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Next morning

You are helping Jin in making breakfast. It's almost time for breakfast, everyone comes in the dining room except one particular person " where is jimin oppa?" You asked sensing his absence. " Maybe he is so embarrassed after yesterday's incident that he went out of the house early in the morning ." J-hope response.
" He texted me that he will directly come in building." RM said .

You got a notification making your phone on showing your wallpaper " oh y/n, you have cat in India?" He asked noticing the wallpaper " yess, I have dogs too." You confirmed." Oh really, what's their name?" He asked further . " I call him yoon- Manya, his name is Manya." You laugh nervously, realising what you were about to say.

" And about the dogs, I have 3 of them. Their names are gharu , suny and kanpadi. " [ I named them as per their appearance, yes they are real .] you said smiling, remembering them . " That's so cool ! But don't the fight with each other?" Jin asked . " No, as they are together from their childhood, they get together prety well. In fact my dogs are afraid of my cat." You chuckled.

" Looks like she is like Suga hyung." Teahung mused " he definitely is." You said in flow on which everyone started laughing histericoly. But whe you realise what you just said your head snapped towards yoongi who was already glaring at you. " By the way, he is he not she." You quickly said trying to  distract them but the situation worsened. " That make him more similar to Yoongi!" Jin said laughing his famous wind shild laugh .

You again looked at him troughing daggers through his eyes. RM seem to notice your fear and tryed to distract them " which kind of breed are they ?" He asked changing the situation on which everyone seem to stop their fit of laughter and focus on you. You thanked him through eyes on which he noded.
" Actually all of them are strays. I found them near my house and include them in my family." You answered him

" That's so sweet of you y/n , they must be really happy to have you as their mom!" Jungkook comented " I hop they are." You smiled.


Time skip , at office

It's has been few minutes you guys have entered the office. Jimin is still not here , you have gone in the canteen to make chai for everyone when jimin entered the office. " Finally, you are here! Did you got this much embarrassed to face y/n that you went out early in the morning?" J-hope inquired . " N-on , it's not like that" jimin answered " where have you been jimin and why are you so nervous?" RM asked sensing younger's discomfort.

" I-i brought someone here, come in " he said and a lady fully styled up like going in any party came from the door. Her make up was bold like she is going to any club and her dress was kind of revealing.
" Who's she jimin ?" Teahyung asked "she is my new personal manager." Jimin said bluntly.

" What?!" Was the only word which escapes everyone's mouth. " When we have y/n then why do you want another manager?" Jin asked in disbelief " You are joking right ? Don't say such kind of jokes , if y/n would be here , she would be really heart bro." J-hope said placing a hand on jimin sholder .

" I am not joking hyung , i really haired her as my new personal manager. And why y/n would be heart by this , it's not like she will get less payed now " jimin answered removing j-hope's hand from his shoulder.

" Oh , jimin oppa you came on right time! I just made chai for everyone." You placed the tray on the table and turned to everyone. Everyone's face turned to you with an expression which you are not able to read .

" What happened guys ? You are looking at me like I am going to leave today!" You joked, but their faces became more serious. There was a silence for some seconds when jimin broke it. " Y/n, meet my new personal manager Kim Soha." He said with a cold face " yo-your person manager?" You asked meeting his eyes. But he immediately broke it .

" You are kidding me right? No?" You asked looking at everyone but there eyes tells something else. " O-oh , c-congrats then! Miss Soha, I am y/n Jadhav. BTS's , now , except jimin's manager. " You said bowing a little for courtesy. " I-i remember some work , please excuse me and drink the chai . I'll be right back." Saying that you left from there as soon as possible as the tears in your eyes were threatening to come down .

You run from there to direct go to roof where you can cry without anyone seeing . You called the lift as you don't have the strength to climb the stairs but immediately curse your decision as you   were not the only person in the lift .
" Oh y/n-ssi, long time no see!" Jihun greeted you " same here Jihun-ssi." You fake a smile hiding your tears. 

" Y/n-ssi , are you crying? What happened? Are you hurting somewhere? Should I call a lady staff or should I call the doctor or-" you cut his train on worry  "Jihun-ssi,  am totally fine, maybe something got into my eyes , that's why they are teary. Don't worry." You assure him . 

" O-oh , sorry I over reacted! I thought something happeed to you ." He said scratching his temple. " It's ok Jihun-ssi, but i really appreciate your care! I am glad you cared for me this much, thank you " You smiled at him " it's nothing,when you can worry about everyone even if it's not your department, then why can't we ! I still can't thank you enough for when you helped Beomgyu in my absence." He replied.

" That was nothing, it was my honour that I get to help the person i used to admire once!" You said smiling." Oh , my flore came ! It was really nice to talk to you. Hope to see you again soon !" Jihun slitely bowed and went out of the lift. You resiprocate his gesture with a little bow . The door of the lift closed and lift again started to go toward it's top most destination. Your smile dropped the moment the door of the lift closed and you were alone in the lift.


Sorry for the late guys , actually I was working on a new ff , that's why it took so long. But i won't post it any soon as I am preparing it's episodes in advance so that I can post it in time and you guys won't have to wait for it much.

If you are interested in it !!!! 

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