Making it to the headlines

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As I entered the bedroom, I found Taeyong seated on the couch. 

"Oh, you're later than I expected you to enter. Come on in,"

"Aren't there any other rooms here?" 

"I'm afraid no. This is the only room here. You're free to share it with me," He said with a smirk.

"Don't even think I'd sleep in the same bed as you. I'm here to take a shower,"

"Ooh~ I never knew you'd ask me for such a request. I'm all ready to drench in with you," 

"Can you just get out while I take a shower? Also, I need a pair of pyjamas. I've got nothing to change into," 

"I can fulfill your second request but maybe not the first one," I just stared at him. 

"My house, my rules," He said as he handed out some clothes. 

"Do whatever you want. But don't think you can try anything on me," I shut the door loudly and locked it. 

Who does he think he's trying to mess with? So what if he's a mafia? He's a jerk after all.

I undressed and hit the cold shower. It felt so relaxing. Once I was done, I wore the clothes he gave me, a white shirt which was too big for me and his shorts. 

I headed out and was surprised when I didn't find him. But my happiness didn't last long cause I was pressed to the wall immediately. 

"You look fucking sexy, doc," He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. He slowly buried himself in my neck and his hand slowly slid under the shirt.

Realization hit me about what was happening when he bit my skin. I pushed him away and slapped him which happened just like that. I was surprised how my hand came in contact with his cheek.

"I'm not like those girls who agree easily to slide into your bed," 

He scoffed and looked at me. 

"I don't harm women. Don't make me do that," 

"It was not my fault. Do you think you can play with me just because I agreed to stay with you? I'm not like those girls who agree easily to slide into your bed. If you think so, I've got nothing to be sorry about. If you give me my phone-" He slammed the table, making me flinch.

"It's getting late. How about you take some rest? And I don't want another word entering your mouth," He said holding his anger.

"You were the one who wanted me here. You talk like I forced my way in here," I whispered under my breath and lay on the couch. I grabbed the blanket and covered it over me.

"You sure you don't want to share the bed with me? You might feel uncomfortable there," I ignored him and closed my eyes.

"Your silent treatment ain't gonna work here, sweetheart," He said and lay on the bed. 

***Taeyong's POV***

I sat on my bed, leaning against the headboard as I admired Y/n. Something about her just pulls me closer. The kiss we had at the hospital replayed in my mind. I smiled thinking about it.

A call interrupted my thoughts. It was from Kang. Baek Kang Dae, shortly called Kang is my assistant. 

Me: Hello? What is it?

Kang: Boss, Mr Jeong wants to meet you.

Me: Now?

Kang: Yes boss. He's waiting at the liquor house. He says it's urgent. 

Me: I'll be there. 

I declined the call and changed my outfit. I stopped by Y/n and shifted her to the bed. I gently tugged her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. I informed Mrs Kang to look after Y/n while I am away. 

I got on my bike and within minutes, I reached the liquor house. I got in and found him seated by the bar counter. I joined him and asked the bartender for my regular. 

We caught up on things that were going around.

"What is it that you wanted to see me at this hour of the night?" 

"It's an important one. The details of your plan have been leaked to them. There's a mole in your group. Be careful of what you do," I chugged the drink and walked away from there in anger. 

I got to my bike and kicked the air in frustration and anger. I calmed myself down and started the bike. I walked into my house and sat on the couch, rubbing my temple. 

"Master, is everything okay?" Mrs Kang asked concernedly.

"How is Y/n doing? Did she wake up in the middle?" 

"She is sleeping soundly, master," I nodded and lay on the couch. I soon fell asleep as I thought about who would be the mole. 

---Next day---

***Y/n's POV***

I got refreshed and walked out of the bathroom. Taeyong sat on the bed with his laptop. I wonder what work mafias do with laptops. 

One thing I didn't get is this morning I found myself in bed. Did something happen last night or did I sleepwalk there? I don't sleepwalk but... what if I did? How does it matter? At least I had a good night's rest.

I headed out of the room without looking at him. I switched on the TV cause I'm very sure yesterday's scene would've been out to the media. As I heard the news -

"What the fuck!?!" I shouted in disbelief.

"Breaking news! Doctor Lim Y/n, from ABC Hospitals, has not been found yet. After the gunshot at the hospital last night, while taking a headcount of the staff, the dean confirmed that she had not checked out of the hospital. Police say that the mafia gang might kidnap her..." The news continued as they showed my photo on the TV.

"What happened?" Taeyong rushed out of his room. He came downstairs and took a look at it himself.

"I'm on the freaking news, because of you! Why would you have to do this? Give me my phone, now!" I demanded.

"Sweetheart, I've told you it's for your safety reasons. I can't give it to you now but I'll give it to you soon,"

"What about my friend? She'll be worried sick about me," 

"I'll inform her that you're on vacation. Is that alright?"

"Vacation? You'd say I'm on vacation while I've got surgeries to do and patients to attend to? Do you understand how important my job is to me?! You fucking got me here and expect me to listen to you while I've got people who are worried about me?"

"What else do you want me to tell?"

"I am blabbering like a fool here; all you ask is what to tell?"

"I've told you that I'm not letting you out. So, you better come up with something or it's vacation," and he walked out of the house. 

I'm so done with this guy. I feel like killing him. But first, I've got to fill my stomach cause it's been growling for a while. I headed to the kitchen and found the lady from last night.

"Good morning, Ms Lim. Hope you had a good night's rest,"

"Morning, Mrs Kang. I guess I slept pretty well. And just call me Y/n," She smiled warmly at me and placed a plate of food in front of me before I could ask.

"Hope you enjoy your meal," I smiled at her and she left. I silently enjoyed my breakfast and headed back to the room.

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