at Su Feifei.

Su Feifei didn’t retract her hand.

“You dare?”

She said coldly.

Xiao He and the rest looked at each other and communicated with their eyes.

What was going on?

Was it a coincidence?

“We should have the freedom to choose whatever name we please.”

Gu Sheng said calmly.

He turned to Qiu Ye.

Qiu Ye was numb.

Why are you looking at him? He actually dared to say that this was his freedom!

“Director, what do you think?” Gu Sheng’s eyes darkened.

“I…Su Feifei!” Qiu Ye panicked. “I think Su Feifei should decide!”

He sized Su Feifei up from the corner of his eye and lowered his voice. “The rules are right there, Feifei, but if the other guests are happy with it, you’d better not be.”

Damn it, Gu Sheng, can’t you open your eyes?

Can’t you tell which is more important, your life or your team name?

“Let’s just follow the rules. I insist on being called team Great Yan.” Gu Sheng said.

Qiu Ye was speechless.

[You’re ruthless, Gu Sheng!]

[You still want this name? Didn’t you see Su Feifei’s expression?]

[I feel like Su Feifei’s dart is really going to pierce his face!]

Gu Sheng pursed his lips tightly. He was well aware of the consequences of his actions. However, since some wounds were already exposed, it was impossible to avoid them.

If he wanted to re-enter her heart, he had to show his true attitude.

Great Yan held great pain.

It was impossible for them to avoid talking about this thing for the rest of their lives.

If he did that, it was better to let her beat him up than to hold back.

Su Feifei immediately started walking towards Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng did not move. He closed his eyes and was ready to take a step back.

“Feifei.” Bo Silin reached out and pulled her back.

Gu Sheng opened his eyes, and a chill quickly rose in his eyes.

It was useless.

To stop Su Feifei in this situation?

In the past, no one in the entire Great Yan had ever achieved this.

As expected, Su Feifei immediately flung her hand away.


Bo Silin swayed and fell down on the ground!

Before he fell, Su Feifei quickly turned around and pulled him back, frowning.

Gu Sheng’s eyes trembled, and his pupils shrank.

Did she stop?

Did she really stop to catch Bo Silin?

“Stand firm.” Su Feifei frowned.

“I can’t stand steadily.” Bo Silin sighed softly and said in a low voice, “I don’t know why, but my head has been hurting ever since I saw Gu Sheng yesterday.”

Love truly filled the air.

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