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Jk :
Y/n !!!

Hey y/n !!!!

Answer me !

I know you are reading them ,

Fine, first you ditched me and
now, ignoring me. You'll regret it

You make me do that 😈


Jk added you in Bangtan boys

Jk :
guys, I have surprise for you 😈

Jiminie :
What's with that emoji ?

Hope 🌞 :
What surprise kook ?

Rrap mon :
You added y/n ! I was thinking
of same too.

Jk :

Jk :

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Tea ☕ : What the hell is this 😂

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Tea ☕ :
What the hell is this 😂

Is she y/n 😂 omg what is
she doing??? 😂

Jungkook she is going to
kill you for this😂

Do you think I care ? Anyways
she can't do anything to me 😉

The second I will see you,
you are dead 🤬

I am waiting for that day
sweety, come near and bite
me ☺️

Leave the group

Yes / no

Jk added you in Bangtan boys

What is wrong with you ?
Why are you doing this to me 😭

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