P - 7

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Author pov

One week has passed and you guys have become close and comfortable with each other ...


You were working in the office when BTS came . as always you greet them with a smile

Me : good morning guys

RM , Jimin , Jin : morning!!

Me : is something wrong ? You guys come late today ! !

Junkook : actually , V hung have a really bad headache. So he got late .

Me : ohh , if you want i can make you a Adrak wali chai .

V : adr wal what ??

Me : i mean tea with ginger . It is helpful when we have headache.

V : really !! My head is literally paining so much

Me : don't worry , just give me five minutes . I'll make it quickly ..

Saying that you went to canteen to make tea

After some time you make it and come back in office.

Me : here !! It's really hot right now, drink it slowly .

V : okay ! Thank you ..

Saying that he blowed it little bit and drink it

V : wow y/n !! I am feeling a little bit better after drinking some of it !!!
And not to forget , it is really really tasty ! I can literally drink it everyday !

Me : really ? Thank you !!

Junkook : i also want to tast it . Can I ? Or it is just drank by someone who is having headache??

Me : not at all !! You can drink it anytime !! We Indians love it so much that on average , Indian people drink chai at least 3 times a day !!

Rm : wow , that's so much tea , but still it is better than drinking caffen 3 times !!

Jimin : i also want to tast it !

J-hope : me too

Jin : me 3

Suga : me 4

RM : me 5

Tune by turn everyone tast it and they loved it very much ..
But in doing that they finished tea and there was nothing left for V to drink

V : aaaaa , you guys finished it fully , what am I going to drink now ??

Me : don't worry V , I'll make it again .

V : really!?! Thank you .

Jimin : if you are making again , then will you please make it for all of us ?

Me : of course i can ! It would be my pleasure if you drink something made by me ...


After sometime , you came with 7 cups of tea and gave it to them
Everyone complements you for it and drink tea happy.


Time skip

At evening

V : y/n , do you have any plans for tonight ??

Me : not really , why ??

V : today you make such a tasty tea for me so i want to take you out for dinner

Me : ummm sorry , but we can't go for dinner today

V : why ??

Me : because you guys have an appointment for dinner. But it's no official , they said they are family friends..

RM : they must be Mr and Miss chilli

Me : yess , how did you know??

Suga : they are the only one who do such things

Jimin : yahh , their daughter is an Army

J-hope : we appreciate that but , they always try to hook up her with us

Junkook : and when we announced for the new manager, she also gave an interview, but thankfully she got rejected.

Me : wow , but why don't you guys just decline to meet them ??

RM : we can't do that due to our culture, we can't say no to our elders without any valid reason..

Suga : but sometimes they really went in my nerves .

Me : cool , it will be interesting to meet them !!


Are you ready to see some action?? Not phisically but orally. Y/n is going to rost someone really hard .....so stay tuned

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