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Chapter: 311 The Best Gift is Innocence

Four to five of them pounced in Daniel’s direction. The people on the Daniel team were not to be trifled with, and they instantly turned around to fight back!

Amongst the scuffle, a gray figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere!


Grey suddenly pounced toward Nick. It directly blocked Nick and engaged him in a battle!

“Nick, bite them to death!” Daniel spoke in his mother tongue.

[Do you think we’re deaf or something?]

[Just because you’re speaking a different language doesn’t mean we can’t understand it!]

[For those who can’t understand. He just told his dog to bite them to death!]

[Grey, bite it to death!!!]

[Don’t give them the prizes! Make them pay!

[I’m so anxious that I’m sweating all over! ]

“Bite who to death?”

A lazy voice suddenly sounded in Daniel’s ear. He trembled and turned around!

Bo Silin’s smile widened before his eyes.

When did this man get so close?

Not only did he move like a ghost, but his movements were also extremely fast!

Gu Sheng, who was behind them, saw the whole process.

He gritted his teeth. After seeing Bo Silin’s speed, all the doubts he had about Bo Silin were cleared up. With this speed, it was obvious that he would not be able to beat Bo Silin.

Soon, he had no time to think. This was because Daniel’s screams rang out throughout the forest!


Daniel lowered his head, his entire body stiff! A small green snake had wrapped itself around his thigh. It bit down on the most crucial part of his body!

[Holy f*ck!]

[Where did he come from?]

[Bo Silin, where did the snake come from?!]

[Bo Silin disappeared for so long just now. Don’t tell me left to catch one of these!]

After Daniel shouted, he immediately reached out and grabbed the snake’s head.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the snake off! He also had to bear the merciless ridicule of the person next to him.

“Tsk, it should be very painful, right? I came all the way here for nothing. I don’t have a present for you, but I’ll give you a word of encouragement.

“The best dowry for a man is his innocence. If he doesn’t have it, he can only blame his fate.”

Daniel and Gu Sheng were speechless. Gu Sheng suddenly thought of the same encouragement in his mind. ‘Su Feifei doesn’t like men who have been kissed by snakes.’

He suddenly felt a pain in his lower body. Fortunately, the snake that Bo Silin had gotten for him only kissed him on the mouth.

“Get lost!” Daniel was covered in sweat when he got rid of the snake. He covered his crotch with his hand and walked forward in a strange posture.

On the ground, the wolf and the dog were still fighting.

Bo Silin’s gaze turned slowly. As he picked up the snake, he looked at Gu Sheng.

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