Lee Taeyong

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"Excuse me, doc," A voice called out. I lifted my head and just stared at the guy like never before.

He looked so handsome. He had an amazing body. He wore a fitted black tank top with a black jacket and ripped black jeans. Though it was all black, he was glowing.

"You seem to be busy with something. Sorry to disturb you," He said with a warm smile.

"It's okay. What can I do for you?" 

"Could I know the way to the washroom?"

"Straight up and the last left," 

"Thanks," He said and walked past us. We both just looked at him as he walked away.

"Y/n, you better ask him out," she said looking at him.

"What if I don't?" 

"I might if you don't," I hit her arm and she chuckled. The guy casually walked to the right when I clearly said left. 

"I'll be back in a minute," I said and left as I closed the report book. I walked down the corridor and looked for his figure. 

As I got near the fire exit which was opposite the washroom, I was pulled by someone and pinned to the wall. 

"What the he-" My mouth was shut before I could speak. The person moved closer. I was surprised as I saw the same guy from earlier in front of me. I tried getting away from his grip but he held onto my hands strongly.

"Doc, if I need to let you go, I need you to keep quiet," I let out a sigh and nodded. He slowly pulled his hand out. 

"May I know the reason you followed me?" He asked.

"You took the wrong turn. I just came to check on you," 

"Are you worried about me?" he asked with a dirty smirk.

"In your dreams,"

I tried to push him away but felt something wet and sticky which made me stop. I looked at my hands covered in blood. I traced the source and realized the guy was bleeding. My coat was covered in blood as well.

"You're freaking bleeding!" I shouted. He shushed me immediately.

"Didn't we agree on being quiet?"

"But you're bleeding,"

"That's why I brought you here. Treat my wound,"

"So, it's a trap. You pulled me in here to treat you," He nodded. 

"How did you get hurt?"

"I got shot," I looked at him surprised. As far as I know, there hasn't been a person who could stand after a gunshot. He just seems... impressive yet scary. 

"Shot by a gun... I suppose this ain't your first time getting shot looking at the way you're standing, all cocky. First, you need to check-in. Only then-" He cut me.

"No check-in! Just treat me without it. Otherwise, you'll be in trouble," He seemed serious about it.

"It's not gonna happen that way. I can't perform surgery illegally. I'm gonna lose my license and my job!" 

"Doc, how about this just stays a secret between us? I swear on my life, this won't go out," He asked moving closer. 

"This ain't happening. I am not doing-" I stopped midway as he pointed his gun at me.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" I sighed and agreed to it not because I was scared of dying but because the more I kept talking here, he was losing blood. 

"Okay, so no check-in. I can't go out like this either," I said looking at my coat.

"I have a spare coat in my cabin. I'll-" He cut me off.

"We ain't leaving from here. It's dangerous," 

"Fool! The cabin is below us. No one is gonna see you. I have some instruments in there. If you want to get treated, just follow me," He smirked and followed me downstairs. Before we could head out of the exit, he peeped and examined the corridor.

Once he was sure there was no one, he let me lead the way. As I got to my cabin with the stranger, I locked the door. The first thing I did was remove my coat. I was left in my scrubs. I was busy gathering the instruments, while he spoke.

"Looks like doc ain't scared of me," 

"What are you? A vampire? Can you save your energy and lie on the couch?" I kneeled by the couch and waited for him. He removed his top and lay on the couch. 

As I said, he has such a nice physique that I can't stop myself from staring at him.

"Like what you're seeing, sweetheart?" His question brought me back to reality.

"I've seen better," I pushed it aside and examined the wound. He was shot right below his chest.

"Jesus! I can't believe I'm gonna go against the law," He chuckled hearing me.

"Don't laugh... I just realized, there's no anesthesia here. I'll go get some," Before I could get up, he pulled me.

"Just remove the damn bullet, doc. I don't need any anesthesia," 

"Listen, you strange guy! I agreed on a 'no check-in' surgery. Now, you stop me from getting anesthesia. Do you realize how painful it is gonna be? Yeah, right. Why would you when you are still conscious after getting shot?"

"Now you're worried, aren't you?"

"As a doctor, yes I am,"

"Ok, ok. If you are too concerned about it, I have some other way to deal with it,"

"And what is that?" 

"Kiss me," I looked at him confused.

"What makes you think that I would agree to it? Have you lost your senses as well?"

"You were the one who was concerned. Either do it or let me die in pain. It's in your hands, sweetheart," He said caressing my hair.

"Whatever. Just make it quick," As soon as I finished, he pulled me and filled the gap between us. His hand held onto the back of my neck, as he kissed me breathlessly. He was slowly moving down my jawline and neck.

I realized what was happening and pushed him away.

"What the hell are you doing?" 

"That was strong anesthesia. Looks like I'll be unconscious longer than expected," He said in a goofy tone. I ignored him and started doing what was needed. 

I grabbed the tenaculum and pushed it in the way the bullet passed. I took a glance at him, who had his head looking at the ceiling. He was trying hard not to groan. 

I pulled out the bullet and placed it on the tray which made a clank sound. I stitched the wound and covered it with a sterile bandage.

"You're good to go," I said as I got up. He wore his clothes and stood up. I leaned on my table and looked at him.

"Can I know the name of the angel that saved me tonight?" 

"Lim Y/n,"

"Y/n, I owe you big time. By the way... I'm ???. Thanks for saving me. It was nice meeting you," 

I was shocked as I heard his name.

"Lee Taeyong?!" 

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