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It took much more convincing of you to finally open the door than you thought.

After opening the door, the first thing you saw was Jimin and Teahyung running towards you but got thrown away in different directions as a certain very tall person ran from between them like a bulldozer toward you with full speed, pushing those two in process engulfing you in bone crashing hug.

" I-i can't breath" you mutter in his chest " sorry sorry, I got too excited" he said finally releasing you. You take a breath just to hold it again as all of the members other than Jungkook and Namjoon again hug you from all directions possible, making a human ball.

"Looks like I am really going to die today." Your voice come muffled. After some time which looked like an hour to you, all the members scurried away finally giving you some space to breath.

" How did you came here?" "How did your mother aggred to send you?" "You are not going again to leave soon right?" "How are you?" You got bombard with so many questions wipping your head left to right with the voice.

"Cool down guys, I can't answer so many questions at one time. Should we go inside first?" You said

"Of course, let's go inside first." Yoongi said holding your hand and dragging you inside with him, the rest of the boys tailing behind. You got taken aback by his sudden boost of enthusiasm but didn't said anything.

You all get seated on the couch, you in the middle surrounded by all the members , but the thing which surpriseed you was Yoongi sitting beside you hand still in his grasp. Looking at you grinning? But you decided to ignore it as Jungkook again started .

"I told you guy, I saw her but you guys didn't believe me and even scolded me." Jungkook remarked folding his hand, a proud grin on his face.

" But did you actually manage to come? How did your mother aggred?" Namjoon ask, questions bubling in his mind

"We'll, even I am not sure. I don't know what actually happened, suddenly one day when i was chilling in my room, she came and told me I can go to Korea and work for good." You said a frown on your face.

"At first i thought she was kidding, but no, she was serious. She even bought ticket for me too." You said looking at the faces around you looking as confused

"There must be something, otherwise she won't let you come back for long time like this?" Jimin asked you

"I know right, but she didn't said anything. I kept on asking her , but it all went to vain."

"Let it go, the main thing is that you are here with us and that too for looong time !!!!" J-hope chirped throwing his arms around you, making you stand up from your seat in process.

"I want a hug too!" Jimin yelled hugging you again when j-hope leave you which you gladly accept smiling. "Me too me too" Jungkook said coming to you but got stopped by very perticular big sholder hyung of his.

"No, you have got much more hugs than needed. Now no hugs for a month" Jin scolded him as if a mother is scolding her son for eating too much chocolate at once.

"Hyungg, that's not fair!!" Jungkook whined "you should have thought about it before locking us " Jin shot him back going towards you to himself give you a solid bone crashing hug.

"It's my turn now! Step aside hyung" Teahyung pushed Jin aside hugging you again. It was all chaos, members bickering with each other, some yelling, some running, to some just laughing their ass off lying on the floor.

That time you realised how much you have missed them, their bickering, teasing each other but still loving each other unconditionally. You just stand there, face smiling looking at everything. Nodding at their questions even though you don't know what they are talking about.

But in all those happy eyes you missed to notice the logging eyes of someone, who is patiently waiting for you to notice him too so that he can hug you too, be close to you too.


Yoongi pov

As always I watch her, interacting with others. Her big smile never leaving her face. I wish I could be the one to make her smile like that. I want to hug her too, but how should I ask for that? Why is it so easy for everyone but so difficult for me? It's been two weeks since I saw her, but I can't even muster up my courage to properly talk to her.

"It's time for our dance practice guys, we should head out" hobi commanded as the leader he is, ugh I am really in not mood for any new learning. I just want to sit hear and admire her.

"Oh yes y/n, we are working on our new performance. You should came with us to see!" Jimin said, after so much time that man said something sensible. That way I can have her around me.

"You know oppa, I don't like getting your dance performances spoiled before time, I am not coming with you." She replied, oh no

"Shut up, you are coming with us and that's final." Jungkook said, this kid definitely has potential in him. He started walking towards her but Jin hyung stopped him

"You already forgot not touching her?" Jin hyung said having mischievous smile on his face. Sometimes I really forgot this hyung is the biggest kid here.

"Don't worry kookie, i got you ." Teahyung said to Jungkook and did some hand pose that I don't have any idea what is.

Wait, why did he lift her up in bridal style? This kid need to learn some lessons.


Double update because it's been ages since I posted anything :⁠-⁠[

Happy Birthday to our grumpy little meow meow 💟. He might be cold to other but for us, he is the sweetest person who never says no to any Army

I wish today he could have posted even a little sentence about him being all right, but that's ok, we will see him soon.

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