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Chapter: 391 Abnormality

Su Feifei took a bite of her sandwich and nodded.

“I saw him on the cruise ship yesterday.”

“Then why didn’t you ask me?”

“If you don’t want to say it, then don’t say it.” Su Feifei moved closer and touched his hand.


It was transparent.

Bo Silin stared at her.

She was looking down and studying his hand. Her thick black eyelashes were curled up, and after a few days in the hospital, her skin color was almost as good as his.

It was the type of white that she disliked the most.

However, he had been hiding on the roofs of the Bo family’s houses for the past few days and had gotten a little tanned.

He suddenly thought of Su Feifei’s reaction to his disappearance and felt quite lucky.

This was good too.

If the feelings were not deep, the pain would not root.

If this abnormality really meant that he was going to disappear from this world, then it should be an emotion that could be quickly repaired for Su Feifei.

Even so, Bo Silin could not help but ask, “If I disappear, will you be sad?”

Su Feifei looked up at him, her black eyes clear.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know, it’s just a hypothetical question.”

“Why are you assuming this for no reason?”

Bo Silin was speechless.

This was good.

“Look at this.” Bo Silin shook his transparent hand. His body was feeling abnormal. First, it was a finger that turned transparent, now it’s the entire hand.

“Only the hand?” She asked.

“You can say so.”

“When did it start?”

“Half a month ago.” Bo Silin told her the exact date. “The day the world became abnormal.”

The day when the world became abnormal…

“Do you know why?”

Bo Silin shook his head.

“I’ve checked everyone around me, I’m the only one affected. We’ve also ruled out the cause of many things, but there’s no clue at the moment.”

Su Feifei paused. “There was another thing that happened that day.”


“Qin Ya’s system is now with me.” She asked, “Could it be related?”

Bo Silin narrowed his eyes.

“Tell me more.”

After Su Feifei’s explanation.

“So you’re the female lead now?” He asked,

She nodded.

“Can you make the world collapse again?” Bo Silin asked seriously.


“To check if I’m the male lead.”

Su Feifei calmed down for two seconds and smiled.

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