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---2 days later---

Taeyong was out for some work while I was left alone at home. Mrs. Kang wasn't there either.

I wonder where she vanishes though. She is there while food needs to be prepared but the next moment she just missing.

I decided to read medical books online and gain knowledge cause there was nothing to do. I tied my hair up and was getting very focused on it.

---An hour later---

I sat in the dining area, reading until a call interrupted me. It was an unknown number. I declined it but it kept ringing again and again.

Me: Hello, who is this?

???: Y/n... how are you doing?

I froze as I heard the voice. All I felt was anger and pain.

Me: How did you get my number? - My voice turned deep.

???: I got it from Eunji. Y/n, I-

Me: With what courage you are calling me, I don't get it. What happened to your rich husband, who you went behind? Did he send you to the streets?

???: Y/n, I am in desperate need of money. Please, it's very urgent. I'll pay you back soon.

Me: Aren't you ashamed even a tiny bit to ask for money from the ones you left?! I feel disgusted calling you my mother.

Mom: Y/n, please, I had no other choice back then. Let's not talk about it.

Me: No! You had an option! You could have stayed beside Dad when he was having a tough time. But runaway with his close friend... You know, my father never spoke ill of you even once. But you left him! Left us!

I shouted on the phone. I'm holding myself from bursting out.

Mom: Y/n, this isn't how you talk to your mother.

 Me: Mother?! You don't deserve the title. 

Mom: Y/n, please. Just this once. Help me, huh? I'll come over to your place. You don't need to look for me.

Me: I never said I'm gonna give you the money. Don't ever call me again. I am not going to help you, no matter what.

I declined the call and threw my phone on the table. I let out a shivering sigh and crouched down, burying myself on my knees. 

Tears fell as I thought about all the hardship I had to go through because of her. 

"Who was it, on the phone?" I heard Taeyong in a sharp voice. I got up and wiped my tears immediately. 

"N-No one. Just an unknown number," I said without looking at him.

"Who was it, on the phone?" he asked sternly. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at him.

"You're doubting me, aren't you?" I asked looking at him pissed. I'm already having a tough time after the call and now, him. 

"Who was it?" he asked again as he turned his head to the side.

"Just a freaking person! Enough?! Does it satisfy you?" I shouted and walked past him.

I walked on the lawn, thinking about what just happened. I shouldn't have shouted at him but my emotions caught up and acted quite fast. 

"Why? Why should she call me now of all other days?" I asked myself. 

As I looked at the ground, I felt a shadow from behind, approaching me. I thought it was Taeyong but a sharp object that looked more like a knife was in the air, ready to strike at me.

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