Being kidnapped II

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---2 months later---

Work was going better than I expected. I started getting my hands on surgeries and things were going smoothly between us as well. We'd visit his house during weekends. But his father still didn't seem to like the idea of our marriage. He never came out of his room whenever we went.

His mother and sister were always supportive of us. I talked a lot with them like I hadn't talked in ages. And Taeho... He always says negative stuff whenever he sees me. He keeps bringing back things that had nothing to do with me.

I need to push these aside and focus on today's work.

Taeyong said he wouldn't be able to pick me up today so it's another day of going back home with Kang. He's been quite busy finding out the mole. So, I also didn't bother him much. 

I had an important surgery to perform today and I let know Taeyong that I'd be returning home a little later than the usual time.

"Ms. Shin, how are you feeling?" I asked as I checked up on her.

"It still hurts a bit, doctor," she said. Eunji and I excused ourselves from her and whispered among ourselves.

"It's been about a week. The surgery went well. Why does she still feel pain?" I asked.

"Her vitals are normal, as well. The painkillers are provided at proper timings,"

"But she says like this. Run another MRI tomorrow. We'll just confirm there's no other issue," She gave a nod.

"Anyways, it's getting late. You better head home,"

"What about you?" She asked.

"I have some reports to fill up. I'll be fine," She gave a nod and we parted ways. I headed to my cabin and went through the reports of the patients I was handling. Kang said he'd wait for me at the parking lot, not wanting to disturb me while working.

---At 11:00 pm---

I was done with my work. I grabbed my things and headed out. Before going to the parking lot, I messaged Taeyong that I had gotten off from work.

I got there and it was silent. It usually is but today it seemed quite unusual. I walked over to where Kang had parked the car.

As I got there, Kang lay on the ground with a pool of blood around his head. I hurried to him, dropping my things to the ground.

"Kang. Kang Dae!" I shook him vigorously but there was no response. His head was hit with something hard. I checked his pulse and I couldn't feel anything. He was not breathing. I felt something was wrong.

I got up to run away from there but a group of people stood in front of me.

"Catch her!" One of them shouted and they charged towards me. I ran in the opposite direction, trying to get away from them. I somehow made it out of the parking lot and got to the entrance of the hospital.

Just as I ran past a pillar, something hit the back of my head and I fell unconscious.

---An hour later---

I felt a sharp pain in my head and slowly opened my eyes. I found myself lying on the ground in an unfamiliar place. I gathered myself and sat straight. I looked around but I couldn't guess where I was.

"Oh my! You're awake," I heard a familiar voice. The figure walked away from the dark and stood in front of me. I just stared at him.

"What? Wondering what I'm gonna do? Don't think too hard. I'll tell it myself," He said as he bent lower to me.

He pulled my chin up, making me look at him.

"Have I ever told you how much I like you? I did mention it before. Ever since I saw you that night, I couldn't get you off my mind. That bastard took everything I wanted. Now, I am gonna take you away from him and make you mine," He said and pounded on me like a hungry lion. I tried pushing him away but he held onto me strongly.

I pushed him with all my energy and slapped him.

"That will never happen! Not even in your dreams," He pinned my hands above my head and laughed hysterically.

"We'll see about that," He moved to my neck and started kissing me.

"Leave me! Let me go!" I cried. His hands slid under my shirt, making me feel disgusted by his touch. I looked around and found a brick lying right beside me. I reached out to it as I was struggling.

I hit his head with force and he was knocked out. I wiped my tears and gathered myself. I ran away from there before he could wake up. I looked around and it seemed like a building that was still undergoing construction.

I hid behind one of the pillars as a group of three passed by. Once I was assured there was no one else, I walked further. 

"Find her, now!" I heard a voice echo in the building. They know I escaped. I have to hide!

I looked around and found a pile of bricks that were covered with a blue sheet. I immediately got under it and closed my mouth as I heard some footsteps pass by. My heart was beating rapidly in fear. 

I searched for my phone in my pocket and dialled Taeyong's number with shivering hands. The first two rings didn't reach. The fourth one made it.

Me: T-Taeyong... 

I was holding my cries so they wouldn't find me. 

Taeyong: Y/n, what happened? Where are you? - He asked in a worried tone.

Me: I... I don't know where I am. *in a shaky voice* I am scared Taeyong. I am scared.

Taeyong: Y/n, sweetheart, listen to me. Just tell me what the place looks like.

Me: *sniffles* A building... still under construction. 

Taeyong: Just hold on for a little more. I'll be there soon. I will-

The next words didn't enter my ear as the sheets were pulled over revealing Hana. She had a smirk while I was filled with terror.

"I found you," I slowly stood up and gulped. She grabbed the phone from my hand and put it on speaker.

Taeyong: Y/n! Y/n! - He shouted.

Hana: Calm down. She's still alive. But I don't know for how long.

Taeyong: Hey! If you hurt her, I swear I am not gonna leave anyone of you alone!

Hana: We'll see about that. 

She declined the call and threw the phone. She grabbed me by my hair and dragged me along with her. She pushed me to the wall, making my forehead bleed. 

Taeho who was conscious now, wrapped his fingers around my neck, choking me. 

"You bitch! How dare you knock me out!" His hold became strong as I struggled to stop him. Hana released me from Taeho's hold.

"Just control yourself. I have a lot waiting for her. Tie her up!" She shouted to her men and they tied me to a chair.

All I wanted was to see Taeyong now. 

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