"Did he just......kiss me?"You mumble still shocked " y/n?" Jungkook sat beside you amazed by your shocked face " why are you looking like someone just snatched your favourite toy and ran away." He grinned
" it's not funny Jungkook, that was my first kiss!" You exclaimed standing up
" he was just a kid y/n,chill." Teahyung also join Jungkook" you guys are not getting it! I saved it for my whole life just to get stolen by a shemda kid! I can't believe this. My whole life I dreamed about having a perfect fist kiss, how many boys I rejected just so I won't lose my first kiss to a chapri boy!"
After throwing tantrums for about half an hour you finally calmed down.
Maybe it was the drug of medicine working on you but you still wasn't over your first kiss getting robbed. You were grumpy the whole day about it not even caring about the cut stinging in your hand which occupied the least amount of your mind.Time skip, at the dorm
"Y/n you are hot!" Jimin exclaimed the second he sits next to you on the sofa
"Excuse me?" You turn towards him " I mean your temperature is high!" Jimin explain" let me see" yoongi and Jin said in unison. First Jin touch your forehead immediately baking away with a hiss
" you are literally fuming y/n, why you didn't tell us anything before?" It was yoongi cheking your neck and forehead." I am not feeling that bad though. It's just a little cold, that's it." You mumble checking yourself. " are you seriously serious? First that knife stab and now this!" Yoongi hissed taking his hand back
" it must be because of the blood loss. I assume doctor gave you medicine for such condition?" It was Namjoon checking you again.
"Yess, he did gave some. He told to take after dinner. " you confirmed.
" ok then, till then go in your room and take some rest." Jin commanded" as if I am working right now, you didn't even let me help you in kitchen today too. I am fine here." You huffed sitting on the sofa cross legged.
" you and your stoburness " Jin shake his head and went in the kitchen.
It was time for dinner, everyone gatherd around the dining table waiting for you. Eventually you did went into your room to sleep as the burning sensation in your eyes due to fever blurring your eyesight.
"Sorry guys, I slept too deeply." You apologize sitting on your regular seat between Jungkook and Jimin.
Everything was surprisingly quite,not a single sound of anyone. As you raise your head up to look at everyone, you found everyone already looking at you. Eyes little bit wider than usual and surprised.
"Guys, what's wrong?" You asked unsure what's happening. " your eyes, why are you wearing lenses now?" Jimin asked,getting your attention " my eyes,.... owww!" You yelp on your own stupidity.
Fever does make people's mind senseless
When jimin asked about your eyes, under everyone's stare you poke your own eye while checking which lenses you were wearing.It turned out to be your own blue eyes which was shocking to everyone as this is the first time they saw it. " you have blue eyes???" Exclaimed everyone except Namjoon as he knew it but still was shocked at how beautiful it looked on you.
" even though I knew it, it still took me a minute to overcome it." Namjoon stated having a small little pressed lip dimple smile.
" why you didn't tell us before you have such a beautiful eyes y/n" j-hope asked still staring at your eyes. The thing your bias complemented your eyes make you blush a little. " I just don't like the attention it gave me just like right now too, you guys are staring at me for last 5 minutes.
" that's rediculas, if you don't like them, give them to me I will happily accept all the attention it will provide." Jungkook remarked. " I wish that was medically possible jungkook. " you muttered.
It took them 10 minutes to regain their posture and finally start eating. But there was one guy who was still staring at you. Whose eyes were glued to yours as if they are hypnotized by your blue ocean eyes .
" by the way y/n" Jungkook again nudged you "what now?" Fever and jungkook making your headache 10x worse
" your eyes are looking so balatkari!"
Am I too late to call it a day?

Indian manager
Fanfictionyou are Indian and went to Korea for vaccation . But miracaly you got the job of BTS manager ..... "You love calling me cat don't you " " of course I do!!" "Do you know the similarity between me and cat ?" He asked trapping you between his long ha...