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" no way!" Was the only thing you could mutter out. The shock was so shocking that you forgot how to talk.

" y/n, how was it?" Jungkook asks you sitting in front of you on the floor smiling
" you did not just sing a song in Hindi, did you?" You asked still in shock. " I did, I mean at least i tried. I know my pronunciation was very bad and I can't sing full Hindi song so I chose this Nick Jonas remix version. I hope that's fine." Jungkook said rubbing his back of the neck.

" fine? That was way more than just fine kook. I still can't believe you just sang a Hindi song. Like OMG, pinch me " you forward your hand towards yoongi "huh?" " just pinch me oppa." You demanded

He did as he is said to , pinched you. " oww, that's true. You really did that? I really can't believe it." You exclaimed

" by the way y/n, Jungkook did all this work by himself. All learning the words and all. He didn't ask for anyone's help." Jimin informed you.

" really? How many shocks are you going to give me today Jungkook!!" You exclaimed standing up from your seat and hugging him tightly, he too hugged you back with the same intensity or even more.

" that's the least i could do for you to remember us till we meet again." He mumbles in your neck. " oh come on, you guys are going to be in my mind and phone 24/7 as an army you know that, right? " you replied pulling away from him just for being thrown on him again as Teahyung and j-hope jumped on you two crashing both of you.

Then jimin and Jin, then Namjoon also joined the group hug. Finally after making an effort and picking himself off the sofa, yoongi also joined the group hug.


Next day

" what are you eating?" Namjoon asked seeing you eat a medicine after you all have your breakfast and you are ready to go. "I get motion sickness when traved for more than an hour." You shrug and gulp the medicine down.

It was time for your departure, you hugged everyone. Except Yoongi, everyone had tears in their eyes especially Jungkook, he was literally crying and not letting you go. Jin and Namjoon had to force Jungkook away from you. Then he plead to let him drop you till the airport but seeing his condition you refused because there is a high chance he will make a scene and your face will be exposed to the media in a wrong way.

At last, Yoongi was the one to drop you to airport. The ride to the airport was silent, no one uttared a word. Now, you really started to think he doesn't care if you stay or not. He didn't even talk to you about if he would miss you or at least you worked good. Nothing, like literally nothing. But it was fare enough, seeing from his personality, he is not a person to bond with everyone quickly. You just spent 2 months with him and that too, he was the least person you would talk unlike jungkook. So you were sad but not surprised.

Yoongi stopped the car in the parking lot of the airport getting the cue you start to unbuckle the seat belt. " ok then, thanks for the ride. Bye oppa." You smile at him and was about to open the door but get stopped by a voice.

" wait." Yoongi yelled. " woah, what's wrong?" You asked startelade " i-i just wanted to tell you that.... " he shutter but stopped in middle " tell me what?" You asked. He fiddles with the steering wheel
"I-i'll ......miss you too" he finally let out.

"......" silence, you didn't know what to say " i thought you'll never say that. Now I can finally go with peace." You said faking a fake sign. " huh?" " yah, like you never say such things. I must be lucky to hear it. But why did you act like you were about to propose me." You giggle

" i-it's not like that, I-i just" he shuttered
" oh come on, I am kidding. I'll miss you more. " you said hugging him still in the car. " you have no idea how much I am going to miss you." He murmured hugging you tightly " huh?" You asked not hearing what he said "nothing. Just stay like this for a while." He said tightening the grasp even more and sngging in your hair.

After some time you broke the hug. " I will be late, I should get going." You said baking the hug with a smile. But the thing he did next froze you. He gently cup your face and kissed your forehead.it was not a peck, it was a kiss. A soft kiss which stayed for whole 5 seconds. Your whole world seems to stop at that moment, you were shock but happy but still shock. Did he just kiss you? Your biase wrecker kissed you? It was beyond your imagination, no matter how many ffs you have read, no matter how many times you have imagined such scenes, it was priceless and out of all of  your menifestation.

" Take care and call me when you reach India okey " he said finally breaking the contact with your forehead which was for mare second but seemed like for ages to you. "Y/n? Y/n?" He shake you with your sholder a little. "Huh? Y-yes. I will. I should go now. Bye. Take care." Saying it you get off the car, take your luggage from back and finally saying a last bye you went inside the airport.


Yoongi pov

I don't know why I did that, but i did. That was unexpected for me and for her too. I could read that on her face. She wasn't expecting anything like that but i don't regret it. I kissed her, i don't know why I did that. It was a reflex action.

I saw her going away, she went away. For God knows how much time. And i can't even stop her. Heaving a sign, I started the car and drove back home when her figure completely disappeared in the airport.

When i reach home, one perticular question of Namjoon stopped me from going in my room. " did you tell her huyng ?" Was what he asked.

"No" was all I said. I wanted to say more that i couldn't muster the courage to tell her. That I was afraid of rejection. But I just shake my head and went inside the room.


Long time no see .....

I have a question. You guys know Jungkook's '1 time for present and 2 times for past' phrase right?

And armies put it in reels. What is the meaning behind it? Like dose it have a theory or something or it's just the lyrics?

If anyone knows, please let me know.

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