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Chapter: 281 A Pick Up

Su Feifei's face appeared and she was all smiles. There was not a single trace of fear on her face.

Luo Xiong's malicious eyes suddenly turned vicious!

He turned to the mercenary and nodded.

The mercenary pulled the trigger!

"Ah! Don't touch me! Let me go! Help!"

A shrill scream suddenly rang out. Luo Xiong immediately made a gesture to cease fire. At the entrance of the cave, Grandpa Qiu had already been pulled up, and another face popped out.

It was his youngest son!

At this moment, he was crying so hard that his nose was leaking with snot. He was trying his best to trash around.

"Dad, she pinched me!" The boy cried.

"Su Feifei! Put him down!" Luo Xiong couldn't sit still anymore. "Don't forget where we are! If you hurt him, there'll be consequences!!"

The roars shook the earth!

Su Feifei laughed awkwardly. The next second, she jumped down from the hole with her men.

Luo Xiong was speechless. He had seen crazy people, but he had never experienced it himself!

It was absolutely baffling!

The mercenary behind him had been beaten black and blue. He squinted his eyes to look for directions to flee, his face full of fear!

Su Feifei immediately blocked the boy in front of her and moved toward the door.

"Open the door and let us out."

Luo Xiong gritted his teeth.

He had spent an entire month of hard work on today's plan!

How did Su Feifei ruin everything?

He refused to accept this!

No matter what, he had to make Su Feifei pay the price!

It was all thanks to Su Feifei that the Luo family had become like this today!

He took a step back. Then, he reached out and touched the cold gun barrel under the seat.

Su Feifei narrowed her eyes and retreated with Luo Xiong's son.

Luo Xiong narrowed his eyes.

"Open the door and let them out!" she said.

The door opened from the outside. A loud sound rang as she dragged him to the ground.

Su Feifei took a step back and walked into the courtyard. As soon as she stepped back, Luo Xiong suddenly shouted, "Do it!"

Then, there was a loud noise in the air!

The mercenaries were just about to pounce in Su Feifei's direction when they were stunned!

Su Feifei grabbed the person and quickly retreated to the side!

The bullet did not go into her leg. Instead, it hit Luo Xiong's son's calf!

Blood instantly spurted out in the air!

"Ah!" His voice rang out.

Luo Xiong was shocked and his face turned pale!

"My son!"

That shot was meant for Su Feifei!

Did she predict his move before he shot it?

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