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Next day

Your pov

I wasn't able to sleep last whole night because of the excitement of beaing able to meet BTS in person for the very first time and that also as their manager ..

When I told Jia about all this thing , she was in pure shock ! May be more than me ...

After we both were out of the shock , we were discussing about what dress i should wear to how should I behave , like should I tell them that I am an Army when I will first meet them but it will be very awkward , after so much discussion we settled down with all my dresses , heals , makeup and accessories .


Now , i am here standing in front of merror looking at myself being full dressed up and thinking if I am not forgoting anything because whenever there is any big thing happening in my life , i always forget something which I remember when the time is gone and there is nothing axcept regretting about it

So today , i want everything perfectly perfect !!!

So today , i want everything perfectly perfect !!!

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Time skip

Now i am standing in front of the company of my work place / dream place and thinking whether should I go inside or not , because even if my body language is stable but my heart is pounding so fast that it feels like someone is shooting bullets in my heart ! I am dam sure people passing me can clearly hear my heart beet .

After taking 2 -3 deep breaths and gathering my courage , i slowly went inside......

The moment I step inside I am welcomed by a pretty woman which I suppose is the reseptionist to whom I talked yesterday

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The moment I step inside I am welcomed by a pretty woman which I suppose is the reseptionist to whom I talked yesterday .

Seeing her smiling face , i get a little relief that people are not going to eat me!

Staff : hello ma'am you are y/n right ? I am Choi mina . I talked with you yesterday

Me : hello ! i am y/n Jadhav .i hope i am not late !

Staff : not ma'am , you are at perfect time ! Please follow me to go to the BTS's floor

Saying that she starts walking to the lift me following her .

The lift Stop at 7th floor and we get out of it . Admiring the view i aksed her

Me : does this whole floor delong to BTS ?

Staff : yes , in fact all the artists in big hit who have debuted for at least 3 years get their own floor like TXT , Seventeet .

Me : oh , i didn't knew that.

We were talking when suddenly she stopped and then I realised that we are already at the door of their office.

Giving me good luck , she left from there leaving me alone again .

My dream of meeting BTS is just a door ahead , but my feet were just glued to the floor ..

At this point , my heart was about to explod die to excitement and nervousness

Taking a deep breath i opened the door revealing 7 living angles in front of me ...

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